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Posts posted by BFT2020

  1. For everyone's information, this is how your mods folder should look like with Izayo's and my mods




    Since I have both of Izayo's mods loaded, I installed both of my mods to update the UI.  (Ignore the Temp folder, that is where I dump mod folders in when I don't want them to load up).


    Want to clear up some confusion since there was some in the shotgun thread.

    6 hours ago, GamezFreak1996 said:

    What do you mean by both clients? Do you have a discord? I really wanna fix this for my server and friends.


    Tarf already explained it.  Since Izayo's mod has new assets (models), both server and client machines need to have the mods installed.  So the machine that is acting as the server and all of your friends (including yours if you are running an independent server) need to have the mod installed for everything to show up correct.


    No discord, not important enough to have one  😏

  2. For everyone's information, this is how your mods folder should look like with Izayo's and my mods




    Since I have both of Izayo's mods loaded, I installed both of my mods to update the UI.  (Ignore the Temp folder, that is where I dump mod folders in when I don't want them to load up).

  3. On 8/3/2023 at 2:00 AM, JaxTeller718 said:

    How would i go about adding a zombie to each entitygroup. Say I wanted to add zombieSpecialScreamer to every scout group?


        <!-- To add to an existing group, spread it over multiple lines -->
        <csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='ZombiesAll']/text()" delim="\n" op="add" >
            zombieFatHawaiian2, .3
            zombieFatHawaiian3, .3
            zombieFatHawaiian4, .3
            zombieFatHawaiian5, .3
  4. 9 hours ago, GamezFreak1996 said:

    Can anyone help me out? I am running a dedicated server through G-Portal on Alpha 21 & I installed the mods using FileZilla. Once I get into the game I can see the name of the items but, I don't see any images for the items. Is this a bug or did I do something wrong?

    Do you have the mods installed on the clients too?  The mods need to be installed on both server and clients.

  5. 9 hours ago, The_Great_Sephiroth said:

    Notes on the crop master block say not to set it below 2.



    Okay, I'm stuck again. Before I release the modlet I want to reduce the chance seeds will spawn but not eliminate it. If crops never produce seeds you're confined in how much you can grow. However, I want the seed chance down to around 10%~20%. This means I need to modify the following line.


    <drop event="Destroy" name="plantedMushroom1" count="1" prob="0.5"/>


    I am not sure how to change the 0.5 to 0.2.


    <set xpath="/blocks/block[@name='plantedMushroom3HarvestPlayer']/drop[@event='Destroy'][@name='prob']/@value">0.2</set>


    This fails. How do I set the probability lower? I can go brute-force and simply remove the line and add another in my way, but I believe "set" is the proper way to do this.


    If the block only has one destroy event line in it:


    <set xpath="/blocks/block[@name='plantedMushroom3HarvestPlayer']/drop[@event='Destroy']/@prob">0.2</set>

    If the block has multiple destroy event lines in it:


    <set xpath="/blocks/block[@name='plantedMushroom3HarvestPlayer']/drop[@event='Destroy' and @name='plantedMushroom1']/@prob">0.2</set>


  6. I forgot to mention I do have a fix for this situation.


    When I got a lot of crafting stations going and I know the activity map is going to increase calling in screamers, I tend to setup shotgun turrets.  They do an excellent job of taking out screamers who are too nosy around my base.

  7. 18 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

    There is "survival horror" -  definition :

    survival horror refers to a subgenre of survival video games that includes horror game elements.[5][6][7] The player character is vulnerable and under-armed,[8] which puts emphasis on puzzle-solving and evasion, rather than the player taking an offensive strategy.[9] Games commonly challenge the player to manage their inventory[10] and ration scarce resources such as ammunition.[8][9] Another major theme throughout the genre is that of isolation. Typically, these games contain relatively few non-player characters and, as a result, frequently tell much of their story second-hand through the usage of journals, texts, or audio logs.[11]

    While many action games feature lone protagonists versus swarms of enemies in a suspenseful environment,[12] survival horror games are distinct from otherwise horror-themed action games.[13][14] They tend to de-emphasize combat in favor of challenges such as hiding or running from enemies and solving puzzles.[12] Still, it is not unusual for survival horror games to draw upon elements from first-person shooters, or even role-playing games.[5] According to IGN, "Survival horror is different from typical game genres in that it is not defined strictly by specific mechanics but subject matter, tone, pacing, and design philosophy."[11]



    Last sentence:  "Survival horror is different from typical game genres in that it is not defined strictly by specific mechanics but subject matter, tone, pacing, and design philosophy" Bold is my emphasis.


    The genre has evolved over time, with the more recent games out there starting to emphasis combat more.   Sure 7 days to die is not a pure survival horror game, but as you pointed out earlier in your post, the developers have stated that it is a mashup of First Person shooter, survival horror, Tower defense and Role Playing.  They never stated it was a pure survival horror game.

  8. 7 minutes ago, The_Great_Sephiroth said:

    Thanks, but I figured it out. It works and I will be uploading to Nexus Mods this afternoon. I already verified that everything works and believe it will give the OP what he wants.


    I figured you did based on your other posts stating you were already testing your mod, but figured I would still answer it in case someone searches and finds this thread.

  9. 13 hours ago, Huysuz said:

    In about 1 game day, 8-9 screaming zombie women started spawning in my base, I think it should be fixed


    Fix what?  You provided no information for anyone to determine what is going on and why.


    What version are you playing?  What is going on in your base to cause a lot of screamers to spawn in and scout?


    With no logfile and no information provided, most people are just going to assume that you are doing a ton of activity to raise your heat map and the game is spawning screamer scouts and sending them to your base to see what is going on. If that is indeed the case, that is a game mechanic that is part of the game and working properly.

