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Update 20, graphics and more Fallout systems.


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I keep checking out new patches hoping the game devs change their design philosophy back from this new "We played the latest Fallout game, and now we want to copy it" back to "Freeform survival."  

So what's new in this update?

+ More things for existing systems (no complaint here, except the overall direction of the game)
+ Automotron!  From Fallout 4!  Because like previous changes, Sr Devs played Fallout 4 and decided their multiplayer, PvE, voxel, open world surivival game should be more like a  singleplayer, story-based, level-up, D&D-inpsired, dungeon crawler made by a AAA studio!  
+ Didn't play 7 days before because you didn't like the graphics?  Well you can still not play it, but now we've updated the graphics from AA quality to a little better AA quality!  Hope your computer has one of those impossible to get ahold of 3700 TI cards that cost well over a grand! 
+ Despite the negative reviews and forum complaints, we've continued down this path of listening to the loud complainers who hated our earlier versions of the game.  Now the game is even MORE like a RPG "loot-em-up" like Borderlands or Fallout 4!  We've made loot level based!  So please, make sure you grind those zombies for 30 hours, or crafting/building/mining for 200 hours, so that you can get that  +4 vorporal club!  

What has still not happened?

- TFP still cannot figure out how to do any sort of AI beyond "dumber than hell zombie."  Therefore, bandits?  Yeah, forget about that.

So yeah, way to pander to .1% of your customers, again, because your ideal game is just copying some AAA studio's game in a different genre.  A company that has failed with their *own* multiplayer game.   I guess you got the "terrible NPCs" part down. 

I should probably give up and stop following this game, like probably most people have.  You're either a rabid fan, or already gone. 


* I do actually have a monster machine (yay getting all my friends to enter newegg shuffle for me!)  But just because I have one, doesn't mean I *Care* that the graphics are slightly better and more demanding, and also I understand that plenty more cannot afford a $500 video card, let alone a $1500 video card.  
* I have played, at least a few hours, every patch since I started playing, which was A12.  I got to 5th bloodmoon in A19 with the old "Crew" who decided to deal with the BS so we could experience what had changed.
* I don't really care how much you love Fallout 4 or Borderlands.   They're fun games.  So is Mario.  Should this game be more like Mario?  Should it be more like Fallout 76?  Should it be more like Dungeons and Dragons 2nd edition?  (which is literally what a17 was and what the Fallout game series was based on).  

Edited by OtherworldlyGames (see edit history)
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60fps with everything max minus reflects and water. Sometimes dip into 40's in massive POI. Running a 5700xt and 32GB ram at 3880x1440 resolution.


Not sure why people say frames are bad. Runs very comparable to the last build.


Are you trying yo say the drone is like the Automotron? THAT is a stretch! lol


This game has always been envisioned as an RPG forward gameplay style. If not they wouldn't have so many stats and skills.


You salty boy


Edited by warmer (see edit history)
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A voxel world built entirely in blocks comes with costs. It's a heavy load for both the CPU and GPU to process.  I'm not sure what drew you to the game in A12 but if it was the voxel world, this is the limitation.  If you don't enjoy voxel-based games, I'm not sure why you stuck around so long. I've never played a voxel-based, fully destroyable game that had what you would consider as AAA graphics.

Edited by Kosmic Kerman (see edit history)
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The basis for creating the game back on Thanksgiving of 2012 was Minecraft meets Fallout meets The Walking Dead.


2012 was when the Fallout influence began.


You started playing in Alpha 12. So like....3-4 years after "Fallout-like" was already firmly in the plan. There was no change of philosophy. You just didn't do your research very well and made some erroneous assumptions about what type of game it was based on placeholder unfinished features.


1 hour ago, OtherworldlyGames said:

I keep checking out new patches hoping the game devs change their design philosophy


Good luck with that. Hope to hear from you after A21 drops so I can get a new summary about how else this game is like Fallout. 

Edited by Roland (see edit history)
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2 hours ago, OtherworldlyGames said:

So yeah, way to pander to .1% of your customers, again, because your ideal game is just copying some AAA studio's game in a different genre.  A company that has failed with their *own* multiplayer game.   I guess you got the "terrible NPCs" part down. 

I should probably give up and stop following this game, like probably most people have.  You're either a rabid fan, or already gone.

Personally I'm glad TFP doesn't do things just because the larger audience asks for it. I'd much rather have them make a solid game and not destroy it with feature creep (looking at you "lets put a slider for everything"). I've seen too many games go downhill because the devs tried to add everything the players asked for. Some devs even going so far as to rewrite the game engine and stalling out development for over a year because of it. That's not to say there are things I don't like, there are, but TFP has also made it pretty simple to change most of those with a few tweaks in the files.


As far as most people giving up on the game ... the average players per month stat would say otherwise. And while I don't judge games on how many people play it, I do find it amusing when people complain about the devs pandering to the vocal minority, and are in fact the vocal minority. I think a lot of people assume just because "they" feel a certain way about a game, then everyone else feels the same way.

Edited by Fenris (see edit history)
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7 hours ago, OtherworldlyGames said:

+ Didn't play 7 days before because you didn't like the graphics?  Well you can still not play it, but now we've updated the graphics from AA quality to a little better AA quality!  Hope your computer has one of those impossible to get ahold of 3700 TI cards that cost well over a grand! 

My 3080TI is virtually idle on 2k Ultra at 120fps. I have friends playing it on a 1050TI on medium. When I was travelling for work, I was playing it at 25fps on 1080p on low on a UHD 620


The problem is not your graphics card. The problem is you don't understand how a computer works. There are so many threads of people saying "I have a 3090, and I still can't get smooth game play, the game is so badly optimised". As if they understood what optimised meant anyway. And yet at the end of each thread, they are generally happy if they take the advice offered. Yet we still get whiners who believe it's the fault of the game.


Some people you just can't help...

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