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A20.0 Random Thoughts (major map generation problems at end)...

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1) Dogs and vultures are way overpowered. It took 4 head hits with a level 1 fireaxe to kill the crawling zombie with no lower half, it took ** 9 ** head hits to kill a dog. Way too OP. Vultures do too much damage, and for some reason, they fly at night, which is not how vultures work (I live in a neighborhood full of them). Also, due to some programming errors, vultures now attack players at full HP, they fly faster than my minibike, and they can hit me while I'm on it. The end result is that if you go in the desert or burnt areas, vehicle or not, you get swarmed by vultures and killed fairly quickly. Thankfully, I haven't seen dog packs (5+) yet, and I'm on day 15 in my current playthrough - but at least I can outrun dogs on my minibike.


2) While my current 10K map has a huge city in it, there's ONLY the one city in over a 4K radius. See #1 for exploring other biomes for other cities. I was hoping to be able to make a map full of cities, because I set loot respawn to zero and airdrops to never, for a slightly more realistic game. Wilderness POIs aren't likely to have anything you really need beyond food.


3) 15 days without a single beaker, not in POP locations, not in traders, not in vets, not anywhere. Thankfully, I learned to max out Better Barter and Lucky Looter as soon as they were introduced, so I could buy a Chem Station for an exorbitant amount of dukes.


4) I've noticed that books don't drop as loot nearly as often now, and you can't find as many at the traders, even with max Better Barter level. When I go into a bookstore of any kind, with max Lucky Looter level, I'm still finding 90%+ of the shelves only have paper. Given that the drop of any particular book is random beyond that, it makes it nearly impossible now to get all the books in any set.


5) There are major clipping glitches / huge on-screen artifacts in places. I don't know if it's because I'm running YouTube or iTunes in the background, but that shouldn't have an effect like this. Zombies' limbs and sometimes heads are clipping through walls, and when I kill one at ground level, half their body falls through the ground. As for artifacts, I have screen captures showing what looks like random piles of junk, but you can walk through them, and they're hollow inside.


6) Cars are still deforming the ground when you wrench them to nothing.


7) Trees dropped on zombies are no longer killing them (and yes, in previous versions they used to).


\8) I'm still looking for a minibike supercharger mod, so I can do the speed limit. :)


9) One place to stay away from, if you aren't carrying a ton of ammunition, is the Crack-A-Book skyscraper building. For some reason, during week 2, when I went in the main entrance (after destroying a few of the floor traps), I went inside, and zombies popped...and more popped...and more popped. They popped everywhere from the first 4 stories of the building. I ran outside, and they were climbing out the windows to come at me. Over 40 zombies spawned in that building at once - I honestly lost count because I thought it wasn't going to stop and I was out of ammo. And a lot of them were the high-HP kind, like the biker zombies. Worse, some of them were running, even though I have set the game so that zombies "never run". If you hit them, they still shouldn't run, and sometimes they did when you hit them. Also, zombies were spawning where they weren't supposed to be, like lumberjack zombies in the Crack-A-Book building.


10) We're being forced to fight hand-to-hand for the first week of the game, because guns and ammo don't spawn enough (and you don't have enough points for Lucky Looter and Better Barter in the beginning). It sucks. I could understand if you had guns but not much ammo, but it's got to the point where I use a fireaxe more than a firearm now. I melee for single zombies, and whip out the gun for groups.


11) Screamers looked more frightening in previous editions. I can't explain it, but the graphical upgrade makes the screamer look more human, like it's just another zombie (meh). Maybe it's just because I've seen too many horror movies. Or maybe the screamers used to be super-OP in previous versions of 7DTD and seeing one made you jump because you were about to be overwhelmed by a horde and maybe dead.


12) By day 15, I'm already getting glowing zombies that regenerate, and the gun mod that stops their regenerative ability is not showing up anywhere (like the beakers). Need to put the skill book to create them in the trader's inventory when the glowing zombies start to appear.


13) The ability to create boxes of ammo should be gained with skill points, not books. I've got 3x more ammo than I had in A19, but I can't possibly carry it all because the stack size is too small (150 round stacks for 7.62 ammo? Come on.)


14) The map generator is still making some extremely steep road hills, though not as bad as previous versions. The devs need to add a layer at the end of road generation to make all roads conform to a 30-degree grade or less. Current road generation has 45-degree grades 4 blocks high on some roads.


15) The spinning around of the minibike on sidewalks and light hill grades needs to stop. I'm in the city, with flat ground except for a sidewalk outside my base, and half the time I drive over the sidewalk, my minibike gets turned around 180 degrees. The curb is subjectively an inch high, and shouldn't be causing that kind of disruption in driving. Same thing goes for driving a minibike offroad - when I'm driving downhill, with no rocks or holes in the way, my minibike should be doing 180s at all...but it does, and it's really annoying.


16) While I applaud the city generation algorithm, which is much better than it used to be, the roads need to be connected in a way that makes sense. If you look at how the roads are laid out, it's like a slalom course in skiing. And if you drive fast and ignore the one-inch-high islands the map generator makes, see #15 for the result. You've also got multiple roads running in the same direction in some places just outside of cities. Not close enough to be avenue-style dual-lane roads, but close enough to wonder who approved the road work and what drugs they were on.


17) A few changes to the SM Factory building are contrived. Zombies dropping out of hidden chambers in the ceiling (not the incineration chamber and not tile-ceiling areas, but thick ceilings, leaving a hole) break the immersion. How did they get there, and who created the hidden chamber? Come on, that sort of thing isn't necessary. I know you want to make people jump, but that's the wrong way to do it.


18) Thank you for the high-res lingerie zombie. Always makes me pause a second or two, just to ponder the sad loss of a beautiful person. Still waiting for the high-res stripper zombie (or maybe I just haven't encountered one yet).


19) The pathfinding AI for zombies is a little messed up. A couple of times I've wound up having to chase down a zombie who was shambling AWAY from me and wouldn't turn around, regardless of my fire-modded fireaxe or shooting rounds over its head. It was dead-set (pardon the pun) on going somewhere and not fighting me.


20) It's nice to see the return of the mini-hordes. I'm hoping (like a masochist) to see the bigger wandering hordes eventually.


21) Gas seems more scarce than before. Wrenching cars seems to be the fastest way to get gas, and the refinery (formerly Clunky Oil) has hardly any gas in it now. Refineries should have large supplies of gas, like Savage Country has large supplies of clothes.


22) Beer also seems more scarce, since it's replacing grain alcohol as a component for Medkits. In any city, the two most common locations should be gas stations and liquor stores. Seen a few gas stations, but not at expected intervals, and not enough of them. I haven't seen one liquor store yet. Or a cigar store, for that matter.


23) The radiation zone warning looks cool now. However, it seems to linger too long, and I can't find the exact point where the radiation zone starts.


24) Pipe guns are worthless for the small damage they do. Good luck finding ammo, too, it seems rarer to find now - invest in Better Barter, it'll open up the medic tree, the engineer tree and the grease monkey tree at the same time. In the meantime, I'll keep using my fireaxe and knife until I get a real gun.


25) We still need bigger guns. Still waiting for my Vulcan minigun and vehicle-mounted weaponry. Think of a 4x4 with a mini-harvester rig on the front.


26) Chem station needs recipe to turn snow into murky water and boiled water (faster than campfire).


27) Ammo stack recipes need to purchasable, because ammo is much more common, but traders aren't buying unlimited quantities anymore. Either makes the stacks bigger, or give us the ability to make the big boxes of ammo. Having large ammo drop rates, plus Waiting on random book drops to build big ammo boxes, is just making ammo take up way too much space.


