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Everything posted by Neowarex

  1. Thanks a lot for your help Alloc. It's odd that I don't experience the issue anymore, however if it happens again I will post the full log . For getting the character's equipped items, I am not able to find the container and would love to get a nudge in the right direction. Thanks a lot again, Neo
  2. Hi there, Thanks a lot for your reply, I will look further into the files to see how I can access the equipped items . I wanted to ask you and anyone else whether they experienced the below error on their dedicated server? It keeps repeating as well but I can't pinpoint the exact reason, I only know that it's due to the GM_SavePlayerData. Error in GM_SavePlayerData: System.ArgumentNullException: Argument cannot be null. Parameter name: key at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[system.String,AllocsFixes.PersistentData.Player].ContainsKey (System.String key) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at AllocsFixes.PersistentData.Players.get_Item (System.String steamId, Boolean create) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at AllocsFixes.PersistentData.Inventory.Update (.PlayerDataFile pdf) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at AllocsFixes.PersistentData.Player.Update (.PlayerDataFile _pdf) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at AllocsFixes.PlayerDataStuff.GM_SavePlayerData (.ClientInfo _cInfo, .PlayerDataFile _playerDataFile) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 I am wondering if it could be due to these lines in Inventory.cs Update function: string playername = PersistentContainer.Instance.Players[PersistentContainer.Instance.Players.GetSteamID(pdf.id.ToString(), true), false].Name; string steamid = PersistentContainer.Instance.Players[PersistentContainer.Instance.Players.GetSteamID(pdf.id.ToString(), true), false].SteamID; Player p = PersistentContainer.Instance.Players[PersistentContainer.Instance.Players.GetSteamID(pdf.id.ToString(), true), false]; Should I change the false to true ? Any help is extremely appreciated. Thanks a lot again, Neo
  3. Hello Alloc and thanks again for all this great work! I wanted to ask you, currently, we log the inventory and belt of all players in case of bag destruction or cheating in a csv file, but we'd like to log the equipped armor/clothing as well, I was wondering if you could help regarding how to do that? Thanks a lot, Neo
  4. You had clarified that it was the RequestToSpawnPlayer function in the AllocsLogFunctions class to add these functions. Thanks Alloc for helping out again, Neo
  5. Great! I'll add more until A10 is out then as I play very little but love adding new functionalities.
  6. Hi Alloc, I hope all is going well in paradise I was wondering if you could tell me anything regarding whether or not existing commands and additions to your fixes file will work in A10 without much work or if it will be mostly broken ? I am just using most of the standard commands (Command_kick / ban / say / pm). I have stopped development on your files for the time being until we have more info regarding A10. I have also decided to share the anticheat portions with admins once A10 is released so they can add their own code to it without revealing it to potential cheaters/exploiters as I believe some parts should only be seen by admins to avoid cheaters being able to circumvent them. Thanks again my friend, keep being awesome! Neo
  7. Alloc did and does unbelievably great work. I can't wait to see what he will be able to do now that he is part of the staff. I am waiting for A10 to see the changes and see if they break the files or not before I continue adding new functions. Thanks again, Neo
  8. Congratulations Alloc on being part of the staff! I know you deserved it for ages! I wanted to ask you, do you know whether your 7dtd-server-fixes will/should work mostly for A10 ? We added quite a bit of nice improvements in it but I am now waiting for A10 to avoid having to recode everything in case A10 breaks most/all of it. The anticheat measures we've added work very well and this is all thanks to your work and dedication. I have added a list of duplication bugs and other issues to madmole yesterday as per his instructions and I hope it will be useful in eradicating the bugs. I also wanted to point out that I don't know if it's because of the 7dtd-server-fixes.dll's implementation of the inventory update on client disconnection or the game itself, the inventory doesn't get updated on disconnect or game exit which can make people lose or gain items on their inventory (ALT+F4 causes this). Thanks! Neo
  9. LT. I'd suggest to check the Region files and make sure to zoom in so you can see whether they have parts of a claim in another region file as this would be a way to cut a claim in 2. The whole claimed range will still be claimed but they may have lost parts of their base. However, like Alloc said the players need to make sure the totality of their base is protected by claim blocks. Thanks a lot for this great tool Alloc. Take care all, Neo
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