  10. Can't download the file at work, but each crafting category needs to have a name_key, desc_key, and long_desc_key.


        <crafting_skill name="craftingWorkstations" max_level="75" parent="attCrafting" name_key="craftingWorkstationsName" desc_key="craftingWorkstationsDesc" long_desc_key="craftingWorkstationsLongDesc" icon="ui_game_symbol_workbench">

    In your file, the format needs to look like this:


    Key,File,Type,UsedInMainMenu,NoTranslate,english,Context / Alternate Text,german,spanish,french,italian,japanese,koreana,polish,brazilian,russian,turkish,schinese,tchinese


    You don't have to provide each translation, you can leave the field empty though commas


    example of one in game

    craftingWorkstationsName,progression,Attribute,,,Workstations,,Arbeitsstationen,Áreas de trabajo,Postes de travail,Postazioni di lavoro,作業場,작업장,Stacje robocze,Estações de trabalho,Рабочие станции,Çalışma İstasyonları,工作站,工作站


    example of a custom one with only English translation

    craftingBFTNewCraftingMagazines,progression,Attribute,,,New Crafting Mags,,,,,,,,,,,,,


    make sure you have the right amount of commas to indicate the number of columns per the header above.

  11. 18 hours ago, The_Great_Sephiroth said:

    Actually, how do insert after a drop event?


    <drop event="Destroy" name="plantedMushroom1" count="1" prob="0.5"/>


    How would I specify the "insertafter" line for that?


    This is how I would write it:


    <insertAfter xpath="//block[@name='plantedMushroom3Harvest']/drop[@event='Destroy']">
    <property name="DowngradeBlock" value="plantedMushroom1"/>
    <remove xpath="//block[@name='plantedMushroom3Harvest']/drop[@event='Destroy']"/>


    So insert first the new code, and then the remove line to remove the seed drop code

  12. 1 minute ago, meilodasreh said:

    maybe "no towns" also means no traders are spawned but these are needed for the initial quest row? 🤔


    No, it won't crash like this.  If it can't find a trader, the quest will simply fail (showing no trader found).

  13. 37 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

    You : you should tell this too faatal.

    Me: he won't read it

    You : you know he won't read it? 


    Me: this exactly what i'm saying


    faatal responds to people that tag him, he has been doing that for some time now.  He reads things that members tag him on, and most of the time, he responds to it.  It may not be the response you want, but he does read things brought to his attention.

  14. 16 hours ago, Rotor said:

    @RevenantWit So, that looks like on/off 0-1 right?  Or make the 1 a 10?


    @BFT2020 Tags? like:


    <passive_effect name="DismemberChance" operation="base_add" level="2,10" value=".05,.45" tags=Arms/>  ???  


    Will that increase the chance or do the numbers have to be changed?  The above is all Latin...I only know english and spanish :).


    base_add will add a flat number to the chance.  So say normally you have a 0.2 chance, so 0.05 would be added to it to get you to 0.25 and the last scale would be 0.65 chance (65%).


    though your structure is a bit off on tags, that would read tags="arms"


    One easy way of checking is to put the passive effect on the survivor in the entityclasses file.  I did that with a passive bonus for electric trap kills


        <insertAfter xpath="/entity_classes/entity_class[@name='playerMale']/effect_group/passive_effect[@name='PlayerExpGain']">
            <passive_effect name="ElectricalTrapXP" operation="base_set" value="0.1"/>


    This way you can see if you are getting a higher chance of dismemberments


  15. On 7/30/2023 at 1:45 AM, FA_Q2 said:

    I have a solid explanation, I already gave it.  I doubt a solid explanation even exists on the other side but I await one from anywhere.  A copyright lawyer certainly would not furnish one, they cost hundreds per hour and they get paid that to understand the law, not why a law exists.


    I think the why is actually pretty simple, the monied interests in this field are all on the side of trying to limit the rights of customers as much as possible, the people writing these laws are utterly ignorant about what these laws mean and the voters that provide the counterbalance to the lobbyist interests don't really care and are equally ignorant.  Most people just want @%$# to work, they do not care about the details.  


    Who do you know that has actually read an EULA?  I know exactly zero people that have read one.  The fact that it is a contract that you are functionally required to 'sign' before you even read it should turn a few heads at the onset but no one really cares.


    Though this might be way beyond what people want to discuss on a video game board :D



    If you own copyright material, you don't want others to make money off of your work.  It's that simple.


    As for the EULA, I have read it when it was first shown to me when I purchased the game and when it was updated, especially when I started modding the game and sharing those mods with others.  You are not functionally required to sign it before you read it, you are functionally required to sign it before you download / play / mod the game.  In every case that I have seen the EULA's, you are giving the chance of reading it before agreeing to it.  If you choose to not read it, that is your decision.



    2.  Someone can said " But modders are not rich enough to buy good models!" - true yet are able to "take off " harley queen from Batman. I think they could take models from cod, l4d2, or even re 2 ( spoiler art - people are using RE 2 models for mods in diffrent games)


    That is asking for the copyright owners to send a cease and desist letter to you.  Unless the model has been deemed fair use, most modders that want to stay out of trouble will not take copyright materials from other medias / games and use in their mods.

  17. On 7/30/2023 at 6:37 AM, Bekaflo said:

    Index was out of range.Must be non-negative and less than the size of collection. Parameter name: index

    How can i fix it? I play a mp game on juvupe valley. At the Moment this error only comes up when i quit the game


    Wow, literally no information to troubleshoot the issue.  Might want to read the pinned topic that states read first which will explain how to provide information for others to assist.

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