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Unofficial XML Fixes

Clockwork Orange

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hey, I didn't read the 37 pages, so it might've already been pointed out, during my own modding attempts I noticed this in the spawning.xml for the NightHorde:


<day value="62,69">

<property name="ResetToday" value="true" />

<property name="EntityGroupName" value="ZombiesWastelandNight" />

<property name="DelayBetweenSpawns" value="1" />

<property name="TotalAlive" value="0" />

<property name="TotalPerWave" value="0" />



That should be "64,69". Since this looks like someone made this list manually, have a little PHP-script to create this type of list:


$c = 1;
$from = 1;
while ($c < 1000)

// testing for 7th day

$tst7 = $c / 7;
$tst = str_replace(".","",$tst7);
$seven = 1;
if ($tst != $tst7) $seven = 0;

if ($seven == 1)
 $to = $c - 1;

// start of whatever code you want; $c is the 7th day, make $totalAlive and $totalPerWave depending on $c:

echo "		<day value=\"$from,$to\">
		<property name=\"ResetToday\"         value=\"true\" />
		<property name=\"EntityGroupName\"    value=\"ZombiesWastelandNight\" />
		<property name=\"DelayBetweenSpawns\" value=\"1\" />
		<property name=\"TotalAlive\"         value=\"0\" />
		<property name=\"TotalPerWave\"       value=\"0\" />

	<day value=\"$c\">
		<property name=\"ResetToday\"         value=\"true\" />
		<property name=\"EntityGroupName\"    value=\"ZombiesWastelandNight\" />
		<property name=\"DelayBetweenSpawns\" value=\"1\" />
		<property name=\"TotalAlive\"         value=\"$totalAlive\" />
		<property name=\"TotalPerWave\"       value=\"$totalPerWave\" />

// end of your code

 $from = $c + 1;



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hey, I didn't read the 37 pages, so it might've already been pointed out, during my own modding attempts I noticed this in the spawning.xml for the NightHorde:


<day value="62,69">

<property name="ResetToday" value="true" />

<property name="EntityGroupName" value="ZombiesWastelandNight" />

<property name="DelayBetweenSpawns" value="1" />

<property name="TotalAlive" value="0" />

<property name="TotalPerWave" value="0" />



That should be "64,69". Since this looks like someone made this list manually, have a little PHP-script to create this type of list:


Yeah that was my mistake when they incorporated my fixes into the base game I have since fixed those numerical mistakes in these updates.

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Update (3/27/16)


Version 2.1


Fixed animal hide clothing will now properly scrap back into animal hide and will now properly be repaired with animal hide


Have you tested this in-game?



Vote h0tr0d 2016 -- you can't run, you can't hide

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Have you tested this in-game?



Vote h0tr0d 2016 -- you can't run, you can't hide


Yeah that's why I fixed it, I had originally forgot to change the animal hide clothing material to animal hide material.


- - - Updated - - -


Big thanks to you and Gazz for all the fixes incorporated in Alpha 14.


You are welcome! :)


- - - Updated - - -


Thank you kind sir! :loyal:


No Problem, :)

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Not sure if your last update is IRT this but I noticed the cowboy hats you find in the wild do not have a scrap option.

I believe previously you had them scrap to leather.


Thanks for all the hard work. Your time is appreciated.



*** Edit :


Anyone else notice that faucets no longer scrap into brass? Now they all go (well all I have found) into Iron.

Seems like they would get real rusty if they were iron.

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Anyone else notice that faucets no longer scrap into brass? Now they all go (well all I have found) into Iron.

Seems like they would get real rusty if they were iron.


Faucet material is now Mmetal_thin instead of brass. Easy to change back :)

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It doesN't give you a materials.xml error on starting 7DTD?


and...why is it stepsound Wood?



Vote h0tr0d 2016 -- wood you please?


Lol no it works perfectly... and IDK its just the same as leather for sound step its not like blocks are made of it so it will never make a difference for sound.

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Lol no it works perfectly... and IDK its just the same as leather for sound step its not like blocks are made of it so it will never make a difference for sound.


I get that; I was just thinking since the term "fixes" is subjective as it is fixes as well as what could be intuitive changes that making stepsound for leather and animal Hide would be changed (as examples) for the case of thoroughness.



Vote h0tr0d 2016 -- we walk softly and carry a BOOMSTICK

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HUD Left Status Bars Mod


Hi guys,

I run a dedicated 7D2D server for a Facebook group of about 150 folks that really prefer to see the current character food and water stats displayed on the HUD continuously, rather than only when it gets low. I have tried several iterations of code, starting with a version from alpha 13.8 that RongoTheBold had put out on his site, but after several changes, Alpha 14 just doesn't seem to want to display the information in the HUDLeftStatBars.


I have tried increasing the rows count to 4, and changing the StatIconAtlas to always, but I can't seem to get it cooperate. Any suggestions on how to get this to work?


