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  1. One sentence to ignore 90% of the op's comments.... Not helpful at all.
  2. I understand that oversight is not sought after, but sometimes a clear guideline on what is and not acceptable would help clear things up moving forward. I mean who wants to put in endless hours of work only to find out it can't be used as intended .
  3. Does the compo pack team have the right to TOS others freely donated work? Do they have written permission from each poi author? This is where I would think TFP need to step in and clarify what their official stance is. If they don't I feel like things will get worse.
  4. I'm kind of thinking that the entire bundle of hydroponic seeds, workbench, feed and compost should be under perk 3 of Living off the Land. Making individual schematics for all of the above seems pointless seeing as learning any with out the other leaves you with nothing. Especially if the cooked food requires various ingredients.
  5. Really loving this mod. found an issue though. The hydroponic seed recipes say they can be unlocked by learning the corresponding vanilla recipe. The problem is you haven't set a cvar in the vannilla seed recipe to unlock the hydroponic variant. <item name="plantedPotato1Schematic"> <property name="Extends" value="schematicNoQualityRecipeMaster"/> <property name="CreativeMode" value="Player"/> <property name="CustomIcon" value="plantedPotato1"/> <property name="Unlocks" value="plantedPotato1"/> <effect_group tiered="false"> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionEnd" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="plantedPotato1" operation="set" value="1"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionEnd" action="GiveExp" exp="50"/> </effect_group> </item> Should that not be modified to be something like , <item name="plantedPotato1Schematic"> <property name="Extends" value="schematicNoQualityRecipeMaster"/> <property name="CreativeMode" value="Player"/> <property name="CustomIcon" value="plantedPotato1"/> <property name="Unlocks" value="plantedPotato1"/> <effect_group tiered="false"> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionEnd" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="plantedPotato1" operation="set" value="1"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionEnd" action="GiveExp" exp="50"/> </effect_group> <effect_group tiered="false"> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionEnd" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="HydroponicPotatoSeedling" operation="set" value="1"/> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionEnd" action="GiveExp" exp="50"/> </effect_group> </item> Obviously would need to append each schematic, but you get the idea.
  6. Looks like all plants growing in the hydroponic bays are full frown in 2 minutes.
  7. Been searching for some info the on the structural integrity not recalculating on it's onw bug to no avail. Have the pimps responded to this and is it being looked into?
  8. RNG progression in a survival game is stupid, it's the only way I can put it.
  9. I have spawned on a hill side a few times, and yes i always start a new gen in a clean folder. The spawn wasn't the issue though, we spawned a few kms from each other, it was us both falling through the map , almost at the same time as we got closer to each other.
  10. The last map I generated, my wife and I about 500m form each other at start fell through the world when trying to meet up. i have no idea if this rwg is the cause or not. Thank you for this though.
  11. Forgive my noobness, but what are considered redneck and outback pois? I have a feeling it has to do with the trailer parks?
  12. Quick question about the plants modlet. Do we use both plants and plants_wind? Or just one or the other. I always get this warning. I read earlier when you said, it may be that a modlet loaded before that can be causing the problem. Modlets are loaded a-z by name of modlet folder? I renamed your modlet folders to all start with "a". That didn't help. 2019-02-28T20:12:08 95.170 WRN XML patch for "biomes.xml" from mod "HDHQPlants-Wind" did not apply: <remove xpath="/worldgeneration/biomes/biome[@name='pine_forest']/decorations/decoration[@blockname='plantedCotton3Harvest']" 2019-02-28T20:12:08 95.170 WRN XML patch for "biomes.xml" from mod "HDHQPlants-Wind" did not apply: <set xpath="/worldgeneration/biomes/biome[@name='pine_forest']/subbiome[@prob='0.12']/decorations/decoration[@blockname='plantedGoldenrod3Harvest']/@blockname" 2019-02-28T20:12:08 95.170 WRN XML patch for "biomes.xml" from mod "HDHQPlants-Wind" did not apply: <set xpath="/worldgeneration/biomes/biome[@name='pine_forest']/subbiome[@prob='0.12']/decorations/decoration[@blockname='plantedChrysanthemum3Harvest']/@blockname" 2019-02-28T20:12:08 95.170 WRN XML patch for "biomes.xml" from mod "HDHQPlants-Wind" did not apply: <set xpath="/worldgeneration/biomes/biome[@name='pine_forest']/subbiome[@prob='0.12']/decorations/decoration[@blockname='plantedCotton3Harvest']/@blockname" 2019-02-28T20:12:08 95.170 WRN XML patch for "biomes.xml" from mod "HDHQPlants-Wind" did not apply: <set xpath="/worldgeneration/biomes/biome[@name='pine_forest']/decorations/decoration[@blockname='plantedChrysanthemum3Harvest']/@blockname"
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