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Not Medieval Mod - A Fantasy Modpack


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The 0-Score Mod has been updated from version to
This update was pushed to the Score depository in the last hour, and is built into both versions of NMM; Github Development Build and Moddb.


One feature it offers is the block fire feature where wood can be set ablaze by the fire breathing dragon... ... ...


More on that from Darkstardragon in due course.

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Hey guys, 


I have issue with starting new world, the loading stops at Creating player - but game don't freeze, TIPS with mouse1 and mouse2 works, longest I waited 30 minutes. New game with this mod don't start for me and I need help from local professionals 🤙


AntiCheat - off 

List of mods looks exactly like the picture even with undeleted README

Game integrity verifyed

-force-d3d9 used 

AppData cache cleared 

Profiles, Saves, Old worlds deleted 

Tried STABLE build and DEVELOPMENT build - no change

I am on 20.6 version so I used patches 0-XNPCCore-A20.6(b8) and 1-NMMCore-A20.6(b8) but I also tried it without them - no change

In combinations I tried 6k map 8k map, Navezgane and temporarly deleting POIs to create random map - no change 


Without mod New game works with no issue 


Thanks for any help 



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Pushed an update to the NMM Github Build and Moddb build for Score and NPCCore for A20.6 stable.


This removes the need to use any patches and they have been removed from the first post as they have been integrated into these builds.


The Github Development Build has also received a 'fire' feature where certain materials can be set alight (and extinguished). The Moddb version has exactly the same files but this 'fire' feature has been turned off for now while it is being balanced.








Darkstardragon will explain in much more detail as things progress.

Edited by arramus (see edit history)
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5 hours ago, Chajda said:

I did, 8k, 6k and also temporarly deleting POIs to create random map all by guide - nothing worked 

The patches were removed for A20.6(b9) Stable version. This is because they were integrated into the NMM and also XNPCCore was updated for Stable.


Please share your log, to show if there are any issues in the load out process, or any other messages relating to other factors.

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3 hours ago, Hoopty said:

SO FKN COOL!!! and the fire feature is awesome....I died in blaze!!! really easy local and server install (at least with latest stabile A20.6 B9)

I hope this continues and great work!


So, the fire mod by sphere and guppycur has been added as per arramus post. The dragon and the entity known as "crispy" will set fire to wood and plant blocks, cobble and concrete are safe building materials for the purposes of this feature. A bucket can be crafted that will let you extinguish the flames with a water spray particle courtesy of guppycur. Right click to fill bucket and left click to "fire" good for 2 uses. So make sure you have a water source handy close by your base just in case. The fungus men also have a ranged attack that will set fire to blocks, let us know if this is too much, not sure if arramus has disabled it yet.

Edited by drkstardragon (see edit history)
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A small update from both the fire/bucket creator and Score which powers things.


- The bucket is now good for 1 use. After that it will be replaced by the empty water bucket and placed in the backpack in the same way as if you were drinking from a jar.


- The Fungus zombies still have their ability to spit their vomit or globules and set things on fire. This will be removed for regular gameplay as Questing will become a thing of the past. This POI contained 2 Fungus entities and it got a bit too hot to stick around. However, we can have a Blood Moon version that has the fire capability. Your cobblestone bases and above will be safe as they cannot be set on fire.



This is how it works.

1. Craft your water bucket. You can do this on your player or Workbench and is requires minimal resources.



2. Fill it up at any water source (including custom NMM wells/stand pipes)



3. It is now ready to be used to extinguish a fire.



4. Point the crosshairs towards the flames and use your left mouse button (or equivalent) to 'throw' the water. It will show water spray.



5. It covers a surface area of about 5 blocks. As such, it may require multiple attempts for fires that are well established. Once the water bucket is used it will be placed in the backpack as an empty water bucket. It's helpful to carry a few.



6. Each water bucket can only be used 1 time with this update and then it 'downgrades' back to the empty water bucket that can be refilled and used again.


