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too easy quest lvl 5


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Tips :

Only take quest with fetch only. ( not clear zombie ! )

Take some wood frame and an auger. Go to the right stair, approch the location you need to be. Use your auger, destroy the wall, take the loot, go away.

Sometimes, kill some zombies.


I think quest with fetch only should be removed, it is easy to break the game with this tips.

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and the T5 fetch quest rewards are lesser than the T5 clear or fetch/clear quest rewards...


Besides, there are plenty of ways to "cheat" the game if you want. It's up to you if you actually want to play that way. I tend to blitz through the actual route for T5 fetch quests, but the fact that i don't have to clear means I don't have to kill every zombie, which dramatically speeds up the quests.

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tend to blitz through the actual route for T5 fetch quests, but the fact that i don't have to clear means I don't have to kill every zombie, which dramatically speeds up the quests.


It's the same with me and it's very annoying when you do a clear quest and the last zombie is a vulture flying around the building. That's why I prefer the fetch quests.

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Fetch quests should'nt have a marker... And be very well paid ;)


I'd like the higher tier fetch quests to require multiple items, so you have to go to different parts of the POI to get all the items. That would at least increase the time commitment a little.

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Fetch quests should'nt have a marker... And be very well paid ;)


Afterwards you have to spend the money for the therapist because you became insane searching for the stash.

Do you know how many hidden places there are in a T5 building? I once spent 15 minutes in a Bear Den looking for a hidden stash and that was only a T2 or T3 quest.

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I'd like the higher tier fetch quests to require multiple items, so you have to go to different parts of the POI to get all the items. That would at least increase the time commitment a little.

I want that.

Afterwards you have to spend the money for the therapist because you became insane searching for the stash.

Do you know how many hidden places there are in a T5 building? I once spent 15 minutes in a Bear Den looking for a hidden stash and that was only a T2 or T3 quest.

Yes I know the game my friend (> 5000 hrs). That's why I suggested that. Great reward needs great work. Currently, Fetch quests are BS, just money for nothing... We need quests that take time and worth the investment.

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Afterwards you have to spend the money for the therapist because you became insane searching for the stash.

Do you know how many hidden places there are in a T5 building? I once spent 15 minutes in a Bear Den looking for a hidden stash and that was only a T2 or T3 quest.


Same thing happened to me at doggos. Started turning the upstairs into an open floor plan until I found it in the cages near the ceiling on the first floor.

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Yes I know the game my friend (> 5000 hrs). That's why I suggested that. Great reward needs great work. Currently, Fetch quests are BS, just money for nothing... We need quests that take time and worth the investment.


Then take a search area that is large enough that you are busy for some time but not something that takes much longer than a clear quest.


If you rush through a clear quest and waste a lot of ammo, you'll need less than 20 minutes to finish it. A fetch quest that pays less should take about 15 minutes. This could also be achieved if the position of the stash is not exactly shown but you have to search an area of about 10-20m.

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Too much "MMO" for me. I want the chance to fail or quit a quest. But if I succeed, the reward must be... wait for it... legendary.


Q6 is legendary in A18. Only if you do a fetch and clear quest will you get a Q6 reward. Everything else gives you only a Q5 reward at best as far as I know.

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I love Kalen's idea for multiple items. I hate Hek's idea for no marker or RipClaw's version of an inaccurate one.


I don't really see the problem with fetch quests being easier than the others. The reward is less, so...


Several items would certainly be interesting, but I don't know if that's even possible. If you have multiple quests in one POI, the second quest can not be started until you have finished the first quest at the trader. It seems that there are currently some limitations in the game.

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Several items would certainly be interesting, but I don't know if that's even possible. If you have multiple quests in one POI, the second quest can not be started until you have finished the first quest at the trader. It seems that there are currently some limitations in the game.


It doesn't look like it's currently possible with the existing quest system. To make it possible would require coding changes, I believe.

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Wait...multiple quests? No. One quest that requires you to fetch multiple items from the same location.


I mean, the fetch item doesn't always generate in the same spot, right? So why couldn't the quest be changed to generate items in 2 or 3 of the however many avaialble spots?


well, that was what I envisioned, it just doesn't appear that the current quest engine supports that kind of fetch quest. So it would require TFP to modify the quest engine

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Wait...multiple quests? No. One quest that requires you to fetch multiple items from the same location.


I mean, the fetch item doesn't always generate in the same spot, right? So why couldn't the quest be changed to generate items in 2 or 3 of the however many avaialble spots?



Under the current system the fetch mcguffin always spawns in a handfull of places. One of the reasons the other guy can safely say "make it hidden". You could spawn the bag for me in any of the shotgun messiah or hospital locations that it shows up in without a compass marker and I guarantee I will find it within 10 minutes or less, probably <5. If you spawned an item at every single one of its spawn points, marked or unmarked then it wouldnt matter. Any player who has run the mission a few dozen times will hit all those spots in relatively short order. Honestly fetch quest...need to fail if you break any object or nerd pole AT ALL! Call it the "without a trace" clause. You go in, kill whatever you want, but if you place anything down (other than a turret) or destroy a window to get in, it should fail. Make you run the gauntlet.

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Under the current system the fetch mcguffin always spawns in a handfull of places. One of the reasons the other guy can safely say "make it hidden". You could spawn the bag for me in any of the shotgun messiah or hospital locations that it shows up in without a compass marker and I guarantee I will find it within 10 minutes or less, probably <5. If you spawned an item at every single one of its spawn points, marked or unmarked then it wouldnt matter. Any player who has run the mission a few dozen times will hit all those spots in relatively short order. Honestly fetch quest...need to fail if you break any object or nerd pole AT ALL! Call it the "without a trace" clause. You go in, kill whatever you want, but if you place anything down (other than a turret) or destroy a window to get in, it should fail. Make you run the gauntlet.


Ofc you realize that some ppl. use spikes & barbed wire and makeshift barriers to fight zombies. Mostly melee fighters who would than forced to change their combat methods. Also while looting larger pois you might be forced to use chests. So shorten your ways back to chest through the already cleared labyrinth by placing a ladder is also cheating?


If you want this for you, ok for me. But forcing anyone to do it your way?

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What if they combined this:

I'd like the higher tier fetch quests to require multiple items, so you have to go to different parts of the POI to get all the items. That would at least increase the time commitment a little.

With this:

Fetch quests should'nt have a marker...


Stick 30 items in a Level 5 quest building, no markers. Require you to find 10 of them for your item reward. Heck...if the coding allows, give bonus dukes for each item past 10 you find.


Suddenly you have to actually search the building, but you can still skip rooms or zombies if you want.

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How do you know exactly where the item is to cheat the fetch quest? I still find myself spending a lot of time looking around for it. It's' not always on the roof.
The marker on the compass. (it specifies if it's down or upstairs and the approximate location, so it's very easy to rush the quest).
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Stick 30 items in a Level 5 quest building, no markers. Require you to find 10 of them for your item reward. Heck...if the coding allows, give bonus dukes for each item past 10 you find.


The items would have to stack. Otherwise I need a bigger backpack.

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The marker on the compass. (it specifies if it's down or upstairs and the approximate location, so it's very easy to rush the quest).


Yes but the marker does not show exactly where it is. Just the level it is on. I still don't see how someone can nerd pole up a building, smash 1 wall and claim the prize. I'm skeptical of this but maybe I'm not understanding the marker.

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