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Split screen


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1 hour ago, Jugginator said:

You can try using voice chat to help :) my wife and I play in the same room using headsets (granted on PC) and we enjoy it.


The fact that you both are in the same room and still use headsets made me chuckle.


My wife is really not a gamer and will only play games like Mario Kart.  There is no way I could convince her to play 7 Days to Die

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8 minutes ago, BFT2020 said:


The fact that you both are in the same room and still use headsets made me chuckle.


My wife is really not a gamer and will only play games like Mario Kart.  There is no way I could convince her to play 7 Days to Die


Lol it's to prevent audio soup between the both of us, it depends on what game. Plus headset audio is way better than monitor speakers, also when we're in group chats with others, don't want to transmit a bunch of game audio over mics

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Mr developers , pleasssssseeeeeeee , add split screen option to the console version , i was originaly planing to buy it on release date with full price but when i knew it hasnt split screen feature now i cant buy it because it will be useless for me , i never play alone , always with my cousins , please please and please add local co-op option , dont lose that many customers pleasee


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I perfered local coop with wife far more than online with friend when playing original version... . But with Enshrouded and Nightengale coming I broke down and purchased a 2nd series X..


Keep an eye out for Fist dwarf next year it will have local coop, but not many game developers want to spend the money on couch play

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On 7/23/2024 at 10:16 PM, jyd85224 said:

I perfered local coop with wife far more than online with friend when playing original version... . But with Enshrouded and Nightengale coming I broke down and purchased a 2nd series X..


Keep an eye out for Fist dwarf next year it will have local coop, but not many game developers want to spend the money on couch play


I am certain that if the hardware supported it, they would have allowed split-screen co-op for the console. Unlike other games, this one requires some hefty CPU processing and a good bit of RAM. The console is lacking in both of those because it's sharing them for the graphics.  For most games that only care about the GPU, it is easy.

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On 6/27/2024 at 4:49 AM, jyd85224 said:

Baldurs gate 3 just came out and it has local coop, all Gears of war and borderlands all have local coop. Not going to say minecraft as that game is much more simple, but Ark is about as close as you can get to 7 days and it has local coop. The first dwarf coming out in 2025 has split screen.


If Ark had minecrafts fully destructible world then it would be a close comparison. if 7d2d had not upgraded its graphics that much it would have been more like minecraft and would have been "small" enough to fit into consoles with split-screen.


Fact is that 7d2d had to fight unique performance problems for all of the last ~7 years of development and needed a top rig all that time to run comfortably even though the graphics was at first far below anything released at that time. I bet no other game has that much disk traffic and no other game with such a graphic is that much CPU-bound as this one. Many people are underestimating how much it cost to make a fully destructible world instead of a static world.


Other games with fully destructible world had performance problems as well as soon as their graphics gets above a certain quality. Look at  Empyrion for example.

Though recently Enshrouded came out and it has a destructible world and a high graphics quality though I don't know how far down. They may have found optimizations and tricks to make it possible to get a performant fully destructible world, but it would probably be a monumental task to redesign 72d2 to use those techniques, even if they could be theoretically applied. My guess is that Enshrouded only creates a thin layer of destructible world on every accessible surface. The interesting question is whether it can dynamically enlarge the destructible part when someone digs down or not. The latter is probable, otherwise they would include the fully destructible world in their marketing. If the former, it would be theoretically a way for 7D2D to improve, but it would be a major rewrite in size similar to writing a new engine to get it in.







Edited by meganoth (see edit history)
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Developers. Pretty please bring back couch co-op for PS5. My husband, our friends and I love playing this game together on PS4 because it was one of the few couch co-ops available. We were greatly looking forward to this release, but now we see no point in purchasing this version because there is no couch co-op. Please continue being the Fun Pimps we all know and love and bring couch co-op to consoles. Y'all could even double or triple the price to cover the cost of doing so and we would gladly pay it.

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1 hour ago, Kitsune6969 said:

Developers. Pretty please bring back couch co-op for PS5. My husband, our friends and I love playing this game together on PS4 because it was one of the few couch co-ops available. We were greatly looking forward to this release, but now we see no point in purchasing this version because there is no couch co-op. Please continue being the Fun Pimps we all know and love and bring couch co-op to consoles. Y'all could even double or triple the price to cover the cost of doing so and we would gladly pay it.


It isn't something a "pretty please" is going to fix. Not even something TFP can "just do".

The reason there is no split-screen couch co-op is because none of the consoles have the core hardware required to support the amount of processing and RAM required to be able to do it.


Either the game will need to be dumbed down to Minecraft quality mechanics where a held torch doesn't even light up the area around you and there is no real AI or structural integrity, or the console developers need to start shipping consoles with real hardware like dedicated GPU's with independent VRAM so the full 16GB RAM and CPU processing is actually usable by the client.

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Guys, me and my mate used to play this drunk untill 3am. So obviously have to find a work around. We both have ps5 and the new game, is there a way to play a Lan game without getting ps plus to go online? 

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Just bought the game and me and my partner found it's not split screen anymore...what?!?!?! We are so sad now...no use in playing it alone really.... 😔

Please please please do something about it The Fun Pimps? 

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9 minutes ago, Kyra.n.p. said:

Just bought the game and me and my partner found it's not split screen anymore...what?!?!?! We are so sad now...no use in playing it alone really.... 😔

Please please please do something about it The Fun Pimps? 


Please read the whole thread before replying.

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I recently purchased this game after playing the old version for years, me and my girlfriend loved playing together on the couch. So i got this game expecting us to be able to do the same thing with a new version of the game, nope. I never saw they never intended on supporting split screen for whatever reason, Who cares about FPS? The type of people playing split screen certainly do not, please make this option i don’t care how dumbed down the graphics have to be, this is the best aspect of the previous game.


If it’s seriously out of the question i would like my money back as I will never play this game alone.

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Go get your refund from Sony/Microsoft. Splitscreen isn't going to happen. All versions for every platform are uniform and the Xbox S cannot run the game with splitscreen. It isn't about FPS. It is about the game running at all.


Hope you didn't play it too long to be able to get your refund.

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31 minutes ago, splitscreenplease said:

I will do that then, unfortunate your team doesn’t listen to costumer feedback. Lost a decent chunk of your console fan base, the ones who have been playing the longest. I guess i’ll go back to the old game. Shame on you.


It's not a matter of the Fun Pimps not listening to feedback. The hardware literally can't handle split screen play for this new version of the game. This has been known for the last few months. The Fun Pimps told us this.


Do your research beforehand or stop complaining.

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3 hours ago, Old Crow said:

Do your research beforehand or stop complaining.

How dare you suggest people read up on the things they want for 20, 10, or even 3 minutes to find out if it includes all the features they can't live without. That mindset is so anticonsumer. And another thing, the oranges are round, but the apples are nubby- Whoever made the apples isn't trying enough, or they'd be round like the other fruit!



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4 hours ago, splitscreenplease said:

If call of duty, baldurs gate, and borderlands can all do split screen local co-op so can this game. The real reason is because they want crossplay and PC and console to be uniform, @%$# PC. 


It's unfortunate that it couldn't happen but the limitation of the hardware is very real. The xbox S series can't even handle more than 2-player co-op and is limited on map size. All of the consoles can only have one save file active at a time. You have it backwards. They didn't cut splitscreen because they wanted crossplay, they worked hard to make crossplay work because they knew that splitscreen was going to be impossible.


Call of duty, baldur's gate. and borderlands are all static worlds and so demand way less from the hardware. It's understandable that you are disappointed by how things turned out.

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