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Posts posted by BFT2020

  1. From the challenges file


        <challenge name="harvestPolymers" title_key="challengeHarvestPolymers" icon="ui_game_symbol_challenge_harvesting_polymers" group="Harvesting"
            short_description_key="challengeHarvestPolymersShort" description_key="challengeHarvestPolymersDesc"
            reward_text_key="challenge_reward_500xp" reward_event="challenge_reward_500">
            <objective type="Harvest" held="meleeToolRepairT0StoneAxe" required_held="true" item="resourceScrapPolymers" count="50" block_tag="challenge_barrels" override_tracker_index="challenge_barrels" track_distance="50"/>


    From the blocks file


    <block name="cntBarrelPlasticSingle00">
        <property name="IndexName" value="challenge_barrels"/>
        <property name="Material" value="MFuelBarrelPolymer"/>
        <property name="Shape" value="ModelEntity"/>
        <property name="Model" value="Entities/Industrial/barrelPlasticPrefab"/>
        <property name="WaterFlow" value="permitted"/>
        <property name="Place" value="TowardsPlacerInverted"/>
        <property name="Collide" value="sight,movement,melee,bullet,arrow,rocket"/>
        <property name="Path" value="solid"/>
        <property name="IsTerrainDecoration" value="true"/>
        <property name="CanDecorateOnSlopes" value="false"/>
        <property name="SellableToTrader" value="false"/>
        <drop event="Harvest" name="resourceScrapPolymers" count="2,4" tag="allToolsHarvest"/>
        <drop event="Destroy" name="resourceScrapPolymers" count="2,4" tag="oreWoodHarvest"/>
        <drop event="Fall" name="resourceScrapPolymers" count="3" prob="0.3" stick_chance="0"/>
        <property name="SortOrder1" value="B260"/>
        <property name="SortOrder2" value="0600"/>
        <property name="Tags" value="challenge_barrels"/>
        <property name="FilterTags" value="MC_building,SC_loot"/>


    So to answer your question - Index


    Tags are used to indicate which blocks are part of the challenge.

  2. 3 minutes ago, DJDaedrik said:


    That's all well and good if you're a seasoned player, fully familiar with the POI, have firearms and skills to go with them, and the hatches/blocks in your inventory. Which basically means that the only valid way to clear POIs with triggered events in them with stealth is to know them ahead of time, have a bunch of extra stuff prepped, and... not use stealth? A first time player is going to see the sneak skills, think, "Oh man, I loved my sneaky guy in Skyrim!", and start down that path, only to find out that 50% of POIs after tier 3 have unavoidable encounters that are impossible to see beforehand, and they'll get absolutely murdered every time, with no reasonable counterplay. Sounds to me like your solutions boil down to "just know the POI and build mini horde bases before these encounters", which is poor game design.


    What I'm advocating for is  giving players a way to use a playstyle that is already in the game without having to know every damn POI front to back, then resort to cheesy crap like triggering rooms and running back to a bunch of hatches and pre-prepped defenses. Forcing players to abandon their chosen playstyle and use the alternate method simply makes them wonder what the point was of even going for that playstyle in the first place.


    Stealth was broken in Skyrim, when you could literally be crouched in front of the enemy and they couldn't detect you.


    I tend to play agility builds and invest in hidden strike / from the shadows.  I don't use blocks / hatches and my handgun is there only if the situation gets out of control; but stealth in this game is simply not walking into a space, be completely undetected, and shoot zombies with impunity.  Sometimes, you have to retreat to break their line of sight and get them to forget about you (stop searching).   In a lot of cases, stealth will allow you to pre-clear a room, but in some cases, you need to retreat first before you approach the situation from  stealth standpoint.


    You don't need to know the POIs in order to be successful, just be aware where you are, where you can retreat to, and most importantly what doors you can close as you retreat to slow down the zombies and give you more time out of sight and more time to find a spot to hide.


    At the beginning, you are going to have it rough.  Your awareness meter will be higher, it takes longer for the zombies to lose interest in you, and you haven't maxed out archery / hidden strike yet...but by mid / late game, you will find yourself be able to come close to zombies  and knife them for even higher sneak damage than the bow.


    Throw in the new assassin armor......


    I actually enjoy the stealth style in this game, as it makes you react to the situation rather than always being in control.  I think it is rather boring to simply enter each area crouched, kill all the sleeping zombies, and move onto the next room.

  3. I don't recall eggs being required in foods above pies / bacon and eggs.  Am I forgetting something?


    By mid game, you could be utilizing some of your canned foods for higher tier foods (looking at you chili dogs and fish tacos) and once you get up to the higher level of the cooking crafting tree, you have use for those cans of beef and lamb.

