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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. DF is an overhaul mod so a lot of vanilla code has been changed. The messages saying did not apply means that when you added this mod to DF, it can't find those paths - which means that the DF code for the biomes changed from vanilla. The warning message at the bottom lets you know that the code also was changed in the spawning file. It is recommended not to install two or more overhaul mods at the same time unless the mod creators worked together to make them work together. Since the theme of this mod contrasts heavily with the theme of DF, I doubt they were designed to work together.
  2. I play no repairs allowed for items and haven't had an issue to adjust to the new system. It hasn't removed my choice to do that plus build a base. I even removed the quest rewards from the traders so not sure what issues you are having to craft items or a base in the game.
  3. I don’t speak Russian so hopefully someone who does can be more exact, but this post explains in detail how to in English
  4. Solar cells are T3 electrical so you need to be at 55 for trader stage for them to be in the trader inventory. If you got Daring Adventure maxed out, that is 40 trader points right there. Player level 15 would get you there regardless of your trader level. Solar cells are in the Electrical trader grouping which consists of 21 unique items. Solar cells are 0.2 probability while everything else in that group has a probability between 0.5 and 1 (so solar cells are the least likely to drop RWG). All traders except for Bob can have between 5 to 10 unique electrical items. Bob can have between 10 and 20 unique electrical items. Bob has the highest chance of having them in his inventory since he has more unique choices than the other traders. One thing you can do is mod in the ability to craft them. I added them to my Q6 crafting mod as a high level electrical unlock (including solar banks). I think I set the electrical crafting magazines to 110 to 135
  5. I chuckled when pApA linked your mod in reply to you. Probably didn't see that you were the mod creator at first 😀
  6. Sometimes tagging people like @Black_Wolfhelps as it sends a notification that they were mentioned.
  7. unlocks are typically by item, but upgrades can be done via tags. In A20, if you had CraftingTier in the Deep Cuts perk, you had the tag perkDeepCuts for the base increase on Quality level. Anything in the items file that had quality levels and the perkDeepCuts in the tags would fall in that group. From A20 <perk name="perkDeepCuts" parent="skillAgilityCombat" name_key="perkDeepCutsName" desc_key="perkDeepCutsDesc" icon="ui_game_symbol_deep_cuts"> <effect_group> <passive_effect name="CraftingTier" operation="base_add" level="1,2,3,4,5" value="1,2,3,4,4" tags="perkDeepCuts"/> <passive_effect name="RecipeTagUnlocked" operation="base_set" level="1,5" value="1" tags="meleeWpnBladeT1HuntingKnife"/>
  8. The only annoying thing I have had is having to post my message, then go back into it to edit the format or post images (for example <!-- This code requires to be edited in after to show as the correct format -->
  9. Need a log (please follow instructions in the posted thread - How to report an issue - 3rd posted pinned from the top. The red warning message is saying something is wrong with your game setup, but without the information that would be in the logfile, we don't know what exactly is happening. It could be a mod conflict, a corrupted file, a missing file, etc. We can make assumptions but you will get faster help after providing the logfile.
  10. So much passion for an object most people wouldn't look twice at if it was laying on the side of the road.
  11. Another option than what @doughphunghusgave you is adjusting the biome's weather. I won't attach pictures in doughphunghus's mod thread, but if you set cloud thickness to 100 (min and max) and fog to 100 (min and max), you get a much darker day / more depressing. You can also do it by increasing the storms chance to 100% and everything else to 0%. Myself, I removed storms from the game (both rain and stormy weather) but made the fog be more prevalent overall (min of 50 max of 100).
  12. I uploaded a new version (V2) that should remove this bug. If you see something else, let me know.
  13. Ah, thanks for letting me know. I will get that bug addressed and push an update out (hopefully later today). I removed the perk books from the loot list and trader inventories, but forgot to remove them from the quest rewards (since I play with trader rewards removed). Broken items in the mod I have today are simply to scrap into parts. This was a request from some people on the forums. Eventually I will update it where it will work with my no repair playstyle and give the ability to repair them into lesser quality weapons if you don't have enough parts to craft a brand new weapon.
