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JaxTeller718's V1.0 Modlets


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I just added:


<append xpath="/items/item[starts-with(@name, 'armor')]/effect_group[contains(@name, 'military without penalties')]">
        <passive_effect name="ModSlots" operation="base_set" value="1,2,3,4,5,6" tier="1,2,3,4,5,6"/>


and the stealth  boots work.


I cannot find the correct effect group for Chainsaws and Augers though. Impact Driver works fine - but chainsaw and auger must be tagged differently somewhere.


Any ideas?

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1 hour ago, ScholarDo said:

I just added:


<append xpath="/items/item[starts-with(@name, 'armor')]/effect_group[contains(@name, 'military without penalties')]">
        <passive_effect name="ModSlots" operation="base_set" value="1,2,3,4,5,6" tier="1,2,3,4,5,6"/>


and the stealth  boots work.


I cannot find the correct effect group for Chainsaws and Augers though. Impact Driver works fine - but chainsaw and auger must be tagged differently somewhere.


Any ideas?


I cant see any difference for the chainsaw or auger in the FP XML, it should work.  No other mods interfering with those 2 items?


<item name="meleeToolPickT3Auger">
  <effect_group name="meleeToolPickT3Auger">
    <passive_effect name="ModSlots" operation="base_set" value="1,1,2,2,3,4" tier="1,2,3,4,5,6"/>


That is the original XML, Jax's code searches for name beginning with "melee" for item and effect group, seems fine code wise so I am baffled.


<append xpath="/items/item[starts-with(@name, 'melee')]/effect_group[starts-with(@name, 'melee')]">
	<passive_effect name="ModSlots" operation="base_set" value="1,2,3,4,5,6" tier="1,2,3,4,5,6"/>


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I double checked my load out and there shouldn't be anything in there interfering with it (mostly UI, sound/music, & a few building mods).


I came to the same conclusion you did when I double checked them. I even tried a couple different identifiers to see if it was like the stealth boots. 


That's about the extent of my coding ability - so I'm super stumped.




I figured it out!


It is on my end.


I kicked JTs mod to the end of the load order and it works now. I'm still confused as to what mod was loading over it, but hooray!


Thanks for the help troubleshooting, Mikey!

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16 minutes ago, Kellis7400 said:

I would like even harsher death penalties I.E. a full level of xp debt and up to a max of 3 full levels debt for multiple deaths and only 25 food and water on respawn.   I am unsure how to make those changes. Any help is appreciated



You can easily edit the XML (entityclasses.xml) and change to 25, unsure about the debt though!


<triggered_effect trigger="onSelfRespawn" action="ModifyStats" stat="Food" operation="set" value="50"/>
<triggered_effect trigger="onSelfRespawn" action="ModifyStats" stat="Water" operation="set" value="50"/>


You could just play around with the following lines and see what they do with changes!  Let me know if you get a winner :D


	<!-- The value below changes the deficit percentage of a level you acquire when you die. Game default is .25 (25%) -->
	<set xpath="/entity_classes/entity_class[@name='playerMale']/effect_group/passive_effect[@name='ExpDeficitPerDeathPercentage'][@value='.25']/@value">.25</set>
	<!-- This value is the maximum amount a player's deficit can be. By default it's .5, meaning a player can't go in "debt" for more than half a level's worth. -->
	<set xpath="/entity_classes/entity_class[@name='playerMale']/effect_group/passive_effect[@name='ExpDeficitMaxPercentage'][@value='.5']/@value">1</set>



Edited by MikeyUK (see edit history)
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I am having an issue with the coffeemaker and microwave. When I access it things are fine, but when I go to make something I get a NullReferenceException Object reference not set to an instance of and object from both items.


Are these not compatable with the SMX system?

Edited by KailJ (see edit history)
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On 2/16/2022 at 10:06 PM, ScholarDo said:

I just added:


<append xpath="/items/item[starts-with(@name, 'armor')]/effect_group[contains(@name, 'military without penalties')]">
        <passive_effect name="ModSlots" operation="base_set" value="1,2,3,4,5,6" tier="1,2,3,4,5,6"/>


and the stealth  boots work.


Thank you MikeyUK and ScholarDo, it works fine now. I hope JaxTeller updates the modlet at some point so others wont find the same problem :)

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On 2/17/2022 at 9:36 AM, chillout.ice said:

any luck with getting water from the sinks or coolers ?

The Working Sinks and Cooler mod works. You need to use the left click button to fill the jars with them.


