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Bag drop mod


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I like this idea but not sure how I would use it yet as my server runs massive hordes every night. I feel the loot would be way too much. You mentioned adding the plant grow property to vanish the bag after some time? Are you going too add this or make it optional?


Yeh, you may want to nerf the loot to balance the fact that it's all readily available now. That makes good sense.

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Yea I will have to play with this a bit and mess around with looting and balancing to fit in with my high zombie and horde spawns. I do like that it clears out entities. Question: So if a corpse is still considered an entity until it expires and vanishes does that count to the max alive? Meaning is it possible that using this could allow for even greater spawns with less lag? If I have max 50 alive and 15 are dead and have not vanished yet will the game spawn 35 more to make it up to 50 or does it not count the dead on the ground as part of an on going spawn? Im bad with explaining things, I hope you get what I'm asking lol


Also have you thought about using this as a Diablo2 style? Back then looting a corpse that was shimmering was exciting! Perhaps you could have some special zombies turn into a special loot crate and then the player would know its a good find and not more junk. Just thinking out loud

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i havent played around with it but i always assumed the engine was smart enough to knwo the diffrence between alive and dead, hench the max_alive option. but it maybe that it counts a spawned entity alive or dead as alive. i honestly dont know.


as for diablo2 style, this would have to be the pimps currently i can assign 1 block to drop and cant put a randomizer on it, so eithe rit would be speical all the time or normal all the time, would be nice tho

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I think maybe have both versions of this one with bags the other with bodies. Also some ppl dont mind the loot so maybe as an option. But mind you not all zs spawn loot so it is already balanced.


if you wait till tonight each zombie will have their own bag/corpse. so that i can start get their meshes right, if you use it now youll have to either keep the old bags in or make sure all are looted before you change to prevent null refs when i change them :)


heres what the blocks will look like ( atleast untill i get the meshes working)





<block id="1556" name="fatzombiecop_corpse">

<property name="Class" value="Loot" />

<property name="Material" value="cloth" />

<property name="Shape" value="Ext3dModel" />

<property name="Mesh" value="models" />

<property name="Model" value="LootContainers/corpse_loot02" param1="main_mesh" />

<property name="IsTerrainDecoration" value="true" />

<property name="LootList" value="170" />

<drop event="Destroy" count="0" />

<property name="Group" value="Decor/Miscellaneous" />



<block id="1557" name="zombieNurse_corpse">

<property name="Class" value="Loot" />

<property name="Material" value="cloth" />

<property name="Shape" value="Ext3dModel" />

<property name="Mesh" value="models" />

<property name="Model" value="LootContainers/corpse_loot02" param1="main_mesh" />

<property name="IsTerrainDecoration" value="true" />

<property name="LootList" value="171" />

<drop event="Destroy" count="0" />

<property name="Group" value="Decor/Miscellaneous" />



<block id="1558" name="burntzombie_corpse">

<property name="Class" value="Loot" />

<property name="Material" value="cloth" />

<property name="Shape" value="Ext3dModel" />

<property name="Mesh" value="models" />

<property name="Model" value="LootContainers/corpse_loot02" param1="main_mesh" />

<property name="IsTerrainDecoration" value="true" />

<property name="LootList" value="169" />

<drop event="Destroy" count="0" />

<property name="Group" value="Decor/Miscellaneous" />



<block id="1559" name="spiderzombie_corpse">

<property name="Class" value="Loot" />

<property name="Material" value="cloth" />

<property name="Shape" value="Ext3dModel" />

<property name="Mesh" value="models" />

<property name="Model" value="LootContainers/corpse_loot02" param1="main_mesh" />

<property name="IsTerrainDecoration" value="true" />

<property name="LootList" value="169" />

<drop event="Destroy" count="0" />

<property name="Group" value="Decor/Miscellaneous" />



<block id="1560" name="snowzombie_corpse">

<property name="Class" value="Loot" />

<property name="Material" value="cloth" />

<property name="Shape" value="Ext3dModel" />

<property name="Mesh" value="models" />

<property name="Model" value="LootContainers/corpse_loot02" param1="main_mesh" />

