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Big water problem always thirsty

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19 hours ago, Riamus said:

I haven't tried drinking from a water source but it's been said that you have to completely stop moving for a couple of seconds before the prompt will appear.  Just aim at the water and then don't move for a couple seconds and see if it works.  Also, as was mentioned, shallow water can be difficult to get the trigger to work.

I didn't stop moving for very long, that might have been the issue, also this was very shallow water.

I did find a lake in my single player game and had no issue drinking.  I was holding still, and using a toolbelt slot with no items equipped, not sure if that last part mattered or not, but hey it worked at least.

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One more little tip you could add.

Jucca Juice Smoothies are the ultimate drink. You don't need water to make them and you don't need a campfire. What you need is yucca, blueberries and snow. If you don't know where the snow biome is yet, you can also get snow by wrenching these ice boxes at gas stations.


The Jucca Juice Smoothie gives you 78 water, 22 food and 11 health.


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Yeah, the new water system still isn't working for me.  Bicycling past a lake, or checking my dew collectors while it's raining, really makes the fact that even murky water is hard to find, feel very arbitrary.  It pulls me right out of the immersion.  I'm 98% wet in the rain but my collector needs 24 hours to make three drinks of water...

It really messes with glue production too, so far, at least. 

I totally see what they're going for, but it's not working. 

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20 hours ago, Riamus said:

The idea is that you shouldn't be able to make a bunch on day 1.  The cost will only slow you down a little if you are questing.  Do all your quests for one day and you should be able to afford 2 of them right on day 1.  Also, you can get filters as rewards.  In my 2-player game, we have gotten 4 filters as rewards and bought 2.  Only have 2 dew collectors set up as we really don't need them.  We have so much water right now from murky water finds that we're set.  Of course, we don't need to make a lot of duct tape, so that isn't an issue for us.


If you're having that much trouble with drinking water, maybe try making use of the pills to combat dysentery and just drink from a water source until you are maxed out on water.  Use bandages to heal after.  That will save you a lot of water.  And don't forget to drink tea, coffee, etc. instead of plain water.  It offers far more hydration and so lasts far longer, saving you a lot of water.

I think water has been such a problem because on a new game, I was spawned into the wasteland. After completing the tutorial missions, I had to travel 2.7 km to the trader. Was a long trek with lots of running from bears and dogs. Was a very rough way to begin.

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5 hours ago, Darthjake said:

I didn't stop moving for very long, that might have been the issue, also this was very shallow water.

I did find a lake in my single player game and had no issue drinking.  I was holding still, and using a toolbelt slot with no items equipped, not sure if that last part mattered or not, but hey it worked at least.

Yes, hands need to be empty as well.  I forgot to mention that.  :)

Just now, Aphrodite said:

I think water has been such a problem because on a new game, I was spawned into the wasteland. After completing the tutorial missions, I had to travel 2.7 km to the trader. Was a long trek with lots of running from bears and dogs. Was a very rough way to begin.

Yeah, if you have to run a long ways right at the beginning, you're going to have a much harder time with water than normal.  I believe they are aware of the spawn point issue in RWG.  I don't think you should spawn so far from your starting trader.

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On 6/20/2023 at 6:11 AM, Aphrodite said:

My issue is that all of the murky water I get has to be boiled for drinking water. That leaves none for making glue.


Snow can only be used to make Yucca Smoothies now.

If the dew collector is meant to be the primary replacement for having glass jars, then the water filet should be a lootable item. Maybe breaking down a water cooler or drink dispenser could have a chance to yield one. On my SP game, 1 water filer at Trader Reckt's is 2250 dukes. That gets expensive when you need to make multiple dew collectors.


This is expensive, absolutely right, but in my oppinion everybody should divorce from thinking to reach maxed leveled out end game asap.

Progression is really slow by now, i also noted it when looking for cloth bags e.g. I like it very very much how slow it progresses now, but also it is hard to accept after playing so much A20. To follow up this agenda with water filters, i would like to see rarity tiers for all items in the game, and the rarest are only acquire at the trader. At the same time i would hardly wish a new trader mechanic: "I am in search of item x, can you help me trader?" "Yes i can acquire it in 5 days for you, but you have to do me a favor, please do (fill in whatever quest type you like here) for me and we got a deal"

I guess this is how the world would work in a post apocalyptic setting. Imagine of catching a special zombie by rope from a special place and bringing him like in The Walking Dead :D Another one: Place explosives on the basement of building XY and blow it up. Or this: Trader XY is ruining everybodys business in this region, he has to disappear, kill him at all costs - he will be in his fort knox and fight you with fireweapons from his castle, for this purpos traders place isn`t safe anymore. After the quest this trader PIO could be replaced by a complete new one. Oh dude, i got so many ideas for cool favors you have to do to your local trader to acquire "special things" from him. Can`t be so hard, can it?