28) Too many zombies need to be killed to progress beyond level 60, even with max XP boost turned on. While I've invested points into Per 7 / Str 6 / For 1 / Agi 1 / Int 10, the amount of zombies to kill will never let me get to maxing out the entire tree. Even if you take quests constantly, even if they give you more experience than an entire Shotgun Messiah Factory, you'll be left with 8 hours where your not getting decent XP because the trader's closed. XP needs major rebalancing.


29) The drone icon jitters when it is following you - it should stay in one place and not jitter around enough to possibly cause a seizure, as it is doing now.


30) The drone either needs to follow the player closer at all times, or have the "magical ability" to go through walls. In complicated-path buildings, the drone can get stuck if the player changes floors (such as going from 1st floor to the roof of a safehouse). Also, in places like the trader outposts, the drone will sit in the doorway and get stuck inside when the player closes a door in its face, and as long as the player stands still, the drone will stay inside the door. Worse, the drone will sometimes take 10 seconds or more to try to catch up the the player, and this shouldn't happen, ever. It's stuff like this that makes me not want to use the drone at all. The carrying capacity is the only reason I use it.


31) Every book you find, you get two copies of. Okay, you can sell the other. Still, spare books are low-value loot. This problem also leads to dual treasure maps. In A20.0, you could dig up one map, read the other, and the treasure appears in exactly the same place (they're duplicate treasure maps, go figure). In A20.1, it still sometimes does this. Worse, the treasure map destinations are over *** 6 KM *** from where I picked them up, much less read them. I'm burning entire days on treasure hunts that have far fewer dukes and poorer loot in them than in A19.


32) Not only are dogs way overpowered (9 lvl 1 axe hits to the head, as opposed to the crawling half-zombie that takes only four lvl 1 axe hits to the head to kill it), but black wolves and bears are also way overpowered. 18 AK-47 hits (not shots, but HITS) to the head, and then it drops?! Come on, why have different areas to shoot a target, then make them a bullet sponge in the head region? It makes no sense, and it's completely unbalanced.


33) When I fill a large city in the map with location pointers, they fade in and out like Christmas ornaments, and my map looks like a Christmas tree - utterly illegible without zooming in. I would add a simple pin icon that doesn't fade in and out, or give us a option to turn off the fading in and out of map location icons. I like having different icons for different purposes (like the cabin for traders, "X" for hazards, and the state-house icon for my base), but the whole fade in fade out thing just makes it all illegible.


34) Somehow, a bear next to the trader's wall got clipped through the wall when I killed it, and it wound up on the inside of the trader's wall 2 hours before the trader opened, and the corpse disappeared before I could get in and carve it up. At the same time, a fat tourist zombie spawned within the same trader's walls. I couldn't kill him until the trader opened.  In A20.3 (current map), a half-torso zombie spawned inside the trader's compound  at floor level - I had just come down from the trader on the second level treehouse.  This needs to be fixed.


35) Even on the maximum town placement settings, the 10K x 10K map is mostly empty (50 - 75% wilderness, regardless of biome). The maximum town placement setting should reverse that, it should be 25% wilderness or less. I want a REAL city, or failing that, I want numerous non-ghost-towns within easy reach of one another (less than 1 kilometer distance).


36) Please, PLEASE, increase the damage for running over zombies and other creatures, and add in the chance for dismemberment. My motorcycle's front-mounted blades thirst for zombie flesh. Also, I've made at least 4 runs of over 5 kilometers, and when I go through one section of road, there's zombies on it. The exact same zombies. I hit them every time I drove through (8 times), and they always survived. It's like I'm doing no damage at all when I hit them...except to my motorcycle. Please bump up the damage due to running creatures over.


37) Just before the Fun Pimps splash screen loads, the entire screen goes totally white. Please change this to all black, so my eyeballs won't melt.


38) When you chop down a tree, if you push it when it starts to fall, sometimes it will flip. The concept of gravity in this game desperately needs to be fixed. Earth gravity is 9.8 m / s**2 towards the center of the earth, but downwards would suffice.


39) Likewise, when you drive downhill, you should accelerate, even if you let off the gas or the bicycle pedals.


40) In addition to zombies running when they shouldn't be running (by setting Zombies to Walk and Never Run), when you shoot a zombie with a bow repeatedly in the leg, that zombie shouldn't get an aggro burst where they run with multiple arrows in their legs. Did I say they're NOT SUPPOSED TO RUN, EVER? I thought that's what those settings in the settings dialog box were for.  When I say never run, I mean that literally, and I never want to see running zombies.  Fast walkers are bad enough.


41) Also, please remove the zombies getting any sort of aggro burst. It ruins the game. You get enough chances to die early on with dogs, wolves and bears, and from advanced zombies as the game progresses. The aggro burst is quite unnecessary, and is just a big F-U to the player every time it happens. It's not fun in any way, it's just a punishment with no potential for reward, and it needs to be removed.


42) When chasing a rabbit along a trader's outer wall on the outside with a bone knife, killing the rabbit with the bone knife caused the rabbit's corpse to keep sliding along the wall on the ground. Something about killing stuff along the wall of a trader building is buggy (see #34 for other trader-related bugs).


43) When creating a new game, the default map generator should default to a new map, rather than the map you last played, or change the user interface to click directly on "create new random map". I have map names in the interface that I made in *** A14 *** that I deleted long ago, they shouldn't be there.  I have to click over 20 times to get to the random map option, just so I can create a new map.  If I delete all my maps, the only options that should come up are "Create New Map" or Navezgane (and "Create New Map" should come up first).


44) During map generation, we still need controls to choose the level of each biome we want. We need the ability to cut down on the biomes we don't want. The last random map I generated, the regular forest biome was the smallest of all the biomes on the map, and I don't want that. I want MORE regular forest, not less. Considering that dogs, vultures, etc, are currently too overpowered (see #1), I don't want to go into those biomes until they're rebalanced as to be survivable at low levels.


45) In the Advanced Generation part of map generation, the A and D keys move the finished map from side to side, and the W and S keys zoom in and out. However, there are no keys for moving the map up and down. My suggestion would be WASD for the directionals, and Q and E for the zoom in / out.


46) When map generation is complete, the generator throws up a message saying the generation is complete. However, it's still writing the map, so technically, the generation is NOT complete. Either the prompt needs to show that the map is being wrote to disk until the disk write is done, or the generation complete message should wait to pop until the writing to disk is complete. If you click on anything while the disk write is ongoing, the display will act like weird, like the game crashed (it didn't crash, it was simply busy writing the map to disk, and it won't stop until it's finished writing the map).  Basically, please change the prompts to pop up when the game is done whatever the prompt says is done.


47) The user interface needs a dialog window during map generation so that the player can abort map generation at any time, both in standard map generation and advanced map generation. If the player realizes that they need to get out of the game during map generation, you have to go to the Task Manager and kill the game, which may leave junk files in the directory or cause other havoc. It also helps for players who use advanced map generation, realize that they missed a setting, and want to abort the process without waiting 11 minutes or more for the generator to finish (hint hint).


48) There seems to be a problem with wilderness POIs taking up space that towns / cities should take up. My current map (seed KWorld_04_a20_b6, 10240 map, towns/lots, WPOIs/lots, rivers/few, craters/few, cracks/few, lakes/few, plains/10, hills/3, mountains/3, random/0) has tons of towns and wilderness POIs, because I set both to Lots...however, all the towns except ONE are in the non-pine-forest biomes. This is lopsided distribution, and it needs to be fixed. Now I have to spend another 11 minutes random-generating another map with hopefully a better distribution of towns (see points about dogs/vultures/etc being currently unbalanced and deadly in certain biomes). I may have to turn down wilderness POIs if they're going to take up space towns would normally show up in.


