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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. I think it is based on the time in the recipes file actually, I made a modlet that decreased the time of making certain high level recipes in the past and that was the value I changed: <recipe name="resourceGunPowderBundle" count="1" craft_time="1800" craft_area="chemistryStation" tags="learnable,chemStationCrafting"> Single gunpowder looks to be controlled via weight but the bundle for gunpowder is based on the craft _time. Here the default is 30 minutes. I am assuming the OP has a buff which is reducing the crafting time by 10% (3 minutes) which gives him the time of 27 minutes to craft the bundle. If you had a modlet to change that value say from 1800 to 900, then the default crafting time will change to 15 minutes (or in the case of the OP, 13.5 minutes with his current playthrough).
  2. How many blocks down did you dig before reaching bedrock? I am wondering if the chest depth is a set amount and if you happen to be in an area where the bedrock would be higher than the chest, you get a situation like this. Workaround - Cancel the quest and spawn in another treasure map to replace it
  3. Bold claim 🙂 Never claim that you are speaking for a majority of people, just state what you think should be. You can already do that by just canceling the quest at the beginning. You lose the option of gaining 4 free skill points, but you have that option. Instead of the current system of being able to find the individual recipes in the world (and being able to purchase them from the traders)?
  4. I am not as familiar with the spawning system, but I believe the spawns inside of buildings are handled by the POI sleeper cells that the POI designer inserts into them. @Laz Man is very knowledgeable about this subject and might have a workaround or confirm why you cannot adjust indoor spawns through a simple modlet
  5. I've never gotten to the point where I maxed out my character level. I leave EXP gain at 100% and don't do anything simply just to harvest XP. By day 105, I tend to get bored with the current playthrough and start over.
  6. It doesn't matter what the enemies are (because in the end, they are just AI models trying to kill you), it really matters what elements the game brings to your gameplay that makes it interesting. Besides which, I believe all types of enemies been done quite a bit already? Zombies - Yes Aliens - Yes Infected - Yes Bandits - Yes Military - Yes Monsters - Yes
  7. I went a slightly different route (but I am still playtesting as I get time to make additional changes to my mod) - Since I removed the books from loot (they are now challenges to complete), that removed I think around 133 items in the booksAllScaled loot group that might be picked if the game rolls that loot group to pick from. I am still working on unique loot groups for the schematics to start pushing them to specific loot containers so that is also affecting the chances. I like your modlet if you are only making slight changes, to the game and would probably use it if I wasn't doing my own mod now.
  8. Can you also post the code directly? With the SS, I believe we might be missing some important information Post it so it looks like this <recipe name="resourceBulletCasing" count="1" material_based="true" craft_area="forge" tags="perkAdvancedEngineering"> <ingredient name="unit_brass" count="5"/> <ingredient name="unit_clay" count="1"/> <effect_group> <passive_effect name="CraftingIngredientCount" operation="perc_add" level="0,1,2,3,4" value=".25,.25,.25,.12,.06" tags="unit_brass"/> </effect_group> </recipe> Copy and paste the code. Then select the code and press the </> button at the top
  9. Maybe they (TFP) decided that for this map, they didn't want any deep canyons? Not sure why this is in the general support section of the forums. At most it should be asked in the bug section, but not sure if the intent was for all RWG (even the Pregen maps) to have deep canyons created in them.
  10. unit_clay should be resourceClayLump unit_iron should be resourceScrapIron unit_lead should be resourceScrapLead This is assuming that you didn't create new objects called unit_clay, unit_iron, and unit_lead. Ignore all this, I got confused for a second. Looking into the issue
  11. Working stiffs and forges for anvils, any source for schematics for the schematic. Anvil schematics are probT1 so you won't find it through loot if you are at lootstage 290+ (ProbT1 is capped at stage 130 - prob = 0 - based on the config files I got on my work computer today. Haven't checked the latest version to see if that has been adjusted (Alpha 20.1 stable right now, probably the first one released) All traders have a chance for anvils and bellows (you have been just unlucky) . Bob has a higher chance of more tools than the other traders. The group for tools in the traders has 13 items, but anvils are one of the 10 items with the highest chance of obtaining (default probability of 1).