I'm still waiting for JaxTeller718 to make the water coolers dispense boiled water though. He said he would, haven't heard back yet though.

Edited by Zagan (see edit history)
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  • 3 weeks later...



@JaxTeller718 I'm pretty sure we didn't have this issue before with the bigger wandering hordes. Seeing it now though...

2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.855 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718_BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='03']/spawn[@group='wanderingHordeStageGS5'     and @num='06']/@num"  (line 5 at pos 3)
2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.856 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718_BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='04']/spawn[@group='ZombieDogGroup'             and @num='04']/@num"  (line 6 at pos 3)
2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.856 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718_BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='05']/spawn[@group='FwanderingHordeStageGS1'     and @num='09']/@num"  (line 7 at pos 3)
2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.877 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='01']/spawn[@group='wanderingHordeStageGS1'     and @num='05']/@num"  (line 3 at pos 3)
2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.877 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='02']/spawn[@group='wanderingHordeStageGS2'     and @num='10']/@num"  (line 4 at pos 3)
2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.879 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='06']/spawn[@group='FwanderingHordeStageGS2'     and @num='07']/@num"  (line 8 at pos 3)
2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.880 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='07']/spawn[@group='FwanderingHordeStageGS4'     and @num='08']/@num"  (line 9 at pos 3)
2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.880 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='09']/spawn[@group='wanderingHordeStageGS8'     and @num='06']/@num"  (line 11 at pos 3)
2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.881 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='10']/spawn[@group='wanderingHordeStageGS11'     and @num='09']/@num"  (line 12 at pos 3)
2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.881 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='11']/spawn[@group='wanderingHordeStageGS14'     and @num='06']/@num"  (line 13 at pos 3)
2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.882 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='12']/spawn[@group='WolfGroup'                 and    @num='03']/@num"  (line 14 at pos 3)
2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.882 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='13']/spawn[@group='FwanderingHordeStageGS7'     and @num='07']/@num"  (line 15 at pos 3)
2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.883 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='14']/spawn[@group='FwanderingHordeStageGS10'     and @num='06']/@num"  (line 16 at pos 3)
2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.883 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='15']/spawn[@group='ZombieBikerBarGroup'         and @num='08']/@num"  (line 17 at pos 3)
2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.884 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='16']/spawn[@group='FwanderingHordeStageGS13'     and @num='09']/@num"  (line 18 at pos 3)
2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.884 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='17']/spawn[@group='wanderingHordeStageGS18'     and @num='09']/@num"  (line 19 at pos 3)
2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.885 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='18']/spawn[@group='wanderingHordeStageGS22'     and @num='07']/@num"  (line 20 at pos 3)
2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.885 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='19']/spawn[@group='wanderingHordeStageGS27'     and @num='08']/@num"  (line 21 at pos 3)
2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.886 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='21']/spawn[@group='FwanderingHordeStageGS16'     and @num='10']/@num"  (line 23 at pos 3)
2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.887 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='22']/spawn[@group='FwanderingHordeStageGS19'     and @num='08']/@num"  (line 24 at pos 3)
2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.887 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='23']/spawn[@group='FwanderingHordeStageGS23'     and @num='07']/@num"  (line 25 at pos 3)
2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.887 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='24']/spawn[@group='ZombieGhostTownGroup'         and @num='09']/@num"  (line 26 at pos 3)
2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.888 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='25']/spawn[@group='wanderingHordeStageGS31'     and @num='10']/@num"  (line 27 at pos 3)
2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.888 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='26']/spawn[@group='wanderingHordeStageGS36'     and @num='07']/@num"  (line 28 at pos 3)
2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.890 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='28']/spawn[@group='wanderingHordeStageGS41'     and @num='09']/@num"  (line 30 at pos 3)
2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.890 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='29']/spawn[@group='FwanderingHordeStageGS27'     and @num='07']/@num"  (line 31 at pos 3)
2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.890 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='30']/spawn[@group='FwanderingHordeStageGS31'     and @num='10']/@num"  (line 32 at pos 3)
2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.891 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='31']/spawn[@group='FwanderingHordeStageGS35'     and @num='09']/@num"  (line 33 at pos 3)
2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.891 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='32']/spawn[@group='wanderingHordeStageGS46'     and @num='09']/@num"  (line 34 at pos 3)
2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.892 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='33']/spawn[@group='wanderingHordeStageGS52'     and @num='06']/@num"  (line 35 at pos 3)
2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.892 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='34']/spawn[@group='ZombieDogGroup'             and @num='07']/@num"  (line 36 at pos 3)
2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.893 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='35']/spawn[@group='wanderingHordeStageGS58'     and @num='09']/@num"  (line 37 at pos 3)
2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.893 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='36']/spawn[@group='wanderingHordeStageGS70'     and @num='08']/@num"  (line 38 at pos 3)
2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.894 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='37']/spawn[@group='FwanderingHordeStageGS40'     and @num='10']/@num"  (line 39 at pos 3)
2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.894 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='38']/spawn[@group='ZombieAnimalsGroup'         and @num='05']/@num"  (line 40 at pos 3)
2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.894 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='39']/spawn[@group='FwanderingHordeStageGS44'     and @num='05']/@num"  (line 41 at pos 3)
2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.895 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='40']/spawn[@group='FwanderingHordeStageGS49'     and @num='09']/@num"  (line 42 at pos 3)
2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.895 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='41']/spawn[@group='WolfPack'                     and @num='05']/@num"  (line 43 at pos 3)
2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.896 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='42']/spawn[@group='wanderingHordeStageGS64'     and @num='11']/@num"  (line 44 at pos 3)
2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.896 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='43']/spawn[@group='wanderingHordeStageGS76'     and @num='09']/@num"  (line 45 at pos 3)
2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.897 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='44']/spawn[@group='ZombieSoldierGroup'         and @num='09']/@num"  (line 46 at pos 3)
2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.897 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='45']/spawn[@group='wanderingHordeStageGS82'     and @num='10']/@num"  (line 47 at pos 3)
2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.898 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='46']/spawn[@group='FwanderingHordeStageGS54'     and @num='11']/@num"  (line 48 at pos 3)
2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.898 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='47']/spawn[@group='VultureGroup'                 and @num='08']/@num"  (line 49 at pos 3)
2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.899 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='48']/spawn[@group='FwanderingHordeStageGS59'     and @num='10']/@num"  (line 50 at pos 3)
2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.899 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='49']/spawn[@group='FwanderingHordeStageGS64'     and @num='08']/@num"  (line 51 at pos 3)
2022-03-11T23:33:09 80.899 WRN XML patch for "gamestages.xml" from mod "JaxTeller718-BiggerWanderingHordes" did not apply: <set xpath="/gamestages/spawner[@name='WanderingHorde']/gamestage[@stage='50']/spawn[@group='ZombieBearsGroup'             and @num='02']/@num"  (line 52 at pos 3)



