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Romero Mod - A game mode/suite of zombie tweaks


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Is there a version of this without bigger backpack/crafting queue, HUD mod, scrap/pipe tools and weapons?


I mean i really like the idea of the scrap and pipe tools and weapons. But as an addition, not instead of stone age. I would love to see this between stone and iron tier.


Bigger backpack just makes it too easy. I wasn´t over encumbered once in my first 3 days. I like the struggle with the inventory. It´s part of the challenge in this game. Also it´s a bit hard for me to read because everything is way smaller. Have mercy with my old eyes.


And if i could i would play without HUD at all. (well obviously not all the time) but that´s not possible sadly.


Other than that this is a great mod. Good job.

Edited by pApA^LeGBa (see edit history)
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On 8/17/2021 at 3:17 PM, pApA^LeGBa said:

Is there a version of this without bigger backpack/crafting queue, HUD mod, scrap/pipe tools and weapons?


I mean i really like the idea of the scrap and pipe tools and weapons. But as an addition, not instead of stone age. I would love to see this between stone and iron tier.


Bigger backpack just makes it too easy. I wasn´t over encumbered once in my first 3 days. I like the struggle with the inventory. It´s part of the challenge in this game. Also it´s a bit hard for me to read because everything is way smaller. Have mercy with my old eyes.


And if i could i would play without HUD at all. (well obviously not all the time) but that´s not possible sadly.


Other than that this is a great mod. Good job.


You can just delete the KHA19-60BBMFW folder in Mods to remove the backpack/food/water stuff. KHA19-12CraftQueue for the 12 slot queue (though imo it should be 5 in vanilla so it lines up properly with the recipes list).

And I 1000% disagree with you on scrap replacing stone age.

WHY would you find stone crap in loot? You wouldn't. It's that simple.

Edited by KhaineGB (see edit history)
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It´s all about balance. I feel the scrap stuff is a bit OP for the first few days, got a tier 2 pipe pistol and machete on day one. Default settings on warrior.

Maybe i should add the slow leveling from jaxteller. 


You wouldn´t find stone tools/weapons in containers, that´s true.

Edited by pApA^LeGBa (see edit history)
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First time using this mod and so far impressed.  Simple changes, but it has made a big difference in how I play and approach.  Though I am only on Day 2 and my opinion can change in the future  😉


I do have a question though.  One thing I like about this mod is that you made it simple to reduce conflicts with other modlets.  In future playthroughs, I was thinking of adding some additional changes to ramp up the survivability difficulty.  I was looking through the install folder hoping that you may have a Readme file indicating what was changed (and even what xml files).  I didn't see one so I am wondering if there was one and I just missed it, or if this mod doesn't have that info readily available.  I did find a ReadMe.md file but when opened it just states


# Romero Mod - A19 Client

Romero Mod for 7DTD A19


If this information doesn't exist, that is okay as I can take the description on the front page and start making edits myself in the various xml files.  My goal right now is just to figure out what to do in the future and if I will need to make manual edits not to mess up this mod.



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On 8/19/2021 at 12:29 PM, KhaineGB said:


You can just delete the KHA19-60BBMFW folder in Mods to remove the backpack/food/water stuff. KHA19-12CraftQueue for the 12 slot queue (though imo it should be 5 in vanilla so it lines up properly with the recipes list).

And I 1000% disagree with you on scrap replacing stone age.

WHY would you find stone crap in loot? You wouldn't. It's that simple.

i average 15 FPS if im lucky XD

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On 8/24/2021 at 3:46 PM, BFT2020 said:

First time using this mod and so far impressed.  Simple changes, but it has made a big difference in how I play and approach.  Though I am only on Day 2 and my opinion can change in the future  😉


I do have a question though.  One thing I like about this mod is that you made it simple to reduce conflicts with other modlets.  In future playthroughs, I was thinking of adding some additional changes to ramp up the survivability difficulty.  I was looking through the install folder hoping that you may have a Readme file indicating what was changed (and even what xml files).  I didn't see one so I am wondering if there was one and I just missed it, or if this mod doesn't have that info readily available.  I did find a ReadMe.md file but when opened it just states


# Romero Mod - A19 Client

Romero Mod for 7DTD A19


If this information doesn't exist, that is okay as I can take the description on the front page and start making edits myself in the various xml files.  My goal right now is just to figure out what to do in the future and if I will need to make manual edits not to mess up this mod.



I actually never did one. Generally the only potential issue would be progression modifications.

But I don't think I drastically changed the perks. Just added to them.

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5 hours ago, KhaineGB said:

I actually never did one. Generally the only potential issue would be progression modifications.

But I don't think I drastically changed the perks. Just added to them.

Thanks, I couldn’t find one so I thought I would ask first.


