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Posts posted by BFT2020

  1. 18 hours ago, ShadeColdfang said:

    Yea i noticed the same weird thing that the Auto mod makes all Auto Rifles fire reeeeally slow

    good to know that its already in there. but a Bug?... how?


    The double barrel shotgun is the only weapon that has this characteristic (one or two shots fired via single trigger or double trigger pull), so I understand why they are not going to introduce an alternative fire mode just for one weapon (and since they haven't done it already, doubt it will be something they do prior to going gold).  They need to set it high so players can fire both chambers close to one another to simulate pulling both triggers at once.


    The thing is, the value for the rounds per minute hasn't changed since A19 (1000 rpm is spec'd in A19 config files).  The only thing in terms of that variable that has changed since A19 to A21 is there use to be a random modification of about 5%. 


    I played around with it last night and set it to 500.  There was a delay in firing both chambers, so you can control it better; but it felt like the delay was maybe a bit too much.  Fine tuning it may lead to either adjusting the value between 500 to 1000 to make it smoother (or maybe they are looking into another approach).

    2 hours ago, Lasher said:



    Bad bit of code - then don't test it.

    That's how.

    But it's stable...




    Based on what I seen, the code looks the same from A19 to A21, but nobody reported it out during A19 and A20 (not in the bug reports).  There might have been changes in A21 code elsewhere that made it more noticeable now, or people could have gotten use to it and never noticed it before.  Heck, it could have been caused by faatal's performance improvements and now things that were acceptable before now have issues.


    This is why they request players to play and test the game in vanilla when they release new builds to find issues like this and report them out (properly in the bug report pool for each Alpha development phase).

  2. 52 minutes ago, Syphon583 said:

    I'm curious as to why this change was made. I get that some players just prefer the quietness that comes with a pick axe, but there are plenty of players who prefer using the auger (one less tool to carry) and this change makes the auger essentially useless now.


    An unperked person is going to harvest more iron ore in the same time with an auger vs a steel pick.  Not sure how this makes the auger useless if it harvests faster and you don't lose stamina in the process.

  3. It's your pathing.  First should be worldgeneration, not biomes.  Remove the first biomes in your path and it should work now.


    Also, if you are setting everything to zero, you can do it by two lines


    <set xpath="/worldgeneration/biomes/biome/@lootstage_bonus">0</set>
    <set xpath="/worldgeneration/biomes/biome/@gamestage_bonus">0</set>


    you can also just remove most of the code and do this:


    <set xpath="//@lootstage_bonus">0</set>


    That will change all instances of lootstage_bonus to 0.

  4. 21 hours ago, Tarf said:

    Not a clue how to do a modlet so here are all the files that I modified in the mod's config.


    I will convert your code into a modlet, or maybe just update the modlet I already created and add your additional code to it.

  5. On 7/11/2023 at 2:25 PM, The_Great_Sephiroth said:

    I had no idea I could do that. My only remaining option is the "CustomIcon" field. Is there a way to set that to the steel cube icon? I've tried several things and nothing seems to work. The icon is always blank or the mod fails to apply.


    What does your code look like?

  6. 16 minutes ago, Callum123456789 said:

    huh thanks for telling me, the descriptions seem to be lacking this information.


    Yeah I noticed that too.  The advantage I have right now is I am looking at the code in the xml files so I see what the perk is suppose to do, regardless of its description in-game.

  7. Try adding a rally point like they do in  the Buried Supplies quests


            <objective type="RallyPoint">
                <property name="start_mode" value="Create"/>
                <property name="phase" value="2"/>
                <property name="nav_object" value="rally" />


  8. 16 hours ago, dryfus said:

    Yes, but 30 minutes to craft the stack is half an in game @%$#.  If you have a full stack of nitrate and coal, you can craft 6k of gunpowder in a day and a half in game days, but 7k stacks in three and a half in game days.  that's a lot of being out.(and yes I realize you can grab the first stack when it's done in half a day)


    So in game:


    • Baseline - 1800 seconds to craft 1 bundle of gunpowder
    • Nerdy glasses reduces craft time by 10% so once you find those, it now only takes 1620 seconds to craft.
    • Ranks 2 and 3 in Physician reduce crafting times with the chemistry station by 20%.  With the nerdy glasses, it now only takes 1260 seconds.
    • Ranks 4 and 5 in Physician reduce crafting times with the chemistry station by 40%.  With the nerdy glasses, it only takes 900 seconds.


