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  1. I've updated my game to A21.1 it has the rings and relics mods, and they still work fine for me?
  2. I have the Relic: Mecha Command equipped, which says "+1 Robotic Summon Limit per 50 Player Levels (Effect Limit is +4)". I am level 74, but I cannot place a second drone. Is it not meant to affect drones? or do I need to be level 100 before it will let me place a second drone?
  3. Ah, ok, I didn't think to check if it had already been reported as a bug, thanks!
  4. Ah, ok, I didn't think to check if it had already been reported as a bug, thanks!
  5. They're (LCB's) supposed to, but I booted up my game and a bunch of zombies spawned in the POI I am trying to base in, as in right on top of me. I had 4 (now 5) LCB's covering the entire POI, and one of the things people on Steam pointed out is that if the entire POI isn't clear, they can respawn, so thank you for letting me know about the relic.
  6. Does the Corruption Relic track sleepers as well, I have an issue with sleepers re-spawning which seems to be linked to not clearing the POI entirely, but I have gone top to bottom, every corner, room etc, and can't find any more after clearing the respawns. This is a T6 POI that would be ideal for a base, but I can't afford to base there if I have to waste ammo/health clearing it out every time I come back to it.
  7. I am in the process of taking over a Navezgane Corrections, and at one point while I was transferring stuff from my starter base to there, I came back to NC to find that some of the sleepers had respawned, despite putting down enough Land Claim Blocks to fully cover the area without gaps. Discussion on Steam led me to believe the most likely cause to be a failure to clear the place totally on the first pass. I think I've managed it, but only time will tell. My suggestion therefore is, much like when doing a clear quest, have the POI indicate when all sleepers have been killed, perhaps by having the skulls under the title turn green?
  8. These vehicles are cool, and since you made these, I'd like to make a request. I am looking for a Semi-Truck (sp?) like the lootable ones in the game, that has 10x the storage of a 4x4 and I am yet to find someone who has made one. The reason being, I like to loot. A lot. So what I'm envisioning is, drive the semi into an area and park it, loot all the nearby buildings while returning to the truck as necessary to empty my inventory, then when the truck is full, drive it back to base. If this is treading into commission territory, let me know how I would need to pay.
  9. Apologies for butting in. I remember seeing it previously, but what is the current plan for A21 release? I think I remember seeing that it wasn't going to be this weekend, is that correct?
  10. I have a question/request. I see you have many working device modlets, and I would like to propose/request one more though I don't know if it is possible. The Yucca Juice Smoothie Recipe is currently only craftable in-inventory, which given my preference for crafting mass batches of food/drinks, would clog my personal queue for quite a while. I play on a server with several others, hence the need for mass batches of stuff. If models are an issue, perhaps the fridge could be made into a working device? It makes a certain amount of sense. If it is possible to use a different model, maybe a blender, with the cooking pot and grill slots replaced with more beakers that speed up crafting? Edit: I did not read all posts, and I apologize if this comes across as foolish/insensitive.
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