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Version 1.0 (Alpha 22) Dev Diary

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11 hours ago, Space4Ace said:

About Mountain Lions in Arizona:

"These majestic creatures are native to the state and are found in various regions including mountainous areas, forests, and deserts."


And if you also search for Wolves in Arizona, same kind of story, Search it and you'll find many pictures of wolves in the Arizona desert.


Yup.   I own 80acres just north of Prescott and we have several Mountain lions that roam through there due to the high amount of deer traffic.   

Fun fact:  They will hunt in packs and act similar to the Velociraptors in Jurassic Park.    

The whisper growl calls back and forth will send chills down your spine

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coyotes are also crazy pack hunters.   A few will hide in the brush while one walks up to a fence and lures the family dog out and then they all jump the dog and eat it.

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Once I start exploring again I took before and after pictures so I can't wait!!!! Ugh 

Just now, jetZeds said:

coyotes are also crazy pack hunters.   A few will hide in the brush while one walks up to a fence and lures the family dog out and then they all jump the dog and eat it.

I got coyotes around here. And my rottweiler hate them..wish I could go hunting but sadly I can't in my area. Feel bad for them tho. 


They tear down their Forest just to build crappy condos... now I sound like a hippy. 


But I would love to face a large pack in game. Like in the city. Like a bunch of feral dogs

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any chance we could get a cooking bundle as a trader quest reward or in air drops?
it  could possibly contain things like eggs, cornbread and other cooking things used in recipes, and maybe even occasionally acid for making grandpas awesome sauce

could even maybe name it grandpas secret cooking kit? just an idea since currently the only way to get eggs is through trader or emptying birds nest. but it feels  a bit ridiculous to be looting and checking every birds nest you see for eggs 70+ days in

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1 hour ago, POCKET951 said:

any chance we could get a cooking bundle as a trader quest reward or in air drops?
it  could possibly contain things like eggs, cornbread and other cooking things used in recipes, and maybe even occasionally acid for making grandpas awesome sauce

could even maybe name it grandpas secret cooking kit? just an idea since currently the only way to get eggs is through trader or emptying birds nest. but it feels  a bit ridiculous to be looting and checking every birds nest you see for eggs 70+ days in

I don't know if you care or not, but I believe there are mods for chicken coops.  I have seen them in other big mods like DF or Apocalypse Now.

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3 hours ago, POCKET951 said:

any chance we could get a cooking bundle as a trader quest reward or in air drops?
it  could possibly contain things like eggs, cornbread and other cooking things used in recipes, and maybe even occasionally acid for making grandpas awesome sauce

could even maybe name it grandpas secret cooking kit? just an idea since currently the only way to get eggs is through trader or emptying birds nest. but it feels  a bit ridiculous to be looting and checking every birds nest you see for eggs 70+ days in

Need eggs?  I mean early game sure, but mid/late game?  Not needed.  Are they used in pumpkin cheesecake?  I guess that's useful.


Although if you aren't doing any farming, then bacon and eggs would be the best food you can make easily.

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4 hours ago, POCKET951 said:

any chance we could get a cooking bundle as a trader quest reward or in air drops?
it  could possibly contain things like eggs, cornbread and other cooking things used in recipes, and maybe even occasionally acid for making grandpas awesome sauce

could even maybe name it grandpas secret cooking kit? just an idea since currently the only way to get eggs is through trader or emptying birds nest. but it feels  a bit ridiculous to be looting and checking every birds nest you see for eggs 70+ days in


If you are searching for eggs at day 70+ you definitely have other problems 😜

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5 hours ago, POCKET951 said:

any chance we could get a cooking bundle as a trader quest reward or in air drops?
it  could possibly contain things like eggs, cornbread and other cooking things used in recipes, and maybe even occasionally acid for making grandpas awesome sauce

You don't want granpa flying that plane, trust me...  :fear: :plane:



Edited by Jost Amman (see edit history)
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2 hours ago, Thaledwyn said:


If you are searching for eggs at day 70+ you definitely have other problems 😜

  Eggs just aren't something I can scale that I would like to be able to scale.

needs tonnes of cloth? make a huge cotton farm, need glue? make tonnes of super corn and dew collectors. I have ways later in the game to have agency over how much of these things I can produce and have. how ever when it comes to eggs I have no agency to scale them. this is a first world problem though really, I just want to be able to make all the bacon and eggs and pies in the world without ever running out of eggs. but  alas you can't scale eggs the way you can scale other things

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Hey, are there going to be, or are there currently, any absolute items that traders always have stock of? 


For example, the trader always has 500 wood, 500 cobblestone, 1 cooking pot, 1 wrench.  Something like that. 


I do not really care either way, but it would give me an alternate play style on the harder modes, if I knew I could rely on certain items every trader reset, or materials for my day 1 horde.  Thanks. 

Edited by pregnable (see edit history)
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4 hours ago, pregnable said:

Hey, are there going to be, or are there currently, any absolute items that traders always have stock of? 


For example, the trader always has 500 wood, 500 cobblestone, 1 cooking pot, 1 wrench.  Something like that. 


I do not really care either way, but it would give me an alternate play style on the harder modes, if I knew I could rely on certain items every trader reset, or materials for my day 1 horde.  Thanks. 

Resources? What for? They can be chopped and dug up very quickly. The merchant seems to always have a pan and a grate now.

I somehow really miss solar cells; you can’t get them anywhere else except from a merchant.

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I just want to say a massive  thank you to all the Fun Pimps staff (past and present) for all they have done with this game, I have played this game now for well over 4700hrs according to Steam, I can't say I have ever played anything as much (appart from WoW, but I kicked that addiction, or did I just replace it?). Anyway I play solo and with my grown up children (every Sunday 3hrs) and we love the game and a lot of the Mods that make the game so versatile (well done Mod devs out there). So once again THANKS AND CONGRATULATIONS!!

Edited by Necromundi (see edit history)
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