    That is how TFP approach this.  Anyone can craft the bundle after they unlock the recipe.  Those who find and use the nerdy glasses will reduce their crafting time by 10% (which is not hard to do).  But if you want to really reduce crafting times in gunpowder stacks, then you need to perk at least into level 2 of Physician (for an additional 20%) or level 4 of Physician (for an additional 40%).  It's all about making a choice and living with the pros and cons of that choice.


    • Choice 1 - Craft one at a time, best for people who don't want to spend any points into Physician and need it quickly, wastes resources
    • Choice 2 - Craft into bundles, best for people who don't want to waste resources and not worried about time, gets more from your resources but takes time
    • Choice 3 - Craft into bundles and perk into Physician, more from resources and faster crafting times, have to invest some perk points into Intellect tree
      • At a minimum (using Nerdy glasses), would need to spend 6 perk points (for Level 2) - Int 5 with points, 6 with glasses, then 2 points into the perk

    If you want to mass produce gunpowder bundles, you can also invest in more chemistry stations.  Then you can produce X times the amount in the same time period.

  9. 6 minutes ago, strykerman said:

    I have 2 main gripes, so far:

    crafting progression:
    I like the new system, what i dont like is this crafting progression stone tools 1-5, then you learn iron tools 1-5, then steel tools.  the problem is that when i had iron level 5, I found an iron level 6. I did not make any steel tools until I could make level 5, not because of the mod slot difference, but because the iron level 6 was better than the steel lvl 4 tools.  It was even worse with most of the guns.

    I would like to have seen this progression: stone 1, iron 1, steel 1, stone 2, iron 2, steel 2, etc.  I would have been using far more crafting resources and would have had more incremental jumps rather than massive ones.


    If you can craft a level 3 steel pickaxe, why would you craft a level 4 stone axe?  🤔




    where are the fishing weights and trophies?  they are still in the CM, but I have yet to find one in the wild, anywhere.  I noticed that I really dont have any lead as a result.  I think they should be brought back, but limited to certain POI's (sporting stores, lakeside houses, maybe future POI's of houses with a boat on a trailer parked in the driveway or garage).  EDIT: I just realized that I have not found brass trophies either.  also missed, even if it only meant that my personal crafting queue was doing more and I had to go into my inventory more often.


    Those items were replaced with scrapped lead and scrapped brass.

  10. @MrSamuelAdams


    Here you go, adds the weapons to the quest rewards (not the bundle packages though)






    As always you are more than welcome to incorporate the code into your mod so users don't have to search for this modlet.  In addition, you can use it as a baseline for your other weapon mods (copy and paste), just remember to change the items from the shotguns to your other modded weapons.


    Everything loaded on my end fine, but I am not able to test fully in game since I am working on my own mods.  If anyone sees an issue with it, please let me know.

  11. 3 hours ago, dryfus said:

    Yes, but why should that matter.  If it lowered it to 50% rather than 80%  I could see it taking twice as long, but if you gonna do 80% shouldn't it take only 20% longer.  It really disincentivizes making stacks IMHO.

    Not if you are trying to get more from your resources.  If you are swimming in coal and nitrate, then do it in singles.  But if you want to maximize your output, then stacks are best as you can simply have it crafting while you are out

  12. 20 minutes ago, Uncle Al said:

    I'm am noticing this problem with vehicle magazines. I've played a game with a build that's heavily perked into salvage, with also a couple of points in Miner 69er. Unfortunately, passing gas crates contain four possible magazines: harvesting tools, salvage tools, forge ahead and vehicles. Passing gas crates are pretty much the only commonly available lootable item that weights decently for vehicle magazines.


