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Posts posted by BFT2020

  1. Another thing is that the traders sell appliances that are not like the loot container ones.  So you can buy it and place it.  Since it is a player placed block, it doesn't get assigned a loot group so won't ever change into the open state once you loot it.


            <!-- *** Deco_Blocks -->
            <trader_item_group name="decorativeBlocks" count="1">
                <item group="decorativeBlinds"/>
                <item name="airConditioner" count="2,3"/>
                <item name="appliancesVariantHelper" count="2,3"/>
                <item name="cntCashRegister"/>
                <item name="cntCoolerVariantHelper"/>
                <item name="cntFileCabinetBlockVariantHelper"/>
                <item name="sinkKitchen" count="2,4"/>
                <item name="pictureVariantHelper" count="2,3"/>
                <item name="cntWaterCoolerFull"/>
                <item name="pipeLargeBlockVariantHelper" count="20,30"/>
                <item name="pipeSmallBlockVariantHelper" count="20,30"/>
                <item name="treeAzalea" count="8,15"/>
                <item name="barStoolVariantHelper" count="4,8"/>


    <block name="appliancesVariantHelper">
        <property name="Extends" value="cntStoveModernVer1Closed" param1="Place,EconomicValue"/>
        <property name="CreativeMode" value="Player"/>
        <property name="CustomIcon" value="cntStoveModernVer1Closed"/>
        <property name="ItemTypeIcon" value="all_blocks"/>
        <property name="DescriptionKey" value="blockVariantHelperGroupDesc"/>
        <property name="SelectAlternates" value="true"/>
        <property name="PlaceAltBlockValue" value="cntStoveModernVer1Closed_Player,cntStoveOldVer1Closed_Player,cntMicrowaveOvenVer1Closed_Player,cntMicrowaveOvenVer2Closed_Player,cntToaster,cntCoffeeMaker,cntRetroFridgeVer1Closed_Player,cntFridgeStainlessSteel_Player,cntWasherClosed_Player,cntDryerClosed_Player,cntgasRangeWhite,cntgasRangeGrey,cntgasRangeBlack,cntwallOvenFullWhite_Player,cntwallOvenFullGrey_Player,cntwallOvenFullBlack_Player,cntDishwasherFullWhite_Player,cntDishwasherFullYellow_Player,cntDishwasherFullGreen_Player,cntDishwasherFullBlack_Player,hoodRangeWhite,hoodRangeYellow,hoodRangeGreen,hoodRangeGrey,hoodRangeBlack,hoodRangeWhiteOffset,hoodRangeYellowOffset,hoodRangeGreenOffset,hoodRangeGreyOffset,hoodRangeBlackOffset,decoComputerDeskTopPC,decoComputerMonitorKeyboardMousePC,decoComputerMonitorKeyboardMouse,decoComputerMonitorKeyboardMouse2,decoComputerMonitor,decoLaptop,wallClock"/>
        <property name="SortOrder1" value="U200"/>
        <property name="SortOrder2" value="0000"/>
        <property name="FilterTags" value="MC_playerBlocks,SC_playerHelpers"/>


  2. 3 hours ago, Uncle Al said:

    I'm actually coming round to the idea, posted elsewhere but I forget by whom, that quest rewards should ONLY consist of dukes. That makes them inherently self balancing, as you can only buy what's available from the traders, and traderstage scales off level. Personally I think Daring Adventurer is totally out of whack, but apart from that, traderstage works pretty well.


    You might be talking about me and my style of gameplay.  My trader mod that I actually posted in the mods section does that as one of its changes.  It removed all trader awards to only Dukes and made a small boost to Dukes earned since you don't get the items anymore.

  3. So lets go back to the very beginning and follow these steps to see if we can A) Get  a vanilla game to load, and then B) start adding mods in small groups to try and narrow down the issue


    1) Remove / Delete all mods in the mod folders

    2) Verify all files through Steam at least 2 times

    3) Start the game launcher and go into the Data tab, clear out all previous data (profiles, saved games, worlds, etc).  Lets get a clean start.

