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Why am I still finding buckshot?


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12 minutes ago, PoppaSmirk said:

buckshot is also very handy as an additive into "roadrunner pellets", and thought by coyotes everywhere to be the method of choice for slowing down roadrunners, so its probably used in this game to attempt to slow down the grand prix chickens.  *tongue in cheek*

That's why I miss the blunderbuss. I could go Elmer Fudd on them chickens and rabbits. 


I make a pipe machine gun because I can put a silencer on it. Just not the same as

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Shotgun shells, early game, are a death sentence. With low tier weapons and loooooooong reload times, we are all just too tempted to "take a gamble" knowing the payoff might be a one-shot kill. It very rarely is, though, and you just get yourself into all sorts of bother. Obvs, if I have one in my inventory with ammo, I'll load it and place it on the hotbar, but it's very much only there "for emergencies".


Mid to late game is an altogether different problem in that it becomes as much a building destroyer as it is a zombie dispatcher, bringing it's own set of issues.


4 hours ago, Pascoe said:

My character sometimes gliches and gets stuck in a wall or ground and the only way I get out is to eat glass and die.


I'll be honest, the only glitch I've suffered like that has been falling through the map, but if I was just stuck between blocks above the surface, I'd use the God Mode to move me out of it. If I had played the game "as expected" and it @%$#ed me over, I think it's acceptable to use the game to "un@%$#" me.

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