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Lower HP should mean lower material costs.


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I fully understand that this is a logic step to make smaller blocks having less HP. That´s simply how things work. But the costs should also be lowered following that logic.


Also this will just lead back to minecrafty hordebases. It´s simply an aesthetic change, nothing more. Won´t stop anyone from cheesing, it just won´t look as good as before and we will have less diversity in their game.

Edited by pApA^LeGBa (see edit history)
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Eh thats a stretch, is wood and iron really so expensive that people would sacrifice aesthetic and practicality for a few resources? i dont think so.


also i would happily take a resource loss if i dont have to craft separate blocks for every block type, such as 'plane block' for plates or half blocks.

You trade functional advantages for HP, its up to you if you want bars through your wall to shoot on the other side or a bit more hp.


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Nobody will sacrifice aesthetic due to the material cost, but due to the lower HP ofc. It will just lead  to every hordebase kinda beeing the same. There would have been a huge increase in different ideas with all the new blocks, now all is back to normal again.


I am just saying if you go by the logic that smaller block has less HP it´s just logic that you need less materials. If they wanna go the route of logic then they should do it properly.

Edited by pApA^LeGBa (see edit history)
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First, I love this change where smaller block shapes have less HP.  I've wanted that since forever, and I don't want to gloss over how awesome it is to have that now.  Thank you, Gazz!


I don't really share Papa Legba's fear that this will reduce base diversity, because HP isn't the only consideration for a block's shape.  Besides aesthetics, there are other properties to consider, including sight lines, what can penetrate, and how zombies move in the presence of a certain shape.  Depending on the base design, the HP may not matter for a large majority of the blocks that make up the base.


I also anticipated long ago that the move to craft universal blocks that can take any shape would shut the door on material cost being proportional to the shape's size.  But now that I'm thinking about it again, I guess the stack sizes are arbitrary.  They could do the same thing they did for meat and gas: scale up the numbers enough that you don't need fractions of a unit.  Placing a full block depletes your stack of building material by 4 units.  Placing a half block or ramp depletes it by 2 units.  Placing a pole shape depletes it by 1 unit.


The other common sense quality that different shapes could have is smaller shapes having less structural strength than larger shapes.  Although given my druthers, I'd rather see structural integrity depend on a block's rotation.  E.g. you should only be able to attach a block to a plate or sheet shape on one side.  This would cut out a large class of floating base nonsense.

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trying to recall the conversations had when  uniform costs and  block hit points first came around with equal resource costs.  seems there was at least some talk of  less mass should equate to fewer hitpoints... i'm old; memory fades

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Apart from the aesthetic aspects, there is also the problem that zombies do 600% damage to poles when the AI thinks the zombie is stuck. This happens quite often with vertical poles, which are often used in melee bases. One hit of a demolisher with 600% damage would completely destroy a steel pole with 2500HP.

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