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Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!


Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!  

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  1. 1. Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!

    • A18 Stable is Out!
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no clue, since this is a bit of a builder game, it goes with the territory


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laz, try to hook a hallway of trigger plates to 1 dart trap.... we have the 1x1 which is why I was trying to see if we can get a modular setup that extends with each new 1x1 we add to it. for odd sized or shaped areas, for lights, dart traps, speakers, etc


I tried hooking multiple plates to a relay to route them that way, but only 1 can hook up at a time.


Maybe they can make it like how tables function (merges together when placed adjacent to each other) 🤔


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Question.....why is the Beef ration..called ...Large beef Ration?? The chicken and lamb are not large? I think all players should boycott the Large Beef Rations until it is brought into line with the chicken and Lamb! Game just doesnt work, until this fix is made!!



Coughs * Airport POI * Coughs


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Thx Joe!


Inconsistent design!!! To the bat cave!!!! 😎

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Maybe they can make it like how tables function (merges together when placed adjacent to each other) ��



this is what I meant by modular


this, leave the 1x1 as a standalone, and a second 1x1 as a modular. this way we can have them for multiple use types. such as an overhead dart trap for 1 spot side by side with another to trigger single locations in an area, or something to trigger large areas.


Why can't they just be 1 x 1 only, but they connect together like farm plots and the whole accepts a single input line?


say you want this


xx x

__ _

each x is an overhead dart trap. you only want each square triggered. this type would be 1x1 standalone. and then a linked one to do any size or length, then we can do away with the 1x5

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I accidentally scrapped my fully modded blue junk turret today, during a loot run. When I figured out what I did, I wanted to puke. There really should be a warning that asks if you want to junk high value items.


How many "are you sure" prompts should this come with though? Just in case you hit yes by accident on the first one. Need to make sure you REALLY want to scrap it you know?

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I don’t understand the issue with paint, if someone could explain to me in plain English, it would be great.

I don’t see how paint is cluttering anything. If anything, dye is cluttering inventory. All these different dye colors do not stack together. You can scrap them all into paint which does stack together. If any change should be made for the sake of eliminating clutter, it should be that dye is dye and when you use it, you select the color you want.


The issue is looting things that are useless for survival. Its not an issue currently as dye is destroyed when you scrap the shirt it comes in. Someone was asking for it to eject the dye into the inventory when you scrap it, I say no I don't want that clutter. If someone wants it, they can remove it before they scrap the shirt.

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OK, but is anyone interested in hearing about the non-basic use cases? Is there still an ongoing effort to eliminate cheap deaths, or no? I thought there was, and I will gladly point out any I might find if it's going to be helpful. If it has gone back to a "just deal with it" attitude, I'll make a note of that and I won't point them out.


If you find any really cheap death scenarios yes we want to hear about it.

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say you want this


xx x

__ _

each x is an overhead dart trap. you only want each square triggered. this type would be 1x1 standalone. and then a linked one to do any size or length, then we can do away with the 1x5


Right. You could then have a 2 x 2, a 3 x 2, a 6 x 1, an L-shape, whatever you want as long as they are touching.

Any sets that are separated by a gap would just have its own output, whether it be a 1 x 1, 2 x 2, etc

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How many "are you sure" prompts should this come with though? Just in case you hit yes by accident on the first one. Need to make sure you REALLY want to scrap it you know?


While I agree that prompts are too much (and too arbitrary, what do you prompt for and what not?), it is annoying that scrapping something deletes the mods (and I don't think you get any scrap from those either), rather than just dismounting them automatically. It'd be good if it put them in the inventory or the floor if there's no space.

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I accidentally scrapped my fully modded blue junk turret today, during a loot run. When I figured out what I did, I wanted to puke. There really should be a warning that asks if you want to junk high value items.


Na, people need to pay attention. Warning pop up boxes are annoying and in a game like this where there is no pause in menus it can get you killed. We could make stuff with mods unscrappable, that sounds like the best solution. Who would want to scrap a mod, let alone a gun with a mod in it.

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Strange that the Experimentals were working fine building 8k maps, but the "stable" won't build a 4k. I guess I should build a smaller map, rather than the Dev's fixing what they broke.


Maybe you need to post a proper bug report with all the requirements and a seed name so we can try to repro it instead of being snarky?

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Na, people need to pay attention. Warning pop up boxes are annoying and in a game like this where there is no pause in menus it can get you killed. We could make stuff with mods unscrappable, that sounds like the best solution. Who would want to scrap a mod, let alone a gun with a mod in it.


not a bad idea.

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The issue is looting things that are useless for survival. Its not an issue currently as dye is destroyed when you scrap the shirt it comes in. Someone was asking for it to eject the dye into the inventory when you scrap it, I say no I don't want that clutter. If someone wants it, they can remove it before they scrap the shirt.


Oh I see.

How do you communicate that to players though? It's easy to say you can't scrap something if it has mods, it's even easy to say if you scrap something with mods, you will lose them.

It is not easy to say, if you scrap something you will not lose your mods, but you will lose dyes in the cosmetics slot... but not other cosmetics, so need to worry about those.

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is it possible to make trigger plates modular. 1 and 5 are nice, but say I want it to cover a 1x3 area? I cant hook those up to the same dart trap tho. It would be nice to make it so we can somehow customize the size of the area covered.


Are there any plans for a feature regarding the electricity that would allow electrical items to have multiple inputs? Would be nice to be able to have a powered door with switches on either side of the door.



You can connect switches and trigger plates serially and they act as if they were parallel. The wonders of the magical wasteland!! :distrust:




May not be logical but it is more usefull this way (as long as the restriction exists of one input only per device)

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You can connect switches and trigger plates serially and they act as if they were parallel. The wonders of the magical wasteland!! :distrust:




wrong way. you are going 1 to 2, need to go 3 to 1


Mega, if you can get 3 triggers plates to work on 1 dart trap no matter the hook ups, I will drop this.

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Hey MadMole, in one stream with fubar i asked if it is posible to make storage boxes with naming ability so we don't have to put signs on them wich blockes part of the box. You guys were talking about 2 options, have it just hover name when you look at it, as now it says open storage, or have it printed on the box, which would be more usefull.

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While I agree that prompts are too much (and too arbitrary, what do you prompt for and what not?), it is annoying that scrapping something deletes the mods (and I don't think you get any scrap from those either), rather than just dismounting them automatically. It'd be good if it put them in the inventory or the floor if there's no space.


I agree, and its easy to do actually. My mod has it. You go to scrap or combine an item, a ding pops up and a red message tells you on the bottom that the item has mods, please remove them first.


So i guess i dont see the issue because wookienookie our mod coder already fixed this issue in A17.

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wrong way. you are going 1 to 2, need to go 3 to 1


Mega, if you can get 3 triggers plates to work on 1 dart trap no matter the hook ups, I will drop this.


Unless I am missing what you are trying to achieve you can do this:

Plate-> Plate -> Plate -> Dart

Any of the 3 plates will trigger the dart trap.

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Unless I am missing what you are trying to achieve you can do this:

Plate-> Plate -> Plate -> Dart

Any of the 3 plates will trigger the dart trap.


ding ding. we have a winner

edit: tested this in creative. logically, this shouldnt work, since all it would do would be to tell the second plate it can now power something, but hey, I wont argue with it.

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The one wire providing all functionality is the mental hurdle in a way.

Just don't try networking your home pc's with the same cable that supplies the power ;)


no kidding, what happens when zombies stand on 2 different ones in that chain? does it turn them back off?

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