There is still some balancing to do so the Moddb version will continue to be fully updated but have the fire aspect turned off until things look like they will make the experience positive rather than overwhelming. ^^


And when this feature finally becomes default, we can provide a small optional modlet which turns off this fire feature for players and communities that find it a bit too much.


This was always a hope for the NMM since that is what dragons are all about, and @Guppycur and @sphereii took it far beyond what could be hoped for.

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Here is a list of things which are considered burnable:


wood, cloth, corn, grass, plastic, leaves, cactus, mushroom, hay, paper, trash, backpack, organic (plants and trees)



Cobblestone, iron, concrete, steel, and other materials not in the above are not considered burnable.

Creating a start up cobblestone base in NMM from a very early game stage is within all player's capability because the Traders stock cobblestone in much higher volumes than default. This can give players a safe house where they are guaranteed a protection from fire. Naturally, the end goal is conversion to steel.

The biggest threat at base will be the fire and acid projectiles and this will require a little planning and fire breaks/walls to protect personal assets.



Care will also need to be taken with certain weapon types at the moment. Even without the fire mod implemented, the Dragon Cannon lays down a molotov type field of fire. This is exacerbated with the ability to cause fire on burnable surfaces.



Now is certainly a time for testing and balancing and feedback will be much appreciated.

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Pushed an update to the Github Development Build and Moddb.


There are a few changes as follows:


1. 60 Slot Backpack
While the number of regular resources has decreased since they have been removed from NMM game play, custom resources have increased and continue to do so. Multiple types of new ammo, an expanded weapons line up, and an assortment of extra food items, on top of additional harvest opportunities in the Biomes can leave a 45 Slot Backpack wanting for space. This addition incorporate Khaine's 60 Slot Backpack as default.



2. Reworking of Biome Spawning

The Biome spawning has been rebalanced as follows:


Basic zombies/bandit type NPCs have a 100% chance to spawn in the Biomes as default.

Hireable NPCs have reduced from 50% to 25%.

Survivor NPCs have reduced from 50% to 33%.

Ranged Bandit types have reduced from 25% to 17.5%

Special Hireable NPCs have reduced from 25% to 17.5%


These changes mean there will be less hostile interactions with ranged bandit types but also less opportunity to meet Hireable NPCs or get assistance from Survivor NPCs. Since the Basic zombies/bandit type NPCs remain at 100% they will proportionally spawn more often since all of the others have dropped. Players can choose to fight or steer clear of Basic zombies/bandit types with greater ease than the Orc crossbow and archer types.


The flying Mythical Beasts have not seen any changes to their regular Biome spawning yet. They are on a separate spawning system to the zombies/NPCs.

We shall monitor their spawns in more detail from hereon and see if they also need rebalancing to allow them to appear a little more often. However...


3. Reworking of Blood Moon Spawning

From about Game Stage 100 (approximately level 85 for a single player and lower for parties where calculations for Game Stage are formulated based on group values) players will see the Mythical Beasts and Boss type entities at a greater frequency.


Regular zombies have a 100% chance to spawn.

Feral have a 30% - 100% chance to spawn depending on type.

Radiated (Chaos) have from 10% to 15% chance to spawn depending on type.


And for the specials from Game Stage 100.
Crispy has a 15% chance to spawn.

Giant Bat has a 15% chance to spawn.

Gargoyle has a 15% chance to spawn.

Troll has a 10% chance to spawn.

Harpy has a 5% chance to spawn.

Griffon has a 5% chance to spawn.

Manticore has a 2.5% chance to spawn.

Demon Lord has a 2.5% chance to spawn.

Fire Breathing Dragon has a 2% chance to spawn.

Acid Breathing Dragon has a 2% chance to spawn.


For a single player, a couple of tests showed:

Test 1. About 4 Cripsy / 1 Troll / 1 Giant Bat / 2 Gargoyle / 1 Griffon

Test 2. About 3 Crispy / 1 Harpy / 2 Giant Bat / 2 Gargoyle


This was using 8 entities per player and with an accelerated day cycle speed. For a 60 minute day, these values should increase by about 40% or so. For a party of players getting 8 entities per player, there will most certainly be Manticores, Demon Lords, and Dragons because the increase in volume will create the environment to allow the lower spawn percentage entities a greater chance to appear.


