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Electrical conduit and plumbing


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As part of the development goals will electrical be expanded and plumbing added?  Instead of wires hanging everywhere it would be nice to use all the pipes I get from dismantling to run electrical conduit.  Installed using the wiring tool maybe?  Similar for plumbing. Add a pump, tie it to a generator and run the same pipes to a location to move water to water fountains or something similar (not that there is  a lack of getting water but more just for building).


If it is outside the development goals maybe consider extending the wiring into XML for modders to make wiring aware items? 


And while I am asking may as well see about breaker panels for the conduit to connect to :)


Having a lot of fun with the game though.


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Interesting ideas. Would probably require a mod of some sort. I doubt this is within the plans for main development.


Mind you, I'm all for more realistic and logical systems in the game. So, I support having this as part of it.

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10 hours ago, durgah said:

As part of the development goals will electrical be expanded and plumbing added? 

Just my take on recent dev comments, but I'd guess the answer would be no.


Would be awesome if there is, or could be in the future, enough exposed for modders to do this though.


There's already what look to be water pipes in the game as deco blocks. In full 3d. The current 'wire' models for deco are very old and look 2d, though they take up a blocks space, not just a paint texture. ... thinking on it a modder could dupe the water pipes, change the color and they could work for wire conduit. Larger than normal house conduit, but not out of scale for bigger buildings.


One upside of the current setup is that the wire in between say a switch and a trap is indestructable. The conduits as blocks wouldn't be, so would have to consider how many HPs to make them; toughness vs. having to remove them. No idea if it would be possible to make them like relays/switches so they could be picked up inside a land claim blocks area instead of destroyed...

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If it does turn out to be outside the scope here is hoping someone finds a way to mod it in.


In regards to the HP of the conduit I would say it would be on the low end if I were to compare schedule 40/80 conduit with say a metal pipe (nothing like running electrical through a metal conductor!).  I think having it routed this way and destructible would add to the game-play in that one would have to take that into consideration when dealing with zombie hoards.  It would be interesting to suddenly have the spotlights and some blade traps go offline in the middle of a rush due to a smashed conduit; even funnier if it was due to friendly fire.  I think it best that the break kills the power along the entire circuit otherwise players might be able to exploit the mechanic and protect an area with live wires.


Well time to play. I spent most of the day working on demo'ing our bathroom. It is time to explore more of these cool structures the team built then rest and more bathroom demo tomorrow. 

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4 hours ago, ElCabong said:

I miss the good ol days when if you built your place at a poi with a toilet in it, you had all the water you needed.

boring. way too easy. So basically every poi in the game had unlimited water. Thank goodness that was gone before I started playing.

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Water is still pretty easy once you get enough glass bottles as there are plenty of water sources.  The only thing that bugs me is what kind of townspeople leave glass bottles in their toilets?  I would think there is water to be used in the toilet but you would have to have  a container like an empty glass bottle or tin can that could then be boiled. But nope, filled bottles in the toilets :).

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Personally I'd probably just want to simplify, do away with wiring and instead work by configuration. Generators have a range of 50 blocks or some such and receiver devices configure which generator they are tapping from. Do away with tedious wiring and cables hanging everywhere, and just simplify. If you wanted to add on a power repeater block to extend the distance, but while it's cute and all to manually wire from point A to B to C to D to ...X, I'm not really sure it adds anything but unneeded complexity for the player.

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9 minutes ago, Vedui said:

Personally I'd probably just want to simplify, do away with wiring and instead work by configuration. Generators have a range of 50 blocks or some such and receiver devices configure which generator they are tapping from. Do away with tedious wiring and cables hanging everywhere, and just simplify. If you wanted to add on a power repeater block to extend the distance, but while it's cute and all to manually wire from point A to B to C to D to ...X, I'm not really sure it adds anything but unneeded complexity for the player.

You mean you didn't appreciate all the work I put into wiring my base? I thought it looked snazzy! (totally joking :biggrin1:)



Can definately see where you're coming from about wiring. It's a bit of a curse; sometimes things line up really well, other times you can't seem to find the right block shape to sneak a wire by, or angle, or it's juuust out of reach. Can be maddening indeed, heh.


Real reason I'm replying is that I may have stumbled into something you might be interested in testing.


I kept confusing the electric fences horizontal and the trigger plates vertical wires with the scope crosshairs, so I switched how I wired up the fences.

Pics in the linked post show what I did, wired the upper left to the lower right, so an X instead of a +


The weirdness was, the fencing didn't seem to take as much damage with crossed as it did when straight.

That base was in a18.4, so who knows if it was borked and isn't any more. I haven't made it very far in an a19 game so can't really test this myself.


Figured I'd mention it and also take the opportunity to say Thanks! for all the videos you do, and all the thought and effort you put into them. Really great content and always enjoyable. :thumb:

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5 hours ago, FileMachete said:

You mean you didn't appreciate all the work I put into wiring my base? I thought it looked snazzy! (totally joking :biggrin1:)



Can definately see where you're coming from about wiring. It's a bit of a curse; sometimes things line up really well, other times you can't seem to find the right block shape to sneak a wire by, or angle, or it's juuust out of reach. Can be maddening indeed, heh.



Figured I'd mention it and also take the opportunity to say Thanks! for all the videos you do, and all the thought and effort you put into them. Really great content and always enjoyable. :thumb:


Yikes that is a lot of wires! Well done to get it all up! It's definitely possible to get it done, but at some point one has to ask the question "What is the reason we are so focused on the WIRING, as opposed to the functionality of the electrical items themselves?" ... and originally I thought there was mention of wiring so they could be cut in pvp, but that was years back and there's still no real way to cut wires, and even so most don't do pvp so it's a moot point.


At that, wires just cease to be that useful, and one might as well just imagine we lay invisible cables through the blocks and stop worrying about them, and just handle it by range from generator :)


And lastly, you are very welcome, and I'm just glad when people appreciate and learn something, and tell me new things so I learn as well! :)

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  • 4 months later...
On 8/9/2020 at 4:55 PM, durgah said:

The only thing that bugs me is what kind of townspeople leave glass bottles in their toilets?  I would think there is water to be used in the toilet but you would have to have  a container like an empty glass bottle or tin can that could then be boiled. But nope, filled bottles in the toilets :).


Actually this is totally normal for 2 reasons. 1) some people but a container of water inside the toilet tank to displace volume so that toilet flushes use less water. 2) if there is an expected wide spread power/water loss due to a blizzard/hurricane/zombies, people will fill up containers of water ahead of time so they can refill up their toilets and continue to flush them without working water. I think the only change should be changing glass bottles to plastic milk jugs, that would make more sense.

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On 12/16/2020 at 9:28 AM, Maharin said:

3D Factorio with zombies.  I'd probably play it.

Honestly, I've been thinking of a game that took some elements of Factorio (the pollution/biter system in particular, instead of just timed attacks like 7 Days) combined with the city raiding of 7 Days and it's something I'd really like to play.  I'd want to add in recruitable NPCs to help run your base, and it wouldn't have to have anything to do with zombies (honestly, I'd prefer a crash on an alien planet scenario or maybe a Remnant: From The Ashes style post-Apocalypse.)

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