49) The map generator is broken with regards to making towns. I set the towns to max, turned off Wilderness POIs, turned off mountains and hills, and the map I got had only about 1/3 of the map with towns, and only one of them large enough to be considered a city (one long strip). You should be able to have a map with towns / cities every 1/2 kilometer, and there should be at least one city in each biome except for wasteland (preferably more than one city). I want a pre-generation option for every town to be a city, because cities are the only places to get some items (like beakers from Pop-O-Pills locations). If everything is small towns and wilderness POIs, you will never get Dishong Tower, Higashi Pharmaceuticals, the Crack-A-Book skyscraper, etc. I want to be able to set the map setting so I get MANY cities with those large buildings, like the game used to generate in previous versions. The "ghost town" towns aren't useful where loot is concerned - they're just one long wilderness POI, and take up valuable space where a regular town or a city could be generated.


Image link: https://imgur.com/a/qH9lBuP


50) Once the above map generation problems are dealt with, hopefully the 16K maps will come back. Until the above problems are dealt with, though, there's no point, because a 16K map will take a loooooooooooooong time to generate, and with no interface to abort map generation, it would be bad to generate a new map when I might need to use my computer for something else in a rush.

I've tried a few A20.3 maps, and nothing's changed with regard to map generation.  This needs to be a priority, if not THE priority, in my opinion.  If you can't get maps fixed in the next patch or two, I'll have to stop playing until A21, because an empty map is no fun to play on.  Keep up the good work, otherwise.

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There's alot to unpack here and I'm not gonna thru it all.


5 hours ago, SplattusMaximus said:

1) Dogs and vultures are way overpowered. It took 4 head hits with a level 1 fireaxe to kill the crawling zombie with no lower half, it took ** 9 ** head hits to kill a dog. Way too OP.


For one, which difficulty were you playing on? Two, you should only use a fireaxe as a primary weapon as a last resort. Three, did you read the fireman book that deals 25% more damage to blocks but 25% less damage to zombies?


6 hours ago, SplattusMaximus said:

Vultures do too much damage, and for some reason, they fly at night, which is not how vultures work (I live in a neighborhood full of them).

I have no resolution to your "problem" here. But I will say......expecting a game that features zombies and gives you the ability to carry an entire truck in your back pocket to emulate "real life" is always weird to me.


It's a game. A ZOMBIE GAME based in an unrealistic parallel world. Accept it for what is and nothing more.

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15 hours ago, SplattusMaximus said:

they can hit me while I'm on it.

Why would vultures not be able to hit you on your minibike. Zombies can do the exact same thing.


15 hours ago, SplattusMaximus said:

15 days without a single beaker

So what's the problem? Chem station is the highest tier workstation. I don't see anything wrong with not having it in the first few weeks.

15 hours ago, SplattusMaximus said:

I could understand if you had guns but not much ammo,

You can make pipe weapons Day 1


15 hours ago, SplattusMaximus said:

Thank you for the high-res lingerie zombie. Always makes me pause a second or two, just to ponder the sad loss of a beautiful person. Still waiting for the high-res stripper zombie (or maybe I just haven't encountered one yet).

That IS the former Stripper. She's now "Party Girl".

15 hours ago, SplattusMaximus said:

Pipe guns are worthless for the small damage they do

Pipe machine Gun is right on the verge of OP, not sure wth you're even talking about with the "worthless".

15 hours ago, SplattusMaximus said:

Screamers looked more frightening in previous editions. I can't explain it, but the graphical upgrade makes the screamer look more human, like it's just another zombie

Huh? Old Model was a normal girl in a dress, looked like the Ring girl. Now she's an actual monster with a mouth full of shark teeth that loos like she can rip you head clean off? Are you even looking at the model?

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11 hours ago, Sal said:

Three, did you read the fireman book that deals 25% more damage to blocks but 25% less damage to zombies?

Isn't that book just a mod schematic? As in, one would have to craft the mod and install it?

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17 hours ago, SplattusMaximus said:

1) Dogs and vultures are way overpowered. It took 4 head hits with a level 1 fireaxe to kill the crawling zombie with no lower half, it took ** 9 ** head hits to kill a dog. Way too OP. Vultures do too much damage, and for some reason, they fly at night, which is not how vultures work (I live in a neighborhood full of them). Also, due to some programming errors, vultures now attack players at full HP, they fly faster than my minibike, and they can hit me while I'm on it. The end result is that if you go in the desert or burnt areas, vehicle or not, you get swarmed by vultures and killed fairly quickly. Thankfully, I haven't seen dog packs (5+) yet, and I'm on day 15 in my current playthrough - but at least I can outrun dogs on my minibike.

see The Fun Pimps caught on to people who were trying to use vehicles to escape vultures and made the vultures faster than the Minibike.    remember when I said skip that and go to the motocycle(see below a few)?


Vultures ALWAYS attack players on vehicles.. it's the devs way to say "take care of these guys before you die".   Doing this on horde night will cause vultures to spawn that can out run you AND spit acid so fight the horde or turn them off.


Wait you think the rules need to follow real life?   Like how I can read a book and learn how to make a flying machine out of spare parts but can't figure out how to roll some steel bits into a spring?   LOLOL


17 hours ago, SplattusMaximus said:


2) While my current 10K map has a huge city in it, there's ONLY the one city in over a 4K radius. See #1 for exploring other biomes for other cities. I was hoping to be able to make a map full of cities, because I set loot respawn to zero and airdrops to never, for a slightly more realistic game. Wilderness POIs aren't likely to have anything you really need beyond food.

I talk about maps later scroll down to see



17 hours ago, SplattusMaximus said:

3) 15 days without a single beaker, not in POP locations, not in traders, not in vets, not anywhere. Thankfully, I learned to max out Better Barter and Lucky Looter as soon as they were introduced, so I could buy a Chem Station for an exorbitant amount of dukes.


Yep, random loot is indeed random as advertised.


17 hours ago, SplattusMaximus said:


\8) I'm still looking for a minibike supercharger mod, so I can do the speed limit. :)

don't ever make a minibike unless you won't be going into the grease monkey perk.   It's a waste of time, just go straight for the motocycle as steel is everywhere as long as you have a wrench.


17 hours ago, SplattusMaximus said:


10) We're being forced to fight hand-to-hand for the first week of the game, because guns and ammo don't spawn enough (and you don't have enough points for Lucky Looter and Better Barter in the beginning). It sucks. I could understand if you had guns but not much ammo, but it's got to the point where I use a fireaxe more than a firearm now. I melee for single zombies, and whip out the gun for groups.

I fight hand to hand far more than jusjt the first week.  I AGREE with the Fun Pimps approach to limiting ammo.  If you want ammo, mine and craft your own or buy it.   (this coming from the guy who hides ammo from his teammates so its there when its actually NEEDED.   I also tend to melee cops as well even deep into the game)


17 hours ago, SplattusMaximus said:


11) Screamers looked more frightening in previous editions. I can't explain it, but the graphical upgrade makes the screamer look more human, like it's just another zombie (meh). Maybe it's just because I've seen too many horror movies. Or maybe the screamers used to be super-OP in previous versions of 7DTD and seeing one made you jump because you were about to be overwhelmed by a horde and maybe dead.

I disagree.  while I miss the old one, the new one is a bit more terrifying. 


17 hours ago, SplattusMaximus said:


12) By day 15, I'm already getting glowing zombies that regenerate, and the gun mod that stops their regenerative ability is not showing up anywhere (like the beakers). Need to put the skill book to create them in the trader's inventory when the glowing zombies start to appear.


That's not my experience do you jack up the experience A LOT?   Don't do that.  I tend not to see radiated until around day 25-30 or so unless I go to a different biome and/or t he harder POI's




17 hours ago, SplattusMaximus said:

19) The pathfinding AI for zombies is a little messed up. A couple of times I've wound up having to chase down a zombie who was shambling AWAY from me and wouldn't turn around, regardless of my fire-modded fireaxe or shooting rounds over its head. It was dead-set (pardon the pun) on going somewhere and not fighting me.



17 hours ago, SplattusMaximus said:

20) It's nice to see the return of the mini-hordes. I'm hoping (like a masochist) to see the bigger wandering hordes eventually.

