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Posts posted by BFT2020

  1. 2 minutes ago, A.Survivor said:

    Ah i see so that it wont load up the actual body parts of the original mesh?!


    That's my theory.  I believe I did a modlet for someone back in A20 where I just changed the mesh, but that was before dismemberment became a big thing in A21.


    All of this, even the code I just posted, is not verified in game yet as I can't test it at work.

  2. 5 minutes ago, meilodasreh said:

    But on the other hand...really? Has this stump/tree thing with the books always been the case?

    Then I must have been really unlucky all this time before 😕...damn


    Yes, In A20 at least, stumps in the wild had a 20% honey drop chance while POI stumps had 40% chance.  Trees had 0% unless you found the book and then you got a 5% chance.


    In A21, it has remained the same, except now POI stumps are the same as stumps in the wild (20% chance)

  3. Sorry I forgot about the new gore / dismemberment changes.


    Probably what I would do would be the following:

    <remove xpath ="//entity_class[contains(@name,'zombiePartyGirl')]"/>
    <insertAfter xpath ="//entity_class[@name='zombieMarleneRadiated']">
    <entity_class name="zombiePartyGirl" extends="zombieTemplateShort">
        <property name="UserSpawnType" value="Menu"/>
        <property name="Tags" value="entity,zombie,walker"/>
        <property name="Mesh" value="@:Entities/Zombies/Prefabs/ZNurse.prefab"/>
        <property name="SoundRandom" value="Enemies/Base_Zombie_Female/zombiefemaleroam"/>
        <property name="SoundAlert" value="Enemies/Base_Zombie_Female/zombiefemalealert"/>
        <property name="SoundAttack" value="Enemies/Base_Zombie_Female/zombiefemaleattack"/>
        <property name="SoundHurt" value="Enemies/Base_Zombie_Female/zombiefemalepain"/>
        <property name="SoundDeath" value="Enemies/Base_Zombie_Female/zombiefemaledeath"/>
        <property name="SoundSense" value="Enemies/Base_Zombie_Female/zombiefemalesense"/>
        <property name="ModelType" value="Standard"/>
        <property name="WalkType" value="7"/>
        <property name="Mass" value="130"/>
        <property name="RootMotion" value="true"/>
        <property name="HasDeathAnim" value="true"/>
        <property name="AIPathCostScale" value=".5, .65"/>
        <property name="DanceType" value="2" />
        <property name="DismemberTag_L_HeadGore"
        <property name="DismemberTag_L_LeftUpperLegGore"
        <property name="DismemberTag_L_LeftLowerLegGore"
        <property name="DismemberTag_L_RightUpperLegGore"
        <property name="DismemberTag_L_RightLowerLegGore"
        <property name="DismemberTag_L_LeftUpperArmGore"
        <property name="DismemberTag_L_LeftLowerArmGore"
        <property name="DismemberTag_L_RightUpperArmGore"
        <property name="DismemberTag_L_RightLowerArmGore"
        <!-- Gameplay zombieNurse -->
        <property name="MoveSpeedAggro" value="0.3, 1.35"/> <!-- slim, regular -->
        <effect_group name="Base Effects">
            <passive_effect name="HealthMax" operation="base_set" value="125"/>
    <entity_class name="zombiePartyGirlFeral" extends="zombiePartyGirl">
        <property name="UserSpawnType" value="Menu"/>
        <property name="Tags" value="entity,zombie,walker,feral"/>
        <property name="Mesh" value="@:Entities/Zombies/Prefabs/ZNurseFeral.prefab"/>
        <!-- Gameplay zombieNurseFeral -->
        <property name="DismemberMultiplierHead" value=".7"/><property name="DismemberMultiplierArms" value=".7"/><property name="DismemberMultiplierLegs" value=".7"/><!-- Feral -->
        <property name="PainResistPerHit" value=".7"/><!-- Feral -->
        <property name="MoveSpeedAggro" value="0.6, 1.45"/> <!-- slim, feral -->
        <property name="JumpMaxDistance" value="4.6, 5"/>
        <property name="HandItem" value="meleeHandZombieShortFeral"/>
        <property name="ExperienceGain" value="750"/><!-- XP grunt feral -->
        <property name="LootDropProb" value=".03"/> <!-- Feral -->
        <effect_group name="Base Effects">
            <passive_effect name="HealthMax" operation="base_set" value="300"/>
            <!--<passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="perc_add" value="0"/>--> <!-- Feral damage -->
    <entity_class name="zombiePartyGirlRadiated" extends="zombiePartyGirlFeral">
        <property name="UserSpawnType" value="Menu"/>
        <property name="Tags" value="entity,zombie,walker,feral,radiated"/>
        <property name="Mesh" value="@:Entities/Zombies/Prefabs/ZNurseRadiated.prefab"/>
        <!-- Gameplay zombieNurseRadiated -->
        <property name="DismemberMultiplierHead" value=".4"/><property name="DismemberMultiplierArms" value=".4"/><property name="DismemberMultiplierLegs" value=".4"/><!-- Radiated -->
        <property name="PainResistPerHit" value=".9"/><!-- Radiated -->
        <property name="ExperienceGain" value="1200"/><!-- XP grunt radiated -->
        <effect_group name="Base Effects">
            <passive_effect name="HealthMax" operation="base_set" value="550"/>
            <!--<passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="perc_add" value="0"/>--><!-- Feral damage -->
            <triggered_effect trigger="onOtherDamagedSelf" action="ModifyCVar" target="self" cvar="RadiatedRegenAmount" operation="set" value="4"/>
            <triggered_effect trigger="onOtherDamagedSelf" action="AddBuff" target="self" buff="buffRadiatedRegen"/>


