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Alpha 20 Seed Thread!


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1 hour ago, Indi said:

Can some peeps try a RWG/advanced (use any parameters)


seed name/generator = Alpha20.1(b6)


For me after the build a fire quest I get No Traders

Tried various deletes re-aquires but always get the no trader

half the map is forest and I think there was old bug of if quest 1st trader being in forest gives no trader bug?




if its just me I still have bad files somewhere if some can repeat and get same no trader then maybe bug still in.......



1 hour ago, Indi said:

Can some peeps try a RWG/advanced (use any parameters)


seed name/generator = Alpha20.1(b6)


For me after the build a fire quest I get No Traders

Tried various deletes re-aquires but always get the no trader

half the map is forest and I think there was old bug of if quest 1st trader being in forest gives no trader bug?




if its just me I still have bad files somewhere if some can repeat and get same no trader then maybe bug still in.......

I don't think there are no traders, just none in the forest which IIRC is what it's looking for when you spawn.   I am trying an 8k world with no settings now and I have heard of a few people with this no trader issue in the past(including one I know personally and play with) but no one has been able to show me an example until now.    

I ALSO seem to think I have a highly rated seed in my current list of A20.2 generations that from a quick review of the map preview did not have any forest cities/towns(and thus no traders) but I did not pay much attention to it.. will check shortly



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Soo, I found an accidental way in Alpha0.2 to uhh.. unfortunately fall and teleport/around.. somewhere? I have some screenshots, there was no land, I was simply floating in the void, unable to die, the game would crash after a short amount of time, what happened was I got hit, I think, getting off, then back on the minibike in quick succession, then I got teleported under the map then just everything dissappeard. I was palying on the seed warframe, which now won't beable to load on the normal 8K map size, please uh, find a fix to this, had to delete my multi hour save.. don't want other people unitentionally getting this rather minute bug

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12 hours ago, JoeDaFrogman said:



I don't think there are no traders, just none in the forest which IIRC is what it's looking for when you spawn.   I am trying an 8k world with no settings now and I have heard of a few people with this no trader issue in the past(including one I know personally and play with) but no one has been able to show me an example until now.    

I ALSO seem to think I have a highly rated seed in my current list of A20.2 generations that from a quick review of the map preview did not have any forest cities/towns(and thus no traders) but I did not pay much attention to it.. will check shortly




is it a bug or a quirk or a feature?

Edited by Indi (see edit history)
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12 hours ago, Indi said:


is it a bug or a quirk or a feature?

Don't know, but I would certainly THINK it would be a feature given the "RANDOM" world gen nature.    If you want a good seed, use one that has been preselected based on some type of objective criteria such as the ones Dan and I post.   Or at the VERY least generate the world FIRST and then verify it looks good to you before starting the game in said world.    Otherwise you truly are getting random and you get what you get. 


Now, could one consider it a bug that no traders show up on the list if one is not in the forest at all?   Perhaps.   It would be exceedingly easy to check "if from list of traders, find closest where biome = forest, else return closest"( and you just be kind of screwed if it['s in the wasteland AND you have to travel a long way to get to it.   For some people that would be a night mare, for others no issue at all, and for others, the existing "No trader" just means "ok, interesting, I need to explore to find stuff, lets go"


Bottom line, select your seed or have fun exploring, you have the choice.

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On 2/20/2022 at 5:04 AM, Indi said:


is it a bug or a quirk or a feature?

I'd call it a quirk at minimum, and possibly a bug. The trader quest has a requirement that the trader be in the forest, so the RWG ought to ensure there's a trader in the forest. I don't care if it just places a trader in the middle of nowhere in the forest, but it has to exist. If the RWG may produce maps without traders (trivial: select Cities: None), then the quest has to fail gracefully by either picking a trader from a different biome (that is, prefer forest instead of require it) or simply not be created at all instead of displaying the unhelpful and irritating "No Traders" message.

Edited by dcsobral (see edit history)
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  • 2 weeks later...

Maybe this a bug with RWG. I'm not a dev or anything and I would be the last person on earth to defer too on this subject, but it seems to me that if your not getting a trader in the forest biome then you have either; A) altered the quests.xml, or B) installed mods that did it for you, or C) you still have remnants left from either A or B. EDIT; Or D) The map edited after the map creation.


