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Trader Bob is sitting on the floor. I can only see the top of his head


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1 minute ago, Vampirenostra said:

Had the one in the wooden hut fall through the floor on the ground...

I've never seen that but I  am frequently attacked by various things when I go there. There's a hole in the wall somewhere for critters and crawlers get through.

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7 hours ago, ElCabong said:

I've never seen that but I  am frequently attacked by various things when I go there. There's a hole in the wall somewhere for critters and crawlers get through.


You know, now that mention it I thought I was leaving the doors open or something.

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16 hours ago, Rotor said:


You know, now that mention it I thought I was leaving the doors open or something.

frequently encountered the very first time I enter the complex on the way up to see trader Joel. It's not because I leave the door open. And yes, I have done that before and know better

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I let a bear into trader Jen's once. Still a pretty new character with a primitive bow, about a 100 arrows, a pretty bad ak47 (back when you could buy ak's on day 1) with about 40 7.62 rounds. I thought it would be funny to shoot the bear in the head with arrows from the safety of the trader's walls to try to kill it. Hit it once and it glitched through the walls into the compound. I just saw it disappear from sight and was confused. Turned around to leave the wall and it was running up the stairs at me  😁Thing must have chased me around for over 20 minutes before I killed it. Ended up with no 7.62 and most of my arrows gone (I think most of my shots missed, I was in a panic the whole time lol).

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I now have Trader Joel not being there and then he is there for about a second and then gone again. Unable interact with him. Once again I only get this in vanilla. Ho humm

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I saw trader Bob in the floor in one game as well.  It seems like these are issues in particular saves and a new game solves the problem going forward.  I have a feeling it relates to how some last when losing an area can cause things to fall through the ground and the trader falls one block before the listing completes.  Unlike with a player, where you will automatically be reset/teleported when this happens, the traders don't seem to do this.  Of course, it could be some other cause as it seems to only affect trader Bob.

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