I believe the mod I am looking at does change progression so I will have to be careful merging the two

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Just recently started using this mod and am enjoying it. 


But I do have 1 question, I'm getting lots of zombies spawning around the world as I move which is normal. But I do notice that animals seem to be rather hard to come by. I see chickens and rabbits sometimes but I've only seen wolves and bears like twice and have yet to see any deer at all. Is there any way to increase the spawn rate for animals? 

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On 8/30/2021 at 5:59 AM, Euzio said:

Just recently started using this mod and am enjoying it. 


But I do have 1 question, I'm getting lots of zombies spawning around the world as I move which is normal. But I do notice that animals seem to be rather hard to come by. I see chickens and rabbits sometimes but I've only seen wolves and bears like twice and have yet to see any deer at all. Is there any way to increase the spawn rate for animals? 

I recently started using this mod myself, and I have seen animals a lot.  I currently got the settings for both the zombies and animals maxed out, and in my recent playthrough (at Day 5 I believe), I have seen at least 2 deer,1 pig, and several coyotes (the town I am in  is half inside a desert biome and forest biome).


There may have been more, but sometimes when out and about, I end up having to take care of a large wandering horde and looking for deer is my least concern at this point  😉

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Where do I find the head on the cops? The hit box doesn't seem to correspond to the visual. I'm getting cops in the wandering horde now, and it takes 10-20 shots to the head before I get a couple on just the right pixel to do enough damage to kill them. Most shots just do the 1 hp damage so I am hitting it.

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22 hours ago, KhaineGB said:

Aim for the chin. I find that works WAY better on cops.

Well... one of the chins. You know what I mean. ;)

Other people have said to aim for his hat.

I don't know much about how the games hitboxes work. Does the head hitbox move with the head, or is it like a cube stuck on top of a torso cube?


I captured some video while shooting the cops (with AI paused) and then looked through it frame by frame. One shot to the cheek was not a head shot, and then another one was. Some shots were non-headshot hits, but visually were complete misses. Maybe that's "glancing blows" though? It does seem I get headshots more frequently if I aim for the top of his head.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I kinda figured that, but you said something to a guy in the Darkness Falls thread asking about a vanilla version of the Anytime, Anywhere mod that he'd be best off playing Romero and disabling the headshots (which is what sent me here in the first place.)  I could do something similar, couldn't I?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Khaine. I love the mod. My question is if there is a way to increase body damage? I ask because my son loves the mod but he has some difficulty with fine motor skills in his right hand. Getting headshots is very hard for him. Is there a way to up the body damage to a percentage? Would love if I could have headshots do 100% and body/limb shots do 25%. Also my coding skills are next to nothing so if you could screenshot what exactly I need to change and where I would appreciate it.

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On 9/10/2020 at 5:48 PM, KhaineGB said:




This is a mod I created to try out a few different things regarding code. I have tried to keep it as vanilla as possible, to maintain modlet compatibility, and just messed around with how zombie work.
- Zombies only take full damage from headshots.
- Bloodmoons disabled.
- Included Jax's Wilderness Spawn increase modlet (5x more zombies)
- Added a difficulty tweaks mod to remove damage reduction from higher difficulties.
- Removed zombie rage mode.
- Added 10 slot toolbelt.
- Added backpack stash buttons.
- Added craftable log spikes.
- Added ability to pick up plants with E.
- Removed cop ability to puke.
- Removed radiated vulture ability to puke.
- Wandering hordes start from Day 2 at midnight.
- Wandering horde configured to 30 zombies every 6 hours.
- Wandering horde frequency and zombie amount can now be configured by XML (1-RomeroModCore\Config\blocks.xml at the top)
- Added guppys PUSHABLE shopping cart (works like a bicycle for stam usage).
- Added scrap iron arrows and arrow heads.
- Added scrap club, scrap knuckles, scrap machete and scrap spear.
- Added Pipe Pistol and Pipe Rifle.
- Edited loot to remove stone arrows, leather knuckles, stone spear and wooden clubs from loot (replaced with scrap).
- Edited loot to remove stone tools and replaced with scrap tools.
- Moved iron tools, baseball bat, iron knuckles, iron spear and hunting knife from Level 1 of appropriate perk to Level 3 (localization updated to reflect this).
- Scrap tools/weapons now locked behind schematics or level 1 of appropriate perk. (scrap arrows are NOT locked).


As you can see, it's mostly adding some extra T0 guns (pipe weapons), a scrap tier and modifying the zombies. Please consider this a base for you to build your own apocalypse on, rather than a full-fat overhaul.

Download Links.


A19 Client (Does not work with EAC Enabled).

A19 Server (Does not work with EAC enabled).

Installation Instructions. (If you don't use the mod launcher)


Make a copy of your 7 Days to Die folder first!!!