  12. 😁 Can you post the code you are using? We can assist you on correcting the issue.
  13. You will need to contact the mod owner then.
  14. Look in the items.xml file and starting around line 5901 you should start seeing how the damage for zombies is determined <item name="meleeHandZombie01"> There are several entities there that apply to the zombie attacks (the item names are very descriptive). For damage to the player, you are looking for entity_damage. For example, meleeHandZombieFeral has the following code: <item name="meleeHandZombieFeral"> <property name="Extends" value="meleeHandZombie01"/> <property name="CreativeMode" value="None"/> <property class="Action0"> <property name="DamageEntity" value="20"/> <property name="DamageBlock" value="24"/> ........ </item> As you can see there, any zombie that uses the meleeHandZombieFeral has a base entity damage of 20. So you can create a modlet that changes those values for each zombie item (for example, change the above code from 20 to 40). I am not sure if you can change all via a percent_add command. Zombie health is a passive effect which you can easily do an universal change via perc_add command added to the game. So without looking further (just theory on my part), the difficulty settings on the start menu will have the game look for any entities with Zombie in the tag and then apply a perc_add to their health to increase the hp of every zombie entity in the game. The entity damage from the zombies are a property of the class Action0, which is different from the passive effects. And from the items.xml file, we see the following comment in meleeHandZombie <!-- these base_add or perc_add have no effect whatsoever on zombies <passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="base_set" value="10"/> <passive_effect name="BlockDamage" operation="base_set" value="100"/> --> So in summary, you can change them; but I believe it has to be done individually which is why we don't have an option today just to increase the damage output of the zombies. I can be wrong so I will look further, but if the information is in the c# code, then I probably won't see it for some time 🙂
  15. To limit updates, you can do the following: Click on the game in your library and pull up properties, then select updates For automatic, select Only Update this game when I launch it. This way you control the updates. Then if you are about to join a game, it will notify you that it has to update the game prior to running. You should then cancel the update and then go into Betas and manually select the one you want to stay at. Note: You cannot stay at None or Latest experimental, but force the game not to update. It won't allow you to play the game until it updates.
  16. The only downside I found on using so many dart traps was constantly keeping them filled between bloodmoons. The last base I had with a dart trap setup like you are describing, I think I had 2-3 forges setup just to mass produce darts. Typically had to spend 1-2 days mining iron ore and gathering clay for them. Weird thing though, never found it tedious doing that.....
  17. Have you selected in the settings for the game through steam to be on the latest experimental? The latest hotfix out right now is experimental only so if you are at None, it will only update the game if a stable patch is released.
  18. You can set it so Steam doesn't automatically update games. It requires actually doing a little bit of work in the settings menu. Don't have it in front of me so can't walk it through, but I will try to remember to do that when I get home today (if someone doesn't beat me to it).
  19. Example from the mod I am working on new quest in quests.xml <quest id="quest_NeedleAndThread"> <property name="name" value="Z1_Needle and Thread"/> <property name="subtitle" value="Gathering materials"/> <property name="description" value="Gather cotton and make cloth, you are going to need it"/> <property name="icon" value="ui_game_symbol_light_armor"/> <property name="category" value="Challenge"/> <property name="difficulty" value="veryeasy"/> <property name="offer" value="Finish this set of challenges for the Needle and Thread books."