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I don't know if this was asked - I didn't see it. Forgive me if it was. Are these MODS server side only or does the player need them install them as well (client side I guess?) in order to use them? I have a Dedicated Server and looking for ONLY server side mods.

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18 minutes ago, Sugarfree said:

I don't know if this was asked - I didn't see it. Forgive me if it was. Are these MODS server side only or does the player need them install them as well (client side I guess?) in order to use them? I have a Dedicated Server and looking for ONLY server side mods.

Pretty positive all of them work server-side only. They are just xml edits.

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Is JaxTeller718 still alive? He hasn't posted here for like forever and I'm still waiting for him to fix Working Sinks and Water Coolers mod so that the water coolers dispense clean water, and the rest dispense dirty water. He said he would when I last talked to him.
I tried fixing it myself but I don't know how and neither do any of the other mod makers.

Edited by Zagan (see edit history)
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On 3/20/2022 at 11:36 PM, Zagan said:

Is JaxTeller718 still alive? He hasn't posted here for like forever and I'm still waiting for him to fix Working Sinks and Water Coolers mod so that the water coolers dispense clean water, and the rest dispense dirty water. He said he would when I last talked to him.
I tried fixing it myself but I don't know how and neither do any of the other mod makers.


I heard he recently had another heart attack and was in hospital so your question is a little insensitive or at least poorly worded. Anyway, he posted in the Ravenhearst topic on Friday so he is still with us, but maybe not quite so focused on 7DtD.

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I have a question/request. I see you have many working device modlets, and I would like to propose/request one more though I don't know if it is possible. The Yucca Juice Smoothie Recipe is currently only craftable in-inventory, which given my preference for crafting mass batches of food/drinks, would clog my personal queue for quite a while. I play on a server with several others, hence the need for mass batches of stuff. If models are an issue, perhaps the fridge could be made into a working device? It makes a certain amount of sense. If it is possible to use a different model, maybe a blender, with the cooking pot and grill slots replaced with more beakers that speed up crafting?