Thanks for all the hard work,



<window name="HUDLeftStatBars">

<grid name="hud" pos="9,98" rows="4" cols="1" width="168" cell_width="168" cell_height="46" repeat_content="false" controller="InGameHUD" side="left" >

<rect width="168" height="43" controller="HUDStatBar" stat_type="Stamina" visible="{StatVisible}">

<sprite depth="1" name="border" color="0,0,0,100" height="43" type="sliced"/>

<sprite depth="2" pos="3,-3" name="background" height="37" width="162" color="64,64,64,100" type="sliced" />

<sprite depth="3" pos="3,-3" name="BarContent" sprite="{StatImage|always}" type="filled" height="37" width="162" fill="{StatFill}" />

<sprite depth="4" name="Icon" atlas="{StatIconAtlas|always}" sprite="{StatIcon|always}" size="32,32" pos="8,-6" foregroundlayer="true"/>

<label depth="6" name="TextContent" pos="0,-8" font_size="28" color="[white]" justify="center" pivot="topleft" text="{StatCurrentWithMax}" height="30"/>



<rect width="168" height="43" controller="HUDStatBar" stat_type="Health" visible="{StatVisible}">

<sprite depth="1" name="border" color="0,0,0,100" height="43" type="sliced" />

<sprite depth="2" pos="3,-3" name="background" height="37" width="162" color="64,64,64,100" type="sliced" />

<sprite depth="3" pos="3,-3" name="BarContent" sprite="{StatImage|always}" type="filled" height="37" width="162" fill="{StatFill}" />

<sprite depth="4" name="Icon" atlas="{StatIconAtlas|always}" sprite="{StatIcon|always}" size="32,32" pos="8,-6" foregroundlayer="true"/>

<label depth="6" name="TextContent" pos="0,-8" font_size="28" color="[white]" justify="center" pivot="topleft" text="{StatCurrentWithMax}" height="30"/>



<rect width="168" height="43" controller="HUDStatBar" stat_type="Food" visible="{StatVisible}">

<sprite depth="1" name="border" color="0,0,0,100" height="43" type="sliced" />

<sprite depth="2" pos="3,-3" name="background" height="37" width="162" color="64,64,64,100" type="sliced" />

<sprite depth="3" pos="3,-3" name="BarContent" sprite="{StatImage|always}" type="filled" height="37" width="162" fill="{StatFill}" />

<sprite depth="4" name="Icon" atlas="{StatIconAtlas|always}" sprite="{StatIcon|always}" size="32,32" pos="8,-6" foregroundlayer="true"/>

<label depth="6" name="TextContent" pos="0,-8" font_size="28" color="[white]" justify="center" pivot="topleft" text="{StatCurrentWithMax}" height="30"/>



<rect width="168" height="43" controller="HUDStatBar" stat_type="Water" visible="{StatVisible}">

<sprite depth="1" name="border" color="0,0,0,100" height="43" type="sliced" />

<sprite depth="2" pos="3,-3" name="background" height="37" width="162" color="64,64,64,100" type="sliced" />

<sprite depth="3" pos="3,-3" name="BarContent" sprite="{StatImage|always}" type="filled" height="37" width="162" fill="{StatFill}" />

<sprite depth="4" name="Icon" atlas="{StatIconAtlas|always}" sprite="{StatIcon|always}" size="32,32" pos="8,-6" foregroundlayer="true"/>

<label depth="6" name="TextContent" pos="0,-8" font_size="28" color="[white]" justify="center" pivot="topleft" text="{StatCurrentWithMax}" height="30"/>




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Looks like the treeMaster and treeMasterGrowing are not extending properly.


Putting the following it each tree grow level seems to work as a temp fix.


<property name="PlantGrowing.GrowthRate" value="60" />
<property name="PlantGrowing.IsRandom" value="true" />
<property name="PlantGrowing.FertileLevel" value="1" />

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Not sure if your last update is IRT this but I noticed the cowboy hats you find in the wild do not have a scrap option.

I believe previously you had them scrap to leather.


Thanks for all the hard work. Your time is appreciated.



*** Edit :


Anyone else notice that faucets no longer scrap into brass? Now they all go (well all I have found) into Iron.

Seems like they would get real rusty if they were iron.


You probably need to unlock leather tanning before you can scrap the cowboy hats...

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Update (3/28/16)


Version 1.22




Fixed removed duplicate <property name="WanderSpeed" value="0.08" /> from zombieUMAfemale




Fixed trees will now grow properly


Added growth code to all trees extending from treeMasterGrowing since tis grow code does not get extended properly.


<property name="PlantGrowing.GrowthRate" value="60" />
<property name="PlantGrowing.IsRandom" value="true" />
<property name="PlantGrowing.FertileLevel" value="1" />




Added missing <trigger name="... code for:


The Decapitator perk


Dead Shot Perk


Splatter Gun Perk


Better Lead Than Dead Perk

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Hi guys,

I run a dedicated 7D2D server for a Facebook group of about 150 folks that really prefer to see the current character food and water stats displayed on the HUD continuously, rather than only when it gets low. I have tried several iterations of code, starting with a version from alpha 13.8 that RongoTheBold had put out on his site, but after several changes, Alpha 14 just doesn't seem to want to display the information in the HUDLeftStatBars.