The reason I say this is because the quests.xml clearly tells the game to direct the player to the closest trader located in the FOREST biome and ONLY the forest biome (see below). And if there is no forest biome then the game is left confused and doesn't know where to send you which is why it says "NO TRADER". And I know this is true because I have created maps using the RGW and then edited them to make only snow, waste, and desert biomes, and to stop the "no trader" from popping up I have to edit the quest.xml and replace "OnlyBiome" with "ExcludeBiome" while leaving "pine_forest" intact.


<!-- White River Citizen 1 - Journey to Settlement -->
    <quest id="quest_whiteRiverCitizen1">
        <property name="group_name_key" value="quest_WhiteRiverCitizen"/>
        <property name="name_key" value="quest_WhiteRiverCitizen1"/>
        <property name="subtitle_key" value="quest_WhiteRiverCitizen1_subtitle"/>
        <property name="description_key" value="quest_WhiteRiverCitizen1_description"/>
        <property name="icon" value="ui_game_symbol_map_trader"/>
        <property name="category_key" value="quest"/>
        <property name="difficulty" value="medium"/>
        <property name="shareable" value="false"/>

        <action type="ShowTip" value="quest_WhiteRiverCitizen1_description">
            <property name="delay" value="3"/>
        <objective type="Goto" id="trader" value="5" phase="1">
            <property name="biome_filter_type" value="OnlyBiome" />
            <property name="biome_filter" value="pine_forest" />
            <!-- <property name="biome_filter_type" value="ExcludeBiome" /> -->
            <!-- <property name="biome_filter" value="wasteland" /> -->
            <property name="nav_object" value="go_to_trader" />

        <objective type="InteractWithNPC">
            <property name="phase" value="2"/>
            <property name="nav_object" value="return_to_trader" />
            <property name="use_closest" value="true" />

        <reward type="Exp" value="500"/>

Edited by Sal (see edit history)
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4 hours ago, lug said:

in the rwgmixer file, i was wondering what the property class = "city" does in the creation of a playable map, and why it seems we have no slider for it?

it's rolled up in to the generic setting for "towns" which controls multiple things "country towns", "old west", "town" and "city".


If you want to be specific, then created a mod to edit the specific subsection of the XML for your given preferences(I did this for both "town" and "city" to create this map): 


Edited by JoeDaFrogman (see edit history)
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Not sure if this is the right place to ask but has there been a map anywhere that has all of the POIs, kind of like Nitrogen's old "OCD Map" option when spawning? Finding a POI to make my base in is probably the most boring part and apart from looking through every single POI in the editor, it'd be nice to have one with every POI laid out in alphabetical rows to see which one I'd like.


I have no idea how to do that myself, apart from hand placing each POI in a flat world, otherwise I would.

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This is my personal favorite seed at the moment. I don't want to spoil anything about it, that would ruin the fun. I will say that I enjoy building bases on those islands in the lakes. There is no need to provide details here because they are all provided in the photo. I will come back with more seeds in the future.  


Ah, none of the places I put the image will let me link it, lame.....please add the ability to just upload photos directly to the post, otherwise this will be my first and my last post.


Anyways, here is the link to the image that shows the map, seed, and settings.

I have provided two in case one does not work.








P.S. Click the images to make them larger, I just know there is always that one guy who says "the images are too small" but did not bother to hover over them to see that they could be enlarged. 


Edited by Take My Seed
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Hello everyone,


I want to share a seed with you. This seed works with A20.3


In Sp I spawned on the left side of the pine forest near the 2 small cities. Trader Jen close to spawn. Biomes almost equaly big. Beautiful landscape and very athmosperic scenes. Haven´t progressed much (day 4) but so far it has been a very good seed for me. Highly enjoyable.


Have fun!


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On 3/6/2022 at 12:43 AM, Take My Seed said:

.please add the ability to just upload photos directly to the post, otherwise this will be my first and my last post.

There is. It says, "Drag files here to attach, or choose files..." The max size is 48.83MB. Maybe there was a problem with the size when trying to attach it? 