Edit: I did not read all posts, and I apologize if this comes across as foolish/insensitive.

Edited by Oros
realization of mod author's health condition. (see edit history)
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/22/2022 at 11:43 AM, seven said:


I heard he recently had another heart attack and was in hospital so your question is a little insensitive or at least poorly worded. Anyway, he posted in the Ravenhearst topic on Friday so he is still with us, but maybe not quite so focused on 7DtD.

Wow, sorry I had no idea. Hope he's OK. I just had not seen him around for a while so the question was not meant to be insensitive.
I know what it's like, I've had 2 myself. No fun at all.
Well I hope he feels better soon. 

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On 3/21/2022 at 3:36 PM, Zagan said:

I tried fixing it myself but I don't know how and neither do any of the other mod makers.

This is a little something for JT's combined devices mod for all working devices stuff. It just changes a typo here and there and also a few other little bits and pieces to make what he wanted to show appear. This replaces the current Localization.txt text.

stoveKitJT,items,Item,Stove Repair Kit
stoveKitJTDesc,items,Item,"This stove repair kit is used with a hammer to take a broken stove or grill and make it a working one that you can use."
grillKitJT,items,Item,Grill Repair Kit
grillKitJTDesc,items,Item,"This grill repair kit is used with a hammer to take a broken stove or grill and make it a working one that you can use."
woodStoveKitJT,items,Item,Wood Stove Repair Kit
woodStoveKitJTDesc,items,Item,"This stove repair kit is used with a hammer to take a broken stove or grill and make it a working one that you can use."
workingStoveOldJT,blocks,Block,Working Old Stove
workingStoveOldJTDesc,blocks,Block,"A working stove can be used to cook food and some chemicals in a safe environment."
workingStoveModernJT,blocks,Block,Working Modern Stove
workingStoveModernJTDesc,blocks,Block,"A working stove can be used to cook food and some chemicals in a safe environment."
workingGasGrillClosedJT,blocks,Block,Working Gas Grill
workingGasGrillClosedJTDesc,blocks,Block,"A working stove can be used to cook food and some chemicals in a safe environment."
workingCharcoalGrillClosedJT,blocks,Block,Working Charcoal Grill
workingCharcoalGrillClosedJTDesc,blocks,Block,"A working stove can be used to cook food and some chemicals in a safe environment."
workingWoodBurningStoveJT,blocks,Block,Working Wood Burning Stove
workingWoodBurningStoveJTDesc,blocks,Block,"A working stove can be used to cook food and some chemicals in a safe environment."
coffeeMakerJT,blocks,Block,Coffee Maker (Powered)
coffeeMakerJTDesc,blocks,Block,"This coffee maker can be placed in your home and used to make coffee and tea."
coffeeMakerCommercialJT,blocks,Block,Commercial Coffee Maker (Powered)
coffeeMakerCommercialJTDesc,blocks,Block,"This coffee maker can be placed in your home and used to make coffee and tea."
workingMicrowaveJT,blocks,Block,Microwave (Powered)
workingMicrowaveJTDesc,blocks,Block,"This microwave is powered already and can be used to heat up bowls of canned food to gain the maximum benefits from them."
drinkBowlEmptyJT,items,Item,Bowl (Empty)
drinkBowlEmptyJTDesc,items,Item,Use this empty bowl to heat up foods in the microwave.
foodSoupChickenJT,items,Food,Bowl of Chicken Soup
foodSoupChickenJTDesc,items,Food,Using your saved canned food with bowls in the microwave can give you additional benefits. Nothing beats a warm bowl of food.
foodBowlPastaJT,items,Food,Bowl of Pasta
foodBowlPastaJTDesc,items,Food,Using your saved canned food with bowls in the microwave can give you additional benefits. Nothing beats a warm bowl of food.
foodBowlChiliJT,items,Food,Bowl of Chili
foodBowlChiliJTDesc,items,Food,Using your saved canned food with bowls in the microwave can give you additional benefits. Nothing beats a warm bowl of food.
foodBeefStewJT,items,Food,Bowl of Beef Stew
foodBeefStewJTDesc,items,Food,Using your saved canned food with bowls in the microwave can give you additional benefits. Nothing beats a warm bowl of food.
foodLambSoupJT,items,Food,Bowl of Lamb Soup
foodLambSoupJTDesc,items,Food,Using your saved canned food with bowls in the microwave can give you additional benefits. Nothing beats a warm bowl of food.
foodTunaSandwichJT,items,Food,Tuna Sandwich
foodTunaSandwichJTDesc,items,Food,Making a delicious tuna sandwich will give you some extra benefits.
microwaveTipJT,Journal,EnChanged,The microwave can be placed and used to heat canned food recipes. Canned food recipes offer slightly more benefits to them than if you eat them in singles so save those cans when you can. Bowls can be found in loot and are used with the canned foods.,,
sinkKitJT,items,Item,Sink Repair Kit
sinkKitJTDesc,items,Item,"This sink repair kit is used with a hammer to take a broken sink and make it a working one that you can use to fill jars."
waterCoolerKitJT,items,Item,Water Cooler Repair Kit
waterCoolerKitJTDesc,items,Item,"This cooler repair kit is used with a hammer to take a broken cooler and make it a working one that you can use to fill jars."
workingGraniteSinkJT,blocks,Block,Working Granite Sink
workingGraniteSinkJTDesc,blocks,Block,"A working sink can be used to fill jars and buckets."
workingCabinetOldSinkJT,blocks,Block,Working Old Sink
workingCabinetOldSinkJTDesc,blocks,Block,"A working sink can be used to fill jars and buckets."
workingWaterCoolerFullJT,blocks,Block,Working Water Cooler
workingWaterCoolerFullJTDesc,blocks,Block,"A working water cooler can be used to fill jars."
workingUtilitySinkJT,blocks,Block,Working Utility Sink
workingUtilitySinkJTDesc,blocks,Block,"A working sink can be used to fill jars and buckets."
workingPedestalSinkJT,blocks,Block,Working Pedestal Sink
workingPedestalSinkJTDesc,blocks,Block,"A working sink can be used to fill jars and buckets."
workingWallOvenJT,blocks,Block,Working Wall Oven
workingWallOvenJTDesc,blocks,Block,"A working stove can be used to cook food and some chemicals in a safe environment."