<property name="IsTerrainDecoration" value="true" />

<property name="LootList" value="175" />

<drop event="Destroy" count="0" />

<property name="Group" value="Decor/Miscellaneous" />



<block id="1561" name="zombieSteveCrawler_corpse">

<property name="Class" value="Loot" />

<property name="Material" value="cloth" />

<property name="Shape" value="Ext3dModel" />

<property name="Mesh" value="models" />

<property name="Model" value="LootContainers/corpse_loot02" param1="main_mesh" />

<property name="IsTerrainDecoration" value="true" />

<property name="LootList" value="169" />

<drop event="Destroy" count="0" />

<property name="Group" value="Decor/Miscellaneous" />



<block id="1562" name="zombieSteve_corpse">

<property name="Class" value="Loot" />

<property name="Material" value="cloth" />

<property name="Shape" value="Ext3dModel" />

<property name="Mesh" value="models" />

<property name="Model" value="LootContainers/corpse_loot02" param1="main_mesh" />

<property name="IsTerrainDecoration" value="true" />

<property name="LootList" value="169" />

<drop event="Destroy" count="0" />

<property name="Group" value="Decor/Miscellaneous" />



<block id="1563" name="zombieYo_corpse">

<property name="Class" value="Loot" />

<property name="Material" value="cloth" />

<property name="Shape" value="Ext3dModel" />

<property name="Mesh" value="models" />

<property name="Model" value="LootContainers/corpse_loot02" param1="main_mesh" />

<property name="IsTerrainDecoration" value="true" />

<property name="LootList" value="169" />

<drop event="Destroy" count="0" />

<property name="Group" value="Decor/Miscellaneous" />



<block id="1564" name="zombieMarlene_corpse">

<property name="Class" value="Loot" />

<property name="Material" value="cloth" />

<property name="Shape" value="Ext3dModel" />

<property name="Mesh" value="models" />

<property name="Model" value="LootContainers/corpse_loot02" param1="main_mesh" />

<property name="IsTerrainDecoration" value="true" />

<property name="LootList" value="173" />

<drop event="Destroy" count="0" />

<property name="Group" value="Decor/Miscellaneous" />



<block id="1565" name="zombieDarlene_corpse">

<property name="Class" value="Loot" />

<property name="Material" value="cloth" />

<property name="Shape" value="Ext3dModel" />

<property name="Mesh" value="models" />

<property name="Model" value="LootContainers/corpse_loot02" param1="main_mesh" />

<property name="IsTerrainDecoration" value="true" />

<property name="LootList" value="173" />

<drop event="Destroy" count="0" />

<property name="Group" value="Decor/Miscellaneous" />



<block id="1566" name="zombieScreamer_corpse">

<property name="Class" value="Loot" />

<property name="Material" value="cloth" />

<property name="Shape" value="Ext3dModel" />

<property name="Mesh" value="models" />

<property name="Model" value="LootContainers/corpse_loot02" param1="main_mesh" />

<property name="IsTerrainDecoration" value="true" />

<property name="LootList" value="173" />

<drop event="Destroy" count="0" />

<property name="Group" value="Decor/Miscellaneous" />



<block id="1567" name="zombieArlene_corpse">

<property name="Class" value="Loot" />

<property name="Material" value="cloth" />

<property name="Shape" value="Ext3dModel" />

<property name="Mesh" value="models" />

<property name="Model" value="LootContainers/corpse_loot02" param1="main_mesh" />

<property name="IsTerrainDecoration" value="true" />

<property name="LootList" value="173" />

<drop event="Destroy" count="0" />

<property name="Group" value="Decor/Miscellaneous" />



<block id="1568" name="zombieMoe_corpse">

<property name="Class" value="Loot" />

<property name="Material" value="cloth" />

<property name="Shape" value="Ext3dModel" />

<property name="Mesh" value="models" />

<property name="Model" value="LootContainers/corpse_loot02" param1="main_mesh" />

