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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. That is probably just a warning that the files are not certified (not that it has a virus). I have seen Norton do a popup on files I have downloaded from the OEM site with that warning (can't remember the exact words, but I recall it dealing with the digital certificate). Every time I read the message, it seemed to be tied more to how new a file was so they didn't have enough information to verify yet if it was safe. However, it all depends on the exact message that you got from your AV program. Nm, Riamus already explained it to you (I missed it at the bottom of his reply).
  2. Are we going to see a mod in the future from meganoth of new "pets" 🙂 Sounds like you been putting some thought into it 😉
  3. I think Khaine uses a custom version of it.
  4. Haven't tried anything yet, but the biomes.xml file would be the first thing I would look into. Trees are considered decorations in that file.
  5. Throw in the fact that the progression / crafting system is getting a slight revamp which is player data, using a saved game from A20 to A21 feels like you are just asking for troubles.
  6. Unless you have a backup copy of your saved game, I think you are fubar. DF is an overhaul which changes a lot of the game through xml and c# coding. Once you loaded up your game in vanilla, your save file is going to get corrupted without all that additional code as your save file is still referencing everything from Darkness Falls. Might be time to just start a new game.
  7. pssttt.....a shotgun in the hands of an Int build kills zombies too. You don't have to be perked into the shotguns in order to use them. Especially if said shotgun has the cripple em mod in it and you are aiming for the legs as your turret is firing away.
  8. That's fine for the Int attribute though, as the intent of a pure Int tree build is not to be a combat heavy build. You don't have to make the baton stronger like the club. Then the Int tree just becomes the strength tree but with turrets. It's all about playing to the strengths of each attribute tree and not comparing its weaknesses to the other trees.
  9. I’m playing that now in Alpha 20. This is a change I am looking forward to. I love the idea of progressing via magazines to craft different items and the fact that there will now be different levels of quality depending on your crafting skill. And now I will be able to craft a higher level shotgun if I am concentrating on the agility attribute.
  10. If you are also talking pure attribute perking, Int is the only one that can have 3 guns firing at the same time (2 turrets and 1 handheld). All others can only have 2 (1 turret plus 1 handheld weapon)
  11. FYI overhaul mods have issues if you try to use other mods with them. Be careful with the other mods as they can cause conflicts. The method you are using (trying a few) is the recommended method
  12. I answered your question in the mods section
  13. It's an option in S Core, so look in those files to see what you would need to change that option. Should be in the blocks.xml file. Look for something like AdvanceZombies or close to that. There should be a line state headshots only. If it is set to true, change that value to false
  14. I forgot to reply to this portion of your thread earlier. Understand that an agility style playthrough that emphases stealth play using bows and knives will be a much slower progression through POIs. If you are the type of player that doesn't want to spend more time than necessary or maximize your output in a day, you won't find it as fun as just blasting your way through the POIs. Stealth is not like Skryim stealth where you can max out the skill, then simply crouch in front of them in daylight and they can't see you. There is always a chance to fail the stealth check. So really read From the Shadow perk description and make use of the ability to have them lose interest in you after you get out of their sight vector. There is a reason that agility build has Parkour in it 😉
  15. The thing is though, the Intelligence tree can be pretty OP with 2 junk turrets that the player can deploy along with their own weapons. The reason we might not have the T3 baton at this point is striking a balance between more melee for the Int builds vs overpowering it. The axe was in the same situation. It was a powerful melee weapon so people were taking that to save a spot on their toolbelt (cuts wood and cuts zombies, why bring a different melee weapon). No, I just helped the mod creator with some coding issues and assisted in tracking down issues. I have installed those mods, but only to assist with troubleshooting issues. @Izayo would be a better person to ask about balancing.
  16. I think I figured it out the issue with Q1 T0 Magnum. In the recipes file, the T0Magnum recipe doesn't have the perkGunslinger tag added to it. The T0PipePistol does and I think it is from the recipe file where it learns what perk it needs to reference in progression to determine quality level. Still, this is just based on reading the code and not actually trying it out in game.
