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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. It has been an issue in previous Alphas. I initially felt bad about being able to hit spider zombies through hatches, then realized they could hit me back so I called it even 🙂
  2. Would changing forge_category from steel to iron do anything? When I checked the forgedSteel, it has iron in the forge_category which plays a part in determining the scrap / smelt result (copied from the xml file). I wonder if having steel there is confusing the game. 🤷‍♂️ I might make up a small modlet to see if I can assist you in troubleshooting this issue. <material id="MresourceForgedSteel"> <property name="damage_category" value="metal"/> <property name="surface_category" value="metal"/> <property name="forge_category" value="iron"/> <property name="Experience" value="20"/> </material>
  3. Sure, cobblestone, concrete, or steel are all still available. They can either be crafted as is or updated from the wood blocks.
  4. I'm going a different route, at least trying to see how it works in game. First, I changed the loot probability of equipment drops of Q3 or higher to 0.05. I then removed all Q5 and less weapons from the traders, and jacked up the mod price increase for Q6. Currently, I am removing all loot items as quest rewards (but for now, keeping in Tier loot rewards - I may modify the groups though). Weapon parts drops are increased though. Q6 crafting is also implemented but behind a perk gate (new perk to unlock). I haven't looked at the repair function though - right now, you still can repair T1 or higher equipment with a repair kit (T0 equipment you can't repair and will break if you use up all the durability). I been floating around the idea of not allowing any equipment to be repaired. This does the same thing as your route is doing, making parts more valuable now. I always found it weird that the traders give you equipment as rewards as they should be wanting you to buy that stuff from them. Hard for them to make a living if they hand out the good stuff willy-nilly 😉
  5. Also see this https://steamcommunity.com/discussions/forum/1/1458455461474727488/
  6. Yeah, I mark them on my map and don't start harvesting until I am either LoTL1 or 2. If I can go long enough, I will wait for the second level of the perk to get that 50% chance of 1 extra each harvest. It also depends on if I have unlocked the recipes that require the plants.
  7. I can think of two reasons: 1) They are using a different form of money - for example paper money 2) The mod put in the exploit in the first place
  8. Also look into your configdump folder (located in the saves folder) to see how the game is editing the xml code based on your modlet
  9. Maybe try changing it from MresourceForgedSteel to maybe MresourceScrapLeadMedium instead of changing the MresourceForgedSteel value? Also, is it because lead is not used in the recipe for Forged Steel so it wouldn't output that back to you, even if you changed the value to lead? Just some thoughts on my end.
  10. Wow, who @%$#ed in your cheerios this morning? Just trying to help. Sometimes people know these tips and tricks, sometimes they don't. Turning off the AI via the * key makes them stand still. And then you can point the flashlight at them without having to go invisible. It's just another way to do what you did without having to modify the XML files to do it. But hey, you don't want to hear about other ways to do the same thing, that's up to you. Some of us like to help others, even if they are going to be jerks about it.
  11. You can also disable NPC AI via the * key on the keypad in Debug Mode Then you don't have to modify any xml files.
  12. why not just show off the zombies with invisibility off and flashlight on? Most likely, you would have to modify the c# code to make changes to those types of modes since they are part of the debug tools.
  13. Nope ,god no. Think of the nonexistent zombie children!!
  14. Processors are divided up between real and virtual. Starting at Core 0, it alternates between real and virtual. Real cores, in simple terms, are the actual physical cores in your CPU. Virtual cores make use of the extra hypertreads in the CPU to transfer data. The reason you would limit a software to real cores only is that virtual cores contend for the unshared resources like memory. If your CPU is the bottleneck, a possible solution is to limit the program to the real cores only. I did it in the past on an order machine, but I think my current machine doesn't need it really. I can't recall the exact method I used in the past, but I am sure others will be able to share.
  15. When you removed the mods that were mentioned, did you start a new game or trying to use an existing save? You need to restart a new game (not necessary a new map but depending on what the mods you have loaded, you might need to regenerate a new map) when you add or remove mods to make sure that you don't have asset issues. If the mod you add or remove affects Hard to make out what your exact issue is based on the screenshot (log files are the best), but making a guess, the game is trying to spawn in an entity and it can't find the entity. Also what mods do you currently have loaded?
  16. The real question is, why do you think they should keep all development releases available in the future? When we purchase the game, it was for the right to play the game during development and then getting the final copy of the game when it is released. There was never an agreement that TFP (or any early access developer really) that they would retain all development versions of the game and support it. The fact that TFP are allowing game owners to keep playing previous development cycles is a bonus that they are giving to us. However, they are under no obligation at all to support all the previous development versions out there. If there is a development version out there that you want to keep forever, then the obligation is on you to create that backup. On a side note (and I am probably wasting my breath here), please don't insult people by using phases like mentally impaired. Using that type of language stigmatizes those with mental disorders.
  17. FYI Traders don't have the silencer schematic in any of there groups, this is only found through loot and not skewed against silencers as it is in the AllBooks lootgroup which is found in many loot containers, though it is a T2 loot item. The group it is in, your first chance to get it is around loot stage of 102 (p=0.03) and loot stage of 134 to start having 50% chance of that loot group.
  18. Well, it is pretty obvious that his thingamajig is not working correctly with his whatchamacallit
  19. Assuming they downloaded the more recent one, Boidster has updated his mod for A20.
  20. I stopped counting the times people have insisted that the issue is not related to X only to find out later that yes, X was the reason they were having the issue. Usually when interfacing with people that are trying to help you, you listen to what they have to say, look into what they ask you to do, and report it back out. Even if it doesn't fix the issue, it reduces something they see as not correct. It also can give them more insight into your issue. Asking for help, then completely ignoring what a QA person is asking you to check, even claiming they are wrong....what do you want them to do? At least Jugginator didn't go into a rant about you, they just face palmed. When I go to the experts (and yes Jugginator is one of the experts who can try to help you out), I listen to what they say and do what they tell me. Even I don't think that is causing the issue, I too want to eliminate that as a possibility.
  21. Reminder that this game really isn't SP. It's MP PvE meant to be played as Co-Op. For those of us that do play SP (or even only SP), then the game is simply a server of one 😁 Best to just remove it as a mod if you play SP only, that is what I am doing.
  22. Sorry shelved. I couldn't get consistent results with the perks added since they don't show up as UI. Using zombies as targets, my damage was all over the place based on where I was hitting them. Not patient enough to do data crunching if I can't get repeatable results with minimal effort 😁
  23. Would it help if the OP spoke in c# instead?
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