<property name="IsTerrainDecoration" value="true" />

<property name="LootList" value="173" />

<drop event="Destroy" count="0" />

<property name="Group" value="Decor/Miscellaneous" />



<block id="1569" name="zombieJoe_corpse">

<property name="Class" value="Loot" />

<property name="Material" value="cloth" />

<property name="Shape" value="Ext3dModel" />

<property name="Mesh" value="models" />

<property name="Model" value="LootContainers/corpse_loot02" param1="main_mesh" />

<property name="IsTerrainDecoration" value="true" />

<property name="LootList" value="169" />

<drop event="Destroy" count="0" />

<property name="Group" value="Decor/Miscellaneous" />



<block id="1570" name="zombieBoe_corpse">

<property name="Class" value="Loot" />

<property name="Material" value="cloth" />

<property name="Shape" value="Ext3dModel" />

<property name="Mesh" value="models" />

<property name="Model" value="LootContainers/corpse_loot02" param1="main_mesh" />

<property name="IsTerrainDecoration" value="true" />

<property name="LootList" value="169" />

<drop event="Destroy" count="0" />

<property name="Group" value="Decor/Miscellaneous" />



<block id="1571" name="zombieferal_corpse">

<property name="Class" value="Loot" />

<property name="Material" value="cloth" />

<property name="Shape" value="Ext3dModel" />

<property name="Mesh" value="models" />

<property name="Model" value="LootContainers/corpse_loot02" param1="main_mesh" />

<property name="IsTerrainDecoration" value="true" />

<property name="LootList" value="174" />

<drop event="Destroy" count="0" />

<property name="Group" value="Decor/Miscellaneous" />


<block id="1572" name="hornet_corpse">

<property name="Class" value="Loot" />

<property name="Material" value="cloth" />

<property name="Shape" value="Ext3dModel" />

<property name="Mesh" value="models" />

<property name="Model" value="LootContainers/corpse_loot02" param1="main_mesh" />

<property name="IsTerrainDecoration" value="true" />

<property name="LootList" value="172" />

<drop event="Destroy" count="0" />

<property name="Group" value="Decor/Miscellaneous" />







loot unchanged







useing these values will make it so you dont have to do anythign drastic once i get the meshes in as the new bags will be named and id right :)


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Question: So if a corpse is still considered an entity until it expires and vanishes does that count to the max alive? Meaning is it possible that using this could allow for even greater spawns with less lag? If I have max 50 alive and 15 are dead and have not vanished yet will the game spawn 35 more to make it up to 50 or does it not count the dead on the ground as part of an on going spawn? Im bad with explaining things, I hope you get what I'm asking lol


I'l answer this as it's still slightly on topic:

Tested this last time at A12, so not 100% certain it's still the case, but haven't seen anything indicating otherwise: All zombie corpses count towards the maximum zombies setting for the server, but the corpses do not count towards the max alive.


This mod doesn't allow for larger hordes, but it does reduce the load on the CPU, as the entities get removed much quicker.



As for the balance concerns, I would hope this mod wouldn't touch the loot. At the moment it does one thing, and does it very well. There's no need for extra features. Unless of course it was purely inside the loot.xml, when people could just leave it out if they wanted. Touching too many files makes it much harder to check the mod compatibility after an update (I only need 10 minutes max to re-add all changes I have now).

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I'l answer this as it's still slightly on topic:

Tested this last time at A12, so not 100% certain it's still the case, but haven't seen anything indicating otherwise: All zombie corpses count towards the maximum zombies setting for the server, but the corpses do not count towards the max alive.


This mod doesn't allow for larger hordes, but it does reduce the load on the CPU, as the entities get removed much quicker.