And as for your question, to change the sink from murky water to clean water, here are some instructions.


1. Go to the items.xml file.

2. Search for drinkJarRiverWater (It appears twice)

3. Change it to drinkJarBoiledWater (sink and water cooler) or drinkJarPureMineralWater (water cooler).

BUT, there is one more thing if you are using the all working devices.


Make sure the list all has different numbers. At the moment a lot say 3 and will not work. Make it look like this from 1 ~ 5. If you are using just the drinks mod then this is probably not an issue.


                <property name="Focused_blockname_1" value="workingGraniteSinkJT" />
                <property name="Focused_blockname_2" value="workingCabinetOldSinkJT" />
                <property name="Focused_blockname_3" value="workingWaterCoolerFullJT" />
                <property name="Focused_blockname_4" value="workingUtilitySinkJT" />
                <property name="Focused_blockname_5" value="workingPedestalSinkJT" />


There is a missing icon here and there for recipes. I think I saw one for the working grill, but it's not critical and something for the future.


@oakraven kindly taught me about changing drink type and setting it for different drink locations and now you can know as well. ^^

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On 3/27/2022 at 6:00 AM, Oros said:

...  The Yucca Juice Smoothie Recipe is currently only craftable in-inventory, which given my preference for crafting mass batches of food/drinks, would clog my personal queue for quite a while. I play on a server with several others, hence the need for mass batches of stuff...

Edit: I did not read all posts, and I apologize if this comes across as foolish/insensitive.

Until/unless someone makes a working blender or similar appliance, here's a work-around. 

Go to your GameDirectory\7 Days to Die\Data\Config folder and open the recipes.xml file.
Scroll down to the recipe:

<recipe name="drinkYuccaJuiceSmoothie" count="1" tags="perkMasterChef,learnable">
    <ingredient name="foodCropYuccaFruit" count="4"/>
    <ingredient name="foodCropBlueberries" count="4"/>
    <ingredient name="resourceSnowBall" count="1"/>
    <ingredient name="drinkJarEmpty" count="1"/>
        <passive_effect name="CraftingIngredientCount" level="4,5" operation="base_add" value="-1" tags="foodCropYuccaFruit,foodCropBlueberries"/>

And replace the first line with:
<recipe name="drinkYuccaJuiceSmoothie" count="1" craft_area="campfire" tags="perkMasterChef,learnable">

And BOOM!  You can craft the Yucca Juice Smoothies in the campfire so they are not stacked up in your personal crafting cue.  👍