    4) Run the game without any mods

    5) If no issues from 4, start adding mods in small groups and see how everything loads up.



    Also, as an aside, I noticed you are using Izayo's 556 and shotgun weapon packs.  There is a link in each of those threads to update the crafting display that I released to support Izayo that you can download and install.  Should be in one of my posts in those threads.

  4. Is there any item in there with the just the name food?  That is why you are getting an error.


    If you are trying to do a change to all food items with the same stack size, you need to use contains


    so something like


    <set xpath="//item[contains(@name,'food') and not(contains(@name,'magazine'))]/property[@name='Stacknumber']/@value">50</set>


    So this will go through the items file and update the stack of all food items to 50, but not any of the magazines that have food in the name.

  5. 1 hour ago, AaronG85 said:

    I'm currently using the following code to add a new item to an existing Progression level


    	<append xpath="/progression/crafting_skills/crafting_skill[@name='craftingElectrician']">	
    		<display_entry icon="lightIndustrialRed" name_key="Supply Drop Beacon" has_quality="false" unlock_level="10" >
    			<unlock_entry item="supplyDropBeacon" unlock_tier="1" />


    Just wondering how i would go about adding it to an existing level in Progression, Example this one


    		<display_entry icon="generatorBankA" name_key="electricianT1" has_quality="false" unlock_level="25" >
    			<unlock_entry item="generatorbank,electricwirerelay,switch,tripwirepost,ceilingLight01_player,industrialLight01_player,industrialLight02_player,ceilingLight07_player" unlock_tier="1" />


    Try using the new csv commands, specifically the example of adding to tags



  6. 3 hours ago, Code6 said:

    I see so many languages in the Localization.txt file for 7 Days to Die, but the most widely spoken international auxiliary language is not among them.  My dream is that the Fun Pimps would add Esperanto as an officially supported language.  If Minecraft can do it, then certainly 7 Days to Die can do it better.

    I am currently supporting a modlet which provides an Esperanto translation of the game, but it is not the same as having it included in the game.


    (I have been translating since A19, but it is a work in progress because each new alpha brings new strings to translate.  A21 has given me plenty of new work.)


    Why would TFP add Esperanto as an officially supported language when it is not even in the top 33 languages worldwide?  Maybe if one of the developers is adamant about the language and they give them the go ahead to put some time into translating everything into Esperanto......


    Language Total Number of Speakers
    English 1,452,000,000
    Mandarin Chinese 1,118,000,000
    Hindi 602,200,000
    Spanish 548,300,000
    French 274,100,000
    Standard Arabic 274,000,000
    Bengali 272,700,000
    Russian 258,200,000
    Portuguese 257,700,000
    Urdu 231,300,000
    Indonesian 199,000,000
    German 134,600,000
    Japanese 125,400,000
    Nigerian Pidgin 120,700,000
    Marathi 99,100,000
    Telugu 95,700,000
    Turkish 88,100,000
    Tamil 86,400,000
    Yue Chinese 85,600,000
    Vietnamese 85,300,000
    Tagalog 82,300,000
    Wu Chinese 81,800,000
    Korean 81,700,000
    Iranian Persian (Farsi) 77,400,000
    Hausa 77,100,000
    Egyptian Spoken Arabic 74,800,000
    Swahili 71,400,00
    Javanese 68,300,000
    Italian 67,900,000
    Western Punjabi 66,400,000
    Kannada 64,000,000
    Gujarati 62,000,000
    Thai 60,700,000
  7. 2 hours ago, a_jp said:

    thank you!

    This yellow error is
    It was a mystery.

    I thought it was my PC's fault

    The description method of ModInfo.xml is
    What has changed?


