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Bug with Tier V "Clear Zeds" mission in Dishong Tower?


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For some reason, once i started the quest (clicked on the big "!"), another "!" appeared on the map, which shows it inside the Tower, in the lobby, beside the front desk. Its invisible though. I proceeded anyways and went to kill all Zs on all floors. Now the mission doesnt switch to "Go see Trader" which means i can turn in for the reward and the invisible "!" still shows on the map and my compass.


I know you'll tell me that i didnt killed all zombies but i verified twice, from top to bottom, making noise to wake up hidden Zs i could have missed, but there's nothing. Not even a vulture. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Im getting concerned now. I spent 2 real hours doing this and i dont wanna verify 25 more times. So is this some kinda bug that the game doesnt register the mission once its done? Did anyone else experienced something similar or its me who did miss one single zombie?

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Did you open ALL doors? Are you sure you were in every room? Every closed toilet and such? Sure you didn´t miss a room? A lot of sleepers don´t wake up when you make noise 2 rooms away. 


Having the same problem tough, propably a vulture that got inside and is stuck somewhere on the ceiling. But then again, if it´s only one vulture you would see an orange dot in the compass. So if there is no orange dot you missed at least 2 spots with enemies.


Unless it´s bugged.

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That's the trick, look for the orange dots.  Some will fall down, then you have to get them.

Vultures the stupid things, get stuck in the oddest places (like inside)


I've popped into god mode on some to fly about and find the last one, going what the heck did I miss.

It's always been an "Oh, that!" kinda thing.

(or a bugged out vulture)


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@canadianbluebeer I did that at higashi once, missed two rooms. Problem is that in those big POI´s it´s most likely not one spot that you are missing but two or more small rooms. Well hidden ones. And if it´s more then one left, there is no orange dot. There is a lot of small rooms with closed doors in both, Higashi and Dishong.


I take only certain clear quests tbh. Shamway, Hospital, SG Messiah, Appartment building for vanilla. Still figuring out wich ones are reliable for compopack. Art Gallery and Rave Factory are ones i could do already.

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"There is a lot of small rooms with closed doors in both, Higashi and Dishong. "


Hidden loot rooms should not have zombie spawn locations in them. And at least my group never needed to break into doors to get all zombies in those towers. But I haven't seen the towers as quest locations in a long time, maybe they were disabled because that could happen.




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I have had to break into doors in the Dishong just last night to get all the zombies. There was a zombie in the ceiling in a small room loaded with medicine. As recommended, open every door and look for vultures. Both buildings have areas where the vultures are either get stuck in the ceiling, there is a ledge with vultures on it, or hidden rooms.

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6 hours ago, meganoth said:

"There is a lot of small rooms with closed doors in both, Higashi and Dishong. "


Hidden loot rooms should not have zombie spawn locations in them. And at least my group never needed to break into doors to get all zombies in those towers. But I haven't seen the towers as quest locations in a long time, maybe they were disabled because that could happen.




I know for sure that there is at least one toilet room that you need to break open to clear dishong and there is more rooms that are closed and have zombies in them, not sure how many tough. Same in higashi. Hidden was the wrong word, easy to miss. The doors are not disguised or behind a woodplate or something, it´s the layout of the building that makes some rooms hard to find. Basically in all Tierr 5 clear quests, you need to check every room, no matter if the door is closed or not. Not all zombies are on the route trough the building to the main loot.  If you play a RWG map, higashi and dishong are very, very rare. I tried lilke 10 different maps. None of them had either. Finally switched to nitrogen and now there is at least one of each in every city. And they still are quest targets.

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Wanted to see myself and loaded a test game, went do Dishong and looked around. There was one room where you had to break planks nailed to the door frame, and there were a few closed off trap door rooms, i.e. rooms you fall into from fake floors above. I wouldn't count those as closed.


I didn't find a toilet room that was closed off. Do you remember if that toilet room was in the bussiness section, the unfinished section or the top living/restaurant section?

I found quite a few rooms that seemed to be closed off but could be entered through small holes near the ceiling if you climbed on to the ventilation ducts. One was the mens locker room on the side of the swimming pool, one was a room in the unfinished part with a glass separating it from a more easily accessible room, another was actually a trap door room too.


I had to stop though before clearing the tower and making sure I didn't miss anything, I didn't check the last corner of the top floor for example. Maybe have time tomorrow to finish it. Now proving there is none is a bit more difficult than showing there is such a room, but any door I found I also could get behind. There may still be a really closed off room in there, but I doubt it is more than one. On the other hand without a thorough search I could have missed quite a lot, so take this message with a grain of salt.





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Well, I do tend to bash open doors as I go, metal and regular doors, once I have the books that give me extra brass from doors.

(coming back with  big stack of doorknobs is nice)


So I generally find the hidden rooms. Not always.  Vultures to get stupid in the POI, and for the larger ones, there always seems

to be 1 zed that bashed through a wall, into another area, or fell down etc.


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@meganoth I will have to check again, maybe i mix the two towers up, wouldn´t be the first time and i didn´t do a clear there for a while, only fetch. But what i know for sure that there are Z´s in quest buildings behind doors and far away from the path trough the building. And if i have to climb a duct it´s hidden. Propably got in trough the door because i missed the way from above. Still don´t know how to get in that kitchen in the factory that is on the right in the entrance hall, i know it´s there so i just bust trough the wall. Propably a dropping floor that i miss somewhere, or a hidden hatch.

