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How to deal with wandering zombies while in a tall skyscraper


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How do you guys deal with wandering zombies on the ground floor when you are high up in a building like skyscraper? Do you just ignore them? I'm worried I go down and find an army of zombies waiting (especially if a screamer came by). Not to mention potential lag if all those zombies are trying to pathfind to me. Or I find they trashed the place/destroyed containers trying to get to me. Do you place wooden spikes everywhere? Set up a temporary smg turret by the entrance? 


It's usually not a big deal in smaller buildings but I want to try raiding a dishong tower (very tall skyscraper). I cleared maybe 4 floors so far and I'd imagine going up and down will take longer and longer and eventually not be practical to have to stop and go down every few mins to kill whatever walked in and then climb all the way back up   


I also have a huge surplus of ammo so I'll definitely be generating a lot of noise and heat 

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If you're worried about the zombies trashing the first floor or two, then one thing you can do is simply start looting from the ground up in order to avoid zombies breaking things to reach you. Otherwise when I do, say, the Crack-a-Book HQ Tier 5 POI I just go in to each room and deal with what's in front of me first. If zombies hear the fighting and decide to join in they can wait their turn. The really good loot is in the basement and the zombies themselves are half the reason I'm there for their delicious XP candies. So murder, murder, murder your heart out and enjoy the ride!

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Some may consider this the equivalent of nerdpoling, but I put my secure box for loot above the doorframe  to the next level.  When I have my buddy with me, we knock a hole near one of the corners straight down from the top. (parkour to not get a broken leg or death when dropping down the next level, or 2.) and then one stays at the top and funnels the loot to the bottom where it gets stored again, then sorted before we leave the area.

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You need to clear out the first floor and then remove any way they might have to climb up. Demolish the ladder or stairs. I've noticed that the pimpsters tend to use concrete stairs and metal ladders so it might take some work or Dynamite

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18 hours ago, Darthjake said:

Some may consider this the equivalent of nerdpoling, but I put my secure box for loot above the doorframe  to the next level.  When I have my buddy with me, we knock a hole near one of the corners straight down from the top. (parkour to not get a broken leg or death when dropping down the next level, or 2.) and then one stays at the top and funnels the loot to the bottom where it gets stored again, then sorted before we leave the area.


Don't see why they would think that.  Based on your description, this is just your method of clearing out the loot after clearing out the POI, not bypassing the majority of the POI just to get to the sweet end loot


When I play, I tend to strip everything from a POI when I do a mission (once I get decent tools that is) so the Tier 5s give a me a lot of items to work with.  I do something like what you do in my SP games.  If it is one of the buildings with a centralized staircase, I put a drop chest in the stairwell on that floor.  Then once I am at the top, I will start making my way down, rebuilding or knocking out rubble as I make my way down - basically clearing out a straight path from top to bottom.  However, when I clear out a POI, it is basically a 2 day job being SP so my goal is to loot / clear as I make my way to the top on Day 1, then gather the loot and put in my 4x4 early morning Day 2.

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I'll give the simple answer first, then expand on it:  Wooden doors and blocked chokepoints.


If you're working your way up a tall building from the bottom there are three kinds of zombies you need to worry about

-The initial/sleeper zombies

-Zombies walking in off the street

-Zombies that respawn in the building because you're in there so long (tall skyscrapers)


Obviously, you start by clearly the ground floor and killing the sleepers.


Next step is to secure the first floor from zombies wandering in off the street.  This can be as simple as placing a wooden door in the entrance, or using Cobbleblocks or woodblocks or frameblocks to fill in any holes in the first floor walls.  The goal is not to 100% prevent zombies from entering....it's to give you some sort of warning when they do (the sound of something being broken).  If you're nearby, you can go to the source of the sound and deal with the zombie.  If you're higher up in the building, you have some time, and at least know there's something in there with you.


For both those zombies that break in after you, and any zombies that respawn below you (if you're in there a couple of game days), the simple solution is to break the access from the lower level (burn your bridges behind you).  This can be breaking a ladder, or busting out several steps in a fire stairway (they may be concrete and take a little time to break, but once you do, nothing will be following you up).


That leaves the part where you finish and want to exit the building.  On a really tall building, where you're pretty much guaranteed to have things waiting for you on the lower levels, you can take the easy way out and jump (there's a candy in the vending machines that gives you 100% immunity to fall damage for three minutes).  If you don't have a candy, your next option would be to use ladders or blocks to climb down the building exterior,...away from any spots where the zombies can get to you (don't climb down in front of, or under windows or cracks in the wall, or under direct drop offs from the roof whenever possible).  If you keep some sort of block stack in your belt, or have enough wood to make ladders, it just takes a bit of care, so that you get things in place before you take a step.  Lastly, the Level 10 Answer....can you make a gyrocopter?  Keep it in your belt and just take off from the roof when you're ready to go.

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