I have tried increasing the rows count to 4, and changing the StatIconAtlas to always, but I can't seem to get it cooperate. Any suggestions on how to get this to work?


This should have been posted as a Help thread in the main modding section of the forum, and in the future please refrain from walls of text or please contain it within a [spoiler ] [/spoiler ], not to be rude or anything.


But either way here is the code you want to use for adding food and water back to the hud:




<window name="HUDLeftStatBars">
	<grid name="hud" pos="9,98" rows="2" cols="2" width="168" cell_width="172" cell_height="46" repeat_content="false" controller="InGameHUD" side="left" >
		<rect width="168" height="43" controller="HUDStatBar" stat_type="Stamina" visible="{StatVisible}">
			<sprite depth="1" name="border" color="0,0,0,100" height="43" type="sliced"/>
			<sprite depth="2" pos="3,-3"  name="background" height="37" width="162" color="64,64,64,100" type="sliced" />
			<sprite depth="3" pos="3,-3"  name="BarContent" type="filled" height="37" width="162" color="0,0,255,100" fill="{StatFill}"  />
			<sprite depth="4" name="Icon" atlas="{StatIconAtlas|once}" sprite="{StatIcon|once}" size="32,32" pos="8,-6" foregroundlayer="true"/>
			<label depth="6" name="TextContent" pos="0,-10" font_size="24" color="[white]" justify="center" pivot="topleft" text="{StatCurrentWithMax}" height="30"/>

		<rect width="168" height="43" controller="HUDStatBar" stat_type="Water" visible="{StatVisible}">
			<sprite depth="1" name="border" color="0,0,0,100" height="43" type="sliced"/>
			<sprite depth="2" pos="3,-3"  name="background" height="37" width="162" color="64,64,64,100" type="sliced" />
			<sprite depth="3" pos="3,-3"  name="BarContent" type="filled" height="37" width="162" color="0,0,255,100" fill="{StatFill}"  />
			<sprite depth="4" name="Icon" atlas="{StatIconAtlas|once}" sprite="{StatIcon|once}" size="32,32" pos="8,-6" foregroundlayer="true"/>
			<label depth="6" name="TextContent" pos="0,-10" font_size="24" color="[white]" justify="center" pivot="topleft" text="{StatCurrentWithMax}" height="30"/>

		<rect width="168" height="43" controller="HUDStatBar" stat_type="Health" visible="{StatVisible}">
			<sprite depth="1" name="border" color="0,0,0,100" height="43" type="sliced" />
			<sprite depth="2" pos="3,-3"  name="background" height="37" width="162" color="64,64,64,100" type="sliced" />
			<sprite depth="3" pos="3,-3"  name="BarContent" sprite="{StatImage|once}" type="filled" height="37" width="162" fill="{StatFill}" />
			<sprite depth="4" name="Icon" atlas="{StatIconAtlas|once}" sprite="{StatIcon|once}" size="32,32" pos="8,-6" foregroundlayer="true"/>
			<label depth="6" name="TextContent" pos="0,-10" font_size="24" color="[white]" justify="center" pivot="topleft" text="{StatCurrentWithMax}" height="30"/>

		<rect width="168" height="43" controller="HUDStatBar" stat_type="Food" visible="{StatVisible}">
			<sprite depth="1" name="border" color="0,0,0,100" height="43" type="sliced"/>
			<sprite depth="2" pos="3,-3"  name="background" height="37" width="162" color="64,64,64,100" type="sliced" />
			<sprite depth="3" pos="3,-3"  name="BarContent" type="filled" height="37" width="162" color="0,255,0,100" fill="{StatFill}"  />
			<sprite depth="4" name="Icon" atlas="{StatIconAtlas|once}" sprite="{StatIcon|once}" size="32,32" pos="8,-6" foregroundlayer="true"/>
			<label depth="6" name="TextContent" pos="0,-10" font_size="24" color="[white]" justify="center" pivot="topleft" text="{StatCurrentWithMax}" height="30"/>


	<rect name="hud" pos="93,124" side="left" controller="BuffPopoutList" pivot="BottomLeft" >
		<panel width="168" height="43" name="item" visible="false" pivot="right" disableautobackground="true" pos="70, 0" >
			<sprite depth="3" pos="0,0"  name="Background" sprite="ui_game_popup" height="43" width="162" pivot="center" flip="Horizontally" color="[transparent]" />
			<sprite depth="4" name="Icon" size="36,32" pos="-58,0" pivot="center" color="[transparent]"/>
			<label depth="6" name="TextContent" pos="0,0" font_size="24" color="[white]" justify="center" height="30" pivot="center"/>


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