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Hey everyone that says there's less zombies try this?


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If you feel like your survival world is too boring or has less zombies in it. And building is point less. Try this it gave me a challenge especially at night:)



Edit your zombie spawns under the folder that called spawnings if you feel the game is to boring or has less zombies set it to how many in day and at night. I have mine set to 9 in daylight and 10 at night it gives you a very good challenge :) give it a try and tell me how you like it.


The folder is called spawning if you don't know what to look for.



P.s let me know how you like it.

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I also have 2 modlets


1 with increased spawning in wilderness and 1 with increased wandering hordes. you can even go inside them and edit to your liking the values


BTW i ran a test today. 100 arlenes. In one spot. Draw your own conclusions




Perfectly smooth 60 FPS with dips to 56-59


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So when a new build drops, and this file gets overwritten, I need to edit it again? I dislike XML editing as a solution for that reason. I prefer they fix it by default.


I dont see a fix by default. the modlet i linked will stay as is unless they change spawning. i will say that it did not change since day one of experimental to now so so far its been safe to use. youre not overwriting anything. Its a modlet.


Eventually xml editing is the way to go. It may not be the answer you want to hear but it will get way more accomplished for you then coming here to post what you want. 90 percent chance what we want isnt going in vanilla.

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I also have 2 modlets


1 with increased spawning in wilderness and 1 with increased wandering hordes. you can even go inside them and edit to your liking the values


BTW i ran a test today. 100 arlenes. In one spot. Draw your own conclusions




Perfectly smooth 60 FPS with dips to 56-59


try this again but with some of every zombie type in the game, instead of all the same ones, i'd be intersted in the results.

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I also have 2 modlets


1 with increased spawning in wilderness and 1 with increased wandering hordes. you can even go inside them and edit to your liking the values


BTW i ran a test today. 100 arlenes. In one spot. Draw your own conclusions




Perfectly smooth 60 FPS with dips to 56-59


That looks like it could be a fun mod (tons of zombies, low hp/damage, etc.)

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I also have 2 modlets


1 with increased spawning in wilderness and 1 with increased wandering hordes. you can even go inside them and edit to your liking the values


BTW i ran a test today. 100 arlenes. In one spot. Draw your own conclusions




Perfectly smooth 60 FPS with dips to 56-59


cool:D but i feel editing is the way to go for me:) cause i can decide on how many i want and dont want:)

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So when a new build drops, and this file gets overwritten, I need to edit it again? I dislike XML editing as a solution for that reason. I prefer they fix it by default.


If it's a modlet you shouldnt have to as long as the devs dont change the structure of the xml significantly. The beauty of modlets.

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So when a new build drops, and this file gets overwritten, I need to edit it again? I dislike XML editing as a solution for that reason. I prefer they fix it by default.


yea i dont like doing it over again but its worth it:) i have mine set to 9 in daylight and 10 at night. My main house just got attacked by a whole bunch of zombies that came knocking on my door:) it was soo intense. i ran out of ammo cause they heard the gun shots so more came it was scary but also fun:D


like i said its worth it:)

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try this again but with some of every zombie type in the game, instead of all the same ones, i'd be intersted in the results.

I tried with different. 450 entity on the screen...

Yes there were sagging performance but - still, the game was well changed for this direction.

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That looks like it could be a fun mod (tons of zombies, low hp/damage, etc.)


Thats actually what im working on in modlet form. Headshot only, very low HP, increased stealth settings so its viable. And a run only variation too for those who like Girl with All the Gifts/28 Days later type zombies.


- - - Updated - - -


try this again but with some of every zombie type in the game, instead of all the same ones, i'd be intersted in the results.


Radiateds are frame eaters because of particles so I dont dare try with that. I will run the test again, but I have 100 on screen. How many do you see in the wild in vanilla? 8? 10? so adding 5 or 10 more is definitely NOT going to break the game, which was my point here. Cops are also frame killers from their vomit.


The spawning would definitely need to be controlled a bit, but its 100 percent feasible to add like 5 more to what we have now.

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Oh nice, I wonder how that preforms when you have them trying to get you in a building, as that was a issue in a16/17. It also makes me ask whats tfp's excuse for keeping the numbers so low if that many zombies can work seemingly ok.


They broke my walls first then my door it was intense :) I must have got 10 to 20 of em before my house got overrun by em:) now I'm looking for a new place to build.