    So what I did there was remove the party girl entities completely, and the new ones are the Zombie nurse variants copied but with the name and extend tags change to reflect the party girl variants.

  4. 4 hours ago, Survior said:

    it's just another super lazy dev move that this isn't a vanilla thing 5 years ago



    There are a lot of objects in the game that are not craftable.  Just because you can't craft something in the game, it isn't because the developers are being "super lazy".

  5. On 7/21/2023 at 6:10 PM, FranticDan said:

    You're right, however, damage is the only thing that was changed (to my knowledge) between the two versions. Sure, slugs do more damage than shells (at great distances), but only from about 7 metres onwards do they equalise and THEN slugs do more dmg.

    Shells doing 100 dmg at about 7 metres (Insane difficulty)

    Slugs doing 92 dmg at about 7.5 metres (Insane difficulty)



    How is the damage output on average when facing zombies that are moving and not stationary?  Are you still outmatching the slugs or with a moving zombie, are you missing more with pellets so your overall damage output is decreasing while the slugs are being more consistent?


    I also noticed your mod selection.  Your picked mods specifically to improve the spread of shots so you will get a tighter cluster all the time.  This favors the min-max approach where you are picking the upgrades on your weapon to maximize the damage output from a specific ammo type.


    Would you see the same damage output comparison if you went a different route in regards to mod selection, like:

    • Pump - tube extender, choke, rad remover, cripple em
    • Auto - same setup but Drum magazine in place of tube extender
  6. 1 hour ago, A.Survivor said:

    So, I'm not new to modding, just new to modding 7 days to die. I got tired of the console version being "7 years out of date" so I made the conversion to PC. I am now finding that the only zombie I want to remove is the PartyGirl and all of its variants. I have found the xml files that have it there but.....after editing every entry of PartyGirl the damn zombie is still showing up. And not only that but the xml files keep re-writing the xml files and putting the PartyGirl back in every time i exit the game. I am annoyed to say the least.


    Can anyone help.


    Instead of removing the party girl spawning, just modify the entry using an existing model instead.


    In Entityclasses, change the mesh to one you want.


    For example,


    <entity_class name="zombiePartyGirl" extends="zombieTemplateSlimFemale">
        <property name="Mesh" value="@:Entities/Zombies/Prefabs/ZCocktailWaitress.prefab"/>


    change to:

    <entity_class name="zombiePartyGirl" extends="zombieTemplateSlimFemale">
        <property name="Mesh" value="@:Entities/Zombies/Prefabs/ZNurse.prefab"/>


    So any time the Party Girl would spawn, it would use the Nurse zombie model.


    Would need to do the same thing with the Feral and Radiated versions.

