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Grover High - Tier 5 POI

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Is it just me or does anybody else feel that the new Tier 5 Grover High is a touch insane.  Nonstop zombies, ferals and rads.  Nearly browned my shorts.  Do not want to see what that place is like as an inestation.

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33 minutes ago, garybrunsvold said:

Is it just me or does anybody else feel that the new Tier 5 Grover High is a touch insane.  Nonstop zombies, ferals and rads.  Nearly browned my shorts.  Do not want to see what that place is like as an inestation.

Sounds fun.  Still at tier 4, but will check it out once I get better equipped.  The game needs more POI that are a challenge.  Too many are easy, even at tier 6 infestation.  I know raising difficulty more changes things, but I don't want bullet sponges so much as just a challenging layout.

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4 hours ago, Riamus said:

 I don't want bullet sponges so much as just a challenging layout.

Nobody wants bullet sponges.  They're boring and artificial difficulty.


Having said that, planned ambushes also get stale really quick.  That is unfortunately the path that TFP have apparently chosen.


All of the new POIs appear to be scripted the same way.  Proceed to a point.  Ambush.  Clear.  Proceed to next point.  Ambush.  Clear...




I'm not going to spoil the surprises.  They're good for a single run through, then it gets repetitive.  You learn never to trust a key, a box, a switch...


I agree with OP that some of the new POIs are insane.  Their only purpose is to kill the player, not be entertaining.




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I’ve enjoyed the new tier 4 and 5 POIs I’ve done. They’ve all had plenty of space to run around and kite zombies. From what I’ve seen from streamers that isn’t true for all of them but you learn those and find workarounds. 

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I tend to agree, several of the new poi's have higher zombie count than the traditional ones, almost need to run ther editor and see how the actual zed count is differing. do kind of like these at end game, thogh it could be more leaning at a T6 level than T5


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On 7/13/2024 at 1:19 AM, Scrubo said:

almost need to run ther editor and see how the actual zed count is differing.


The actual count could be higher starting with V1.0 as the new "Min Script" feature on a Zombie Volume could send zombies in waves. The Prefab Editor's zombie summary won't show that.

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Grover High on Infestation/T6 is pretty nuts.  I feel like too many at the beginning of the POI, though.  It's very front-loaded.  And like others say, too many ambushes.  I switched over to Agi/Perc build with Assassin suit.  Pop the ambush, run, duck 3 or 4 times b/c it doesn't always drop aggro.  Throw a rock.  Throw a grenade.  Repeat.


One thing I like about Grover High, though, is the "correct path" is pretty easy to follow.  Some of the other new T5s are downright difficult to get to everything.  Vanity Tower and Haven Hotel have some pretty obscure spots.  I dunno how long I spent before I saw the exit in the bathroom halfway through Haven.  I didn't even see the rope leading to it until after I was backtracking, looking for missed volumes.

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On 7/12/2024 at 11:57 PM, garybrunsvold said:

Is it just me or does anybody else feel that the new Tier 5 Grover High is a touch insane.  Nonstop zombies, ferals and rads.  Nearly browned my shorts.  Do not want to see what that place is like as an inestation.

If you think that's insane, then you should stay away from the Minotaur Theater. It's a death trap if you go in unprepared.


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New POI's are made mostly out of few triggers/ambushes where you get big waves of zombies before proceeding to next floor/level.
You can use that to your advantage, where you just use choke points ( doorways, spikes, wire traps etc... ) and just kill all the zombies there by using either grenades, or in my case Sniper rifle with perception build, bust best of all shotguns dmg with headshots through holes in damaged doors.
Quick and easy even with Rads or ferals. 

Grover High on snow biome was my quick way to farm for xp/books/loot/salvage.
The other T5 POI I like for a quick shotgun run late game is T5 military base US army post #7 I think it's called. Also plenty of zeds with trigger events - which once you get used to it play to your  advantage for quick disposal.

Edited by Bhaaltazar (see edit history)
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Honestly, I love the craziness of some of the new or reworked POIs. You cannot go YOLO in some of the POIs without a specific number of meds, ammo, and other equipment. 


Also, as You get more familiar with all POIs, then You might put to your advantage not only stealth aspects of the game. Triggering the zeds with pre-fire, throwing nades at their supposed position, then meeting them at advantageous choke-points is a good option. Unlike running into a full pack of radiated zeds like a sheep. Infestation for 2-3 players is an easy go... but going solo, unprepared is a death sentence for sure and it should be. 


I am playing on Warrior and I must say that going unprepared with a broken armor is a no-go. I would like to play on Insane in co-op but my mates would probably die every 2 days and ALT+F4 rage quit.

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On 7/15/2024 at 12:52 PM, RipClaw said:

If you think that's insane, then you should stay away from the Minotaur Theater. It's a death trap if you go in unprepared.


Speaking about the real death trap: take a look at the US Army Outpost #7: 



Edited by Ray Garraty (see edit history)
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Just now, Riamus said:

I wasn't the one in the video. I just meant I enjoyed when I did that POI.

I figured. He still did a good job not dying. I probably would have if my auto shotty failed me. Then again I would have fixed it before going in. 😂

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