As for the balance concerns, I would hope this mod wouldn't touch the loot. At the moment it does one thing, and does it very well. There's no need for extra features. Unless of course it was purely inside the loot.xml, when people could just leave it out if they wanted. Touching too many files makes it much harder to check the mod compatibility after an update (I only need 10 minutes max to re-add all changes I have now).


the only thing i did to loot.xml is copy the current lootlists for the zombies and add a destroy on close function to them, i could have jsut added that function to the originals but this way i get to keep them apart from vinallia, to make it easier for me later in-case things change :), i can see the concern witht he fact that the zombies dont despawn witht eir loot so the overall loot aviliable to the player is more, which is why im adding the grow function to them to make them dissapear which people will be able to adjust to their own needs, big update tonight hopefully "make everyone happy"..( the impossible task only tried by the naive)

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It's definitely going to change the game play... Since the entity bodies are counted in the Max Spawn and the block ones are not, this means they will spawn quicker. Loot will be more abundant and I love the idea of creating a boss that drops a serious loot drop... One per horde, heavily armored.

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It's definitely going to change the game play... Since the entity bodies are counted in the Max Spawn and the block ones are not, this means they will spawn quicker. Loot will be more abundant and I love the idea of creating a boss that drops a serious loot drop... One per horde, heavily armored.


for your sp play ill make a super zombie to be includeed, however im not going to include it in this mod, (keep it simple)

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Bah, you could make him a fire breather so he'd stand out.

acide pukeing Madmole witht he strenth of 5x that of feral but the on fire partical effect of burnt zombie . that can climb like a spider and scream like a screamer


only showes up once every 49 days ( the 7x7 horde) :)

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i havent played around with it but i always assumed the engine was smart enough to knwo the diffrence between alive and dead, hench the max_alive option. but it maybe that it counts a spawned entity alive or dead as alive. i honestly dont know.


as for diablo2 style, this would have to be the pimps currently i can assign 1 block to drop and cant put a randomizer on it, so eithe rit would be speical all the time or normal all the time, would be nice tho



Actually it might be possible to make them drop as a random bag - though controlling the probability would be tricky.


add this to the block:

<property name="PlaceAltBlockValue" value="LootBlock1,LootBlock2,LootBlock3" />


You might be able to artificially adjust the probability by adding one block multiple times.


<property name="PlaceAltBlockValue" value="LootBlock1,LootBlock1,LootBlock1,LootBlock1,LootBlock2" />

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yes guppy i got about 6


monty pythons rabbit .( can only be killed by explosions the holy handgrande)

one that heals on gore ( no point now because no gore)

a cop that doesn't spit and does insane block damage instead.

a nurse that climbs and spits

a zombie stag

and of course the beast i mention above. bu thats for a diffrent thread :)



update got geat zombie to have their own loot container, haveing problem with the rotation because i always use place towards placer .invertded and 90 in the past but as the player isnt placing them having to use a diffrent mechinc; since the introduction of the ragdols the mesh isnt useable on a standard shap so there goes my first idea on that, goign to grab the sdsdk and see what we really have to play with to achive what i want. and ive always grown things into a loot container not the other way around so havign problems, got close but then game doesnt recongize air as a block so may have to make it something generic liek grass or something.


any ill keep messing with it and ill post what i come up with later



need a break goign to play for a 30 mins or so wipe my mind and start fresh

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Actually it might be possible to make them drop as a random bag - though controlling the probability would be tricky.


add this to the block:

<property name="PlaceAltBlockValue" value="LootBlock1,LootBlock2,LootBlock3" />


You might be able to artificially adjust the probability by adding one block multiple times.


<property name="PlaceAltBlockValue" value="LootBlock1,LootBlock1,LootBlock1,LootBlock1,LootBlock2" />


umm i tried this and not sure if im just parioid or not got my loot memory right but if a diffrent loot container block is place though the placealtblockvalue then the loot list also changes it would be ok for thoes that share the same loot lists but not for ferals ect unless i make lost fo copies of the lott containers blocks for each zombie.


great looking out tho. ill test more this weekend with a printout of all the possible loot and see if this is happening. for sure

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Version 2 is on the op here is the original version ( the entitiey classes is on the op if you need it)


ran out of chars for op so heres the original if your intrested




blocks.xml ( change the block ids if you use any other mod that uses same id numbers)