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I also have 2 modlets


1 with increased spawning in wilderness and 1 with increased wandering hordes. you can even go inside them and edit to your liking the values


BTW i ran a test today. 100 arlenes. In one spot. Draw your own conclusions




Perfectly smooth 60 FPS with dips to 56-59


The default game allows 64 zombies at the same time. But because it expects up to 8 players it uses only 8 per person. Theoretically it could dynamically give less than 8 players more spawns, but that would mean that the difficulty changes with the number of players in the game.


So the knowledge that you play alone already opens up an 8 fold multiplication of spawns. From there to 100 isn't that big a step.


The 450 from n2n1 are impressive though.


One interesting question is whether a minimum spec machine should be able to handle the load of the player and 7 other players connected to it as well (in principle)?

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The default game allows 64 zombies at the same time. But because it expects up to 8 players it uses only 8 per person. Theoretically it could dynamically give less than 8 players more spawns, but that would mean that the difficulty changes with the number of players in the game.


So the knowledge that you play alone already opens up an 8 fold multiplication of spawns. From there to 100 isn't that big a step.


The 450 from n2n1 are impressive though.


One interesting question is whether a minimum spec machine should be able to handle the load of the player and 7 other players connected to it as well (in principle)?


I dont play alone. I play on a server with my modlet installed. I was just testing the boundaries there. Even still an additional 5 is not 100 or 200. At times it was sounding like the limit we have now is there because of performance issues. The last part of your comment is intriguing and I suspect why it is limited. Even in SP when it comes to modding etc there are things that work in SP that have trouble in MP. I will see if i can get some test going with my group and attempt it on a Dedi.


Modlets do not actually overwrite your vanilla xml. They are loaded only at game start. So they change only what needs to be changed. If they never touch the names of zombies or spawn biome names this modlet will always work as is. With xml editing direct you are physically changing the file so when an update comes out it overwrites it. Not so with modlets as they go in their own folder, and you can load dozens if there are no conflicts. Like in my link, i run all of them on my server with no issue. When new experimentals come out I fire it up and check for errors. If none i just keep playing, no editing or overwriting needed.


If it nulls it just wont load it not error your game. Then you or me usually will update it to work.

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I also have 2 modlets


1 with increased spawning in wilderness and 1 with increased wandering hordes. you can even go inside them and edit to your liking the values


BTW i ran a test today. 100 arlenes. In one spot. Draw your own conclusions




Perfectly smooth 60 FPS with dips to 56-59


I've used your mods in the past and all the extra zombies ran real smooth. Maybe they are thinking about a console port and that might limit the number of active zombies?

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My question is this;

I've noticed in the xml it stops after a certain day number, both for wandering hordes and blood moon hordes,

so what determins the numbers if you are beyond day 49?





It looks to me like, it wraps around the ones specified for days, and returns through the list once it runs out?

Some of the spawning lists stop at different days, and in the gamestage file it looks like it's supposed to do that?

I guess?


Mostly I since our server is beyond day 60, I just want beefier random hordes, and way more than 1 rabbit every 15 days.

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I've used your mods in the past and all the extra zombies ran real smooth. Maybe they are thinking about a console port and that might limit the number of active zombies?


I still remember the A17 performance "fiasco" when recommend spec machines had problems showing even HD. You don't need to conjure the console boogie man to see that min specs and this game are no friends anymore. I bought a new PC in January 2019, about 2 months after A17 came out. I still have my old machine available (far above min specs) and 1080p is still impossible with A18.


My guess is that they will not change anything with zombie numbers and keep any performance wins for the future. They will have to adapt min specs to reality shortly before release. Only at that time and if the game were GPU-bound for a reasonable min-spec machine would they have budget left for a zombie increase at default.

But I also expect a zombie slider at that time in the options.


EDIT: I hope that they will give the proposed encounter system a generous zombie budget drawn from what they get from performance wins. Since they can make sure that only a subset of players have a running encounter this budget doesn't need to be divided by 8.

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My question is this;

I've noticed in the xml it stops after a certain day number, both for wandering hordes and blood moon hordes,

so what determins the numbers if you are beyond day 49?


Not sure if still true but wandering hordes used to be determined by taking the modulus of your GS divided by 50. This gives a value between 0 and 49 and there were 50 possible wandering horde types defined in the file. This also meant that the wandering horde you get is rather random, regardless of what day in the game it was. This is why people could get the infamous 6 Dogs or 3 Bears horde on day 1.


No idea about actual horde night hordes though.

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