  7. You can probably remove the option to play those lines in the sounds.xml file


    For example


    <SoundDataNode name="traderdislikegreeting"> <AudioSource name="Sounds/AudioSource_VO"/>
        <Noise ID="1" noise="7" time="3" muffled_when_crouched="0.5"/>
        <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_01"/>
        <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_02"/>
        <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_03"/>
        <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_04"/>
        <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_05"/>
        <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_06"/>
        <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_07"/>
        <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_08"/>
        <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_09"/>
        <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_10"/>
        <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_11"/>
        <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_12"/>
        <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_13"/>
        <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_14"/>
        <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_15"/>
        <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_16"/>
        <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_15"/>
        <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_16"/>
        <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_17"/>
        <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_18"/>
        <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_19"/>
        <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_20"/>
        <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_21"/>
        <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_22"/>
        <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_23"/>
        <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_24"/>
        <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_25"/>
        <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_26"/>
        <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_27"/>
        <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_28"/>
        <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_29"/>
        <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_30"/>
        <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_31"/>
        <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_32"/>
        <AudioClip ClipName="Sounds/VO/Trader/Male/Dislike/trader_male_dislike_greeting_33"/>
        <LocalCrouchVolumeScale value="1.0"/> <CrouchNoiseScale value="0.5"/> <NoiseScale value="1"/> <MaxVoices value="10"/> <MaxRepeatRate value="1.111"/> </SoundDataNode>


    If you know which greeting has the object able words for you, you can just write up a small modlet to strip that audio clip from the list.


    Thing is, would take a lot of time and effort to figure out which one is which.  Easiest way is to do each one at a time (as in strip all of them and keep only one).  Then check it in game.  Though someone might have an easier way of sorting through the various sound clips?


  8. 7 hours ago, Archael said:

    If there is no consensus over traders and trader quests. Then Devs should put a checkbox in map generation or game options to enable/disable traders.
    And if traders are disabled, then some things like water filters and solar panels and solar banks, should be lootable/craftable (but because crafting is loot dependant then lootable either way).


    Why should the developers do such a thing?  If the developers want a game with traders and trader quests, then they are not obligated to add an option.  They can if they want, but there is no requirement for them to do so, especially if modders can do the same thing.


    To add to this, I don't think it is possible today to do what you are suggesting.  I don't think the game / code is setup to where you can simply select an option (disable traders) and it changes the code in the loot / recipe files to now allow those items to be crafted or looted.  I could be wrong, but I think that would take additional work that probably won't be on their priority list to do prior to final release.


    They do have options to change loot respawn period and loot quantities, but those things are already baked into the code today.

  9. 23 hours ago, rautamiekka said:

    Couldn't agree more, makes you wonder why it ain't a thing already. Same for mentioning the game versions. Since the tags already exist, those would be the best if they were shown by default.


    Probably because until you mentioned tags, I never saw them in the upper left corner.  Once you mentioned them, I looked and then looked through the options available.

  10. 15 hours ago, sureshot1500 said:

    Could you by chance make a bundle mod for all Izayo's weapons and Izayo I love the work you've been doing man its great I cant wait to get the 30.06's when you finish them great work dude



    Izayo is updating their mods, so maybe the code will be added (They have free rights to use it, as I am just supporting a fellow mod maker).  If not, then I can make up a modlet to support it.

  11. 8 hours ago, Rotor said:

    Quick question.  Do you get more dukes even if you dont do quests?  Just selling stuph?  Thanks.


    No I kept that the same.  Selling items is the same, along with buying any item that doesn't have a quality level.  Anything that has a quality level has seen a buff in costs though.

  12. 5 hours ago, Slingblade2040 said:

    What I'm wondering is if that means if certain youtubers or streamers who are big in the community have things like a private server but for patreons only would that be included since it's still monetization of this game through another platform like patreon? Technically it wouldn't be much different than the whole mischief maker mod thing. 


    Would like to see the TFP give a more detailed explanation on this but I guess that would be kinda stuff lawyers handle.


    I'm on the fence since I'm a huge mod supporter and feel they don't get the respect they should from the team for helping keep this game alive, mind you this is across the board with alot of heavily modded games like anything from Bethesda, stardew valley also has a decent mod community and same goes for alot of other games like rimworld and terraria.  What's worse is when the base game starts to implement alot of the modders ideas and not even bother giving them any credit. 


    Streamers and youtubers who stream the game to Patrons only would not run afoul of the EULA agreement.  The EULA states that you cannot mod the game and use that mod to generate income from.  It is technically more different that the Mischief Maker modification as streamers as just getting paid for playing of the game, tutorials, and commentary.  They earn money either through subscriptions or ad revenue shared by the streamer platform.