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
        <Name value="SomeInternalName" /> 
        <DisplayName value="Official Mod Name" /> 
        <Version value="" /> 
        <Description value="Mod to show format of ModInfo v2" /><!--Unchangeable?-->
        <Author value="Name" /> 
        <Website value="HP" /> 







    This was the old version (pre A21)


        <Name value="BFT2020_AllInOneMod" />
        <Description value="MyMod" />
        <Author value="BFT2020" />
        <Version value="0.1" />


    So they added DisplayName and Website.  They also removed having to put in between ModInfo and /ModInfo.  Note A20 ModInfo files will work in A21, but won't around A22.

  8. 3 minutes ago, The_Great_Sephiroth said:

    I'm working on a new trap and am not sure how to add an effect to it.  When it collides with the player or zeds and does damage I want there to be a chance for an effect, such as bleeding or burning. How can I tie this into a trap? Something like a flaming blade trap or a razor-sharp blade trap.


    Check how they do with either the electric fences or spike traps, I believe those apply buffs (electric shock, bleeding).

  9. 23 minutes ago, Timewatch said:

    Does anybody know when Cloud saves on Steam will be available I like to play this on my PC when at home and when commuting on my Steam Deck, and the only way currently to do this is to copy the files and transfer them between each device, which is a pain as PC is on Windows and Steam Deck on Linux.  I have spent so many hours playing this game but it is frustrating to have to transfer files every day.  After this many years, you would think cloud saves would be the norm as most games on Steam have Cloud saves as standard.


    The save files size for this game make it difficult to be saved on the cloud.  If they are able to reduce the size of the saved files, this might be an option in the future; but unavailable for now.

  10. How did you change the slider values?


    Experience required per level is set by the progression xml file so as long as you are not changing that, it shouldn't change the level of progression


    <level max_level="300" exp_to_level="10000" experience_multiplier="1.05" skill_points_per_level="1" clamp_exp_cost_at_level="60">
    <!-- Note: max_level is referenced in buffNearDeathTraumaXXX and entityclasses -->
    <!-- XP to complete the current level will cap out at 2^32/2. (lvl 252 in A18) -->


  11. On 8/4/2023 at 9:03 AM, zztong said:

    It would be a number of statements like this: (I didn't test them, so those statements might be messed up.)

    <remove xpath="/worldgeneration/biomes/biome[@name='wasteland']/subbiome[2]/decoration[@blockname='mineCandyTin']" />
    <remove xpath="/worldgeneration/biomes/biome[@name='wasteland']/subbiome[2]/decoration[@blockname='mineHubcap']" />
    <remove xpath="/worldgeneration/biomes/biome[@name='wasteland']/subbiome[3]/decoration[@blockname='mineCandyTin']" />
    <remove xpath="/worldgeneration/biomes/biome[@name='wasteland']/subbiome[3]/decoration[@blockname='mineHubcap']" />
    <remove xpath="/worldgeneration/biomes/biome[@name='wasteland']/subbiome[4]/decoration[@blockname='mineCandyTin']" />
    <remove xpath="/worldgeneration/biomes/biome[@name='wasteland']/subbiome[4]/decoration[@blockname='mineHubcap']" />
    <remove xpath="/worldgeneration/biomes/biome[@name='wasteland']/decoration[@blockname='mineCandyTin']" />
    <remove xpath="/worldgeneration/biomes/biome[@name='wasteland']/decoration[@blockname='mineHubcap']" />


    But, if that's correct, or the correct form of that above would be the core of the modlet. The rest would just be the usual modlet framework.


    Or if you are lazy like me, you would just do  😏


    <remove xpath="//decoration[contains(@blockname,'mine')]"/>


  12. Log file indicates a lot of load issues with the mods in question.  Delete all mods, verify steam files at least 2 times or more, and go into game launcher and clear out all game data, then start again with vanilla to confirm everything is working fine.  After that, load a few mods at a time and see what happens, looking for bad mod installs or conflicts.  That is what I would do.

