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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. Sometimes the BS is piled so high even he has to comment on it.
  2. Sorry, you want to change the value in the file <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <xml> <Name value="BFT2020_CraftingModQ6" /><!-- Unique name for your modlet --> <DisplayName value="Crafting changes for A21" /> <Version value="" compat="A21"/><!-- versioning number compat optional --> <Description value="Various crafting changes" /> <!-- (Optional) More text to show on UIs --> <Author value="BFT2020" /> <Website value=""/> </xml> In this case change where it says Name value
  3. Take the mod that modifies ammo stack sizes and make a copy. Rename it so that it is Alphabetically after Izayo's mod - I would do something like ZZZZ_Izayo_AmmoStacks. Rename the modinfo file for the new name of the mod. Remove all files except for items.xml and the modinfo file. In items.xml file, remove all code and put in the following: <config> <set xpath="//item[contains(@name,'IZYammo')]/property[@name='Stacknumber']/@value">X</set> </config> Change X in the second line to the value you want. Any ammo in the game that contains IZYammo will update the stack size to your number. If you want to only change specific ones, then you just need to change the following item[contains(@name,IZYammo')] to item(@name='IZYammo556mmBulletBall'] Black_Wolf's method works also, but if you download any updates to the mod, you will lose those changes. If you make a small modlet patch, it should always work as long as TFP don't change the variable names or code structure, or Izayo change's the name of the ammo.
  4. You got a lot of mods failing to load properly and I am seeing instances where models / codes trying to load in assets already loaded. You need to go through your mods list and do some pruning.
  5. Started the process of making another version of the MCGA mod, one where you can repair broken items - 2 versions - 1 limited to Q3 max and 1 with no quality limit
  6. Bottom of my first post, new modlet - removes the starter quests but keeps the 4 free skill points and trader starter quest
  7. This is better than when it is done it is done Or sometime this decade.
  8. Sometimes you have to use a lower tier item to get by. You don't have enough parts for a steel axe, make an iron axe. Or with the new crafting system, you can either use an iron axe until you have enough parts to make a new steel axe at the highest quality you can craft - or you craft a lower quality steel axe based on the # of parts you have.
  9. God I hope I get my A21 mod done prior to A22 being released. At the rate I am going, I will get it done the day before A22 experimental drops 😄
  10. Something else too is that Izayo has learned a lot about xpath modding over the course of the various weapon projects. Some of the earlier versions may have older code that hasn't been updated yet (Izayo is concentrating on the models and animation which is very nice IMHO) or things I might not have passed on properly while I was giving advice. I can download all the latest packs and see if there is something I can support on my end.
  11. I thought I did one for someone in the past, but couldn't find it where I store my mods for download. I probably just told them how to do it on their end. I can whip something up real quick. I think with a few lines of code I can change the gameevents file to give 4 free skill points on first spawn and set the first quest up to finding the local trader.
  12. Something I have done is remove horde nights altogether and have Khaine's wandering horde modlet installed. It changes how often the hordes can spawn and how big they are. It has made some interesting times doing a trader mission only to have a large wandering horde come into the POI you are trying to clear out. You also have to protect your main base (if you have a separate horde base) more. Another variation was Khaine's modlet and setting bloodmoons to every 10 days. The wandering horde changes keep you on your toes, so having 10 days (instead of 7) doesn't really make it that much easier. Personally, I been playing more No repairs on equipment allowed which changes how you approach each day. You got to plan out resources to replace your gear constantly while also planning for a future horde night. It doesn't do any good to use all of your forged iron or forged steel for base upgrades if you go into the horde night with damage guns that will only last one hour into it.
  13. Mods are loaded in alphabetical order. It is also listed in the log file the order the mods were loaded.
  14. No, if the tag is changed from perkGunslinger to perkMachineGuns, then you only have to spec into Machine guns to improve on them.
  15. You probably have another mod that modified the progression file and so Izayo's edits are not being applied - or they were applied and a later mod removed those changes when it was applied to the game.
  16. I also assumed that you mean Quality one on all the tiers. If you want to limit loot to Tier 1 or lower items (like stone / pipe / iron tools etc), you will have to modify more than what I typed above
  17. Heck, just keeping the localization file up-to-date with each Alpha must be a fun job for the "lucky" one maintaining it 😏
  18. Remember that they have to balance computer resources for a co-op game up to 8 players and older computer setups. Mods don't have to worry about that, so modders can have more freedom to do what they want and not worry about the consequences of adding more items to the game. My computer can handle more, but I only play SP and my computer was recently built in the last couple of years.
  19. To reduce the loot drop to Quality 1 for all tiers, you need to change the quality loot tables. Remove the following loot tables: QLTemplateT0, QLTemplateT1, QLTemplateT2, QLTemplateT3 and replace them with new ones like this <lootqualitytemplates> <lootqualitytemplate name="QLTemplateT0"> <qualitytemplate level="0,999999" default_quality="1"> <loot quality="1" prob="1"/> </qualitytemplate> </lootqualitytemplate> </lootqualitytemplates> You would do this for all 4 loot templates I said to remove. I believe the code could be written like this: <remove xpath="//lootqualitytemplate[contains(@name,'QLTemplateT')]/qualitytemplate[not(starts-with(@level,'0'))]"/> <set xpath="//lootqualitytemplate[contains(@name,'QLTemplateT')]/qualitytemplate/@level">0,999999</set> <set xpath="//lootqualitytemplate[contains(@name,'QLTemplateT')]/qualitytemplate/@default_quality">1</set> <set xpath="//lootqualitytemplate[contains(@name,'QLTemplateT')]/qualitytemplate/loot/@quality">1</set> First line of code removes all of the non-zero quality template tables in all 4 QL Templates The next 3 lines change the remaining one to Quality 1 at all levels Should work unless I messed up my logic or made a typo.
  20. I am working on that in my main mod but I think I can pull it from it and release it as a modlet….though I limited repaired items to only Q3 max
  21. If you are talking about a weapon mod with wasteland, you can't without making a patch mod yourself. Wasteland is an overhaul mod while a lot of weapon mods out there are for vanilla 7 days to die.
  22. Check the effects of the perk Treasure Hunter. It adds quantity found based on perk level for buried treasure. This is done by using a custom tag that is set in the block file for that container. So if someone perks in Treasure Hunter, they get increased loot based on it. However, this would only apply for the person that is opening the container initially, not after. You wouldn't need different lootbags in this case as it would scale up the monetary rewards inside the lootgroup for it.
  23. You need to post a logfile. Are you loading up other mods along with Wasteland? They might be causing conflicts. Is your install corrupted or missing files, that could cause issues. bdubyah is asking for the log multiple times now because it will show him what the game is loading up and applying in your instance. Without that information, it is hard to pinpoint why you are having this issue (and nobody else is).
  24. They should be as Black_Wolf added a localization file
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