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How do people reach days in the thousands without any problems?

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10 hours ago, Darklegend222 said:

None of which affect Inland.

1. This is incorrect. It's a standard for all SSD's NVMe included. Filling more than 60-70% of the drive space will significantly impact the lifespan of the drive in a negative fashion, and will additionally decrease drive performance. 

2. Speaking of Inland, they have some of the worst performance and lifespan I have seen in any drive. We've been running servers with SSD's for years. I have a stack of Inland drives here that I recently had to replace because after only one year of use with 40-50% of storage capacity filled for it's entire life they are now at less than 80% health, and data rates have tanked. I have Evo 850's approaching 10 years of use with harsher data capacity that are still above 90% health and run twice as fast.


Inland Professional is what you get when you can't afford a mainstream drive. It's the bargain product of Micro Center, and is directly marketed towards budget builds, not performance. If you did the slightest bit of research you would have seen this.




10 hours ago, Darklegend222 said:

I am not new to this, and if it was my hardware in any way shape or form, it would've been detected and not posted on a forum ASKING FOR HELP 

If you wanted help, you would have posted in the support forum, and followed the Pinned threads there to help you troubleshoot, and to properly report an issue.


Instead what you actually did was start a complaint thread in General Discussion.  If you want to do the needful in the proper place, I'm happy to help. You've made this thread a steaming pile all on your own, and aren't going to get help here as a result of your attitude, and technical ignorance.

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1 minute ago, SylenThunder said:

1. This is incorrect. It's a standard for all SSD's NVMe included. Filling more than 60-70% of the drive space will significantly impact the lifespan of the drive in a negative fashion, and will additionally decrease drive performance. 

2. Speaking of Inland, they have some of the worst performance and lifespan I have seen in any drive. We've been running servers with SSD's for years. I have a stack of Inland drives here that I recently had to replace because after only one year of use with 40-50% of storage capacity filled for it's entire life they are now at less than 80% health, and data rates have tanked. I have Evo 850's approaching 10 years of use with harsher data capacity that are still above 90% health and run twice as fast.


Inland Professional is what you get when you can't afford a mainstream drive. It's the bargain product of Micro Center, and is directly marketed towards budget builds, not performance. If you did the slightest bit of research you would have seen this.




If you wanted help, you would have posted in the support forum, and followed the Pinned threads there to help you troubleshoot, and to properly report an issue.


Instead what you actually did was start a complaint thread in General Discussion.  If you want to do the needful in the proper place, I'm happy to help. You've made this thread a steaming pile all on your own, and aren't going to get help here as a result of your attitude, and technical ignorance.

I certainly won't get help by people saying 1000 day worlds don't exist, but I did make a fresh install and I've gotten log files to generate again so I'll be taking it to the bug reports section. This didn't belong in general support since i was asking a general question to everyone who has those worlds. Not a support discussion with a stickied thread that shows "how to restore a corrupted world" which did not help me as i have tried it.


So if you could be so kind as to provide a link to the forum of which you talk about, I will happily view it.

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1 minute ago, Darklegend222 said:

I certainly won't get help by people saying 1000 day worlds don't exist, but I did make a fresh install and I've gotten log files to generate again so I'll be taking it to the bug reports section. This didn't belong in general support since i was asking a general question to everyone who has those worlds. Not a support discussion with a stickied thread that shows "how to restore a corrupted world" which did not help me as i have tried it.


So if you could be so kind as to provide a link to the forum of which you talk about, I will happily view it.

I'm sorry, is it really that hard to look at the list of forum sections and figure out where the Support forum is?  It's clearly labeled General Support.


That I have to spend the time to give you a link to something that is so easy to find that a child could do it is a little telling.


Here is a screenshot.  See if you can find the words General Support, and figure out how to click on it.


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2 minutes ago, SylenThunder said:


I'm sorry, is it really that hard to look at the list of forum sections and figure out where the Support forum is?  It's clearly labeled General Support.


That I have to spend the time to give you a link to something that is so easy to find that a child could do it is a little telling.


Here is a screenshot.  See if you can find the words General Support, and figure out how to click on it.


Jesus dude, I specifically said IF THERE IS A DIFFERENT ONE that you're viewing. I have went to general support numerous times, and I HAVE viewed the thread that shows you how to restore a corrupted save, shows where dedi log files are, and how to access saves.