There's a mod for that.


17 hours ago, SplattusMaximus said:


21) Gas seems more scarce than before. Wrenching cars seems to be the fastest way to get gas, and the refinery (formerly Clunky Oil) has hardly any gas in it now. Refineries should have large supplies of gas, like Savage Country has large supplies of clothes.

Thats what Oil Shale is for, find the desert. However, I have gotten enough gas for the first 2-3 weeks simply by wrenching cars and what little I find in loot so not sure what your issue is here.


17 hours ago, SplattusMaximus said:


22) Beer also seems more scarce, since it's replacing grain alcohol as a component for Medkits. In any city, the two most common locations should be gas stations and liquor stores. Seen a few gas stations, but not at expected intervals, and not enough of them. I haven't seen one liquor store yet. Or a cigar store, for that matter.

Beer seems fairly abundant in my games, in THE RIGHT loot boxes.  However, I never make medkits as I don't truely have a need for more than what I can typically find in the world.


17 hours ago, SplattusMaximus said:

23) The radiation zone warning looks cool now. However, it seems to linger too long, and I can't find the exact point where the radiation zone starts.

Agreed that it stays too long 


17 hours ago, SplattusMaximus said:


24) Pipe guns are worthless for the small damage they do. Good luck finding ammo, too, it seems rarer to find now - invest in Better Barter, it'll open up the medic tree, the engineer tree and the grease monkey tree at the same time. In the meantime, I'll keep using my fireaxe and knife until I get a real gun.

yes and no.  pipe weapon are STUPID cheap glue, pipes, and wood.   Unless you are exceedingly unlucky there is zero reason you can't have 2-4 pipe machine guns on your hot bar by the end of day 2 or 3 at the latest.  These are for OH #$%# moments such as a dog, bear or wolf, NOT for plain ole slow walking zombies.



17 hours ago, SplattusMaximus said:

25) We still need bigger guns. Still waiting for my Vulcan minigun and vehicle-mounted weaponry. Think of a 4x4 with a mini-harvester rig on the front.





17 hours ago, SplattusMaximus said:



28) Too many zombies need to be killed to progress beyond level 60, even with max XP boost turned on. While I've invested points into Per 7 / Str 6 / For 1 / Agi 1 / Int 10, the amount of zombies to kill will never let me get to maxing out the entire tree. Even if you take quests constantly, even if they give you more experience than an entire Shotgun Messiah Factory, you'll be left with 8 hours where your not getting decent XP because the trader's closed. XP needs major rebalancing.


Yea, mid to end game XP is a grind.   


17 hours ago, SplattusMaximus said:



30) The drone either needs to follow the player closer at all times, or have the "magical ability" to go through walls. In complicated-path buildings, the drone can get stuck if the player changes floors (such as going from 1st floor to the roof of a safehouse). Also, in places like the trader outposts, the drone will sit in the doorway and get stuck inside when the player closes a door in its face, and as long as the player stands still, the drone will stay inside the door. Worse, the drone will sometimes take 10 seconds or more to try to catch up the the player, and this shouldn't happen, ever. It's stuff like this that makes me not want to use the drone at all. The carrying capacity is the only reason I use it.

I am not a big fan of in game NPC's following you.   No matter how good the developers are or are not, I have never played a single game I was truely happy with the NPC system so I will likely leave the drone outside just like I would make a drop chest in front of a POI and have to remember to have it follow me later.


17 hours ago, SplattusMaximus said:


31) Every book you find, you get two copies of. Okay, you can sell the other. Still, spare books are low-value loot. This problem also leads to dual treasure maps. In A20.0, you could dig up one map, read the other, and the treasure appears in exactly the same place (they're duplicate treasure maps, go figure). In A20.1, it still sometimes does this. Worse, the treasure map destinations are over *** 6 KM *** from where I picked them up, much less read them. I'm burning entire days on treasure hunts that have far fewer dukes and poorer loot in them than in A19.

I tend to skip treasure maps unless I am near where they spawn on another quest or trader trip. 



17 hours ago, SplattusMaximus said:


32) Not only are dogs way overpowered (9 lvl 1 axe hits to the head, as opposed to the crawling half-zombie that takes only four lvl 1 axe hits to the head to kill it), but black wolves and bears are also way overpowered. 18 AK-47 hits (not shots, but HITS) to the head, and then it drops?! Come on, why have different areas to shoot a target, then make them a bullet sponge in the head region? It makes no sense, and it's completely unbalanced.

Learn to sneak and back using a bow. 


17 hours ago, SplattusMaximus said:

35) Even on the maximum town placement settings, the 10K x 10K map is mostly empty (50 - 75% wilderness, regardless of biome). The maximum town placement setting should reverse that, it should be 25% wilderness or less. I want a REAL city, or failing that, I want numerous non-ghost-towns within easy reach of one another (less than 1 kilometer distance).

Don't do 10k maps, they are bad, see below for more on maps.


17 hours ago, SplattusMaximus said:


36) Please, PLEASE, increase the damage for running over zombies and other creatures, and add in the chance for dismemberment. My motorcycle's front-mounted blades thirst for zombie flesh. Also, I've made at least 4 runs of over 5 kilometers, and when I go through one section of road, there's zombies on it. The exact same zombies. I hit them every time I drove through (8 times), and they always survived. It's like I'm doing no damage at all when I hit them...except to my motorcycle. Please bump up the damage due to running creatures over.

Did you know, that vehicles used to do a lot of damage to entities?   The Fun Pimps removed that.  I would not hold my breath for that feature to return becasue it's almost certainly not.


17 hours ago, SplattusMaximus said:

40) In addition to zombies running when they shouldn't be running (by setting Zombies to Walk and Never Run), when you shoot a zombie with a bow repeatedly in the leg, that zombie shouldn't get an aggro burst where they run with multiple arrows in their legs. Did I say they're NOT SUPPOSED TO RUN, EVER? I thought that's what those settings in the settings dialog box were for.  When I say never run, I mean that literally, and I never want to see running zombies.  Fast walkers are bad enough.


41) Also, please remove the zombies getting any sort of aggro burst. It ruins the game. You get enough chances to die early on with dogs, wolves and bears, and from advanced zombies as the game progresses. The aggro burst is quite unnecessary, and is just a big F-U to the player every time it happens. It's not fun in any way, it's just a punishment with no potential for reward, and it needs to be removed.




17 hours ago, SplattusMaximus said:

43) When creating a new game, the default map generator should default to a new map, rather than the map you last played, or change the user interface to click directly on "create new random map". I have map names in the interface that I made in *** A14 *** that I deleted long ago, they shouldn't be there.  I have to click over 20 times to get to the random map option, just so I can create a new map.  If I delete all my maps, the only options that should come up are "Create New Map" or Navezgane (and "Create New Map" should come up first).

If you have maps you deleted long ago showing in the list, then you in fact did NOT delete them, period.   You might have deleted SAVES which is completely different from maps that are Located under "GeneratedWorlds" folder in your user profile.  


Go here %AppData%\Roaming\7DaysToDie\GeneratedWorlds



17 hours ago, SplattusMaximus said:

44) During map generation, we still need controls to choose the level of each biome we want. We need the ability to cut down on the biomes we don't want. The last random map I generated, the regular forest biome was the smallest of all the biomes on the map, and I don't want that. I want MORE regular forest, not less. Considering that dogs, vultures, etc, are currently too overpowered (see #1), I don't want to go into those biomes until they're rebalanced as to be survivable at low levels.


it would be nice but I don't think they want to do that.  Either way yo ucan easily open an image editor and in 2 mins can paint the biomes the way you want them.   