  13. You can make some basic modifications to the Zombie AI through the UtilityAI file in the xml config folder.


    For example.


                <action name="MeleeAttackBlock" weight="3">
                    <task class="AttackTargetBlock" action_index="0"/>
                    <consideration class="PathBlocked"/>
                    <consideration class="TargetType" type="Block"/>
                    <consideration class="TargetDistance" flip_y="true" min="2" max="4"/>


    That's the xml values for zombies attacking blocks.  You can change things like the min and max numbers to increase how many blocks they will go through to get to you.


    In addition, there are additional values in entityclasses you can adjust


    From ZombieTemplateMale


        <property name="AIFeralSense" value="1.5"/>
        <property name="AINoiseSeekDist" value="8"/>
        <property name="AIPathCostScale" value=".15, .4"/>
        <!-- ApproachAndAttackTarget class=class,chaseTimeMax (go home) -->
        <!-- SetNearestEntityAsTarget class=class, hear dist, see dist (checked left to right)(0 dist uses entity default, neg no sense scale) -->
        <property name="AITask" value="
        ApproachAndAttackTarget class=EntityPlayer,0,EntityBandit,0,EntityEnemyAnimal,0,EntityAnimal|
        <property name="AITarget" value="
        SetAsTargetIfHurt class=EntityPlayer,EntityBandit,EntityEnemyAnimal|
        SetNearestCorpseAsTarget flags=edible|
        SetNearestEntityAsTarget class=EntityPlayer,0,0,EntityBandit,0,-10|


    AIPathCostScale is how they determine if they should take a straight path to you or if they should just destroy blocks in a straight line to you.  You can modify those values to change the zombie behavior.


    More complex changes would require changes to the source code that @The_Great_Sephiroth mentioned.

  14. On 8/3/2023 at 10:54 AM, SiliconPenguin said:

    A simple question, mostly about terminology...  When you defined 3 categories of mods/modlets as follows:

    1). XML Only Modlets (can be installed on servers with no client download).

    2). XML + Assets Modlets (cannot be server only).

    3). C# Modlets (cannot be server only, EAC must be off!!!)


    Were you strictly referring to 'dedicated' servers? Or are you including multiplayer games served from a single player game as well? If I install any of the working mods from the first category into my mod directory, does it get automatically downloaded by players connecting to my game? Or do they need to download the mod themselves, and install it? I'm thinking the later, but can I get some clarification?

    No he wasn’t 








    To expand more on my brief response:


    There is always a server involved when you play 7 days to die - Single Player (your machine is both the server and the client), someone is hosting a multiplayer game (the host is both the server and a client while everyone else connecting to the host is just a client), or using a dedicated server (the server is just the server while everyone connecting to the dedi server is a client).


    Category 1 has to be installed on the server (your computer in SP, the host's computer, or the dedi).  Installing on all computers will not hurt anything as the server computer will override everyone else with the xml edits.

    Category 2 has to be installed on all computers playing the game (server and clients) as the clients are using the local assets to place in game.


    Category 3 has to be installed on all computers (and EAC off as mentioned by Khaine) as you are now using modified source code to play the game.  Clients use the source code on their computer to run the game at their end.

  15. 6 hours ago, Krougal said:

    One huge gripe I have though, WTAF were y'all thinking with the entitygroups.xml ???

    I can't figure out how to properly xpath what I want to do and went the brute force method of copying the entire file and modding it directly (which I hate to do) and even trying to do simple find/replace was serious effort. Like I'd have written a py script if I knew how much trouble it was going to be. I just wanted to remove a few mobs from hordes and tweak the vulture spawns, but the "simplified" file is a disaster to work with, not to mention how many  #!@*&% horde group gamestages do we really need?


    Go to the mods section, specifically tutorials & guides, go to the Xpath modding explanation thread, and go to page 28.  Spereii does an excellent job explaining the new entitygroups structure.

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