    Garage boxes and Mo Power crates have a good chance of the vehicle crafting skill magazines.  Interesting it is not part of the bonus loot group from loot chests (only salvage, harvest, repair, and workstations) that you can get items from in T3 or higher loot containers.  Wonder if adding vehicle crafting mags to the bonus loot group would be a small increase in drop rates.


    20 minutes ago, Uncle Al said:

    I really wish the perk weighting had been done as it was originally described, where perks grant a chance at extra magazines rather than changing the weightings of loot. Something like (2% x container magazine weighting) chance per perk point of an extra magazine every time you loot a container. That way you'd still never find magazines outside of their proper containers (as the weight chance is zero) but having a perk would never slow your progress in any crafting line. It would mean high level characters find more magazines than low level ones, but I don't see that as a bad thing.


    I don't recall it being described as doubling the amount of magazines you could find, just that you increase the probability of finding them in loot.  I do recall TFP talking about going to specific POIs and having a higher chance of getting the magazines you need, and that the perks would also increase the chance of finding any tied to that perk.

  13. 36 minutes ago, theFlu said:

    Making each step a mandatory intermediary for crafting would of course solve both of those - as in crafting a Q2 would consume a Q1 + mats. Kinda like it does already with the multiples of mats... you just don't craft the previous one now.


    I thought about that (even including it in my mod) but wasn't sure if I can specify a quality level of an item to consume.  Also, would bloat out the recipe file if you have to have a unique recipe for each quality level now (compared to the current structure where you can just passively increase the resource count as quality goes up).

  14. On 7/8/2023 at 9:13 PM, theFlu said:

    Hmm, at the current stage, you get a forge by day .. 2? I don't think I use _a_ bulk of stone arrows in the current meta, soo; yeah, there's something to fix there. But unless the tech tree speed is absolutely borked atm, the fix is mostly to remove the bulk option... :)


    I actually create an ammo crafting quest where you could unlock bulk arrow crafting by Day 1 if you collected enough feathers.  Even if I was to get a forge early on, the other changes make iron more valuable to save for forged iron rather than going into arrow head production right away.  I think I used stone arrows up to Day 8 before, once I had enough scrap iron that I could start producing iron arrows in bulk (and unlocked the bulk crafting recipe for them).


    For A21, I am going to create an ammo crafting magazine series and tie the arrows, bolts, and firearm ammo to it (and removing the unlocks from the perk books).

    1 hour ago, meganoth said:

    Wait, @SnowDog1942 is at **your** place?


    I don't think it is him.  This guys just gets off on causing pain to others, SnowDog gets off in a completely different manner  😏

  15. 33 minutes ago, meganoth said:


    And that is why I don't like this boost being tied to perks. It means I have to consider meta reasons when spending my perk points. I may want to be better and faster at cooking, but no, that would dilute my weapon perks bonus!



    I am assuming you are talking about the crafting magazines, but in the specialty containers, the weapon perks and cooking perks won't fight against each other (so you are not going to find crafting magazines for weapons in a Shamway crate and no food crafting recipes in shotgun messiah crates).


    A different way you can also approach this is to have a crafting perk in each attribute tree and tie all those crafting magazines to that perk and remove them from the other perks.  So for example, in Strength, have a strength crafting perk so spending points in there would increase find chances for magazines for sledgehammers, clubs, shotguns, armor, and cooking.  That way, you can simply perk into Master Chef for improved cooking skills but not boost your rate of finding those magazines (instead just perking into say Agility crafting perk if you want to find magazines faster for the weapons in that tree).   And if you want to max out Cooking skill but have a small chance of increasing strength crafting recipes, you can put a perk into the Strength crafting perk and max out, say Agility, so you are more likely to find a Deep Cuts magazine than a sledgehammer or club magazine.


    There are cons to doing it this way, but it is another way to look at this situation.

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