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Unofficial XML Fixes

Clockwork Orange

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Heya latest v3.73 is hitting up an exception for blocks.xml.

Exception: Block with name=treePlant02 references a not existing material 'MfertilizedClayPlanter'

if we look in blocks.xml from the unofficial fixes the block is referencing a material that is commented out in materials.xml from a17.1.

Should i uncomment the material in materials.xml ? thx

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Heya latest v3.73 is hitting up an exception for blocks.xml.

Exception: Block with name=treePlant02 references a not existing material 'MfertilizedClayPlanter'

if we look in blocks.xml from the unofficial fixes the block is referencing a material that is commented out in materials.xml from a17.1.

Should i uncomment the material in materials.xml ? thx


You should make sure to verify integrity of game files for 17.1 before installing any mods it appears you may not be using up to date vanilla files.

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Anyone know what the prerequisites are for crafting Herbal Antibiotics and Antibiotics? I can't seem to find them anywhere in progression.xml, perhaps I'm barking up the wrong tree.

The normal antibiotic recipe doesn't have a learnable tag, but the herbal one does, but from what I can see it's not using the recipe system, but the schematic system and is extending the old books group?

<item name="drugHerbalAntibioticsRecipeSchematic">
<property name="Extends" value="unlockBookMaster"/>
<property name="CreativeMode" value="Player"/>
<property name="EconomicValue" value="500"/>
<property name="CustomIcon" value="schematicMaster"/>
<property class="Action0">
	<requirement name="CVarCompare" cvar="drugHerbalAntibiotics" operation="Equals" value="0"/>
<effect_group tiered="false">
		<triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionEnd" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="drugHerbalAntibiotics" operation="set" value="1"/>

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(Update 1/6/16)



Fixed increased zombie spawns for biomes <spawn maxcount="3" respawndelay="4" time="Any" entitygroup="ZombiesAll" /> From -->maxcount="1"


RoamingHordeSpawnDay Fixed changed <property name="Time" value="Day" /> from -->"Any"


RoamingHordeSpawnDay Fixed add roaming day hoards will now spawn up to day 99


RoamingHordeSpawnNight Fixed changed <property name="Time" value="Night" /> from -->"Any"


RoamingHordeSpawnNight Fixed add roaming night hoards will now spawn up to day 99


NightHorde Fixed 7 day feral hoards will now spawn every 7 days forever!


HordeMeterDynamicSpawnDay Fixed changed <property name="Time" value="Day" /> from -->"Any"


HordeMeterDynamicSpawnNight Fixed changed <property name="Time" value="Night" /> from -->"Any"




Fixed toilet loot container size to 2 x 2


What changes did you make for "NightHorde Fixed 7 day feral hoards will now spawn every 7 days forever!" Can't I do that for RoamingHordeSpawnDay & RoamingHordeSpawnNight?


Like using <day value="*">


Found a typo while messing around with the shotgun turret in the items.xml


<block name="shotgunTurret">


<property name="BustRoundCount" value="4"/>

Should be BurstRoundCount. Same for autoturret.


Anyone know how to get turret to use both shells and slugs?

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Just FWIW the "Download" link in the OP still says it's for A17 but it's actually pointing to the latest version of the repo which is for A17.1


Here's the link to download the A17 version if anyone was confused like me: https://github.com/ClockworkOrange420/7-Days-to-die-Unofficial-XML-Fixes/archive/8f25c28f74330a84748304fe6661a14e49e187dc.zip

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Does this fix the stupid - vanilla "Item not set to instance?" Getting tired of logging out and back in.


No, I have not had anyone post any xml errors in a while, that doesn't mean they dont exist though, I just haven't been playing for a long time and don't know when I will get back into it. In any case when I start playing and modding again I go through all the files literally top to bottom so that's when anything I find gets found.


If you or anyone finds any issues even if your not familiar with modding leave as much detail as possible and I can always take a look.


As for this "Item not set to instance?" issue I would need more information to determine if it was even xml related.

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It seems after extended play when looting Zombies this error creeps up. I have been unable to find exact cause - Since I updated the xmls with your fixes though I don't think i have encountered it even after 6 hours of play.


Well thats either coincidence or luck either way thats good. :D

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Wouldn't making the guns completly silent be sort of overpowered?


I am not sure what you are meaning we are not discussing silencers unless there is an error with them. As I said I have not played the game this alpha at all, all I know is that the silencer was reported to not silence shots and zombies could hear them thus making silencers useless.


So I changed the only part of the code that affects the zombies ability to hear the sound, <CrouchNoiseScale value="0"/> <NoiseScale value="0"/>, now setting them to 0 ensures they cant hear it at any range, I have not tested to balance the level to work at any specific range if it can even be tested and manipulated that far.


All I know is that the vanilla file uses the same value for both regular pistol shots and silenced ones which is a value of 1 or 100% atm in regards to how loud it is for zombies to hear.


Regardless this does not affect how overpowered a silencer is, simply because once you know what range it works at that is the range you stay at to ensure you are using it properly to wipe out zombies silently.

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I am not sure what you are meaning we are not discussing silencers unless there is an error with them. As I said I have not played the game this alpha at all, all I know is that the silencer was reported to not silence shots and zombies could hear them thus making silencers useless.


So I changed the only part of the code that affects the zombies ability to hear the sound, <CrouchNoiseScale value="0"/> <NoiseScale value="0"/>, now setting them to 0 ensures they cant hear it at any range, I have not tested to balance the level to work at any specific range if it can even be tested and manipulated that far.


All I know is that the vanilla file uses the same value for both regular pistol shots and silenced ones which is a value of 1 or 100% atm in regards to how loud it is for zombies to hear.


Regardless this does not affect how overpowered a silencer is, simply because once you know what range it works at that is the range you stay at to ensure you are using it properly to wipe out zombies silently.


That.. is a good point you make there. Can't argue with that.

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