<block id="1564" name="zBag01">

<property name="Class" value="Loot" />

<property name="Material" value="cloth" />

<property name="Shape" value="Ext3dModel" />

<property name="Mesh" value="models" />

<property name="Model" value="LootContainers/corpse_loot02" param1="main_mesh" />

<property name="IsTerrainDecoration" value="true" />

<property name="LootList" value="69" />

<drop event="Destroy" count="0" />

<property name="Group" value="Decor/Miscellaneous" />


<block id="1565" name="zBag02">

<property name="Class" value="Loot" />

<property name="Material" value="cloth" />

<property name="Shape" value="Ext3dModel" />

<property name="Mesh" value="models" />

<property name="Model" value="LootContainers/corpse_loot02" param1="main_mesh" />

<property name="IsTerrainDecoration" value="true" />

<property name="LootList" value="70" />

<drop event="Destroy" count="0" />

<property name="Group" value="Decor/Miscellaneous" />


<block id="1566" name="zBag03">

<property name="Class" value="Loot" />

<property name="Material" value="cloth" />

<property name="Shape" value="Ext3dModel" />

<property name="Mesh" value="models" />

<property name="Model" value="LootContainers/corpse_loot02" param1="main_mesh" />

<property name="IsTerrainDecoration" value="true" />

<property name="LootList" value="71" />

<drop event="Destroy" count="0" />

<property name="Group" value="Decor/Miscellaneous" />


<block id="1567" name="zBag04">

<property name="Class" value="Loot" />

<property name="Material" value="cloth" />

<property name="Shape" value="Ext3dModel" />

<property name="Mesh" value="models" />

<property name="Model" value="LootContainers/corpse_loot02" param1="main_mesh" />

<property name="IsTerrainDecoration" value="true" />

<property name="LootList" value="72" />

<drop event="Destroy" count="0" />

<property name="Group" value="Decor/Miscellaneous" />


<block id="1568" name="zBag05">

<property name="Class" value="Loot" />

<property name="Material" value="cloth" />

<property name="Shape" value="Ext3dModel" />

<property name="Mesh" value="models" />

<property name="Model" value="LootContainers/corpse_loot02" param1="main_mesh" />

<property name="IsTerrainDecoration" value="true" />

<property name="LootList" value="73" />

<drop event="Destroy" count="0" />

<property name="Group" value="Decor/Miscellaneous" />


<block id="1569" name="zBag06">

<property name="Class" value="Loot" />

<property name="Material" value="cloth" />

<property name="Shape" value="Ext3dModel" />

<property name="Mesh" value="models" />

<property name="Model" value="LootContainers/corpse_loot02" param1="main_mesh" />

<property name="IsTerrainDecoration" value="true" />

<property name="LootList" value="74" />

<drop event="Destroy" count="0" />

<property name="Group" value="Decor/Miscellaneous" />


<block id="1570" name="zBag07">

<property name="Class" value="Loot" />

<property name="Material" value="cloth" />

<property name="Shape" value="Ext3dModel" />

<property name="Mesh" value="models" />

<property name="Model" value="LootContainers/corpse_loot02" param1="main_mesh" />

<property name="IsTerrainDecoration" value="true" />

<property name="LootList" value="75" />

<drop event="Destroy" count="0" />

<property name="Group" value="Decor/Miscellaneous" />





loot.xml ( if you use custom loot lists you may have to change the id if you do make sure to update the above block loot lists accordingly)




<lootcontainer id="69" count="0,2" size="4,3" destroy_on_close="true" sound_open="UseActions/open_corpse" sound_close="UseActions/close_corpse" open_time="1" loot_quality_template="baseTemplate">

<item group="junk" prob="0.80"/>

<item group="clothes" prob="0.15" />

<item group="rottenFood" prob="0.05"/>


<lootcontainer id="70" count="1,2" size="4,3" destroy_on_close="true" sound_open="UseActions/open_corpse" sound_close="UseActions/close_corpse" open_time="1" loot_quality_template="baseTemplate">