Oddly enough, first thing i did on spawn was dip my toe into the wasteland about 400 meters from my spawn.   got a few decent things to start my game with and then returned to the forest.  


as far as Biome distribution, that's unlikely to change.  Why are you not using currated seed suggestions?   There is a pinned thread at the top of this forum for just such as thing and MOST people post or host images so you can see what you are getting ahead of time(such as myself).



17 hours ago, SplattusMaximus said:

45) In the Advanced Generation part of map generation, the A and D keys move the finished map from side to side, and the W and S keys zoom in and out. However, there are no keys for moving the map up and down. My suggestion would be WASD for the directionals, and Q and E for the zoom in / out.


Use your mouse.   Rotating up can get you parallel to the ground and then the movement keys will actually move you.  I will agree that the controls a re kind of crappy


17 hours ago, SplattusMaximus said:

46) When map generation is complete, the generator throws up a message saying the generation is complete. However, it's still writing the map, so technically, the generation is NOT complete. Either the prompt needs to show that the map is being wrote to disk until the disk write is done, or the generation complete message should wait to pop until the writing to disk is complete. If you click on anything while the disk write is ongoing, the display will act like weird, like the game crashed (it didn't crash, it was simply busy writing the map to disk, and it won't stop until it's finished writing the map).  Basically, please change the prompts to pop up when the game is done whatever the prompt says is done.

I can  agree with this, but it is what it is.



17 hours ago, SplattusMaximus said:


47) The user interface needs a dialog window during map generation so that the player can abort map generation at any time, both in standard map generation and advanced map generation. If the player realizes that they need to get out of the game during map generation, you have to go to the Task Manager and kill the game, which may leave junk files in the directory or cause other havoc. It also helps for players who use advanced map generation, realize that they missed a setting, and want to abort the process without waiting 11 minutes or more for the generator to finish (hint hint).



17 hours ago, SplattusMaximus said:


48) There seems to be a problem with wilderness POIs taking up space that towns / cities should take up. My current map (seed KWorld_04_a20_b6, 10240 map, towns/lots, WPOIs/lots, rivers/few, craters/few, cracks/few, lakes/few, plains/10, hills/3, mountains/3, random/0) has tons of towns and wilderness POIs, because I set both to Lots...however, all the towns except ONE are in the non-pine-forest biomes. This is lopsided distribution, and it needs to be fixed. Now I have to spend another 11 minutes random-generating another map with hopefully a better distribution of towns (see points about dogs/vultures/etc being currently unbalanced and deadly in certain biomes). I may have to turn down wilderness POIs if they're going to take up space towns would normally show up in.

Wrong.  Pay attention to the map generation and how things are done, ie the ORDER.   Wilderness POI's are written last AFTER cities.  


However, the fact is, The Fun Pimps don't WANT huge close cities.    Right or wrong, if that's what you want, well you are gonna have to mod the game and play with it a LOT or pick someone else's mod.   Here is how everything works:


  1. Terrain features are placed first such as Plains/Mountains/Hills,  
  2. Rivers, cracks, craters, and lakes come next
  3. Cities, which encompasses all grouped POIs that are not "wilderness"
  4. Wilderness POIs
  5. Map done

Don't do 10240 maps without heavily modding the rwgmixer, you will be very disappointed.  6k maps are a bit too small with terrain, so 8k is where it's at.   I set my terrain to Plains 8, Hills 3, and Mountains 1 and that gets me "some" decent maps but I have generated about 2k maps in A20 and only have a few dozen I would recommend.    

Also don't do lots of Wilderness POI's, that takes forever to draw the POIs and the roads connecting to the main roads and for what benefit?  If you want to live in and around the cities who cares if there are only 25 wilderness POI's on the entire map vs 125?


Random maps are RANDOM.   While I don't agree 100% with that approach, the devs are not building the game for the people who have invested 8k hours into it.    They want(rightly or wrongly) to have each map be unique in its randomness such that each game you play has different POI's in them.   Fact is, you will not find a world with all POI's much less all POI's int the same/each biome with vanilla settings.    Heck even not with highly customized rwgmixer settings.



17 hours ago, SplattusMaximus said:


49) The map generator is broken with regards to making towns. I set the towns to max, turned off Wilderness POIs, turned off mountains and hills, and the map I got had only about 1/3 of the map with towns, and only one of them large enough to be considered a city (one long strip). You should be able to have a map with towns / cities every 1/2 kilometer, and there should be at least one city in each biome except for wasteland (preferably more than one city). I want a pre-generation option for every town to be a city, because cities are the only places to get some items (like beakers from Pop-O-Pills locations). If everything is small towns and wilderness POIs, you will never get Dishong Tower, Higashi Pharmaceuticals, the Crack-A-Book skyscraper, etc. I want to be able to set the map setting so I get MANY cities with those large buildings, like the game used to generate in previous versions. The "ghost town" towns aren't useful where loot is concerned - they're just one long wilderness POI, and take up valuable space where a regular town or a city could be generated.

See above.   The Fun Pimps don't want uber cities and close to be the default.   I have HEAVILY edited the rwgmixer via a mod and played around to get something like this:





and even that took a few dozen generations to get one that was fairly decent looking.



17 hours ago, SplattusMaximus said:


Image link: https://imgur.com/a/qH9lBuP


50) Once the above map generation problems are dealt with, hopefully the 16K maps will come back. Until the above problems are dealt with, though, there's no point, because a 16K map will take a loooooooooooooong time to generate, and with no interface to abort map generation, it would be bad to generate a new map when I might need to use my computer for something else in a rush.



16K maps: never gonna happen IMHO



17 hours ago, SplattusMaximus said:

I've tried a few A20.3 maps, and nothing's changed with regard to map generation.  This needs to be a priority, if not THE priority, in my opinion.  If you can't get maps fixed in the next patch or two, I'll have to stop playing until A21, because an empty map is no fun to play on.  Keep up the good work, otherwise.


To the best of my knowledge, they are done with the Random world gen outside of bug fixes and perhaps a few small tweaks here or there sooooooo you might be not playing for a long time if not forever.









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3 hours ago, Perramas said:

You have made the mistake of offering critical feedback in your opinion. The butt kissers and nut huggers are going to come after you. Only sycophants are welcomed.


Ah yes, the typical response to anyone that disagrees with you on specific parts of the game.  You do realize that gamers come in all varieties and *gasp* have different likes and dislikes that you have?

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2 hours ago, BFT2020 said:


Ah yes, the typical response to anyone that disagrees with you on specific parts of the game.  You do realize that gamers come in all varieties and *gasp* have different likes and dislikes that you have?

LIES!  Propagated by the man


* or the truth

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6 hours ago, Perramas said:

You have made the mistake of offering critical feedback in your opinion. The butt kissers and nut huggers are going to come after you. Only sycophants are welcomed.


99% of the posters here are super helpful and super cool to hang with.  But like any game forum there is a 1% hard core fanboy base that will just shred anything anyone tries to post, a few mods fall in this category imo.  But for those folks, the forums have an ignore feature, it works really well.


Back to the OP


The vulture thing is kinda weird.  I understand its a zombie filled world and things are weird.  But it seems to me eventually the survivor would get tired of vultures shredding him or her, and do something about it like build a little cage or some bars, or electric wire or something to protect themselves as they travel.



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7 hours ago, BFT2020 said:

Ah yes, the typical response to anyone that disagrees with you on specific parts of the game. 

I don't think he was arguing this point at all. It seems like you took this personal for some reason seeing as how you did nothing to further the OPs conversation here and just chose to incite an argument based on personal feelings instead of sticking to the topic and sharing your opinions on the OPs points.


Ironically though, the user you responded to was only giving a legit fair warning to the op about the amount of TFP apologists out there who take any sort of constructive criticism as a personal attack only because they don't agree with them, and go out of their way to try and discredit anyone who has an issue with the game at all (as if they should love everything about it), and come up ridiculous excuses for said issues on behalf of the staff for no other logical reason than to kiss butt.  And lets not act like those people don't exist either.