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14 minutes ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

@meganoth I will have to check again, maybe i mix the two towers up, wouldn´t be the first time and i didn´t do a clear there for a while, only fetch. But what i know for sure that there are Z´s in quest buildings behind doors and far away from the path trough the building. And if i have to climb a duct it´s hidden. Propably got in trough the door because i missed the way from above. Still don´t know how to get in that kitchen in the factory that is on the right in the entrance hall, i know it´s there so i just bust trough the wall. Propably a dropping floor that i miss somewhere, or a hidden hatch.

I think I know what you mean: In either of the factory buildings there is a kitchen directly behind the visitors counter in the entrance hall. And that is definitely a trap door room, I encountered it a few times. The dropping floor is in a sort of chemists laboratory, somewhere in the back where you normally exit through a window.


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I finally found out.


I did cleared all rooms inside the tower but there was a suspended platform (for window cleaners) that still had couple of vultures and a single zombie... God's sake... Not only that but i remember that i passed nearby, earlier and the game didnt trigger them so i could notice them. 😤😆

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Finished Dishong yesterday. And I found another loot room behind closed doors, and this time it really was a door, but damaged so you could look through. I'm pretty sure there are no zombie spawn points in such closed off loot rooms or at least there are supposed to not be.


It seems the rule is: Doors boarded up with planks and see-through damaged doors are meant to be broken in by the player, everything else is reachable, at worst as the fall room of a trap. Still not sure all of Dishong adheres to this, but 99% does.


@Kyonshi: The window cleaner platform is an unavoidable part of the single path by the way, if you didn't hack through doors you would have automatically crossed it. That is a small disadvantage of straying from the "divinely ordained" path 😉


Had a lot of fun going through Dishong after a longer pause, by the way. The overhaul of the building really was worth it. It isn't something you can do every few weeks, but give yourself some time to forget and then Dishong is quite an awe-inspiring building.



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18 minutes ago, meganoth said:

Finished Dishong yesterday. And I found another loot room behind closed doors, and this time it really was a door, but damaged so you could look through. I'm pretty sure there are no zombie spawn points in such closed off loot rooms or at least there are supposed to not be.


It seems the rule is: Doors boarded up with planks and see-through damaged doors are meant to be broken in by the player, everything else is reachable, at worst as the fall room of a trap. Still not sure all of Dishong adheres to this, but 99% does.


@Kyonshi: The window cleaner platform is an unavoidable part of the single path by the way, if you didn't hack through doors you would have automatically crossed it. That is a small disadvantage of straying from the "divinely ordained" path 😉


Had a lot of fun going through Dishong after a longer pause, by the way. The overhaul of the building really was worth it. It isn't something you can do every few weeks, but give yourself some time to forget and then Dishong is quite an awe-inspiring building.



If i remember well there's two platforms, one low above ground and another much higher. I've been able to progress to the top of the tower by skipping one, for whatever reason. So yeah i forgot about the other one and that was the cause of my confusion.

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9 minutes ago, Kyonshi said:

If i remember well there's two platforms, one low above ground and another much higher. I've been able to progress to the top of the tower by skipping one, for whatever reason. So yeah i forgot about the other one and that was the cause of my confusion.

The one low above ground is the top of the entrance "porch roof" (or whatever the word for that thing would be). There is a loot backpack on that thing. I think it is just a "hidden loot location", quite probably without zombie spawn points, just an easy "jump-and-run" location that needs a little care to reach or you have to start from the ground again.



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@meganoth I just found a locked door with zombies behind in a fetch/clear quest. The business strip with the "Dance till you die" Studio. It´s on the groundfloor after the entrance the small room behind the counter in the pop and pills, you also need to break the counter to get to that door.


No breaking floor above, no hatches or holes to get in. So it´s not 100% that there is always a way without breaking trough a door to clear. I am pretty sure there is others. Double checked with god mode after i did the quest, that there is no other way then breaking trough the door, courier satchel was in there as well.

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You are right. I know which room you are talking about.


Do you remember if the door was undamaged or see-through half-damaged? As I said above, there seems to be a rule that half-damaged doors are supposed to be broken in.


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I've ran into this bug MULTIPLE times, including one two nights ago where my people and I were clearing a Higashi Tower.


I hate it.  I really do.  I shrug at the low level missions doing this.  I can always find another POI or mission to clear.  But the tier 5 trader quests flubbing

makes me heated.  For experimentation reasons, we pulled out super diggers and tried to clear the zombie markers where things were stuck between floors inside the cement layers.  We've talked about having one of us turn to DM mode and spawn in zombies and see if its number related and not specific location related.   Might work?

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2 minutes ago, Ramethzer0 said:

I've ran into this bug MULTIPLE times, including one two nights ago where my people and I were clearing a Higashi Tower.


I hate it.  I really do.  I shrug at the low level missions doing this.  I can always find another POI or mission to clear.  But the tier 5 trader quests flubbing

makes me heated.

A bug? The OP found the missing zombie in an overlooked part of the POI.


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19 hours ago, meganoth said:

A bug? The OP found the missing zombie in an overlooked part of the POI.


Oh sorry, misinterpreted.  Yeah there's a bug out there with missing zombies in clear missions.  You can kill everything down to 1, and then that singular zombie is nowhere to be found but the marker is still on your compass.  Often, the marker places it right into a wall or a foundation.

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Small update: I have visited a few rooms in the shamway and shotgun messiah factories were I was unsure about, but they checked out ok.


Oh, and I remember in what POI I have seen the bug with unfindable zombies happens. It is in the combopack's Rave party building. The last zombie is invisible and can only be removed if you go on the roof of the building and nerdpole up a few blocks at the location of the dot.



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