Download the zip file at the link above. Unzip the 7DaysToDie_Data and Mods folder to your 7 Days to Die folder and overwrite when prompted. The mod uses Harmony so both folders (and their contents) are needed or you'll have problems.


Same for the server files, except in this case it will be 7DaysToDieServer_Data and Mods.


Video for folks who may need it (it's for darkness falls, but the basic idea is the same).



Installation Instructions for macOS users.


IMPORTANT NOTE: I do not have a mac. This is a guide I found for Starvation Mod and Ravenhearst, but it also works on War of the Walkers so it should be fine here.

1 - Uninstall 7dtd. Open Finder, from taskbar choose Go -> Home. Open Library -> Application Support -> Steam -> steamapps -> common. Delete 7 Days to Die folder. Reinstall 7 Days to Die.
2 - Unzip downloaded mod. Open unzipped folder. You should see 3 folders: 7DaysToDie_Data and Mods. I will be referring to this as a “home screen”.
3 - Open Steam. In your games Library, right-click 7 Days to Die and choose Properties from the drop-down menu. Choose the LOCAL FILES tab and choose BROWSE LOCAL FILES.
4 - Copy & paste (do not drag-and-drop) the Mods folder to this location.
5 - Open 7DaysToDie_Data -> Managed.
6 - Right-click 7DaysToDie.app and choose Show Package Contents. Here you should see 2 folders: Contents and Data. This will be the other “home screen”.
7 - Open Contents -> Resources -> Data -> Managed.
8 - Copy & paste (do not drag-and-drop) the .dll files into this location. Mac OSX will ask if you want to keep both or replace. Choose replace.
9 - Navigate back to each home screen.
10 - Drag-and-drop the 7DaysToDie_Data and Mods folders into this location.
11 - Open the Data folders in each location. You will see there are Config, Prefabs, and UMATextures folders in each.
12 - For each of these three folders, open up its corresponding folder so you can see the contents. Drag-and-drop the mod’s contents into its respective folder. For duplicate files, mac OSX will ask if you want to Skip, Stop, or Replace. Check the “Apply to All” checkbox, then choose Replace.
13 - Start 7 Days to Die and enjoy the mod!


I really like the idea of a lot of the things you changed, but there are quite a few other things you removed that I wouldn't mind having in the game. I enjoyed Horde night as well as some changed to the tougher zombies like the spitting cops. I understand why you changed all of this but it would be nice to have a mod like this where you could edit or decide what things you want turned off and what things you want to keep.


The head shot idea I really like!


Mostly just trying to figure out how to remove jumping.

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1 hour ago, NDCasmera said:

Is it possible to reenable bloodmoon?

And would it be possible to set dismemberent higher somewhere? so that a few arrows in like, a knee would dismember its leg instand of him just walking with 20 arrows in one leg.



Dismemberent is getting reworked in Vanilla Alpha 20.

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On 10/14/2021 at 3:37 PM, NDCasmera said:

Is it possible to reenable bloodmoon?

And would it be possible to set dismemberent higher somewhere? so that a few arrows in like, a knee would dismember its leg instand of him just walking with 20 arrows in one leg.


I'll look at dismemberment in A20 cos they're messing with it.

I'll also look at making the "force bloodmoon off" a seperate modlet that is included by default, but can just be deleted.

Otherwise, no. You can't turn it on because I felt bloodmoons went against the spirit of romero, and most people playing this WANTED that.

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On 10/20/2021 at 6:16 AM, KhaineGB said:

I'll look at dismemberment in A20 cos they're messing with it.

I'll also look at making the "force bloodmoon off" a seperate modlet that is included by default, but can just be deleted.

Otherwise, no. You can't turn it on because I felt bloodmoons went against the spirit of romero, and most people playing this WANTED that.

Honestly, playing this without bloodmoons has kind of revitalized the game for me.  I'm no longer feeling that pressure to get a base done, but instead have to stay aware for a horde (and since I added Sorcery, the hordes can be super scary, what with multiple enemies basically firing rocket launchers at you, others freezing you, and yet others stunning you and pulling you towards them.)


I fought one horde inside of a pharmacy POI, and most of the inside of the building had been blown up before the last 3 mobs (all special sorcery mobs) finally managed to take me down (to be fair, any time I fight more than 1 of those mobs, I tend to have problems against them, unless I've got some pretty decent weapons...which I didn't on day 4.)


I think the most scared I've been in a long time in the game was when I was out looking for eggs at night and I turned around to see lot of burning/freezing/electrified mobs (courtesy of Sorcery) approaching me through the dark.  I quickly crouched down and skirted around them, terrified they'd notice me before I got to my bike to get the heck out of dodge.  It was super creepy...and awesome.  :)

Edited by Vaeliorin (see edit history)
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