And @JoeDaFrogman, just to avoid any possible confusion, this wasn't a shot at you either. I thought your post was fine. You offered your opinions and nothing more. 


But I digress. Back to the topic.


10 hours ago, theFlu said:

Isn't that book just a mod schematic? As in, one would have to craft the mod and install it?

Yeah, I was remembering it wrong.


On 3/6/2022 at 9:04 PM, SplattusMaximus said:

4) I've noticed that books don't drop as loot nearly as often now, and you can't find as many at the traders, even with max Better Barter level. When I go into a bookstore of any kind, with max Lucky Looter level, I'm still finding 90%+ of the shelves only have paper. Given that the drop of any particular book is random beyond that, it makes it nearly impossible now to get all the books in any set.

Check mail boxes and newsstands, they're flooded with books. I've noticed this too and I'm guessing it was a way for them to utilize the new objects in the game maybe? But that's nothing more than speculation on my part.


#5 started with A20. It can be annoying at times (ie doing a clear Z job and one of them falls thru the floor and you can't reach him) but I don't think it's game breaking though. Worth mentioning though.


#6 has been happening for I don't know how long.


On 3/6/2022 at 9:04 PM, SplattusMaximus said:

7) Trees dropped on zombies are no longer killing them (and yes, in previous versions they used to).

I do wish they would bring this back. I would also like to see the player taking damage from fallen trees too like in valhiem.


On 3/6/2022 at 9:04 PM, SplattusMaximus said:

\8) I'm still looking for a minibike supercharger mod, so I can do the speed limit. :)

Remember how slow it used to be lol? I think with optimization the devs are kind of limited with vehicle speed. I edit the xml to make them faster and I can see why it's set so low. There's alot of lag and stuttering when I set it too high. Especially in the city.


On 3/6/2022 at 9:04 PM, SplattusMaximus said:

11) Screamers looked more frightening in previous editions. I can't explain it, but the graphical upgrade makes the screamer look more human, like it's just another zombie (meh). Maybe it's just because I've seen too many horror movies. Or maybe the screamers used to be super-OP in previous versions of 7DTD and seeing one made you jump because you were about to be overwhelmed by a horde and maybe dead.

I actually like the new screamer better but I agree about some of the other newer models.


On 3/6/2022 at 9:04 PM, SplattusMaximus said:

Every book you find, you get two copies of.

Setting the loot % higher than default will cause this.



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10 hours ago, Sal said:

...did nothing to further the OPs conversation here...  instead of sticking to the topic and sharing your opinions on the OPs points.

And how excactly does this...


22 hours ago, Perramas said:

You have made the mistake of offering critical feedback in your opinion. The butt kissers and nut huggers are going to come after you. Only sycophants are welcomed.

..."further the OP's conversation?"

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Lots of various points, tried to organize them by type so I don't have to comment on each point individually:


Game Difficulty

On 3/6/2022 at 9:04 PM, SplattusMaximus said:

1 - Dogs and vultures are way overpowered. It took 4 head hits with a level 1 fireaxe to kill the crawling zombie with no lower half, it took ** 9 ** head hits to kill a dog. Way too OP. Vultures do too much damage, and for some reason, they fly at night, which is not how vultures work (I live in a neighborhood full of them). Also, due to some programming errors, vultures now attack players at full HP, they fly faster than my minibike, and they can hit me while I'm on it. The end result is that if you go in the desert or burnt areas, vehicle or not, you get swarmed by vultures and killed fairly quickly. Thankfully, I haven't seen dog packs (5+) yet, and I'm on day 15 in my current playthrough - but at least I can outrun dogs on my minibike.

3 - 15 days without a single beaker, not in POP locations, not in traders, not in vets, not anywhere. Thankfully, I learned to max out Better Barter and Lucky Looter as soon as they were introduced, so I could buy a Chem Station for an exorbitant amount of dukes.

10 - We're being forced to fight hand-to-hand for the first week of the game, because guns and ammo don't spawn enough (and you don't have enough points for Lucky Looter and Better Barter in the beginning). It sucks. I could understand if you had guns but not much ammo, but it's got to the point where I use a fireaxe more than a firearm now. I melee for single zombies, and whip out the gun for groups.

12 - By day 15, I'm already getting glowing zombies that regenerate, and the gun mod that stops their regenerative ability is not showing up anywhere (like the beakers). Need to put the skill book to create them in the trader's inventory when the glowing zombies start to appear.

28 - Too many zombies need to be killed to progress beyond level 60, even with max XP boost turned on. While I've invested points into Per 7 / Str 6 / For 1 / Agi 1 / Int 10, the amount of zombies to kill will never let me get to maxing out the entire tree. Even if you take quests constantly, even if they give you more experience than an entire Shotgun Messiah Factory, you'll be left with 8 hours where your not getting decent XP because the trader's closed. XP needs major rebalancing.

32 - Not only are dogs way overpowered (9 lvl 1 axe hits to the head, as opposed to the crawling half-zombie that takes only four lvl 1 axe hits to the head to kill it), but black wolves and bears are also way overpowered. 18 AK-47 hits (not shots, but HITS) to the head, and then it drops?! Come on, why have different areas to shoot a target, then make them a bullet sponge in the head region? It makes no sense, and it's completely unbalanced.


By the sounds of it, you have it set a high difficulty level and have EXP gain set to max.  This is going to happen if you push the settings to the extreme.  TFP has balanced the game more towards 100% experience rate and the lower difficulties.  At the Nomad difficulty, you are going to deal 100% damage.  If you set to Insane, all of your damage is going to decrease to 50% (so for example, a Q1 AK47 can deal anywhere between 30.6 to 41.4 damage per shot at Nomad while the same AK only deals between 15.3 to 20.7 damage at Insane).


At the higher difficulties, you don't want to engage the wildlife with melee weapons (at least the more difficult ones) early on.  Bears have 1600 hp (Zombie bears have 2000) while Dire Wolves have 750 hp.  That just seems to be a death sentence really.  Instead you want to wait until you have powerful enough weapons.  18 shots with the AK47 is only going to deal between  550.8 to 745.2 damage (assuming Q1 AK47) if you don't perk into Fortitude and the MachineGunner perk (which based on what you stated, you are only Fortitude 1).  Headshots don't increase damage until you start spending points into the correct attribute which if Fortitude (unless I am totally wrong on this, but the progression file doesn't add headshot bonus until level 2 in the attribute).  Sneak shots and attacking them where they can't get to you is the best method of engaging Dire wolves and bears, especially early game on higher difficulties.  You will fare better if you outsmart them rather than just standing up to them (I never come off the victor if I try to stand up to them early game - or even mid game).


Loot stage has now been disconnected from gamestage, so if you can quickly outpace looting if you are rapidly increasing game stage.  This is going to just add more to the difficulty.  XP doesn't need major balancing.  If you are not satisfy with the current rate of XP, mod it so you gain more than the maximum setting allowed.


I haven't seen vultures attack me when I am at full health unless I am on a vehicle with less than full health (since the game treats the vehicle as the entity to check against) or in a POI which doesn't consider the survivors HP at this point anymore.  Not sure if TFP have any plans regarding vultures and vehicle HP at this point (and I am too lazy right now to look into the bug reports section).


Items and Loot



4) I've noticed that books don't drop as loot nearly as often now, and you can't find as many at the traders, even with max Better Barter level. When I go into a bookstore of any kind, with max Lucky Looter level, I'm still finding 90%+ of the shelves only have paper. Given that the drop of any particular book is random beyond that, it makes it nearly impossible now to get all the books in any set.


13) The ability to create boxes of ammo should be gained with skill points, not books. I've got 3x more ammo than I had in A19, but I can't possibly carry it all because the stack size is too small (150 round stacks for 7.62 ammo? Come on.)


