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What's your Favorite Armor????

Adam the Waster

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It's all about the leather, for me.


Having said that, I've not tried heavy armour in A18 yet. In earlier alphas it always slowed me down too much, but from what I've heard it's a lot better in this alpha - especially if you perk into it.


I'm trying a Fortitude build as my latest character because I want to give it (and knuckle dusters!) a go, but since it's only day two I've not had chance to make any yet.

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It's all about the leather, for me.


Having said that, I've not tried heavy armour in A18 yet. In earlier alphas it always slowed me down too much, but from what I've heard it's a lot better in this alpha - especially if you perk into it.


I'm trying a Fortitude build as my latest character because I want to give it (and knuckle dusters!) a go, but since it's only day two I've not had chance to make any yet.



kinky! ;)


but yeah i also love it due to the protection and more mobility!

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I am a huge fan of the leather armour in Chest and Legs, Football or SWAT helmet, military gloves and boots (special shout out for the performance running shoes). For clothes I prefer the look of the ZU shirt or the hoodie, BDU pants. Properly tweaked with stamina reduction and mobility penalty reduction I feel like I get to play at peak personal playstyle. For eye/neckwear I tend to swap between nerdy goggles, and nightvision, and Cigar when available.


I like the look of the poncho, but I almost always end up in a trench. Such grimdark.

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Depends on stage of the game for me, early game when I lack a vehicle I generally just use padded armor since it has no movement or stamina encumbrance at all. Once I get a vehicle I'll generally use whatever I find based on how many mods it can hold, I usually end up going full heavy armor in the end as it offers the highest protection, Stamina becomes less and less an issue the higher level you get especially if your a str build. Even in full heavy armor your fast enough to out run most running zombies still. Probally all of them if you put a custom fittings mod into all 5 pieces.


For my coat, I always wear the colleage jacket, why? 10% faster run speed, its the only back/coat item with a buff like that. My char is always freezeing or sweltering but honestly it doesn't even bother me. By day 2 I usually have so much food and water that its not a problem. I really do wish I could shut off the overlay that happens when your hot or cold, especially the hot one, its annoying as hell.

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Light Armor (perk) 5/5

5x Customized fittings

Mobility: 109


No idea how that stacks with the running coat, but I'd assume it would. Actually, brb, testing.



Hmm... seems they may have limited the perk+fittings to a max of 100.. or changed the order of the calcs making it

(4%-3%)*0.25, (around a percent for full kit, which I'm not going to test for.)

instead of 4%*.25 -3% ..


The UI still says 109, but it's back to normal speed.


Bah. Was fun while it lasted :)

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I'm just trying to figure out how you guys are surviving twelve packs of glowing zeds without steel armor.


Hit and run and kite, 7dtd is not a game your meant to sit there and tank hits, it never was. if your not on nightmare speed the only zombie that might catch you is the biker, cuz that guy runs REALLY damn fast. Them, the dogs and wolves/bears will catch you, the rest you can outrun even at 70% mobility. Now if were talking night/bloodmoon set to nightmare speed, then you going to have a problem kiting lol.


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Light Armor (perk) 5/5

5x Customized fittings

Mobility: 109


No idea how that stacks with the running coat, but I'd assume it would. Actually, brb, testing.



Hmm... seems they may have limited the perk+fittings to a max of 100.. or changed the order of the calcs making it

(4%-3%)*0.25, (around a percent for full kit, which I'm not going to test for.)

instead of 4%*.25 -3% ..


The UI still says 109, but it's back to normal speed.


Bah. Was fun while it lasted :)


The run speed bonus on the jacket won't show up on your mobility thing in the status window as it only works when sprinting I believe (or at least thats the only time I notice it), and since you need to be sprinting to see it modify it, you can't really see it cuz opening the menu causes you to stop.

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It once was. I remember chopping trees down for entire Horde nights before (on relatively high difficulty), completely ignoring the zombies, so idk about never. Not that it was a good thing at all.


Hit and run and kite, 7dtd is not a game your meant to sit there and tank hits, it never was. .


I loved LBD, but thats what happens when you can spam a skill and craft the best stuff. I like what they got going on now.