/> <property name="shareable" value="false"/> <objective type="FetchKeep" id="resourceCropCottonPlant" value="35" phase="1"/> <objective type="FetchKeep" id="resourceCloth" value="230" phase="1"/> <objective type="FetchKeep" id="resourceLeather" value="45" phase="1"/> <objective type="FetchKeep" id="resourceScrapPolymers" value="15" phase="1"/> <objective type="FetchKeep" id="resourceFeather" value="50" phase="1"/> <objective type="InteractWithNPC"> <property name="phase" value="2"/> <property name="nav_object" value="return_to_trader" /> </objective> <reward type="Item" id="bookNeedleAndThreadLegwear" value="1"/> <reward type="Item" id="resourceSewingKit" value="10"/> </quest> This sets up an unique quest as part of a chain of quests <quest id="quest_AllNeedleAndThread"> <property name="group_name" value="quest_MeleeQoL"/> <property name="name_key" value="quest_BasicSurvival1"/> <property name="subtitle_key" value="quest_BasicSurvival1_subtitle"/> <property name="description_key" value="quest_BasicSurvival1_description"/> <property name="icon" value="ui_game_symbol_map_bed"/> <property name="category_key" value="quest"/> <property name="difficulty" value="veryeasy"/> <property name="offer_key" value="quest_BasicSurvival_offer"/> <property name="shareable" value="false"/> <objective type="FetchKeep" id="resourceYuccaFibers" value="1" phase="1"/> <reward type="Quest" id="quest_NeedleAndThread"/> <reward type="Quest" id="quest_NeedleAndThread_pt2"/> <reward type="Quest" id="quest_NeedleAndThread_pt3"/> <reward type="Quest" id="quest_NeedleAndThread_pt4"/> <reward type="Quest" id="quest_NeedleAndThread_pt5"/> <reward type="Quest" id="quest_NeedleAndThread_pt6"/> <reward type="Quest" id="quest_NeedleAndThread_pt7"/> </quest> This gathers all of my Needle and Thread quests into a single challenge so the player can get them started in their quest tab (survivor punches grass and it rewards them by starting up all 7 quests) From items.xml file <item name="QuestsNotesBundle3"> <property name="Extends" value="noteTestersDelightAdmin"/> <property name="CreativeMode" value="Player"/> <property name="CustomIcon" value="bundleBooks"/> <property name="CustomIconTint" value="FFFFFF"/> <property name="ItemTypeIcon" value="bundle"/> <property name="DescriptionKey" value="questRewardBookBundleDesc"/> <property class="Action0"> <property name="Create_item" value="NeedleAndThreadChallenge,MiningChallenge,WastelandTreasuresChallenge,LuckyLootersChallenge,GreatHeistChallenge,NightStalkerChallenge"/> <property name="Create_item_count" value="1"/> </property> </item> This is a bundle object I have the player receive on starting a new game <item name="NeedleAndThreadChallenge"> <property name="Extends" value="questMaster"/> <property class="Action0"> <property name="QuestGiven" value="quest_AllNeedleAndThread"/> </property> </item> This is the code that creates the paper note for the quests. Lots of cleanup still required, especially in localization updates; but this allows me to test the quests out in the mod before I start polishing them up.
  20. From the code <item name="questRewardMinibikePartsBundle"> <property name="Extends" value="noteTestersDelightAdmin"/> <property name="CreativeMode" value="Player"/> <property name="CustomIcon" value="bundleVehicleMiniBike"/> <property name="CustomIconTint" value="FFFFFF"/> <property name="ItemTypeIcon" value="bundle"/> <property name="DescriptionKey" value="questRewardVechileBundleDesc"/> <property class="Action0"> <property name="Create_item" value="vehicleWheels"/> <property name="Create_item_count" value="2"/> <property name="Random_item" value="smallEngine,carBattery,vehicleMinibikeChassis,vehicleMinibikeHandlebars"/> <property name="Random_item_count" value="1,1,1,1,1"/> <property name="Random_count" value="2"/> <property name="Unique_random_only" value="true"/> </property> </item> You can make multiple items from recipes, you just need to make an equivalent bundle in the items file and reference to that instead of the single item. That is how they do the ammo bundles in the game. For example <item name="ammoBundleJunkTurretRegular"> <property name="Extends" value="ammoBundleMaster"/> <property name="CustomIcon" value="ammoJunkTurretRegular"/> <property name="EconomicValue" value="1000"/> <property name="UnlockedBy" value="perkTechJunkie8Complete"/> <property class="Action0"> <property name="Create_item" value="ammoJunkTurretRegular"/> <property name="Create_item_count" value="1000"/> </property> </item>
  21. Are you using any external devices, like an external hard drive? namespace signal code 10 bus error 10 indicates a signal error related to memory allocation. This could be a potential hardware issue, but more likely something is corrupted when the game was updated from A19 to A20. However, like meganoth mentioned, without log files, we are just guessing right now. Also the backtrace would help also to try and narrow it down. Though I will admit, I am a PC user not a Mac so I don't have as much experience with them as I do with PCs.
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