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Unofficial XML Fixes

Clockwork Orange

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On single player Windows 10, I tested this bug by getting 5/5 Stay down and it gave me the effect from 5/5 Heavy Metal.


However when testing it on a Linux server Heavy Metal doesnt work, and getting 5/5 Stay Down doesnt give me the AOE effect from Heavy Metal.


Is there something else going on with Linux?


I couldn't tell you anything about Linux but make sure you validate your files through steam and start a clean world and see if the problem persists.

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when my friend plays on my game and any one uses the chainsaw or auger the sound stays on the other plays screen even when you put them a way.


That is a server sync issue due to how the game is coded for multiplayer, they need to rebuild multiplayer from the ground up in order to stop the sync issues in multiplayer this includes zombies hitting you from far away and loot duping etc etc.

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That is a server sync issue due to how the game is coded for multiplayer, they need to rebuild multiplayer from the ground up in order to stop the sync issues in multiplayer this includes zombies hitting you from far away and loot duping etc etc.


I'm guessing the light from helmet lights not being visible to others is a server sync issue as well?

But that would be strange, because when using a handheld flashlight other players can see that light.

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Playing with my friend, she got a helmet with light mod on it and I'm using the mining helmet and none of us can see the light from the other :(


Yeah I mean its not like they cant find a way to fix those issues with the way multiplayer is coded now, but to properly fix it they do need to rebuild it but yeah that all sounds like server sync issues to me.

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They're way past b214 now. That was the candidate on Friday. They've made quite a few builds since then. I doubt anyone not staff has much of a clue as to what has been fixed yet, outside of what a few of the developers have mentioned in some of the other threads, but I don't recall seeing anything specific about that topic. In general they've been optimizing, balancing and fixing bugs so it's possible.

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Hey CO can you add the info like you have in the post #991 to the initial page so we know if we are pulling the latest updates.


Update (12/11/18)

Version 3.61

Updated all files to EXP B 221


Thanks for all the work.


I just dont feel like updating main page all the time, I push the update before posting the update so its impossible to not get the updated version. Version number can also be checked within the download if you're uncertain.


And you're welcome. :)


- - - Updated - - -


Update (12/12/18)


Version 3.62



-rustyIronTable removed craft_area="tablesaw"

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