Now let me rephrase for you since you couldn't comprehend that. IF THERE IS A DIFFERENT THREAD of which you're talking about, link it BECAUSE I CANNOT FIND IT. I am trying to get this figured out properly. I HAVE attempted to restore a "corrupted save"with said instructions and it has not worked, leading me to think it's a game issue.


Now then, i have reinstalled the game entirely, already made a bug report with a boat at docks_01 not showing, and am going to see if I can reproduce this animal bug in order to report it.


2nd, i also asked what SETTINGS THEY USED hence general discussion. Next time I'll split it up.  So either you are seeing a stickied thread i haven't seen yet (out of the 3), or this thread has took it's course and should be removed.

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4 hours ago, SylenThunder said:

1. This is incorrect. It's a standard for all SSD's NVMe included. Filling more than 60-70% of the drive space will significantly impact the lifespan of the drive in a negative fashion, and will additionally decrease drive performance. 

2. Speaking of Inland, they have some of the worst performance and lifespan I have seen in any drive. We've been running servers with SSD's for years. I have a stack of Inland drives here that I recently had to replace because after only one year of use with 40-50% of storage capacity filled for it's entire life they are now at less than 80% health, and data rates have tanked. I have Evo 850's approaching 10 years of use with harsher data capacity that are still above 90% health and run twice as fast.


Inland Professional is what you get when you can't afford a mainstream drive. It's the bargain product of Micro Center, and is directly marketed towards budget builds, not performance. If you did the slightest bit of research you would have seen this.


Do me a favor and look at this. I never said that SSDs don't get slowed down based on their capacity used. Though look at this and tell me, how does a partitioned NVMe using Macrium Reflect (to move windows from an HDD to NVMe) with 84.3GB/954 still running at full speed? When I'm playing 7 days to die, it never goes above 1-2%.


You can blame my NVMe all you want, but the truth is, even if it DOES get bottlenecked, its still going to be around 300-600MB/s (assuming worst case to best case) and that is still FASTER than an HDD. And the truth is, I used to play 7 days and run my OS on the exact same HDD and had little problems with disk usage. Now i have ZERO issues with disk usage. You may talk bad about Inland all you want, but the truth of the matter is.. you have faulty SSDs bro. I'm not sure whether its UPS, USPS, or Fedex just throwing your packaging around, or poor handling on your end, but I've got no issues with hardware being bottlenecked. I'm sorry about devices being rude to you, but that doesn't mean mine aren't working properly.

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Point is it's a science of hardware that ssd's start getting issues with less than 30 percent free hdd's start lower than 50. I'm not sure why this is a huge argument but it needs to stop. 


Clearly there are lots of servers running long term fine, I've witnessed 800 day+ and some running through the versions in a19. So,  there are localized issues and arguing that everything is perfect on your end goes nowhere but bring up toxic chat. Disk usage or whatever something is up on your end. If not we'd have hundreds or thousands of complaints.


Now if we go a bit more pragmatic about this and stop arguing, maybe post some logs/other information and try advice others are giving you.

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3 minutes ago, Jugginator said:

Point is it's a science of hardware that ssd's start getting issues with less than 30 percent free hdd's start lower than 50. I'm not sure why this is a huge argument but it needs to stop. 


Clearly there are lots of servers running long term fine, I've witnessed 800 day+ and some running through the versions in a19. So,  there are localized issues and arguing that everything is perfect on your end goes nowhere but bring up toxic chat. Disk usage or whatever something is up on your end. If not we'd have hundreds or thousands of complaints.


Now if we go a bit more pragmatic about this and stop arguing, maybe post some logs/other information and try advice others are giving you.

Just to clarify, disk usage is no issue.


I've made a bug report in the proper place (bug pool) 20ish minutes ago if you would like to review it.


I haven't really been given advice but check a stickied thread which was already of no use as I've stated. Or given a link to the one of which he mentions so I'm not sure it exists anymore.


If you happen to know what 800+ day saves have to go through in order to make it that high and still be playable then that would be helpful.

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8 hours ago, Darklegend222 said:

Roland himself has reported that other users have had the same issue and is UNAWARE of the cause.. yet people say there are tools to use in order to prevent this.. but i have been given no such thing. In a comment earlier i have provided a clickable link to said forum, in a reply to Roland.