  17. I wouldn't bet against you
  18. Not sure if the mod creator got back with you, but I think I see why the shotguns are unlocking at tier 1 (it actually affects all weapon unlocks) This is the code that he has now <append xpath="/progression/perks/perk[@name='perkBoomstick']/effect_group"> <passive_effect name="RecipeTagUnlocked" operation="base_set" level="1,5" value="2" tags="T1shotgunM31"/> </append> <append xpath="/progression/perks/perk[@name='perkBoomstick']/effect_group"> <passive_effect name="RecipeTagUnlocked" operation="base_set" level="1,5" value="2" tags="T2shotgun870police"/> </append> <append xpath="/progression/perks/perk[@name='perkBoomstick']/effect_group"> <passive_effect name="RecipeTagUnlocked" operation="base_set" level="1,5" value="3" tags="T3shotgunM4terminator"/> </append> I haven't tried it yet (at work), but I think he needed to do this instead to lock into tiers (this follows the structure in the Advanced Engineering perk that has recipe unlocks at different perk levels). <append xpath="/progression/perks/perk[@name='perkBoomstick']/effect_group"> <passive_effect name="RecipeTagUnlocked" operation="base_set" level="2,5" value="1" tags="T1shotgunM31"/> <passive_effect name="RecipeTagUnlocked" operation="base_set" level="2,5" value="1" tags="T2shotgun870police"/> <passive_effect name="RecipeTagUnlocked" operation="base_set" level="3,5" value="1" tags="T3shotgunM4terminator"/> </append> I believe the value is just 0 or not 0 (typically used as 1). To limit what levels the recipe is unlocked at, you have to setup level with the first number being the perk level to unlock. Not sure on the T0 magnum, I looked at the code and nothing jumped out yet on why you can't craft higher than Q1. It looks like it has been setup to craft higher levels, but I haven't found anything that would prevent you from doing so (yet).
  19. Apocalypse Now is an overhaul mod which affects a lot of the components of the game, including progression and crafting. This mod is meant for the vanilla version. In order to get this mod to work with Apocalypse Now, you are going to need to create a patch.
  20. But that is just crafting. How effective they will be depends on any changes they make to the batons themselves along with changes to the perk associated to them via the Intelligence attribute. They may end of tying both perks (baton and turrets) into the same one, or they may keep them separate like they are today. It's going to be interesting to see how the perks flesh out with all the recipes removed. Which based on the information provided so far (very little other than changes being made), these changes are something they are keeping close to the vest and we will find out after A21 drops.
  21. Yes that is always possible, but everyone should be aware of what level the mod is up to in case there are issues. In this case though, both mods do different actions using the 'e' (Interact) key so whichever mod is loaded last would dictate what 'e' does
  22. Why is TFP prioritizing the PC version over the console? Simple, TFP is a PC game company, not a console game company. The PC game is also close to being completed. After that, the studio chosen to port the game over has the finished product (and not like the same situation that TTG was under releasing a game still under development). They could have simply release 7D2D for computer only. Yet....and this is a big Yet, they are moving forward, after the bankruptcy of TellTale Games which caused the stop of the current iteration of the console game, with a new console studio to take 7D2D. In the meantime, the development team is working towards optimizing the game today to be able to run on the requirements of consoles and not just for the PC. If they didn't care about the console game, they wouldn't be putting forth any resources to optimize it now for the console. They could just simply concentrate solely on the PC release version and let the Studio that releases the game for the console deal with any issues that may cause. What I said was in no way evidence of "here is all the evidence they care about PC more than they care about console they want console players wait 3 to 4 more years while PC goes gold thank you" Stop construing my words to fit your narrative.
  23. First, winter is still ongoing. We are just in February. If they have any new news, they will share it. And A21 for the computer is not the last development cycle for the computer version. That is why they haven't released any dates because the computer version is still ongoing. Computer version - A21 (2023) then maybe 1-3 additional development cycles depending on how much they get done per cycle. No estimated date yet for Computer version Gold Console dates won't start firming up until computer version is done or close to being done.
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