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(A20) Oakraven Forest Collection


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4 hours ago, doughphunghus said:

It’s a little old (10 months ago) for a20 specifically  and I’m not sure if it’s xyths most updated version, but the export asset bundle script for all platforms appears to be here: https://github.com/7D2D/Templates-and-Utilities

from the readme/docs there:
MultiPlatformExportAssetBundles.zip : Place a copy of this file (MultiPlatformExportAssetBundles.cs) into your Unity project's asset folder to enable exporting .unity3d bundles that will work correctly on Windows, Linux and Mac OS”


Xyth put out some YouTube videos showing how to use it to export assets from unity. Basically (with the script in your unity assets folder) you just right click on “it” (I guess the top level asset object? The entire project? I guess it depends on what you’re exporting and how you want to have it bundled into the final unity3d file) and a pop up menu appears and there’s an option for “export multi platform bundle” or something similar. Without the script you don’t get this option in the pop up list. 

apparently there was an older script he had that was not “multi platform” that a bunch of people were using (as it was the original script?) and people likely haven’t updated that script in their unity projects (my guess) to the newest version. 

additionally; I believe when you’re not on windows, and as the game loads if you hit F1 and bring up the console, if you see any red errors about shaders, that’s mods that have not used the newer script. Of course, the error does not mention a file or mod name to help track down what is causing the error. Additionally: I’ve had mods with missing shaders on Ubuntu that don’t always make pink textures, sometimes the textures just don’t exist and the object is “all grey”, but still very playable (like an all grey axe… looks weird, but not visually jarring) The pink textures are very annoying, especially when it’s an effect like fire/sparks/movement.

Sorry to be dense but is this something I can do to the existing mods in my mod folder or is this something I have to compile in Unity itself?

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2 hours ago, wokkawokka said:

Sorry to be dense but is this something I can do to the existing mods in my mod folder or is this something I have to compile in Unity itself?

It’s a “unity only” thing, as far as I know. Used to generate the “.unity3d” file format that’s used to package up 3D assets like the blocks in game, vehicles and also for sounds. I only use it for sounds so I’m unfamiliar with how to do it with actual 3D assets.


for sounds, I literally just copy the sounds to the unity “assets” folder, then copy the export script to the same folder, then highlight whatever sounds I want and do the “export as multi platform bundle” option and it all ends up inside the .unity3d file.  So not really anything to compile in unity. Just something you have to add to the project to export the models/sounds/etc. As far as I know this is a special format that unity reads and there isn’t another asset format the game recognizes. 

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5 hours ago, wokkawokka said:

Sorry to be dense but is this something I can do to the existing mods in my mod folder or is this something I have to compile in Unity itself?

Replace your HammerForge file in the Resources folder with this one and see if it resolves the texture issue. It was already set up for Linux but these further updates may help.


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4 hours ago, wokkawokka said:

Absolutely worked. What the heck did you do? lol

Linux is a bit more selective about shader choice and Oakraven tried an alternative. Thank you for letting us know that this choice worked.

We appreciate any more feedback like this for Linux because we don't have access to a Linux server/client to test things with and can't be exactly sure what Linux can accept.

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4 hours ago, wokkawokka said:

Just to follow up - compare against original - this is what I see now versus before image. (1st image is what I saw originally -- 2nd is what I saw after update)

Thank you. This is how they compare in the Windows environment for the Linux version and Windows versions.


Linux compatible version - Denser dust particles above the powder mixer and the forge and the other work stations have a glossier texture.



The Windows version - Finer dust particle above the powder mixer and less glossy.



I wonder if the other Work Stations were OK.

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Here is a further refined version for Linux.



On Windows it looks like this (more assets rendered and re shaded) but we can not be sure of how it platforms over. The dust is intermittent and wasn't caught well in the screenshot.





Edited by arramus (see edit history)
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12 hours ago, arramus said:

Here is a further refined version for Linux.



On Windows it looks like this (more assets rendered and re shaded) but we can not be sure of how it platforms over. The dust is intermittent and wasn't caught well in the screenshot.





Sorry for the late reply and thanks for including the correct asset display to compare against. This is what I see from the latest updated unity file you enclosed. THANK YOU for even being willing to look at this in the first place. This all started because I was just curious as to the "why"s and "how"s. Hopefully my response pictures are a bit helpful. Even if you guys didn't do diddly over this, I'd still use your mod because it's visually stunning on its own merit regardless of platform.




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3 hours ago, wokkawokka said:

Sorry for the late reply and thanks for including the correct asset display to compare against. This is what I see from the latest updated unity file you enclosed. THANK YOU for even being willing to look at this in the first place. This all started because I was just curious as to the "why"s and "how"s. Hopefully my response pictures are a bit helpful. Even if you guys didn't do diddly over this, I'd still use your mod because it's visually stunning on its own merit regardless of platform.

Thank you. Time to do some more research on acceptable Linux graphical options. ^^

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15 hours ago, wokkawokka said:

This is what I see from the latest updated unity file you enclosed.

We're attempting to use a Virtual installation of Linux based 7D2D to understand what shaders are being used and to see if we can get in game. Radeon drivers, to match the test GPU bricked one version of Ubuntu and we'll try again. lol

On default drivers we could at least see Vulkan Shaders (which appear to be experimental) may well be the selected choice. If no joy comes from a second attempt, we hope you'll be able to continue to share feedback until we find an overall appropriate selection.





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4 hours ago, arramus said:

We're attempting to use a Virtual installation of Linux based 7D2D to understand what shaders are being used and to see if we can get in game. Radeon drivers, to match the test GPU bricked one version of Ubuntu and we'll try again. lol

On default drivers we could at least see Vulkan Shaders (which appear to be experimental) may well be the selected choice. If no joy comes from a second attempt, we hope you'll be able to continue to share feedback until we find an overall appropriate selection.