Edit:  As an alternative, you can go to GameDirectory\7Days to Die\Mods\Working Devices folder\recipes.xml,
and in the append section for recipes add:
        <recipe name="drinkYuccaJuiceSmoothie" count="1" craft_area="coffeemakerJT" tags="perkMasterChef,learnable">
            <ingredient name="foodCropYuccaFruit" count="4"/>
            <ingredient name="foodCropBlueberries" count="4"/>
            <ingredient name="resourceSnowBall" count="1"/>
            <ingredient name="drinkJarEmpty" count="1"/>
                <passive_effect name="CraftingIngredientCount" level="4,5" operation="base_add" value="-1" tags="foodCropYuccaFruit,foodCropBlueberries"/>
That should allow the recipe to be made in the coffee maker along with the coffee, tea, and other drink recipes.

Edited by Evil_Geoff
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On 4/10/2022 at 8:09 AM, arramus said:

1. Go to the items.xml file.

2. Search for drinkJarRiverWater (It appears twice)

3. Change it to drinkJarBoiledWater (sink and water cooler) or drinkJarPureMineralWater (water cooler).

BUT, there is one more thing if you are using the all working devices.


Make sure the list all has different numbers. At the moment a lot say 3 and will not work. Make it look like this from 1 ~ 5. If you are using just the drinks mod then this is probably not an issue.


                <property name="Focused_blockname_1" value="workingGraniteSinkJT" />
                <property name="Focused_blockname_2" value="workingCabinetOldSinkJT" />
                <property name="Focused_blockname_3" value="workingWaterCoolerFullJT" />
                <property name="Focused_blockname_4" value="workingUtilitySinkJT" />
                <property name="Focused_blockname_5" value="workingPedestalSinkJT" />


There is a missing icon here and there for recipes. I think I saw one for the working grill, but it's not critical and something for the future.


@oakraven kindly taught me about changing drink type and setting it for different drink locations and now you can know as well. ^^

Yes, that was the first thing I tried with the drinkJarRiverWater and drinkJarBoiledwater..but see I need only the Water Cooler to dispense boiledWater, and the other sinks and whatnot to give riverWater. (I've said this so many times in this thread...whatever). Like how it was with Home Depot mod. But nobody seems to know how to do that. If you change any of the lines in action0 from drinkJarRiverWater to drinkJarBoiledWater then they all dispense BoiledWater.

Edited by Zagan (see edit history)
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53 minutes ago, Zagan said:

Yes, that was the first thing I tried with the drinkJarRiverWater and drinkJarBoiledwater..but see I need only the Water Cooler to dispense boiledWater, and the other sinks and whatnot to give riverWater. (I've said this so many times in this thread...whatever). Like how it was with Home Depot mod. But nobody seems to know how to do that. If you change any of the lines in action0 from drinkJarRiverWater to drinkJarBoiledWater then they all dispense BoiledWater.

If you want to separate the type of liquid that dispensers can provide, it is probably easiest to make a new type of jar and a new type of liquid so they can change to each other. This will be two new items.xml additions.


For example;





The jar will need to be added to the recipes or loot so you can craft/find it. And also added to Localization so it has the name and description you want it to have.


They workingWaterCoolerFullJT can be removed from drinkJarEmpty and added to your new drinkJarEmptyJT with it filling up as the change item to become drinkJarBoiledWaterJT and then changing back to drinkJarEmptyJT after you drink it.


All of the templates to copy are either in the default files or JT's files.

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@arramus Yeah, not what I'm looking for. Thanks anyways.

I probably need 2 separate mods to do the trick. JaxTeller718 made them all the dispense the same thing so he combined them all into 1 mod.

Really all I want is just the sink and the water cooler to dispense like this.



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1 hour ago, Zagan said:

@arramus Yeah, not what I'm looking for. Thanks anyways.

This method works dynamically by forcing everything for the empty glass jar to be Action1 (right click) for dirty water except for the Water Cooler which is Action0 (left click) and clean water. If this is what you're looking for I'll send this optional items.xml by Direct Message out of courtesy for JaxTeller and OrbitalBliss (Home Depot) as it merges 2 methodologies and would be disrespectful to post it publicly. I use JaxTeller's Mods constantly and my visit was actually to check for any updates.








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Sure, I'll try it out.



I'd love to see the coding for that, might clear up some misgivings I have.
BTW, I think the reason JaxTeller718 made it fill up jars from the left click button is the right click is used to repair the sinks to make them work with his repair kits.

Edited by Zagan (see edit history)
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