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Streamers and avatars.

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This is just my personal opinion on the subject.


I like to watch people play this game sometimes and will even chat and interact if they have TI on.

I don't necessarily go for ones that have cams but if they do I enjoy them if they are easily jumpscared. What can I say I find it amusing lol.

It also doesn't need to be 1/4 of their screen. Just a small pic is fine as long as you can tell what is going on.

Now this is the part I don't understand. What is the reason for having anime or cartoon avatars?

I get some don't want to show their face but they can do that but just not showing their face.

I don't get the idea of having a cartoon character covering part of the screen and potentially covering info the viewer might want/need to see.

Some game it might not matter as there may not be a lot of info on the screen but I find it is harder to do in 7 days as most of the screen you really might need to see.

So for me, live cam pick the least critical info to cover. No live cam, well for me, please don't have an animated avatar covering up info I would like to see in game.


Again, just my personal view on it.

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i dont watch a lot of streamers, normally when a new alpha drops and i want to see people "experience" the game. Usually i try to find people who are not familiar with the game just to watch them fail basic tasks (with screaming and running and dying, etc) but...


I agree: too many have a giant avatar which i dont get. Maybe its because they paid for it and want to get full use out of it? usually they have several other things covering the edges of the screen so you cannot see what day/time they are on, other players joined. Sure, its "their game" but all the clutter usually makes me go "nah" unless they are suffering in game so much (dying to 1 zed) and actually asking for help/advice.


i guess, to be constructive, i hope TFP does the UI update in a way you can more easily move ui elements around without special ui mods (the edge elements: day/compass/time/health/players joined/xp) so streamers can fit it all on 1 screen.. with their giant avatar :).


also: if tfp could release the "in game character avatars" or even "zed avatars" for streaming i think that would be cool. Literally you would have your avatar be you in game character or zeds... it would prob be fun to watch. And maybe easy "avatar scaling" could be an option for them?... else people are just going to be playing huge jen/rekt/etc.

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Are you referring to vtubers?  If they're ones that are with a company, I'm pretty sure they're required by contract to have their avatar on the screen.  Often adds for merch as well.


Vtubers that aren't with a company probably have them there because it's part of their brand.


If it's just random people that put animated avatars on screen, I have no idea, I've never seen anything like that before.

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I think it's the same reason bands like slipknot keep their identities hidden. Until you've been famous, you don't realize how many negatives comes with being recognized by strangers. I've had a small taste and I couldn't stand it.

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If they just have a static image I personally don't see a point, it's just wasted screen space. But some use face tracking software and the avatar mimics their facial expressions, talking, etc. So, it's a little bit more interactive with their audience without showing their face.

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I've stopped watching Twitch, except for the AI Jesus which is kind of trippy. Among the things that I didn't care for was all of things streamers would put on the screen that covered up the game. Some streamers remind me of the TV shown in Idiocracy.


I don't mind a streamer showing themselves. That can be nice when you're chatting with them. It doesn't have to take up a lot of space on the screen. I could see where somebody might only show themselves when the game is paused. I don't understand the desire to show an animation and animate it as the streamer talks.


I moved on from desiring Twitch Integration and that sort of thing too. Some of the most boring content, to me, is watching the audience kill the streamer again and again. That's right up there with watching the streamer manage their inventory for 20 minutes.

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4 minutes ago, zztong said:

I moved on from desiring Twitch Integration and that sort of thing too. Some of the most boring content, to me, is watching the audience kill the streamer again and again. That's right up there with watching the streamer manage their inventory for 20 minutes.

I agree with you on this.  It is one thing to have integration that can only happen rarely that can tip the balance for good or bad without it breaking the game.  It is something else entirely to be able to trigger practically non-stop hordes and stuff like that just to troll the streamer.  I don't find that fun to watch at all.  The Dev stream where they showed off the integrations leading up to A21 was not at all enjoyable to watch for me.


I rarely watch anyone play a game anyhow.  I never saw the appeal.  I normally only so that if I'm considering buying the game and a steam of it happens to be available so I can get an idea what the game is really like compared to what the advertisement videos of the game show.  Twitch for me is mainly just for things like live AD&D campaigns with pretty well known actors/actresses and voice actors.  Those can be a lot of fun.

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14 hours ago, zztong said:

I moved on from desiring Twitch Integration and that sort of thing too. Some of the most boring content, to me, is watching the audience kill the streamer again and again.

I have to wholeheartedly agree here.  I don't enjoy streams employing twitch integration endlessly killing the streamer over and over and quickly pass by.

My hope of Twitch Integration being a springboard to dynamic "events" coming to the game through the technology, has been dashed. 

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Why? Events are officially listed now for the first time in the roadmap. The roadmap was the first time I began to hope that dynamic events would actually be implemented. It was talked about but never officially added to any posted list until the 1.0 announcement so I was hopeful but always telling myself there was never anything official. 


8 hours ago, 8_Hussars said:

My hope of Twitch Integration being a springboard to dynamic "events" coming to the game through the technology, has been dashed. 


Edited by Roland (see edit history)
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1 hour ago, Roland said:

Why? Events are officially listed now for the first time in the roadmap.

Because, there has been no visible growth in TI, its the same old same old.  (drop monsters or supplies, apply silly buffs/nerfs).  

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