Dude, I'm impressed you guys were even willing to look at it. If you need something tested on my side, I run Linux Mint (I know, pedestrian, pls no bully), NVIDIA GTX 1660 Ti (again, pls no bully), 16 GB RAM, game on ultra settings. I'm willing to mess around with whatever you guys need me to mess around with if you want me to try different configs or whatever. I will be a linux guinea pig.

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I am using the chicken mod. I tried to modify the sound.xml file to lower the range and volume of the chickens, but it doesn't do anything. Could it be because you compiled the sound with the assets? I would like to turn down the chicken sound since I can hear it from like 20 blocks away. I even tried to remove the sound.xml file and the chicken sound persist.

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On 2/26/2022 at 1:15 PM, kronons said:



I am using the chicken mod. I tried to modify the sound.xml file to lower the range and volume of the chickens, but it doesn't do anything. Could it be because you compiled the sound with the assets? I would like to turn down the chicken sound since I can hear it from like 20 blocks away. I even tried to remove the sound.xml file and the chicken sound persist.

I shall discuss this with oakraven and spend more time looking at optimal range and also compare sound range with the default chicken.

Here is a small update to the Oakraven Forest Collection


Extendable Drawbridge Walkways

The Drawbridges Mod allows players to add 4 varieties of Walkway in a 1 x 4 (1 block wide and extends additional 4 blocks from base block) and 3 x 4 format (3 blocks wide and extends additional 4 blocks from base block).


These can be used for various purposes, such as crossing rivers, defensive trenches, and mining operations, among others.


They use a simple extend/retract feature and are activated in the same manner as doors.





They can also be staggered in a chain.





It is possible to create alternative sizes and feel free to share suggestions.

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On 3/1/2022 at 1:05 PM, arramus said:

I shall discuss this with oakraven and spend more time looking at optimal range and also compare sound range with the default chicken.

Here is a small update to the Oakraven Forest Collection


Extendable Drawbridge Walkways

The Drawbridges Mod allows players to add 4 varieties of Walkway in a 1 x 4 (1 block wide and extends additional 4 blocks from base block) and 3 x 4 format (3 blocks wide and extends additional 4 blocks from base block).


These can be used for various purposes, such as crossing rivers, defensive trenches, and mining operations, among others.


They use a simple extend/retract feature and are activated in the same manner as doors.





They can also be staggered in a chain.





It is possible to create alternative sizes and feel free to share suggestions.

Ok thanks! I hope you can make it work with the sound.xml file so we can adjust the sound ourselves. It'll be nice to be able to have the option to change the sound ourselves.

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7 hours ago, Frekton said:

Looks like all plants growing in the hydroponic bays are full frown in 2 minutes.


Thank you. In addition to the plants, all of the mushrooms and other things need their time changing as well.

We shall add a new update pretty soon. The fire fly jar also needs a recipe. ^^

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13 hours ago, Frekton said:

Looks like all plants growing in the hydroponic bays are full frown in 2 minutes.


A small update for the Hydroponic Farming Mod has been added to Moddb with the link in the first post.


- Plant growth time has been revised. They were still showing development stage growth time where they could be tested quickly and have now been given a more appropriate growth time.

- Custom mushrooms have been given a 2% infection clear buff. They can only be found in the Pine Forest at night.

- The Firefly Stump can also only be found at night in the Pine Forest.

- There is a 30% chance of finding a Firefly Bug when chopping the Firefly Stump.

- The Firefly Bug can be eaten and give a 3% infection clear buff OR used in a recipe to make a Firefly Light.


A few images.


The Firefly stump releases a decorative illumination with changing colour and animated Fireflies.



You may find a Firefly Bug.



And make your Firefly Jar.





There are 5 kinds of custom mushroom out there as well.





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The Water Wells mod has been added to the collection and the link is in the first post.


This mod allows players to craft their own Water Wells and Water Standpipe. These are functional water sources and allow players to fill up their glass jars and water buckets.


A few images to demonstrate. Four types of Well with unique features.



And a Standpipe.



Each water source will allow you to fill up your jars and buckets.



A visitor has set up home.



This mod adds to the Oakraven Forest Collection and further expands on the homestead features.

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Love this mod, the only thing I'm confused by is the size of the chicken coops. I'm not sure if they're intended to be so tiny or did something get "lost in translation" while importing the model into the game? As it is they'd have to be at least twice as big to match the size of the actual game chickens. If it's intended, would it be possible to make a scaled up version? Thanks!

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8 hours ago, EZ7 said:

Love this mod, the only thing I'm confused by is the size of the chicken coops. I'm not sure if they're intended to be so tiny or did something get "lost in translation" while importing the model into the game? As it is they'd have to be at least twice as big to match the size of the actual game chickens. If it's intended, would it be possible to make a scaled up version? Thanks!

The type of chicken that is 'grown' from these Coops is a smaller type when compared with the actual game chickens. There is a chance that players will be able to receive this smaller sized version once the Coops have come to maturity. These smaller types were actually even smaller on the initial release and I suggested a slightly bigger version that could just get into the door ways of the smaller sized Coops and look a little closer in size to the game versions. This size was a compromise to keep them bigger than quails but small enough to give context to the Coop sizes.


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2 hours ago, arramus said:

The type of chicken that is 'grown' from these Coops is a smaller type when compared with the actual game chickens.


I see, I was actually thinking of scaling the entire thing with the coop, since they seem small in comparison to the rest of the gameworld. Also, now that I've played with it a bit more, I have to say I like the beekeeping "minigame" with the log spawns - as it is it's just fun enough to set up the beehives without it being too annoying and complex.

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