  4. So if you want to adjust quests per tier (before you unlock the next one), make a modlet that will modify the quests xml file.


    What you are looking for is this:


    <quests max_quest_tier="6" quests_per_tier="10">


    And if you want, here is the code I used back in A21 to actually increase it from 7 to 10.  You just need to change the 10 to whatever value you want.


        <set xpath="//@quests_per_tier">10</set>


  5. 19 hours ago, pApA^LeGBa said:


    Is that a setting or a XML edit?


    I don't have the files on my work laptop anymore, but it is either in the quests or trader xml file.  I can get you the exact location later unless someone does it for you by the time I have a chance to track it down.

  6. 14 hours ago, AtlasP said:

    Experiencing the following bug from the 1.0 ptb builds. (Presumably with food & water, or else 60 slot backpack or 3 slot forge--I only have those 3 installed.)




    That's a bug I have seen already in vanilla 1.0.  It is not caused by mods.


    For me, it happened when I was selling things to the trader so I see the coin transaction there until I quit the game and restart

  7. FYI


    Mods, no matter what level of work you put in them, are considered derivative works - as they are based on the original work which in this case is the game.


    If you created a zombie model and got it copyrighted, then TFP cannot take it and put it into the game without your permission to do so.  But if you include that zombie model into a mod for the game, then TFP would have the right to distribute that zombie model for the entire player base regardless of your desires.

  8. FYI


    Activate the challenge and little helper icons will start to appear on blocks that will count towards the challenge.  In addition, if you don't have the proper tool, it will tell you to equip that tool first.


    They will be updating the descriptions in the future, but you can do this in the meantime

  9. 4 hours ago, dcsobral said:

    The salvaging/harvesting challenges are really off. Some example:

    • Harvest Iron Pipes: requires stone axe on sinks and toilets. Harvesting actual pipes doesn't work, nor does wrenching anything.
    • Steel: only from vending machines. Street lights and transformers do not work.
    • Electrical parts: only from lights. Everything else won't work.
    • Mechanical parts: only from office chairs.
    • Rotten meat: won't work with iron knives.
    • Honey: doesn't work with POI tree trunks. Do you know how long it takes to get 5 honey from wilderness tree trunks? I'm way past stone axe at that point!

    I don't know about the rest because I had no trouble with the rest, but in all cases above I had to figure out the exact conditions. In the case of the knife, I usually use the stone axe on gore blocks because it's one hit instead of multiple hits like the knife, and in addition to that I got a toilet knife early on and stopped using the bone knife.


    The ones that require a specific item do indicate what you need when you track them.  If you track ones that require the stone axe, the challenge says equip a stone axe.  After you do that, then it advances to harvest pipes in the tracking text.  The fact you have to use a specific item might be tied to the held property only allowing one item to be listed.


    As for what to harvest from, they have a new property called IndexName for blocks.  If the block you are harvesting from doesn't have that property and it matches the challenge, that harvest won't count.  It is why you get credit for polymers if you harvest shopping carts (they have the tag) and no credit for blinds (they don't have the tag).  Not sure if that is just something that hasn't been fully implemented throughout the blocks, was an oversight, or if they only want the player to get credit for specific items and the rest is just for self-exploration.

  10. 11 hours ago, Riamus said:

    Heh. I find so many pipes and use so few that I never harvest them.  Granted, I don't craft pipe weapons and try not to use them.  They are too slow for my taste.  I'll stick to my spear.  😁


    Granted, they are not my go-to weapon of choice, but I tend to play agility and tend to favor the knife as my melee weapons.  The pipe weapons are my oh crap - I need space type of weapon.  Getting a stagger / knockdown can get me out of a sticky situation.

  11. 22 hours ago, ElCabong said:

    All I've found are snakes. Haven't seen any rabbits, chickens, or deer at night or during the day


    So I probably shouldn't mention that I currently have 15 meat stews, 4 pumpkin pies, and 6 blueberry pies sitting in my food chest right now.....   😏



    FYI, I have gotten a lot of meat without making it my number one priority.


    Some things I been doing with the reduction of animal spawns:

    • Keeping an eye open for any animals I find
    • Using my guns now to kill the animals - I don't use the bows as much as I want to guarantee I hit them every time
    • Look for unique POIs that might have animal spawns - like the Animal Horder POI
    • And I highly recommend - varying your diets people!  I currently got 16 farm plots that I keep planting all the seeds I find in the world into.  When I don't have meat, I make pumpkin pies.  When I don't have pumpkins, I make blueberry pies.  Doing this, I been able to keep ahead on food after going 1-2 days eating charred meat and grilled meat.
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