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The 7D2D Mod Launcher - A Mod Launcher for 7 Days to Die


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Hey Sphereii,


It was brought to my attention on your Mod Launcher and I gotta say that this is very impressive! You did an amazing job and are continuing to do an amazing job!


I tried to PM you but it looks like your inbox is full :(


I was interested in having my Modlets added to your default Mods page in the launcher. I just added my modlets to GitHub and will be adding new ones and updating these regularly there here from now on.


What did you need from me to have them added?


Here is the link to my GitHub Repository :)


Thank you for your kind words. I've added your Github repository to the default list :) Your current mods, and future mods, will show up in the mod launcher

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Hey Sphere. Mod's been working fine on version but after creating new game install via 'Add new to My Mods' and going to 'Manage Modlets' I encountered this error:


XML exception:

Could not process RSS feed: System.Xml.XmlException: For security reasons DTD is prohibited in this XML document. To enable DTD processing set the DtdProcessing property on XmlReaderSettings to Parse and pass the settings into XmlReader.Create method.


Who's Jeff, this isn't my location?:

C:\Users\Jeff\Documents\GitHub\7D2DModLauncher\7D2DLauncher\7D2DLauncher\ModDownloader.cs:line 121



Exception log - https://pastebin.com/CxN4WziU

Mod Launcher log - https://pastebin.com/4qW3siLc


Pre-Sync the game again, no mods installed for this installation and the same error keeps occurring. Error pops up once modlets are loaded within 'Mod Downloader'. I can click Ok, then another popup to Continue or Quit, clicking Continue allows access modlets.

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Hey Sphere. Mod's been working fine on version but after creating new game install via 'Add new to My Mods' and going to 'Manage Modlets' I encountered this error:


XML exception:

Could not process RSS feed: System.Xml.XmlException: For security reasons DTD is prohibited in this XML document. To enable DTD processing set the DtdProcessing property on XmlReaderSettings to Parse and pass the settings into XmlReader.Create method.


Who's Jeff, this isn't my location?:

C:\Users\Jeff\Documents\GitHub\7D2DModLauncher\7D2DLauncher\7D2DLauncher\ModDownloader.cs:line 121



Exception log - https://pastebin.com/CxN4WziU

Mod Launcher log - https://pastebin.com/4qW3siLc


Pre-Sync the game again, no mods installed for this installation and the same error keeps occurring. Error pops up once modlets are loaded within 'Mod Downloader'. I can click Ok, then another popup to Continue or Quit, clicking Continue allows access modlets.


Sorry for the trouble. I'll be pushing a patch in a few minutes to fix it. One of the modlets has a malformed XML.

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New Update: 2.0.20


- Fixed an issue where modlets could throw an exception; they are now ignored

- Re-fixed Open File() issue

- Added new SubscriptionLink support in the Mod Launcher Configuration. This will display a privately mod-author curated modlet list. This will filter the Manage Modlet view


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Doh. Pushed 2.0.21.


Works now, thanks again.


Another bit of feedback, when I 'Add to My Mods' that creates another installation of 7 Days To Die (ie My Mods > Greener Biomes), each time you update your Mod Launcher it forgets this. So long as I name it the same as the folder in \7D2D\Alpha17\My_Mods it will be active once more. Preset mod listings stick as they always do between Mod Launcher updates, adding your own doesn't.

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Works now, thanks again.


Another bit of feedback, when I 'Add to My Mods' that creates another installation of 7 Days To Die (ie My Mods > Greener Biomes), each time you update your Mod Launcher it forgets this. So long as I name it the same as the folder in \7D2D\Alpha17\My_Mods it will be active once more. Preset mod listings stick as they always do between Mod Launcher updates, adding your own doesn't.


The way that is saved is using some interesting properties value from Windows. It's used to save everything else; but that doesn't... consistently. During some of my tests, it's disappeared after 4 restarts. Why? No idea... nothing in the code actually resets or clears it.


I do have a new configuration library that'll save everything directly to file. I'll be implementing that next, skipping that older method.

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Would good to know how to add own Mods to the download cloud of the Mod Launcher, to allow all users of the launcher to download the mods...


Usually all I need is a message letting me know where the mod is, and what kind of description you want. I can usually figure out a description based off of your mod forum page, then I'll list it in the default.

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Hello, sphereii.

I've refined my ModInfo-s and master URL list of modlets.


Could you add them to your default profile?

Here is my master list.



Also, I have a question.

Some of my modlets have addon. Of course, I specified that dependency in modinfo.

