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Everything posted by Scrubo

  1. generally speaking yes it will blocks will either have a yes or a no on vertical support, it should say it on the block The thing that matters is the material the block is made from one thing to note though window shapes only have 10% of the HP of the full block
  2. its in the 21.1 b16 stable patch notes 3rd on ein the fixed section AirDropFrequency setting for dedicated servers needs to be limited to same choices valid for SP
  3. 7 days to die has some special coding thet only permits an item to drop after you ahve already obtained one through a difficult means... a quest, or near death experience in the wasteland. then once you have that beaker or what ever. you can get a box full.
  4. you can also mod it out: https://7daystodiemods.com/rage-removal-from-normal-zombies/ This mod removes the rage feature from normal zombies. Keeps rage on feral and radiateds. Goodbye lunging zeds!
  5. From my experience i tend to agree with the crafting is broke pov, Tier 3 items are rarely crafted beyond a level 1 if you ahve not been lucky enough to loot one by then. but mostly quest rewards and looting are the only way to get gear at the corerct level, even speccing skills to maximize the book drops for certain drops does not beat jsut questing to get the items. only exception I have noteced is if you dont get an armor bonus bundle, or any luck with the pieces from them, you might need to craft a piece or two, (and the mighty Stealth boots)
  6. did someone do something to you? would you like to talk about it? In MP servers its nice to mix up the drop times and get all diferent times of day and night. restricting to 0, 24, 72, 168 is rteally taking away a lot of variation. is this a fixed thing? do we need to mod it to make other times available? not sure if theres a coding reason but this does seem anti-fun.
  7. I've been playing on a MP server, we found this map seed rather good, a nice start south, then migrate north as you progress
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