These tests were performed with the fire option turned on and Crispy and the spitting Fungus hostiles were burning up anything in the surrounding area that was flammable. It was a steel base wrapped up in wooden cladding. ^^



We had fun but the bee hives and chicken coops did not.



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Here are some updates for the NMM Github and Moddb releases.


1. Biome balancing for hostile animals (Mythical Beasts and Land Based Animals)

After an intensive test session, we could observe that the Mythical Beasts and land based hostile 'animals' would benefit from a small increase in probability for the Biomes. In comparison to regular hostile animals, their spawn rate is quite low. For example:


Enemy Animals Wasteland

Snake is given a spawn probability value of 20

Zombie Vulture is given a spawn probability value of 30

Zombie Dog is given a spawn probability value of 30

Zombie Bear is given a spawn probability value of 20


whereas the Mythical Beasts, Rats, Spiders, and Troll range from 0.25 - 0.5.
While these entities certainly appear from time to time they are quite an exception.

As such, they will see increases from 1 - 2 (5% - 10% chance of the Zombie Bear as opposed to only 1.25% - 2.5%)

These values have been set for all Biomes, except the specific 'Burnt Forest' as that is for Navezgane which is outside the scope of NMM.


In addition, the Demon Lord has been added to the Wasteland (Orc Land) at a rate of 3 (15% chance of the Zombie Bear) to help players complete the Demon Lord Quest since the POI version is using the Blood Moon type to collaborate with the Undead zombies.


Feedback on these changes will be much appreciated.


2. NMM Gameplay OPTIONS

For this update, the fire option will be functional for both builds by default.

However, it is understandable that not everyone wants to use this feature.

As such, the NMM download for both builds now incorporates a new folder called NMM Gameplay OPTIONS.

This folder contains 3 small mods which allow players/communities to customise their NMM gaming experience. Here are the details, which are included within the folder as a Readme text file:


NMM Gameplay OPTIONS Readme

This folder contains separate mod folders.
The mods can allow you to customise your NMM experience depending on your game style.
To use any of them, copy directly into the Mods folder.
They will activate as you launch the game.
Simply remove them from the Mods folder to deactivate them if they are no longer appropriate.


A) 1-NMMCore Food Spoilage
This mod activates food spoilage for NMM.
This allows any food you have (except for fish and honeycomb) to degrade over time.


B) 1-NMMCore No Fire
This mod turns off all fire features for NMM.
This means entities and selective ammo cannot burn wooden buildings, etc.


C) 1-NMMCore No Fungus Fire
This mod turns off the fire feature for the 3 Fungus entities.
This means the acid vomit and globules cannot burn wooden buildings, etc.
All other fire features will remain active, such as Fire Breathing Dragon attacks.


The burning structure in the background was ignited by Crispy.

The structure in the foreground can be damaged by Fungus but no longer burned.




Players/Communities can use B) or C) for full or reduced activation. C) is useful is you want to have the fire experience but not during Quests where the Fungus entities can burn the building down and delay fetching a satchel as that fire will burn players and can be very hard to put out if there is no water supply in the local vicinity.


For players who prefer the full experience, and they are out there, there is nothing to add.


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Pushed a fix for a game crashing critical bug when the Crispy entity used mellee on a burnable surface. It was quickly patched by the Score @sphereii and all is toasty again. If you downloaded NMM in the past 4 hours, please download again.


The Crispy army is as toasty as ever.


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7 hours ago, Canute said:

Hmmm, when you got a clear POI mission from a trader.

Is burning down the POI now a valid option to succed the mission ? 🙂


What are doing the NPCs when something is burning, any option to set certain NPCs as firewatch ?


Dunno, let us know pardner, would be an interesting way to complete the quest. No, npcs are not firewatch, thats your responsibility.

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I'll post this here with a bit of explanation as a point of reference because these questions are going to come up again and again.