  14. Added another crafting mod - Q6, removed perk book and schematic unlocks for most crafting recipes, and some other things I did regarding crafting I probably forgot to write down at the time.
  15. Console is not an update though, it is a brand new game. Meaning, if you got the TellTale Games version, the last update for the TTG 7 days to die is the final version prior to them going bankrupt. The console version they are working on today is with a new publisher and not using the TTG code.
  16. It’s part of Izayo’s mods, there are two folders in each mod pack - the main weapon mod and the visible mods mod. If you download multiple weapon mods, you only need one of the visible mods mod
  17. That wasn't the main argument to support crafting magazines, but I am not going to get into a debate on that. What you want is a very specific mod. I haven't come across one where your crafting ability increases just by killing zombies. Typically, those mods have action skills to increase by performing said action. I have seen mods that removed magazines and brought back schematics / perk unlocks for crafting. Darkness Falls has LBD, but crafting is handled differently in that game (class unlocks, schematics, crafting skill) from what you are wanting. Darkness Falls would be a good mod to study to see how Khaine did his overhaul of the crafting system via xml and c# coding. From there, you could figure out what modifications you would need to do to be able to unlock crafting M60s based on how many zombie kills you rack up with assault rifles.
  18. It works, might want to check your changes to see if you made a mistake or if it is not loading correctly This is what I did in one of my mod localization files quest_BasicSurvival8_subtitle,Quest,Quest Info,,,Build a FirePit,,,,,,,,,,,,, This is what I saw in-game
  19. Any reload animation also needs a reload sound
  20. Trust me, Feral Boe is still there
  21. No that was an copy / paste error on my part. What you have above is correct and what I should have verified that I had. I copied what you had and then modified, but forgot to remove the extra @item name I had in it. That gets me all the time when I code. I will copy existing code from another location and paste it to make modifications, then I forget to change something like an item to a group or item to block. Good thing the game does the logging and gives you an error message when you try to load it up.
  22. Did a quick load and I saw some mod load errors. Here is some feedback: ModInfo throws up a huge error for line 5 - Description. To make it load up properly, I removed everything you had for line 5 and just put in <Description value="Water changes" /> That allowed it to load properly. You might have a hidden character in your description somewhere, I didn't dive that deep into it. items file This <setattribute xpath="//item[@name='resourceWaterFilter']/@EconomicValue">7500</setattribute> should be <set xpath="//item[@name='resourceWaterFilter']/property[@name='EconomicValue']">7500</set> In your recipes file, you forgot to have <config> at the start and </config> at the end For quests, I answered your question in the discussion thread just now so you can modify your code to remove the water filters as quest rewards.
  23. If you still need answers..... That should work. Then to add count, you would do something like: <setAttribute xpath="//trader_item_group[@name='generalResources']/item[@item name='bucketEmpty'] name="count">1,2</setAttribute> That command will add the new attribute to that node and assign the value also. It allows trader customization which might have been looked at one point but then they made everyone the same. At that point, they just got to make sure each trader code is the same. Easiest way to remove all with one line <remove xpath="//item[@name='resourceWaterFilter']"/> You will find as you playtest where you need to put it. That's a common thing I do. I read one thing and my mind goes a different direction. As long as the code structure I gave you is correct, then you can modify it to target what you want specifically.
  24. Nope it should be below. Each / mark indicates a node. So // tells it to go to the specified node regardless of what is in front of it, quest/ would be the quest node identified in id, and /reward would be the next node inside quest to find the specific reward you want to remove. Type is an attribute of that reward node, but if you added /type like you have in your code, it is going down another node looking. Where you want the game to go location wise quest reward What you were telling the game to go location wise quest reward type If that makes sense <remove xpath="//quest[@id='quest_tier1complete']/reward[@id='resourceWaterFilter']"/>
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