I looked for that post with that link to what I said and I can't find it. I'd like to see what you are referencing so if you could link it one more time I'd appreciate it. I'm not sure what I said before about the issues @Boidster pointed out. To me it sounds like maybe you have something running in the background while you are playing or there is something happening that is throttling how much memory is available to the game. But its all guesswork without being able to view your logs.


8 hours ago, Darklegend222 said:

I would provide a log if the game actually made one, there is no log in the install directory aside from game startup successful. That's all it says, as a dedi-output-log.


As a start, you could provide your client output log. If you are renting your server from a provider, ask them for the output log and they should be able to provide it for you. If you are running it on your own secondary machine then find the 7daystodie_data file on that computer-- and the output logs should be there-- a whole list of them. If you are playing on the same machine that you are running the server from them your output log IS the server output log since you are hosting.


You can't attach files like that to posts any longer so you will need to use pastebin and put the link in the post.

Edited by Roland (see edit history)
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5 minutes ago, Roland said:


I looked for that post with that link to what I said and I can't find it. I'd like to see what you are referencing so if you could link it one more time I'd appreciate it. I'm not sure what I said before about the issues @Boidster pointed out. To me it sounds like maybe you have something running in the background while you are playing or there is something happening that is throttling how much memory is available to the game. But its all guesswork without being able to view your logs.



As a start, you could provide your client output log. If you are renting your server from a provider, ask them for the output log and they should be able to provide it for you. If you are running it on your own secondary machine then find the 7daystodie_data file and the output logs should be there-- a whole list of them. If you are playing on the same machine that you are running the server from them your output log IS the server output log since you are hosting.


You can't attach files like that to posts any longer so you will need to use pastebin and put the link in the post.



Not gonna lie, I misread the comment on what it was about. My bad Roland, I confused you with Jugginator and took his post as a confirmation of the issue I am currently having. His was in reference to trees not rendering, actually, im not quite sure who his reply was for.


"You're not doing anything wrong, but DarkLegend was a bit off with the whole day 30/it's the way it is right now (ive seen servers stable past day 800 in 19.4). I've only seen it reported a couple times before the patch for this and it's either been a server crapped out and corrupted the files or mismatched versions. I would restore from a backup or transfer the characters' saved files to a newly made map (can be the same one)."


I don't have the log from back when that happened, I did a fresh install of the game last night. There is a bug report in the Bug Pool section if you'd like to review that. Again, my bad, I was incorrect on the comment and who it was from.

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1 hour ago, Darklegend222 said:



Not gonna lie, I misread the comment on what it was about. My bad Roland, I confused you with Jugginator and took his post as a confirmation of the issue I am currently having. His was in reference to trees not rendering, actually, im not quite sure who his reply was for.


"You're not doing anything wrong, but DarkLegend was a bit off with the whole day 30/it's the way it is right now (ive seen servers stable past day 800 in 19.4). I've only seen it reported a couple times before the patch for this and it's either been a server crapped out and corrupted the files or mismatched versions. I would restore from a backup or transfer the characters' saved files to a newly made map (can be the same one)."


I don't have the log from back when that happened, I did a fresh install of the game last night. There is a bug report in the Bug Pool section if you'd like to review that. Again, my bad, I was incorrect on the comment and who it was from.

No problem :)


But it looks like you accidentally posted the link to that thread in pastebin instead of your output log.

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Okay, I went to the bug pool and looked at the output log you posted for your disappearing boat report. This jumped out at me:


  1. 2021-05-29T16:32:50 2.136 INF Version: Alpha 19.5 (b60) Compatibility Version: Alpha 19.5, Build: Windows 64 Bit
  2. 2021-05-29T16:32:50 2.137 INF System information:
  3. 2021-05-29T16:32:50 2.137 INF OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit
  4. 2021-05-29T16:32:50 2.137 INF CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-10850K CPU @ 3.60GHz (cores: 20)
  5. 2021-05-29T16:32:50 2.137 INF RAM: 32688 MB
  6. 2021-05-29T16:32:50 2.137 INF GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 (2007 MB)
  7. 2021-05-29T16:32:50 2.137 INF Graphics API: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] (shader level 5.0)
  8. 2021-05-29T16:32:50 2.137 INF Last played version: Alpha 16.4


This usually means there are code remnants left over from previous versions of the game you have played and especially cause weird things with your map and spawning. Use the cleaning tool in the game launcher tools tab and check all boxes to remove all maps and save game data. Then verify your files and make sure any new save games are named differently than previously used names. 