    MM's mod took a 20% cut from everyone that was using it.  That is why the mod was illegal.  There are several examples of mod makers out there that are not doing anything illegal, Khaine is a good example.  His mod, Darkness Falls, doesn't run afoul of the EULA as long as he freely distributes it to everyone, and doesn't use copyright material in it.  Because both his Patron subscribers and the general public at large are able to download and play his mod, it is does not go against the EULA.


    As for the streamer that got the strike when MM went down, they had a monetary agreement with MM to promote the MM mod.  So they were actively promoting the mod that broke the EULA from TFP.  Other streamers / content creators that were using the mod, but not officially promoting it, were notified that the mod was illegal.



  13. 1 hour ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

    Sounds good. And i didn´t aim that particulary to you with the serverside things, literally nobody does that besides most overhauls were it´s pretty clear anyways. It would just be a QoL for people who are using mods. It´s a time issue if i have to test if i need it clientside aswell as serverside myself everytime i find a new one to test.


    No biggie, I did add a note in the original post explaining when mods need to be installed on all machines.


    TBH - the custom POIs was a last minute idea I had while I was working on the mod (A20 version didn't have them) and everything prior to releasing it has been XML edits only.  So while I did explain the custom POIs both in the post and readme file, I didn't explain the significance as to why I am pointing that out.


    Note, you might like the crafting mod I am working on right now based on some issues you have with the base game (from your comments I have read).  Since my items mod removes the ability to repair items, I made adjustments in the crafting side to counter-balance that out (so it wasn't too severe of a penalty).  So I added Q6 crafting, changed some of the recipes (including explosive arrows).  I also been thinking about adding optional code a player can activate (by removing the comments section) to increase where they can get crafting magazines from.

  14. 2 hours ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

    There needs to be a rule that a topic must mention if it´s serverside only or needs to be client aswell. Same goes for any modsite as 7daystodiemods etc.


    Anyways, what i acutally want to know is how did you deal with the waterfilter? Did you change the price? The mod sounds interesting, but if the price for the filter is the same and there is no quest rewards (assuming you also removed the dukes as a reward), this would be a bit harsh in MP Coop.


    The trader mod can be either depending on if you want to use the Custom POIs.  If you delete them, it is server side only.  If you keep them, it is required on all machines.


    Nothing was done to the price of the water filter.  However, you do get a flat 10% increase in Dukes for completing the missions.  All of this is noted in the readme file that I included so people can read it first to see if this mod seems like something they want to try...........


    Note, this is not balanced for MP as I don't play (and don't intend to play) MP.  The only balancing is done towards my SP games, and this is also balanced against the other mods I am working on towards updating for A21.  If you find it difficult in vanilla, then these mods will not be for you.


    I am working on my crafting mod next since I figured out how to get the display properties to work properly with my changes.  That introduces Q6 crafting along with some other changes to the schematics and perk book recipe unlocks.

  15. 22 hours ago, rautamiekka said:

    Client ? Server ? Both ?

    Trader mod can be either.  If you want the traders to have a unique vending machine setup, they need to be installed on both server and client as it has custom POIs (modified blocks for traders).  However, you can also just delete the POIs on it and the mod will still run fine

  16. 1 hour ago, Bladestorm Games said:

    I am trying to do something like this:

    <append xpath="/items/item[@name='meleeWpnKnucklesT0LeatherKnuckles'
    and @name='meleeWpnKnucklesT1IronKnuckles'
    and @name='meleeWpnKnucklesT3SteelKnuckles']">
    	<effect_group name="inc_range">
    		<passive_effect name="MaxRange" operation="base_add" value="1" />
    		<passive_effect name="BlockRange" operation="base_add" value="1" />


    Is that not a valid option? Or am I structuring it wrong?


    Not valid, the and operator in this case is looking for an item that includes all three listed. 


    Correct way to use And is to specify a specific node, like

    @name='MaxRange' and operation='base_add"


    In your case, you should use contains



      - This will update any item that has that in the name.




        <remove xpath="//passive_effect[contains(@tags,'T0')]"/>


    This is in my progression file for crafting and would remove all code with the tags T0 in it.  Easy way to remove ability to craft any T0 gear past Quality level 1.

  17. 5 hours ago, Telric said:

    Slight correction, i do get the warning about modinfo being out of date. not sure what the new way of doing it is, but the mod loads up fine besides that and a reference to the emptyjar (for filling at sinks, etc). I have all four master blocks in the recipes tab and holding R while equipped brings up all the items in those master blocks. So just ignore the warnings for now!


    Check link



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