<item group="pistol+ammo"/>

<item group="shotgun+ammo"/>

<item name="shamSandwich" count="1,5"/>

<item group="ammo" />


<lootcontainer id="71" count="0,2" size="4,3" destroy_on_close="true" sound_open="UseActions/open_corpse" sound_close="UseActions/close_corpse" open_time="1" loot_quality_template="baseTemplate">

<item group="medicine" />


<lootcontainer id="72" count="1,2" size="4,3" destroy_on_close="true" sound_open="UseActions/open_corpse" sound_close="UseActions/close_corpse" open_time="1" loot_quality_template="baseTemplate">

<item name="foodHoney"/>


<lootcontainer id="73" count="0,3" size="4,3" destroy_on_close="true" sound_open="UseActions/open_corpse" sound_close="UseActions/close_corpse" open_time="1" loot_quality_template="baseTemplate">

<item name="bottledWater" count="1,2" prob="0.15" />

<item name="shamSandwich" prob="0.2" />

<item group="cannedfood" />

<item name="painkillers" prob="0.1" />

<item group="ammo" prob="0.05"/>

<item group="pistol+ammo" prob="0.01"/>

<item name="animalFat" count="2,4"/>


<lootcontainer id="74" count="1,3" size="4,4" destroy_on_close="true" sound_open="UseActions/open_corpse" sound_close="UseActions/close_corpse" open_time="1" loot_quality_template="baseTemplate">

<item group="militaryguns+ammo" prob="0.1" />

<item group="gunparts" prob="0.5" />


<lootcontainer id="75" count="0,2" size="4,4" destroy_on_close="true" sound_open="UseActions/open_corpse" sound_close="UseActions/close_corpse" open_time="1" loot_quality_template="baseTemplate">

<item group="lumberjacks" prob="0.3"/>

<item group="warmClothes" prob="0.7" />






entityclasses.xml a lot of changes so ill explain here and then just attach the modified file.




find and comment out all LootListOnDeath property's on zombies you don't want them loot able if they are dropping bags as well

on zombie01 and zombie 04 comment out the following 2 lines ( because we want to assign this on a per zombie bases so that the correct bag can drop

<property name="CorpseBlock" value="GoreBlock1Prefab"/>

<property name="CorpseBlockChance" value="0"/>


for each zombie type the above was re added with a zBag01 zBag02 zBag03 zBag04 zBag05 zBag06 or zBag07


file attached






not everyone will like the mod, but I have seen this requested before, also big thanks to GUPPYCUR for pushing me yesterday to actually give this a try :)



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Actually it might be possible to make them drop as a random bag - though controlling the probability would be tricky.


add this to the block:

<property name="PlaceAltBlockValue" value="LootBlock1,LootBlock2,LootBlock3" />


You might be able to artificially adjust the probability by adding one block multiple times.


<property name="PlaceAltBlockValue" value="LootBlock1,LootBlock1,LootBlock1,LootBlock1,LootBlock2" />


Would this be instead of the usual corpse block, or an extra line that had a chance of spawning in addition to the normal block?

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Would this be instead of the usual corpse block, or an extra line that had a chance of spawning in addition to the normal block?


I may not understand the question. The placealtblockvalue essentially means when that block is placed it will randomly place as one of the blocks you listed in the placealtblockvalue code. I'm not sure this works on downgrade blocks. It works for normal blocks you place though. I've been using it in my medieval building to make cobblestone blocks randomly place as one of their "stages" to keep the buildings from looking too uniform.





Also, how do you get the loot container to spawn instantly? So far it takes however long for the corpse to "decay" to provide the loot container.


Its linked to the corpse decay time. If you want it to spawn instantly you could make zombies instantly vanish after being killed, or lower their "stay after death" to be even lower.



<property name="TimeStayAfterDeath" value="60" />


A value of 0 will make zombies vanish the moment they're killed.

