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Everything posted by ScholarDo

  1. I hate Vanilla spears! Thank you for figuring this out! I do have a question though: Is there a way I can take the archery/bow changes out?
  2. I double checked my load out and there shouldn't be anything in there interfering with it (mostly UI, sound/music, & a few building mods). I came to the same conclusion you did when I double checked them. I even tried a couple different identifiers to see if it was like the stealth boots. That's about the extent of my coding ability - so I'm super stumped. I figured it out! It is on my end. I kicked JTs mod to the end of the load order and it works now. I'm still confused as to what mod was loading over it, but hooray! Thanks for the help troubleshooting, Mikey!
  3. I just added: <append xpath="/items/item[starts-with(@name, 'armor')]/effect_group[contains(@name, 'military without penalties')]"> <passive_effect name="ModSlots" operation="base_set" value="1,2,3,4,5,6" tier="1,2,3,4,5,6"/> </append> and the stealth boots work. I cannot find the correct effect group for Chainsaws and Augers though. Impact Driver works fine - but chainsaw and auger must be tagged differently somewhere. Any ideas?
  4. Is it possible that something in A20 made motortools a different category? Not sure abt the boots. Those should still just be light armor.
  5. Increased mod slots doesn't appear to include motor tools(?). Is that intended or did I screw something up?
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