21) Gas seems more scarce than before. Wrenching cars seems to be the fastest way to get gas, and the refinery (formerly Clunky Oil) has hardly any gas in it now. Refineries should have large supplies of gas, like Savage Country has large supplies of clothes.


22) Beer also seems more scarce, since it's replacing grain alcohol as a component for Medkits. In any city, the two most common locations should be gas stations and liquor stores. Seen a few gas stations, but not at expected intervals, and not enough of them. I haven't seen one liquor store yet. Or a cigar store, for that matter.


24) Pipe guns are worthless for the small damage they do. Good luck finding ammo, too, it seems rarer to find now - invest in Better Barter, it'll open up the medic tree, the engineer tree and the grease monkey tree at the same time. In the meantime, I'll keep using my fireaxe and knife until I get a real gun.


25) We still need bigger guns. Still waiting for my Vulcan minigun and vehicle-mounted weaponry. Think of a 4x4 with a mini-harvester rig on the front.


26) Chem station needs recipe to turn snow into murky water and boiled water (faster than campfire).


27) Ammo stack recipes need to purchasable, because ammo is much more common, but traders aren't buying unlimited quantities anymore. Either makes the stacks bigger, or give us the ability to make the big boxes of ammo. Having large ammo drop rates, plus Waiting on random book drops to build big ammo boxes, is just making ammo take up way too much space.


31) Every book you find, you get two copies of. Okay, you can sell the other. Still, spare books are low-value loot. This problem also leads to dual treasure maps. In A20.0, you could dig up one map, read the other, and the treasure appears in exactly the same place (they're duplicate treasure maps, go figure). In A20.1, it still sometimes does this. Worse, the treasure map destinations are over *** 6 KM *** from where I picked them up, much less read them. I'm burning entire days on treasure hunts that have far fewer dukes and poorer loot in them than in A19.



If you are receiving the exact same book every time, that means you got your loot percentage increased to 200%.  Increasing that number in the settings doesn't affect your chances of finding loot, it just increases or decreases the quantity of loot found if the game rolls it on the loot tables (so at 200%, you now receive twice as many items - hence two books every time).


The other points are not really needed in the base game, but could be part of a mod if you want those.


As for treasure maps, that seems weird.  Based on 20.1 config files, they should only spawn at most 1250 meters from where you read them


            <property name="distance" value="500-1250"/>


Are you playing with any mods?  I always read my treasure maps when I am in my base and they always seem to spawn close by.  I don't recall ever seeing one spawn over 6 km away.



11) Screamers looked more frightening in previous editions. I can't explain it, but the graphical upgrade makes the screamer look more human, like it's just another zombie (meh). Maybe it's just because I've seen too many horror movies. Or maybe the screamers used to be super-OP in previous versions of 7DTD and seeing one made you jump because you were about to be overwhelmed by a horde and maybe dead.


Have you seen them up close?  I like the fact that initially they look normal then when you get close to them *shudder*.  I love the current model of the screamer.



37) Just before the Fun Pimps splash screen loads, the entire screen goes totally white. Please change this to all black, so my eyeballs won't melt.


Must be specific to the person as I never had this issue before



40) In addition to zombies running when they shouldn't be running (by setting Zombies to Walk and Never Run), when you shoot a zombie with a bow repeatedly in the leg, that zombie shouldn't get an aggro burst where they run with multiple arrows in their legs. Did I say they're NOT SUPPOSED TO RUN, EVER? I thought that's what those settings in the settings dialog box were for.  When I say never run, I mean that literally, and I never want to see running zombies.  Fast walkers are bad enough.


41) Also, please remove the zombies getting any sort of aggro burst. It ruins the game. You get enough chances to die early on with dogs, wolves and bears, and from advanced zombies as the game progresses. The aggro burst is quite unnecessary, and is just a big F-U to the player every time it happens. It's not fun in any way, it's just a punishment with no potential for reward, and it needs to be removed.



I disagree.  I like having the chance of a zombie doing an aggro burst.  It makes the game unpredictable when you are melee attacking a zombie, keeps you on your toes.



42) When chasing a rabbit along a trader's outer wall on the outside with a bone knife, killing the rabbit with the bone knife caused the rabbit's corpse to keep sliding along the wall on the ground. Something about killing stuff along the wall of a trader building is buggy (see #34 for other trader-related bugs).


To be honest, I hope they never remove this bug.  This is funny every time it happens  🙂


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11 hours ago, Sal said:

Ironically though, the user you responded to was only giving a legit fair warning to the op about the amount of TFP apologists out there who take any sort of constructive criticism as a personal attack only because they don't agree with them, and go out of their way to try and discredit anyone who has an issue with the game at all (as if they should love everything about it), and come up ridiculous excuses for said issues on behalf of the staff for no other logical reason than to kiss butt.  And lets not act like those people don't exist either.


What's REALLY ironic is that there was zero discrediting or attacking going on. There were just a couple of posts that posted disagreement about a few points out of the entirety of the OP's post. The ONLY attack posts in this entire thread so far have been by those of you pre-emptively attacking anyone who might disagree with you as butt-kissers, nut-huggers, fanboys, etc.


Just make your arguments and let them stand on their own strength. You don't need to try and silence everyone before the fact with name-calling and insults to try and get an echo chamber for your opinion. If you don't like counterpoints to your opinions then write them in your journal in the safety of your bedroom. If you write them on a forum then you are going to get alternative viewpoints and simply labeling them as illogical ridiculous claims by butt-kissers is not the way to go about it. 


I could see complaining about attacks and flaming responses if any show up but where in this thread has it happened? Who are the ones being toxic in their descriptions of people in our community? It's extremely easy to tell in this thread...

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Ironically though, the user you responded to was only giving a legit fair warning to the op about the amount of TFP apologists out there who take any sort of constructive criticism as a personal attack only because they don't agree with them, and go out of their way to try and discredit anyone who has an issue with the game at all (as if they should love everything about it), and come up ridiculous excuses for said issues on behalf of the staff for no other logical reason than to kiss butt.  And lets not act like those people don't exist either.


I found the Bold, larger text very interesting.  Isn't that what someone is doing when they call another forum member a fanboy or nut hugger or butt kisser?  Are they simply going out of their way to discredit someone just because they like that aspect in the game?  Who determines what is a valid reason and what isn't a valid reason for liking something in the game?  I personally love the bug in the game where rabbits start sliding across the landscape if you kill them near a trader base and would hate to see it go.  Is it logical?  Not at all, but it is something I find amusing and would hate to see go.  Does that make me a "fanboy" just because I like something silly and willing to offer my opinion on it?  Based on your definition above, I am just trying to kiss butt instead of having a reason why I like something the way it is.  🤔


When people use terms like butt kisser or nut hugger or fanboy, they are already attacking a person's opinion on the basis that it is different than theirs.

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On 3/7/2022 at 8:50 PM, JoeDaFrogman said:

see The Fun Pimps caught on to people who were trying to use vehicles to escape vultures and made the vultures faster than the Minibike.    remember when I said skip that and go to the motocycle(see below a few)?


Vultures ALWAYS attack players on vehicles.. it's the devs way to say "take care of these guys before you die".   Doing this on horde night will cause vultures to spawn that can out run you AND spit acid so fight the horde or turn them off.


Wait you think the rules need to follow real life?   Like how I can read a book and learn how to make a flying machine out of spare parts but can't figure out how to roll some steel bits into a spring?   LOLOL


I talk about maps later scroll down to see



Yep, random loot is indeed random as advertised.


don't ever make a minibike unless you won't be going into the grease monkey perk.   It's a waste of time, just go straight for the motocycle as steel is everywhere as long as you have a wrench.


I fight hand to hand far more than jusjt the first week.  I AGREE with the Fun Pimps approach to limiting ammo.  If you want ammo, mine and craft your own or buy it.   (this coming from the guy who hides ammo from his teammates so its there when its actually NEEDED.   I also tend to melee cops as well even deep into the game)


I disagree.  while I miss the old one, the new one is a bit more terrifying. 


