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Improvements for the dedicated server


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Be nice if you could add a translation function in there so if someone in game speaks a language other than english it detects the language and then auto translates it to english then outputs to screen as "JohnDoe Said: BlahBlahBlah". No idea if you could use google translate to auto detect language in game or not.

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how can i add the favicon? I get at every start from the server the message that the server cant load the favicon. .)

Just ignore it for now ;)

Would have to adapt the code to load the favicon.ico from the static-folder, gonna do that in a later release.



Be nice if you could add a translation function in there so if someone in game speaks a language other than english it detects the language and then auto translates it to english then outputs to screen as "JohnDoe Said: BlahBlahBlah". No idea if you could use google translate to auto detect language in game or not.

Would have to read the ToS first ... most frontend-services don't like to be used by other programs as their backend. E.g. my server got banned from SteamDB for querying the 7dtd gameinfo on a 2 minute interval ;)

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I'm having an issue with the maprender engine displaying landclaims correctly. I use pretty much all features of the server fixes right now. A big one I rely on is the map rendering that shows landclaim positions.


I use this data to tell me where player bases are and then carefully delete the regions around them every 2-3 weeks. I do this to keep the server alive because there is only about 13gb of disk left on the SSD currently and with 26 players exploring constantly the region files can grow to up to 15gig.


The problem is I don't think all land claim positions are being shown accurately. This is the second time I've had a report that after the deletes parts of some of the outlying bases were affected. I have been very careful to not delete any regions with landclaims so I can only assume I'm not being shown all of them.


I've just put the server into maintenance mode and I'm running maprender again, will this help? Where is the map reading landclaim data from and how often does it update?


I have to painstakingly plot all the player bases and carefully delete around them, this takes a long time so it is only worth it if I'm protecting their bases from deletion. Is there a better way to do this? Regen anything that isn't landclaimed?

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Rerendering won't help, the claims are taken from the game itself as you request the information on the page. The information is the same the game uses for land claims so if it does not show a claim the game won't know about that claim either. Maybe those people just didn't have their whole base within a claim zone?



Just rechecked the code .. I'm using the same information from the game that is used to calculate the protection hardness for blocks when you hit something. So as said before: I doubt the shown data is incorrect, I would rather go with people not having every part of their base within claim zones.

Edited by Alloc (see edit history)
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Ok thanks for checking. It's great to have this accurate data, there is no way the server would have made it to 1100 days without your tool.


I will stress that people must put a land claim at each corner of their base to ensure it is protected.

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Getting this error when I upload the DLL's to the server.


The file 'C:/TCAFiles/Users/Sowexy/5475/7DaysToDie_Data/level0' is corrupted! Remove it and launch unity again!

[Position out of bounds! 320140 > 320136]


(Filename: Line: 273)


UnloadTime: 5.100445 ms

0.000 Version: Alpha 9.3 (b5) Compatibility Version: Alpha 9.3, OS: Windows 64 Bit


(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/d63dfc6385190b60/artifacts/StandalonePlayerGenerated/UnityEngineDebug.cpp Line: 49)


0.004 Last played version: Alpha 9.3


I've been digging for a few hours, and cannot find anything related to this, so finally had to cave and post this here. Any help to the culprit would be greatly appreciated.


Currently using the latest update of 7d2d, along with the latest version of this mod.

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LT. I'd suggest to check the Region files and make sure to zoom in so you can see whether they have parts of a claim in another region file as this would be a way to cut a claim in 2. The whole claimed range will still be claimed but they may have lost parts of their base.


However, like Alloc said the players need to make sure the totality of their base is protected by claim blocks.


Thanks a lot for this great tool Alloc.


Take care all,




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LT. I'd suggest to check the Region files and make sure to zoom in so you can see whether they have parts of a claim in another region file as this would be a way to cut a claim in 2. The whole claimed range will still be claimed but they may have lost parts of their base.


However, like Alloc said the players need to make sure the totality of their base is protected by claim blocks.


Thanks a lot for this great tool Alloc.


Take care all,





Yeah I zoom in and go by the landclaim block location on alloc's map. If it is near the edge of an adjacent block or it's a big base I keep the adjacent blocks too.


I was questioning it after reports (bitching) from some players that their base was deleted but now I'm confident they didn't have landclaims in those areas.