Purposely burning down a POI before the sleepers activate is truly a lesson in patience. The burning process can take a bit of time as the blocks see periodic drops in health and then break/drop. The flames are very damaging to players and it's all about patiently waiting it out. It seems to be a very inefficient trade off for players who want to reach new quest tiers. And then comes triggering the sleeper volumes which can require building new 'staircases' to activate them. I didn't quest this one but tested the burn down and sleeper activation. It takes up a huge chunk of the day and requires a more sedate pace. For regular looting though, it can be viable, although loot can also burn or be destroyed with surrounding collapse.




On this occasion, I did quest it. I ran through the POI to wake them all up and then blocked the front door with a cobblestone block. A Fungus entity set things ablaze and pretty much finished off 90% of the entities so no XP for that. Only a ground floor one survived because the property was 2 blocks cobblestone and then wood above. It was a fetch POI and I went into God Mode to pick up the satchel as the waiting would have been quite lengthy. I had two water buckets but it was too far gone. Had I gone to get more water, I would not have stayed within the POI boundaries to complete the quest.


It was the Oakraven house.



Full Fire Mode

If you wake up any of the Fungus entities and they get the chance to release their globules/vomit, the property (especially an early stage wooden one) is pretty much a lost cause unless you are prepared. If you bring 2-3 full water buckets it may be saved, and if there is a well/standpipe in close proximity, it will be very easy to save. Higher Tier property from cobblestone can be more forgiving, but that's not always the case.


Semi Fire Mode

An OPTIONS folder has been bundled into the mod that allows players to 'turn off' the Fungus entity's ability to cause fire with their acid. This is useful for players who want to keep questing as almost standard. The player always has the capability to burn the property by themselves by using explosive/fire type of weapons if they want.


No Fire Mode

The OPTIONS folder also offers this version where the fire feature is totally deactivated.


Having full fire mode, even with the chance of Fungus setting off their flames, is now better managed with a relatively new Score feature for the Sleeper Volumes. By default, NMM Sleeper Volumes are now set with 'SleeperInstantAwake' set to 'false'. This noticably changes POI dynamics. Whereas before, the entities governed by the NPCMod would be triggered about 9 blocks before the player even reached and activated the volumes they are in, and then enter a hyper aroused state which could see them flood to the player's location, this new 'false' setting calms things down a lot.


This shows that Stealth features are being observed and I could get very close to these spiders before they started attacking. This was never possible before.



Strength attribute will remain an NMM feature but the stealth skills also have a place now for Full Fire Mode to take out a Fungus or two as priority as a safeguard for the property.


I'll be trying out Full Fire Mode and Semi Fire Mode in more detail to look at different strategies. It may be that each POI has to be given a well or standpipe in the future to keep questing viable on Full Fire Mode. Feedback will definitely be helpful for this addition for sure.


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On 8/17/2022 at 8:15 PM, arramus said:

Pushed an update to the NMM Github Build and Moddb build for Score and NPCCore for A20.6 stable.


This removes the need to use any patches and they have been removed from the first post as they have been integrated into these builds.


The Github Development Build has also received a 'fire' feature where certain materials can be set alight (and extinguished). The Moddb version has exactly the same files but this 'fire' feature has been turned off for now while it is being balanced.








Darkstardragon will explain in much more detail as things progress.

Hi, a very fun MOD that I am playing with the guild on my server. However we are noticing that the mod that burns the structures is too aggressive. Is there a way to disable it also via cfg? a thousand thanks


Ok i have faound it :



NMM Gameplay OPTIONS Readme

This folder contains separate mod folders.
The mods can allow you to customise your NMM experience depending on your game style.
To use any of them, copy directly into the Mods folder.
They will activate as you launch the game.
Simply remove them from the Mods folder to deactivate them if they are no longer appropriate.


A) 1-NMMCore Food Spoilage
This mod activates food spoilage for NMM.
This allows any food you have (except for fish and honeycomb) to degrade over time.


B) 1-NMMCore No Fire
This mod turns off all fire features for NMM.
This means entities and selective ammo cannot burn wooden buildings, etc.