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Also, how do you get the loot container to spawn instantly? So far it takes however long for the corpse to "decay" to provide the loot container.


i set it to 5 seconds so you still get the full benifit of the ragdoll death animation you can like valmar said set it to 0 and it will instant spawn, you can als make sevral loot containers for each zombie have diffret models/bags and have it spawn random, using the alt block, but make sure if you want the loot to be pure that each block you use in alt as the same loot list id

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Ever get sick of surviving a big 7 day horde and getting no loot because you couldn't get to the corpses? with this mod the zombies now drop a series of bags instead of being loot able net results are more loot because you didnt mis out on any, less group drops becuase your leavign fighting to go loot, faster waves because entites are gone quicker, less cpu usage becuase entities are gone quicker.


Achieved this by adding new loot container blocks each connected. to the appropriate loot list of its zombie ( copied from the original zombie loot lists with the destroy on close = true so the world doesn't get littered with bags. they are the model of the roof top zombie so they still look like corpses kindof they even squelcsh when looted!



here it is

New Version each zombie has their own lootcontainer


whats changed?

the roof top zombie is now organic not cloth so on close it nicely squishes instead of pops liek a bag. and a nice splat partical effect. each zombie has its own container so no matter what i do with the mod no massive changes for you will be needed again.


whats planned if possiable, each loot container to take on the mess of the zombie that died

allowing a grow mechinic on them so they can turn to grass/dirt after a set time if not looted.



here we go



{only leave the zbag01-07 in if you were useing the older version}







loot.xml ( no changes here for people useing version 1




<lootcontainer id="69" count="0,2" size="4,3" destroy_on_close="true" sound_open="UseActions/open_corpse" sound_close="UseActions/close_corpse" open_time="1" loot_quality_template="baseTemplate">

<item group="junk" prob="0.80"/>

<item group="clothes" prob="0.15" />

<item group="rottenFood" prob="0.05"/>


<lootcontainer id="70" count="1,2" size="4,3" destroy_on_close="true" sound_open="UseActions/open_corpse" sound_close="UseActions/close_corpse" open_time="1" loot_quality_template="baseTemplate">

<item group="pistol+ammo"/>

<item group="shotgun+ammo"/>

<item name="shamSandwich" count="1,5"/>

<item group="ammo" />


<lootcontainer id="71" count="0,2" size="4,3" destroy_on_close="true" sound_open="UseActions/open_corpse" sound_close="UseActions/close_corpse" open_time="1" loot_quality_template="baseTemplate">

<item group="medicine" />


<lootcontainer id="72" count="1,2" size="4,3" destroy_on_close="true" sound_open="UseActions/open_corpse" sound_close="UseActions/close_corpse" open_time="1" loot_quality_template="baseTemplate">

<item name="foodHoney"/>


<lootcontainer id="73" count="0,3" size="4,3" destroy_on_close="true" sound_open="UseActions/open_corpse" sound_close="UseActions/close_corpse" open_time="1" loot_quality_template="baseTemplate">

<item name="bottledWater" count="1,2" prob="0.15" />

<item name="shamSandwich" prob="0.2" />

<item group="cannedfood" />

<item name="painkillers" prob="0.1" />

<item group="ammo" prob="0.05"/>

<item group="pistol+ammo" prob="0.01"/>

<item name="animalFat" count="2,4"/>


<lootcontainer id="74" count="1,3" size="4,4" destroy_on_close="true" sound_open="UseActions/open_corpse" sound_close="UseActions/close_corpse" open_time="1" loot_quality_template="baseTemplate">

<item group="militaryguns+ammo" prob="0.1" />

<item group="gunparts" prob="0.5" />


<lootcontainer id="75" count="0,2" size="4,4" destroy_on_close="true" sound_open="UseActions/open_corpse" sound_close="UseActions/close_corpse" open_time="1" loot_quality_template="baseTemplate">

<item group="lumberjacks" prob="0.3"/>

<item group="warmClothes" prob="0.7" />














if you want the v1 entitiy classes here it is






I Just need to ADD these codes to the proper XML files? not drag n drop overwrite?

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