It seems to be the only way to keep the server healthy at the moment. I can definitely notice how quickly the server will load after a good region file cleanout.


It would be really awesome if someone........alloc..... added a tool to delete any region files that have no lcp's within a definable range. ;)

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Yep, this will probably become an option in a future release.


I'm still using an earlier version of your webserver folder simply for this feature.

Would be nice to try out your new map features but if I have to pick between players getting a map and me getting an admin map, well the players win :D

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I'm still using an earlier version of your webserver folder simply for this feature.

Would be nice to try out your new map features but if I have to pick between players getting a map and me getting an admin map, well the players win :D


You can have both, Like I did.


Use Allocs for the Admin features.


And use this one for the players.


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I'm still using an earlier version of your webserver folder simply for this feature.

Would be nice to try out your new map features but if I have to pick between players getting a map and me getting an admin map, well the players win :D


You know switching the server files won't stop people from using the API directly? So if you run a more recent version of the mod and do not have it set protected anyone who know about this can query e.g. the whole playerlist or claims.


Public+protected access will be quite easy as soon as I switch to Steam auth but that's probably not gonna happen before a10.

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You know switching the server files won't stop people from using the API directly? So if you run a more recent version of the mod and do not have it set protected anyone who know about this can query e.g. the whole playerlist or claims.


Public+protected access will be quite easy as soon as I switch to Steam auth but that's probably not gonna happen before a10.

Their queries fail.. I've seen them fail in console (or so I thought) :o

Your original webcode had none of the new functions in it.


Wouldn't it be very easy to just add a line of code for webserver2 or something of that nature?

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You know switching the server files won't stop people from using the API directly? So if you run a more recent version of the mod and do not have it set protected anyone who know about this can query e.g. the whole playerlist or claims.


Public+protected access will be quite easy as soon as I switch to Steam auth but that's probably not gonna happen before a10.


Alloc what would be the best blocking to the API? Would a .htaccess work or something of the sort? I am currently running the API from my home PC and my webhost so I am currently wondering what the best protection would be.

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Their queries fail.. I've seen them fail in console (or so I thought) :o

Your original webcode had none of the new functions in it.


Wouldn't it be very easy to just add a line of code for webserver2 or something of that nature?

Nope, because using the current webfiles would fail when they do not have access to the API.


Alloc what would be the best blocking to the API? Would a .htaccess work or something of the sort? I am currently running the API from my home PC and my webhost so I am currently wondering what the best protection would be.

What exactly do you want to achieve?

Block all access to the web stuff? -> disable the web server by removing the webserver-folder

Block all access to the API? -> web page won't work that way either, so see above

Block access just for unauth users? -> enable authorization with the "protect" file

Anything else? Tell me what ;)

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Nope, because using the current webfiles would fail when they do not have access to the API.



What exactly do you want to achieve?

Block all access to the web stuff? -> disable the web server by removing the webserver-folder

Block all access to the API? -> web page won't work that way either, so see above

Block access just for unauth users? -> enable authorization with the "protect" file

Anything else? Tell me what ;)


Was thinking of adding this .htaccess inside the web folder.


# This file prevents that your .php view files are accessed directly from the outside
<Files ~ "\.(htaccess|php)$">
order deny,allow
deny from all
allow from localhost
allow from
allow from MYIPHERE


So what I am wanting to do is block all access to the map all together as well as the API, I do not want anyone to access this but me and my webhost.

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Yeah, something like that is only possible with a firewall, the .NET webserver classes do not allow to limit the access. Well, I could add an IP block later on the request handling itself of course but there's nothing like that for now ;)

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Yeah, something like that is only possible with a firewall, the .NET web server classes do not allow to limit the access. Well, I could add an IP block later on the request handling itself of course but there's nothing like that for now ;)


Yea I need to set something up so the API and Map is completely blocked and only allow by IP, Maybe if you get around to it you can make it so that a file is checked and if your IP or anyone you want to have access to the API and maps IP is in this file then they can have access and if the IP is not in there then no access at all. Of course localhost/ would be set as default.


I guess ill try messing with the firewall and see if I can get things blocked right until another method is created.


BTW you talk about setting a "protect" file but there is no protect file in the folder is this something I have to make or am I missing something?

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