C) 1-NMMCore No Fungus Fire
This mod turns off the fire feature for the 3 Fungus entities.
This means the acid vomit and globules cannot burn wooden buildings, etc.
All other fire features will remain active, such as Fire Breathing Dragon attacks.


Edited by cobretti (see edit history)
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NMM Development Build received two new POIs as follows:


Wild Pig Castle by WildPig. ^^

This is a Tier 4 Castle both in the tiling system and Wilderness to provide expansion on T4 Questing opportunities. This brings T4 into a good state with a decent variety to choose from. This is a Wilderness version and hooked up to the gravel pathways.



Domo Medieval by PapyKeros. This is PapyKeros' second POI being used in NMM and it looks and plays well for a T1 offering.



Even though it is pretty well protected against fire, the garden has a well for an easy to reach water source just in case the wooden roof catches alight.



The Worlds have been added to the Archives for now because A20.6 changed the algorithm for Seeds and they are no longer compatible with the custom Biome.

For now, please remove your Vanilla POIs and use your own RWG versions. The new 4K size has also been added to the RWG for NMM just in case that appeals.

We'll add a new World soon enough.

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Pushed updates to the Github Development Build and Moddb Stable Build as follows:


1. Score required an update to reflect periodic patching and features.

2. The Worlds prior to A20.6 have been deleted and replaced with NMM7K01. This is because the RWG algorithm changed. It can be downloaded here.


The layout appears as the download image so beware of that Spoiler if you prefer not to know what to expect.

3. NMM has been hooked up to the 'tiny' World RWG feature that allows 4K Worlds.

4. Numerous POIs have been given a Well or Water Source to provide access to water while on a Quest. Using the default NMM build will certainly require putting out fires.

5. Two new POIs have been added to the collection. A T4 from Wild Pig that is in the tiling system and wilderness. The last few updates have gradually increased T4 questing opportunities.

6. The Masai Rifle now holds 4 shots for one 'magazine'. This is to balance with the increase in 'Boss' type entities that will appear in the Biomes and Horde Night.


Oakraven Trading is like a tinderbox and has a Well in the garden for those special moments.


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Pushed the above POI and a new World to the Github and Dev build. The tiles in each town was increased for A20.6 and this adds another Tier 2 Quest to the collection.


Apart from a second level to the building in the distance and a few cosmetic additions, it's good to go.

There are a variety of water sources in the cracks and also a well in there somewhere since the Fungus entities are going to be there to ignite pretty much everything.




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The Github Development Build received a couple of updates as follows:


The Guppy Vulture

This is from Guppycur's Fire Mod. At present it is only spawning in the Desert in its crispy form.

It will take a little time to fully integrate because there are a variety of buffs to add.

When integrated this is how it will work:


1. A vulture will be hit with something that burns, like a flaming arrow.
2. The vulture will cook and fall to the ground.
3. The vulture will be replaced by the Guppy Vulture and chase you on its hind legs.

4. It will peck you until eliminated.





The second update is cosmetic. It was reported that the Dragon UI pointer in the compass was slightly off center. This has been confirmed and reset to center.








In addition, it received an extra row on the tool belt when using the Editor. Thank you to Oakraven for coding that into the Oakraven Forest Modpack as we could use the xml with only minimal customisation to comply with Dragon UI features.


These will be added to the Stable version once the Guppy Vulture has been fully integrated.

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The Github Dev Build and Moddb Stable build are identical with this following update:


Storage Crates

There are 8 storage crates that can be made on a workbench and provide the same feature as the Writable Crates.



They are a little more costly than regular Writeable Crates with a requirement of 2 iron ingots. This gives them a metal lining and protects them from fire.

Surrounding wooden blocks were 'melted' away to leave the cobblestone block and crate. They are not impervious to acid and a full on strike will destroy them.




- Guppy Vulture

The Guppy Vulture has been added to the Desert as a Biome spawning entity. It will see some additional updates in the future but will roam in its new environment for the time being.

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