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Any Map I generate using the exact inputs shown in the map that has "random" used will only produce the same terrain, not the same city layout. I've tried this several times with the same frustrating results.  


The seeds with random used is for terrain only maps, not city position maps.  Which is disappointing considering there are several I would love to use. 

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5 hours ago, Jinx_DG said:

Any Map I generate using the exact inputs shown in the map that has "random" used will only produce the same terrain, not the same city layout. I've tried this several times with the same frustrating results.  


The seeds with random used is for terrain only maps, not city position maps.  Which is disappointing considering there are several I would love to use. 

I don't think that is true. When you say "the same", the same as what? As a seed someone posted here? As another map you generated with the same seed?


If you are talking about seeds someone posted here, first and foremost check the version the map was produced in. If your version of 7 Days to Die is different in any way, then the map won't be the same. Alpha 20 stable is different than Alpha 20.1 stable. Alpha 20.1 stable is different than Alpha 20.2 stable. Even experimental versions will differ: alpha 20 experimental b218 is different than alpha 20 experimental b233.


If you are talking about generating the same seed with different options, then that isn't related to Random terrain at all: all options except Towns and Wilderness POIs will change city layouts.

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17 hours ago, dcsobral said:

If your version of 7 Days to Die is different in any way, then the map won't be the same

Yes, I know this. 

17 hours ago, dcsobral said:

all options except Towns and Wilderness POIs will change city layouts.

This is the problem. If someone sees a map posted here because they like the town/city layout they will not be able to reproduce it ( In same game version) if the original map seed has any randomizer used. So my question is, why post map seeds that ppl can not reproduce exactly? This is my frustration. 

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7 hours ago, Jinx_DG said:

This is the problem. If someone sees a map posted here because they like the town/city layout they will not be able to reproduce it ( In same game version) if the original map seed has any randomizer used. So my question is, why post map seeds that ppl can not reproduce exactly? This is my frustration. 

If you use the same options, you'll get the same map. Absent mods adding prefabs or changing the mixer.


Random does not mean it changes every time. Random is just a "don't care, you pick" terrain type which will be replaced with either Plains, Hills or Mountains, but it will be the same for everyone every time as long as all other options and seed are that same.


I've just tested it to confirm it, with a friend and I generating the same world with Random 10 and getting exactly the same thing. Here's it if you want to check for yourself, Alpha 20.3 (b3). Settings:


Map preview:


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On 3/24/2022 at 12:39 PM, dcsobral said:

I've just tested it to confirm it, with a friend

Thank up to both You & your Friend for taking the time to test this. I'm not sure where I messed up before, but I did 2 gens with both yours and the last one posted for b3 and they both came out as you said they would. 


It's a shame there's not a way to list the seeds by each alpha version. I'll make sure to triple check everything for a seed going forward. 


Thank you again for your time and patience. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 3/4/2022 at 9:09 PM, JoeDaFrogman said:

it's rolled up in to the generic setting for "towns" which controls multiple things "country towns", "old west", "town" and "city".


If you want to be specific, then created a mod to edit the specific subsection of the XML for your given preferences(I did this for both "town" and "city" to create this map): 


Can you somehow share this map so I (and others) can play on it?


Does this have all the Tier 5 POIs available, and are they all in the Wasteland, or at least in biomes other than the Forest?

Edited by plzkthxbye (see edit history)
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I toyed with the rwgmixer.xml a bit. I increased the towns and cities min and max number of tiles, and made them more plentiful than default. I ended up getting all 8 Tier 5 POIs on this map. I think there's a total of 15 T5 POIs. Wilderness POIs are set to the default "many" (no xml edits there), zero lakes/craters/mountains/cracks/etc. Plains are at 10, and everything else is at zero. My goal was to get all 5 T5 POIs on the map, and I finally got it after running through the gen previewer tool thing a number of times. This is the biome layout. It has a massive Wasteland biome (all but one of the T5 POIs are in the Wasteland or the Snow biome - the majority are in the Wasteland). There is one T5 POI (the Shotgun Messiah factory) in the Desert, but there's also another Shotgun Messiah Factory in the Wasteland. I'm excited about playing this map.



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