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1 hour ago, Roland said:

Okay, I went to the bug pool and looked at the output log you posted for your disappearing boat report. This jumped out at me:


  1. 2021-05-29T16:32:50 2.136 INF Version: Alpha 19.5 (b60) Compatibility Version: Alpha 19.5, Build: Windows 64 Bit
  2. 2021-05-29T16:32:50 2.137 INF System information:
  3. 2021-05-29T16:32:50 2.137 INF OS: Windows 10 (10.0.0) 64bit
  4. 2021-05-29T16:32:50 2.137 INF CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-10850K CPU @ 3.60GHz (cores: 20)
  5. 2021-05-29T16:32:50 2.137 INF RAM: 32688 MB
  6. 2021-05-29T16:32:50 2.137 INF GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 (2007 MB)
  7. 2021-05-29T16:32:50 2.137 INF Graphics API: Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1] (shader level 5.0)
  8. 2021-05-29T16:32:50 2.137 INF Last played version: Alpha 16.4


This usually means there are code remnants left over from previous versions of the game you have played and especially cause weird things with your map and spawning. Use the cleaning tool in the game launcher tools tab and check all boxes to remove all maps and save game data. Then verify your files and make sure any new save games are named differently than previously used names. 


Thats interesting, before I installed 19.5 I uninstalled the game and deleted everything from Appdata LocalLow and Roaming thinking it was enough. Didn't know the launcher let me clean all that up automatically since some stuff was missed. Thank you for the help!


edit https://pastebin.com/JCqvVJub


the issue is still there with the boat, made a new save, deleted everything in launcher, used the same seed "19.5" then walked to trader joels and went to the docks_01, accepted, and the boat is still not there.

Edited by Darklegend222 (see edit history)
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Not sure about the boat; never saw one there. But regardless of whether it should spawn when the quest is started, I can confirm that it looks exactly the same as in your screenshot: no boat and also no water.

So, that bug seems to be for real, and should it be there is no direct connection to your individual problem mentioned on the first 1,5 pages.


Edited by uncle.heavy
Initially thought of docks_02 (see edit history)
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On 5/25/2021 at 2:29 AM, Darklegend222 said:

I can't either. I'll see no animals for 6 Days, then I'll exit game and come back, instantly 6 bears, 13 dire wolves, so many zombies, and around 9 cougars in the snow biome alone with more bears.


To my knowledge this is due to the fact there's a max number of entities (animals and zombies) that can be spawned in the game at any given time. You won't see the majority of them - they're behind hills, mountains, or buildings. This is especially true if you're traveling on a vehicle for vast distances - entities are continuing to spawn in a straight line as you're traveling the countryside. When you log out of a game, most if not all entities despawn, leaving room for fresh spawns.


Edit: Whoa. Seems everyone else has it covered then.

Edited by MechanicalLens (see edit history)
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6 minutes ago, MechanicalLens said:


To my knowledge this is due to the fact there's a max number of entities (animals and zombies) that can be spawned in the game at any given time. You won't see the majority of them - they're behind hills, mountains, or buildings. This is especially true if you're traveling on a vehicle for vast distances - entities are continuing to spawn in a straight line as you're traveling the countryside. When you log out of a game, most if not all entities despawn, leaving room for fresh spawns.

There is also a limited number of spawns in the area. Just like POI's. Once you have cleared it, you will have to wait for the reset before they spawn again.  If you're always in the same area, and don't explore, then you are going to experience periods where you have simply cleared the biome area and nothing is going to spawn.

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Just now, SylenThunder said:

There is also a limited number of spawns in the area. Just like POI's. Once you have cleared it, you will have to wait for the reset before they spawn again.  If you're always in the same area, and don't explore, then you are going to experience periods where you have simply cleared the biome area and nothing is going to spawn.


I believe the max zombie limit is 64 and the max animal limit is 50. Good point though.

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I have seen similar problem with rendering when i had mod installed - maybe there are some leftovers from some mod? (I could not find any info about manual removing 7dtd under steam folder- if you did it, sorry man didn't spotted it)


Also what i would do is to create brand new profile on windows and try run game on this new profile - it sometimes helps with random "crazy problems" maybe it will help here?


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