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How do you pick up a forge when it says you need to empty it first?


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I am moving my base and when I went to pick up my forge it says I need to empty it first.  The only thing in there is 54 clay soil.  In past alphas you could still pick it up but you would lose what has been smelted.  Obviously, I'm am OK with losing 54 clay soil.


Has anyone come across this?

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I haven't seen it say that but haven't moved a forge since early A21 experimental.  Are you sure nothing is in the output?  Considering you can't always turn all smelted materials back into ore since they aren't always 1:1, it wouldn't make sense if that is caused by having smelted stuff in the forge.

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5 minutes ago, zombiehunter said:

A very questionable design decision if you ask me.

You'd be saying that, along with many more censored words, if you had more than 54 clay in the forge and were allowed to pick it up. Plenty of other threads have been around about losing hours worth of ores and stone simply for picking a forge up.

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Just now, Telric said:

You'd be saying that, along with many more censored words, if you had more than 54 clay in the forge and were allowed to pick it up. Plenty of other threads have been around about losing hours worth of ores and stone simply for picking a forge up.

True but I wouldn't imagine it would be too difficult to offer the user a choice:  "You have smelted materials in the forge.  Picking it up would cause you to lose these materials.  Continue?  Yes/No."


Without that I still think it's a bad design decision.

5 minutes ago, Vaeliorin said:

Turn all the clay soil back into clay, make nails with whatever is left over, then you should be able to pick it up.

Excellent idea!  That is the solution.  Thanks very much.

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2 hours ago, zombiehunter said:

True but I wouldn't imagine it would be too difficult to offer the user a choice:  "You have smelted materials in the forge.  Picking it up would cause you to lose these materials.  Continue?  Yes/No."


Without that I still think it's a bad design decision.

Excellent idea!  That is the solution.  Thanks very much.

Everybody is a gamedesigner nowadays right?


Translation: i dont like something so i just call it "bad game design"



Edited by YourMirror (see edit history)
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5 minutes ago, Old Crow said:

*picks up generator bank - gasoline added back to your inventory*


*tries to pick up forge* "It'S nOt EmPtY!"


I might not say "bad game design" but it's definitely "dumb game design."

Oh great, another "game designer"




-edit- please give us the link to the forum of your game. Can't wait to drip the same toxicity there, as you do here.  Come on, be brave, give us the link to game you " designed".

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2 hours ago, YourMirror said:

Oh great, another "game designer"




-edit- please give us the link to the forum of your game. Can't wait to drip the same toxicity there, as you do here.  Come on, be brave, give us the link to game you " designed".

Oh great, another "white knight"


This is useless parroted bull@%$# and just as toxic as the OP if not more. The consumer doesn't need to know how to design the widget to be able to complain about it.

I don't expect the sys admins that are my end users to be engineers and if they complain about X, then I take what they have to say as something that needs to be improved. I certainly don't expect their customers who are non-IT end-users to be able to do either of our jobs. Once again, if they have legitimate complaints, then my design needs improvement. I don't get bent about it, I go fix it.

I don't know why some of you think game designers deserve a free pass.


There was nothing toxic about Old Crow's response, it is inconsistent behavior out of the UI.


20 minutes ago, BFT2020 said:

I wish people would simply just point things like this out and ask the developers to fix them, rather than attacking their work.


Yes. Inconsistent would have been a better phrase but man, why is everyone such a bunch of sensitive candy asses these days (and no, this wasn't personally directed at you, who are generally the voice of reason in any discussion you join).

Edited by Krougal (see edit history)
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There isn't anything wrong with pointing out what you feel is a bad design.  And it doesn't even matter whether or not others agree with you.  It is your opinion and everyone is free to have one and to express it.  As Krougal said, a designer doesn't expect their end user to know how to design the game or app.  And that doesn't invalidate the person's opinion.  Whether or not the designer agrees and chooses to fix it change something is a different matter.

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19 hours ago, YourMirror said:

Oh great, another "game designer"




-edit- please give us the link to the forum of your game. Can't wait to drip the same toxicity there, as you do here.  Come on, be brave, give us the link to game you " designed".


What are you babbling about? Are you high? Where did I claim to be a game designer? Because I said I felt something was a dumb design?

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1 hour ago, theFlu said:

His chosen handle is a dead giveaway, here to troll people. Might consider himself noble, might not, but the end result is the same, pointless aggro => just ignore.

Yeah, that's the same thing I was thinking when I called him out on his bull@%$#.


Not one post from him I've seen where he brought anything of value to any discussion, just started arguments with people he disagreed with and otherwise attempted to derail any discussion.


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3 hours ago, Adam the Waster said:

I agree. I've done that many of times but you gotta do it respectfully


Just list your gervences and hope people agree, that's all

Yes, and in the same way, anyone with a differing opinion should also respond respectfully, which wasn't the case with the person mocking people for not being a game designer and still giving an opinion. 😀

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50 minutes ago, Riamus said:

Yes, and in the same way, anyone with a differing opinion should also respond respectfully, which wasn't the case with the person mocking people for not being a game designer and still giving an opinion. 😀


And Unicorns are for real!

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On 9/1/2023 at 11:10 AM, zombiehunter said:

True but I wouldn't imagine it would be too difficult to offer the user a choice:  "You have smelted materials in the forge.  Picking it up would cause you to lose these materials.  Continue?  Yes/No."


Without that I still think it's a bad design decision.

Excellent idea!  That is the solution.  Thanks very much.

I have to retract my "game design" statement.  I didn't know you could convert your smelted materials back into raw materials, enabling you to pick up the forge.  So, apologies to TFP specifically, and to those I seem to have offended in this thread.  My take was a bad one and I'll own up to that.

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Not that it matters, but I always forget to remove the crucible/bellows/anvil and get the same message.  As a person whom switches bases a lot, it's annoying, but I'm also glad it's there.  I remember in A18 no knowing and picking up my forge and losing 30k everything :D

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It's still weird and inconsistent design. See my generator bank example. You can pick up a generator bank and it dumps the gas and engines into your inventory. Same with a campfire -  it throws the cooking implements into your backpack. Why couldn't the forge do that? If your pack is full, the extras are dumped on the floor, just like if you turn in a quest and have no room for the rewards. It's then up to the player to pick it up before it despawns, which is a fairly generous amount of time.

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18 minutes ago, Old Crow said:

It's still weird and inconsistent design. See my generator bank example. You can pick up a generator bank and it dumps the gas and engines into your inventory. Same with a campfire -  it throws the cooking implements into your backpack. Why couldn't the forge do that? If your pack is full, the extras are dumped on the floor, just like if you turn in a quest and have no room for the rewards. It's then up to the player to pick it up before it despawns, which is a fairly generous amount of time.


I just tried the campfire and it doesn't allow me to pick it up with a cooking pot in it, it gives the same message as the forge.

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