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A19 Bizarre changes?


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2 of the changes I cannot get my head around...


1. The new Auger sounds - Like they weren't awful enough and a pain when playing late at night, now they are louder and even more obnoxious.


2. The new Impact wrench Stamina use - uses more stamina than the basic hand tool but yet Augers and Chainsaws use none?


Anyone else have some changes that confuse them?





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It's crazy that you can now kill animals with any weapon and it doesn't do anything to the amount of neat you can then collect from them. As if blasting a chicken a point blank range with a shotgun slug isn't going to turn most of their body into a paste that you would then have to scrap up off the surrounding to be able to collect.

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12 hours ago, uselessjunkaccount said:

It's crazy that you can now kill animals with any weapon and it doesn't do anything to the amount of neat you can then collect from them. As if blasting a chicken a point blank range with a shotgun slug isn't going to turn most of their body into a paste that you would then have to scrap up off the surrounding to be able to collect.

Overkill like that needs to summon a special screamer. Give her a karen haircut or an angry librarian haricut, a zombie where one  look at her and you know she exists solely to ruin all fun anywhere and everywhere. 

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On 7/23/2020 at 4:28 AM, SenpaiThatIngnoresYou said:

Overkill like that needs to summon a special screamer. Give her a karen haircut or an angry librarian haricut, a zombie where one  look at her and you know she exists solely to ruin all fun anywhere and everywhere. 


I think all the nearby forest animals within 37 chunks should be instantly teleported to avenge the un-sporting death of their comrade

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Auger sounds was always very irritating to me. Sometimes I figure if TFP wanna turn me deaf. I hope they add a option in the Audio Settings that allow us disable Chainsaw and Auger sounds (but not the effect, just the sound of your own tools. So screamers will still pursue you and you can still hear others players tools as well).

And about Impact Driver stamin consumption, I hope they reduce that, but until that, try use Ergonomic Grip on it and Iron Breaker, it aways help me.

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On 7/23/2020 at 12:50 PM, eXSe said:

Ahhh yes, hunting chickens with a 12 gauge and blasting them point blank. Time honored hunting tradition.

A shotgun usually is the weapon of choice when hunting birds. It's just usually done with bird shot, which isn't an ammo choice at all. And said hunting typically is done from many yards away, which again doesn't work in game because the max range of a shotgun without using slugs is less than ten meters.

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43 minutes ago, Whorhay said:

A shotgun usually is the weapon of choice when hunting birds. It's just usually done with bird shot, which isn't an ammo choice at all. And said hunting typically is done from many yards away, which again doesn't work in game because the max range of a shotgun without using slugs is less than ten meters.

Yep, done that way for gameplay reasons.

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