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I'm just a JoeBlow wondering Y So many peopl spend much time writing about ther woos!

Joe. Blow

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Title has a character limit so shut up!


I cannot believe the time I've seen humans spend on this forum spraying silly banter about a Title that's not even close to being done!


I suggest spending time with the current setup and playing with the new fancy stuff.


Anyone that's not been here from the start of the universe is fooling themselves to even chime/OPT in about somthin that they know so little about!


The current system of operation is not only superior to the previous versions it's set-up the future of the franchise.


Joe. Blow reporting from the Apocalypse!

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PoppaTot please do not bend my words as I see so many using there vocabularies in a less than an exceptional manner!


Anyone that's not been here from the start of the universe is fooling themselves to even chime/OPT in about somthin that they know so little about!


Sorry if you feel I was bending your words, but that is how the above quote reads to me at least?...

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Title has a character limit so shut up!


I cannot believe the time I've seen humans spend on this forum spraying silly banter about a Title that's not even close to being done!


I suggest spending time with the current setup and playing with the new fancy stuff.


Anyone that's not been here from the start of the universe is fooling themselves to even chime/OPT in about somthin that they know so little about!


The current system of operation is not only superior to the previous versions it's set-up the future of the franchise.


Joe. Blow reporting from the Apocalypse!


Are you the guy from steam who said me in 2 Different EA game forums.

"Its EA, stay cool. No need for critique"


And who told me in No Mans sky

"Its not longer in EA, shut up you are too late"

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Are you the guy from steam who said me in 2 Different EA game forums.

"Its EA, stay cool. No need for critique"


And who told me in No Mans sky

"Its not longer in EA, shut up you are too late"


that made me lol maybe more than it should have


^^ is why we are very vocal about things we don't like PRECISELY because it is EA and things are still subject to change though. I know that once it moves to beta and beyond, things aren't going to be as malleable so you better be sure I'm gonna point out things I don't like, even if they choose not to implement things I comment on. It's kind of like complaining about an election result if you didn't vote.

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Title has a character limit so shut up!


I cannot believe the time I've seen humans spend on this forum spraying silly banter about a Title that's not even close to being done!


I suggest spending time with the current setup and playing with the new fancy stuff.


Anyone that's not been here from the start of the universe is fooling themselves to even chime/OPT in about somthin that they know so little about!


The current system of operation is not only superior to the previous versions it's set-up the future of the franchise.


Joe. Blow reporting from the Apocalypse!


Title blows.


And... you're wasting time here on the forums. You should spend time with the current setup and fancy new stuff.


Also... why does this feel like I'm talking to Roland in troll mode?


That's funny. Joined March 2014. lol. 487 posts? Yeeeeah. This is an alt account. lol

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If I needed alt accounts to troll post I wouldn’t be featured in so many negative Steam reviews sobbing about how mean and unprofessional I am...




Plus, I’m one of those with vocabularies spending inordinate amounts of time arguing over an ephemeral Alpha version. :)

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If I needed alt accounts to troll post I wouldn’t be featured in so many negative Steam reviews sobbing about how mean and unprofessional I am...




Plus, I’m one of those with vocabularies spending inordinate amounts of time arguing over an ephemeral Alpha version. :)

LOL Ditto. Some people write reviews solely to complain about us, and don't give anything in regards to the game!


Also, because it's slightly relevant to the OP's discussion, here's something I posted a couple months ago in regards to the changes in a17.

You see Roland, those that are fixed upon earlier versions are the ones most likely that put in countless hours (in excess of 5k,7k, even 10k hours) and have been around since day one. Their concerns and fixations are warranted. You’d be lucky if 1% of the newcomers will even put in 1k hours in this current mess of an alpha.

Here is where you're wrong though.

They need to develop for what they want the game to be. Not for the playstile you're used to.


Focus should be on how it plays for the person picking it up on release day, not a18, and definitely not for those of us that have been around for forever.


Also, don't treat a17 like a finished product. It's not.

Not only is it just another Alpha release of an un-finished product, but it's not even a complete release at that. "Stable" doesn't mean it's finished. Just that it's ready for more public testing.


I say this as someone with over 5000 hours in the game, who has managed multiple servers simultaneously since a10. I currently have 3 running, and once they are done with a17, I will likely have a couple more.


Forget what you knew before. Try the game with fresh eyes.

It's a challenge, with a bit of a grind sure. It's a freaking survival game, and it should be challenging. The early game should be a struggle as you fight to get started in the wasteland.

Too many people are used to leveling up to a god-like character with near-infinite resources early-game. Those old systems were broken.

Too many people seem to want a playstyle more like Minecraft than an actual survival game.

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