That's not my experience do you jack up the experience A LOT?   Don't do that.  I tend not to see radiated until around day 25-30 or so unless I go to a different biome and/or t he harder POI's






There's a mod for that.


Thats what Oil Shale is for, find the desert. However, I have gotten enough gas for the first 2-3 weeks simply by wrenching cars and what little I find in loot so not sure what your issue is here.


Beer seems fairly abundant in my games, in THE RIGHT loot boxes.  However, I never make medkits as I don't truely have a need for more than what I can typically find in the world.


Agreed that it stays too long 


yes and no.  pipe weapon are STUPID cheap glue, pipes, and wood.   Unless you are exceedingly unlucky there is zero reason you can't have 2-4 pipe machine guns on your hot bar by the end of day 2 or 3 at the latest.  These are for OH #$%# moments such as a dog, bear or wolf, NOT for plain ole slow walking zombies.






Yea, mid to end game XP is a grind.   


I am not a big fan of in game NPC's following you.   No matter how good the developers are or are not, I have never played a single game I was truely happy with the NPC system so I will likely leave the drone outside just like I would make a drop chest in front of a POI and have to remember to have it follow me later.


I tend to skip treasure maps unless I am near where they spawn on another quest or trader trip. 



Learn to sneak and back using a bow. 


Don't do 10k maps, they are bad, see below for more on maps.


Did you know, that vehicles used to do a lot of damage to entities?   The Fun Pimps removed that.  I would not hold my breath for that feature to return becasue it's almost certainly not.





If you have maps you deleted long ago showing in the list, then you in fact did NOT delete them, period.   You might have deleted SAVES which is completely different from maps that are Located under "GeneratedWorlds" folder in your user profile.  


Go here %AppData%\Roaming\7DaysToDie\GeneratedWorlds




it would be nice but I don't think they want to do that.  Either way yo ucan easily open an image editor and in 2 mins can paint the biomes the way you want them.   


Oddly enough, first thing i did on spawn was dip my toe into the wasteland about 400 meters from my spawn.   got a few decent things to start my game with and then returned to the forest.  


as far as Biome distribution, that's unlikely to change.  Why are you not using currated seed suggestions?   There is a pinned thread at the top of this forum for just such as thing and MOST people post or host images so you can see what you are getting ahead of time(such as myself).




Use your mouse.   Rotating up can get you parallel to the ground and then the movement keys will actually move you.  I will agree that the controls a re kind of crappy


I can  agree with this, but it is what it is.





Wrong.  Pay attention to the map generation and how things are done, ie the ORDER.   Wilderness POI's are written last AFTER cities.  


However, the fact is, The Fun Pimps don't WANT huge close cities.    Right or wrong, if that's what you want, well you are gonna have to mod the game and play with it a LOT or pick someone else's mod.   Here is how everything works:


  1. Terrain features are placed first such as Plains/Mountains/Hills,  
  2. Rivers, cracks, craters, and lakes come next
  3. Cities, which encompasses all grouped POIs that are not "wilderness"
  4. Wilderness POIs
  5. Map done

Don't do 10240 maps without heavily modding the rwgmixer, you will be very disappointed.  6k maps are a bit too small with terrain, so 8k is where it's at.   I set my terrain to Plains 8, Hills 3, and Mountains 1 and that gets me "some" decent maps but I have generated about 2k maps in A20 and only have a few dozen I would recommend.    

Also don't do lots of Wilderness POI's, that takes forever to draw the POIs and the roads connecting to the main roads and for what benefit?  If you want to live in and around the cities who cares if there are only 25 wilderness POI's on the entire map vs 125?


Random maps are RANDOM.   While I don't agree 100% with that approach, the devs are not building the game for the people who have invested 8k hours into it.    They want(rightly or wrongly) to have each map be unique in its randomness such that each game you play has different POI's in them.   Fact is, you will not find a world with all POI's much less all POI's int the same/each biome with vanilla settings.    Heck even not with highly customized rwgmixer settings.



See above.   The Fun Pimps don't want uber cities and close to be the default.   I have HEAVILY edited the rwgmixer via a mod and played around to get something like this:


  Reveal hidden contents



and even that took a few dozen generations to get one that was fairly decent looking.





16K maps: never gonna happen IMHO




To the best of my knowledge, they are done with the Random world gen outside of bug fixes and perhaps a few small tweaks here or there sooooooo you might be not playing for a long time if not forever.









hmmmmm about 16k maps never happening... i generated one using the dedicated server tool and since they where removed from alpha 17 it used to take me like something crazy over 30 mins now it only took 20 and when i ran it it didn't take up near as much ram as they used to i still feel like they are on the table but only for gold

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 3/8/2022 at 1:47 PM, Roland said:

What's REALLY ironic is that there was zero discrediting or attacking going on. There were just a couple of posts that posted disagreement about a few points out of the entirety of the OP's post.

Was anyone was discrediting any post on this specific thread? Nope. Either you dont read very well or your just being purposely obtuse to ignore the initial point (which you have a have of a habit of doing, alot) .


On 3/8/2022 at 1:47 PM, Roland said:

The ONLY attack posts in this entire thread so far have been by those of you pre-emptively attacking anyone who might disagree with you as butt-kissers, nut-huggers, fanboys, etc.

That's the ONLY attacks YOU interpreted as. YOU ignored the other attack, and even your OWN.  See how this works. Maybe take your ego and put it aside for once.


On 3/8/2022 at 1:47 PM, Roland said:

Who are the ones being toxic in their descriptions of people in our community?

I'm sorry, what? Pot meet kettle.


All of us have posted our opinions related to the OP except for you and the person your talking about.


On 3/8/2022 at 4:36 PM, BFT2020 said:


Who determines what is a valid reason and what isn't a valid reason for liking something in the game? 

I dont know, you tell me?


I was responding to your initial repsone. But NOW you respond while sticking to the subject AFTER you address the op.


Its funny how the people permas was warning the OP about suddenly came out of the wood work in this thread.



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3 hours ago, Sal said:

Was anyone was discrediting any post on this specific thread? Nope.

Yeah, that’s why I said there was zero discrediting happening. That’s what the number zero means. Yet an unnecessary post was made attacking imaginary people discrediting the OP and doing a lot of derogatory name calling as well. 


3 hours ago, Sal said:

That's the ONLY attacks YOU interpreted as. YOU ignored the other attack, and even your OWN. 

Name calling is against the rules. Disagreeing with someone is not.  That’s because writing insulting words is an attack. It’s not just an interpretation. Me pointing out that name calling is an actual attack but disagreement is okay is not an attack. It’s my role here. You say I ignored some other attack? Quote it for me and explain how it was an attack. If you make a good case then I’ll remind that person as well to not be toxic. 


3 hours ago, Sal said:


All of us have posted our opinions related to the OP except for you and the person your talking about.

I wasn’t talking about one person. There were 2-3 of you name calling and preemptively insulting supposed users who might enter the thread and attack the OP. Nobody did. As you admit, I didn’t even address the OP at all.


As I said, the entire thread is in view. It is simple for anyone to read it and see who was being insulting and toxic. You really don’t have any defense with all the evidence spelled out and quoted. It is very apparent and not simply an ambiguous thing I am interpreting incorrectly. 

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On 3/31/2022 at 5:15 AM, Sal said:



I dont know, you tell me?


I was responding to your initial repsone. But NOW you respond while sticking to the subject AFTER you address the op.


Its funny how the people permas was warning the OP about suddenly came out of the wood work in this thread.



If you didn’t understand my post when I made it, there is nothing I can say today that will make any difference to you.  Besides, there is no reason to rehash something I said over 3 weeks ago that you just quoted recently.

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