But if you have the way to show dependency, I will use that.

Is there a feature for addon to specific modlet?

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Howdy! I have gotten a 'script not found' error after installation of Launcher 2.0.21. ( https://photos.app.goo.gl/8MJw7pMAh4YjED8R6 )


I am trying to install a Darkness Falls overhaul for a17.

-I cannot figure out how to install it. I clicked on 'install game copy' with no results.

-Settings only offers shortcut editing, it does not let me enter the path for my game install, shouldn't it?

-Right-clicking on the Darkness Falls mod in the tree list only offers me the option to 'Add My Mods' (?), 'Copy My Mod to clipboard', 'Delete this mod(s), 'Edit My Mod', 'Play Mod'. Only 'Add My Mods' is selectable. Under 'My Mods', I can do all but 'Play Mod'.

-Bottom right, it shows 'Installed modlets' and enabling or disabling buttons have no effect.


What am I doing wrong? If you need more screenshots, let me know. thanks in advance.

I double checked that this path is not created, C:\7D2D\Alpha17\Darkness_Falls\Darkness_Falls, and I have the PC updated, with .Net 4.7 installed.

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Howdy! I have gotten a 'script not found' error after installation of Launcher 2.0.21. ( https://photos.app.goo.gl/8MJw7pMAh4YjED8R6 )


I am trying to install a Darkness Falls overhaul for a17.

-I cannot figure out how to install it. I clicked on 'install game copy' with no results.

-Settings only offers shortcut editing, it does not let me enter the path for my game install, shouldn't it?

-Right-clicking on the Darkness Falls mod in the tree list only offers me the option to 'Add My Mods' (?), 'Copy My Mod to clipboard', 'Delete this mod(s), 'Edit My Mod', 'Play Mod'. Only 'Add My Mods' is selectable. Under 'My Mods', I can do all but 'Play Mod'.

-Bottom right, it shows 'Installed modlets' and enabling or disabling buttons have no effect.


What am I doing wrong? If you need more screenshots, let me know. thanks in advance.

I double checked that this path is not created, C:\7D2D\Alpha17\Darkness_Falls\Darkness_Falls, and I have the PC updated, with .Net 4.7 installed.


Thanks for reaching out to me, allowing me an opportunity to fix this for you.


The error is from the AutoHotKey, which was a feature way back in the original release. Heh, it was actually added for my wife, as she was using a controller, and would want to teleport home on the server we play on. She needed a quick key combination to send her back (yeah, we aren't that great or hard core players).


The long and short is, let's update you to 2.0.39: https://github.com/7D2DModLauncher/ThickInstaller/raw/master/SetupInstaller.msi


I removed that functionality.

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After opening the Mod Launcher i already had installed 2.0.20 i think...it prompted me that there was a newer version. I told it to proceed and it installed the new version


The problem is that it deleted the desktop shortcut and dumped copies of some files onto the desktop instead







the exe is the actual exe, not a shortcut. It does not open the program, just gives errors that files are missing. If i navigate to the install dir (C:\Program Files\SphereII Software\7D2D Mod Launcher Installer) then the exe in there works.


Running the uninstall program removes all files from the install dir except 7D2DLauncher.InstallState. The files listed above on the desktop are also removed.


should i roll back to a previous version?

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After opening the Mod Launcher i already had installed 2.0.20 i think...it prompted me that there was a newer version. I told it to proceed and it installed the new version


The problem is that it deleted the desktop shortcut and dumped copies of some files onto the desktop instead







the exe is the actual exe, not a shortcut. It does not open the program, just gives errors that files are missing. If i navigate to the install dir (C:\Program Files\SphereII Software\7D2D Mod Launcher Installer) then the exe in there works.


Running the uninstall program removes all files from the install dir except 7D2DLauncher.InstallState. The files listed above on the desktop are also removed.


should i roll back to a previous version?


Sorry about the trouble. can you update to 2.0.40?

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Sorry about the trouble. can you update to 2.0.40?


You got it 99%


The problems above are fixed, but the desktop shortcut is wonky. it is named "Shortcut to Primary output from 7D2DLauncher (Active)" and its icon is a piece of paper. It does launch the app.

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You got it 99%


The problems above are fixed, but the desktop shortcut is wonky. it is named "Shortcut to Primary output from 7D2DLauncher (Active)" and its icon is a piece of paper. It does launch the app.


Let's try to hit 100%. Push 2.0.41 to fix the short cut name.


My installer decided to forget a lot of stuff.

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