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I started when a10 came out so it had to have been before then I guess.


a11 Is when I started so naw, was somewhere between 14-16 It was the one where zombies would run around in circles so 1/2 the time they werent even hitting me TBF (a15?)


Also each tree knocked down would kill a couple of them, it was pretty funny actually.

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It once was. I remember chopping trees down for entire Horde nights before (on relatively high difficulty), completely ignoring the zombies, so idk about never. Not that it was a good thing at all.




I loved LBD, but thats what happens when you can spam a skill and craft the best stuff. I like what they got going on now.


solution: remove craft quality having anything to do with LBD, or have it the same as it is in a18, attached to the weapon types perk. That could work with LBD. Crafting needs the parts now so you can't just take a few steel bars and make unlimited guns you need to scrap others first that puts a real limit on how fast you can craft things. Its simmlar to now with the stats and perks for each weapon type the diff is my way its not locked to any one stat, and you could be a full int dude that has a ass-kicking sledgehammer without any str.


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a11 Is when I started so naw, was somewhere between 14-16 It was the one where zombies would run around in circles so 1/2 the time they werent even hitting me TBF (a15?)


Also each tree knocked down would kill a couple of them, it was pretty funny actually.


That was a16 iirc. Btw dropping a tree on a zombies head in a18 kills it instantly if you land it properly, i've done it for lulz. You get no exp for it, but its still funny and fun to do if one is nearby when your chopping trees.

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solution: remove craft quality having anything to do with LBD, or have it the same as it is in a18, attached to the weapon types perk. That could work with LBD. Crafting needs the parts now so you can't just take a few steel bars and make unlimited guns you need to scrap others first that puts a real limit on how fast you can craft things. Its simmlar to now with the stats and perks for each weapon type the diff is my way its not locked to any one stat, and you could be a full int dude that has a ass-kicking sledgehammer without any str.


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That was a16 iirc. Btw dropping a tree on a zombies head in a18 kills it instantly if you land it properly, i've done it for lulz. You get no exp for it, but its still funny and fun to do if one is nearby when your chopping trees.


1) Sounds like a good mod, I was pretty butthurt when they took away LBD. I have accepted it and like where they are going now, as Trader (Joel?) would say "TIME TA MOVE ON"


2) Ya must have been a16, a16 was the one that was stupid ez once you were geared up too. But ya, watching trees insta-kill was amusing back then too.

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1) Sounds like a good mod, I was pretty butthurt when they took away LBD. I have accepted it and like where they are going now, as Trader (Joel?) would say "TIME TA MOVE ON"


2) Ya must have been a16, a16 was the one that was stupid ez once you were geared up too. But ya, watching trees insta-kill was amusing back then too.


Darkness Falls? yeah it has a 17.4 version of the mod if your curious and want a preview of what it'll be like, note that its MUCH harder than vanilla, with ferals on day 1 at night, no matter the difficulty. Outside spawn rate is also 2-3x higher than vanilla and for a 8k map I reccomend you have at least 12 gb of ram, due to the amount of new zombies. There is 2 tiers of basic zombies, degenrated and th enormals, degen's have like half the hp but also give half the exp. There is also a radiated version of these, which have the same hp as normal zombies of their type (150 for males, 125 for females), just with some rad regen. A ton of new weapons, a entire new tier for most things (titanium, coil guns then the sci-fi endgame laser weaponry) some endgame stuff to do. Once this mod was ported to a17 I never touched vanilla again as it just wasn't any fun at all compared to the mod. I suspect the same thing will happen when its out for a18. I dispise the stat system, even more so now that weapons are locked to certan stats, forcing me to waste perk points in a stat I don't want if I wanna be able to use it decently.

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Snip .


Ya, i read up some on that one. Tbh, I dont really want to learn a new game. I enjoy following along and seeing where Vanilla is going until it goes gold. After that I will have a better idea what I would want in a mod.


Overhauls I have tried in the past seem to try and pack too much stuff into the game (50 Premade classes as an example, 15 types of tool to do the same thing, etc.) One real good one was a PVP mod on a server called Raid Nation back in a12 or 13 I think, that was the most fun I ever had on 7d2d.


The Vanilla game is good enough for me for the time being tho.

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