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On 6/18/2023 at 4:23 PM, pApA^LeGBa said:

In MP Coop with 5 people it´s horrible with the water early game. Barely enough for drinking the first few days and making glue during the first week is nearly impossible. The water change really hit MP hard. In my SP it was no problem at all.

Yup. My group ended up having 2 collectors per player, and only then did we have enough to be able to make the glue/duct tape we need.

2 Collectors per player, and partially switching to consumables that don't rely on water (like yucca smoothie)

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14 hours ago, Lokeus said:

This is expensive, absolutely right, but in my oppinion everybody should divorce from thinking to reach maxed leveled out end game asap.

Progression is really slow by now, i also noted it when looking for cloth bags e.g. I like it very very much how slow it progresses now, but also it is hard to accept after playing so much A20.


This is probably why I haven't had much of an issue from A20 to A21.  I modded A20 to be slower and scrambling for resources.

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On 6/23/2023 at 12:24 AM, BFT2020 said:


This is probably why I haven't had much of an issue from A20 to A21.  I modded A20 to be slower and scrambling for resources.


Legit way to play but trying to become half-god as fast as possible was also an interesting challenge everytime, but got too repetetive by time. I think overall it is really better now and you did well by slowing down your pace in your game. Nice to know that you modded... 😏 I am thinking about playing around with loot stage or loot tables a bit. Do you got any hint for me to learn easy-first-try mods?

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12 hours ago, Lokeus said:


Legit way to play but trying to become half-god as fast as possible was also an interesting challenge everytime, but got too repetetive by time. I think overall it is really better now and you did well by slowing down your pace in your game. Nice to know that you modded... 😏 I am thinking about playing around with loot stage or loot tables a bit. Do you got any hint for me to learn easy-first-try mods?


Example of something I did in my mod, regarding loot changes



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I agree there is a problem with water. In A20 whenever I went looting, I almost always got something to drink during whole day of looting. Now, having loot set to 200%, day to 120 real-life minutes and daylight set to 22 hours, I almost always find no drinks and no food. Fortunatelly I play with 2-3 friends and they went questing, so we have 3 water machines after 5 days, but I always end up coming back for the night starving and dehydrated. Combine it with broken farming in A21 and it just sucks...

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4 hours ago, H7dek7 said:

I agree there is a problem with water. In A20 whenever I went looting, I almost always got something to drink during whole day of looting. Now, having loot set to 200%, day to 120 real-life minutes and daylight set to 22 hours, I almost always find no drinks and no food. Fortunatelly I play with 2-3 friends and they went questing, so we have 3 water machines after 5 days, but I always end up coming back for the night starving and dehydrated. Combine it with broken farming in A21 and it just sucks...


Murky water is now the common drink in drops.  All other drinks have been changed to uncommon or rare drops.


Same thing with food.  Canned food, charred meat, cornmeal, and sham sandwiches are all common / uncommon food drops.  Process foods like blueberry pies, meat stew, hobo stew, and sham chowder are rare drops.


It's not a problem with water, as it is more of a change in philosophy.  You can't just rely on finding drinks and food in POIs as you loot them or perform quests, you need to prepare ahead of time and bring with you food and drink, or purchase from the traders / vending machines.


Changing the loot abundance to 200% won't affect the odds of finding higher quality drinks or food, just increases what you find.

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I'm staving the smoothies.


Pure Mineral Water. LOTS of it.

60 water, cure dysentry, 15% digestion.  (makes the food last longer)


I've got 4 collectors going,  Have 90 PMW, 88 clear water, forget on stinkwater.

Almost time to do a batch of glue (125)


Yeah, first few days are tense, but once you get 2 collectors going, you won't die of thirst.

3 and 4 let to start stockpiling.

(make red tea asap  though, that little extra water is good, but the digestion bonus is better)

(and pray that RNG gives you the mineral water book)   :D


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