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Posts posted by BFT2020

  1. 57 minutes ago, The_Great_Sephiroth said:

    Getting nowhere with dew collectors. Tell me, is it impossible to insert the "<downgradeblock>" value into a block using "<set>"? If not, that means I would likely need to make a copy of every block we need to use and add it manually in the modlets blocks.xml, which I am hoping to avoid.


    If it doesn't have the downgradeblock property already in there, set won't work.  You would need to do something like insertAfter like this


    example:  adding health loss after drinking murky water in Alpha 20


        <insertAfter xpath="/items/item[@name='drinkJarRiverWater']/effect_group[@name='Drink Tier 0']/triggered_effect[@cvar='$waterAmountAdd']">
            <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfPrimaryActionEnd" action="ModifyStats" stat="Health" operation="add" value="-5"/><display_value name="foodHealthAmount" value="-5"/>



    If downgradeblock is already in there, then set can be used to change the value


    example - Alpha 19 potato plant


    <block name="plantedPotato3HarvestPlayer">
        <property name="Extends" value="plantedPotato3Harvest"/>
        <property name="DescriptionKey" value="plantedPotato3HarvestDesc"/>
        <property name="CustomIcon" value="plantedPotato1"/>
        <property name="CreativeMode" value="None"/>
        <drop event="Harvest" name="foodCropPotato" count="1" tag="cropHarvest"/>
        <property name="DowngradeBlock" value="plantedPotato1"/>


    <set xpath="//block[@name='plantedPotato3HarvestPlayer']/prperty[@name='DowngradeBlock']/@value">BFTbakedPotatoPlant</set>


    Also, capitalization is key.  If you path to downgradeblock, it won't find it even though it is in there as DowngradeBlock.


    If you are going back to the previous state like in A19, you might also want to remove the destroy portion that has a chance of creating a seed.

  2. There are different hit zones as you get bonus damage against the head when you perk higher into the attributes.


    They handle it by tags


                <requirement name="ItemHasTags" tags="attStrength"/>
                    <passive_effect name="DamageModifier" operation="perc_add" level="2,8" value="0.1,.7" tags="head"/>
                    <passive_effect name="DamageModifier" operation="perc_add" level="9,10" value=".85,1" tags="head"/>
                    <passive_effect name="DismemberChance" operation="base_add" level="2,10" value=".05,.45"/>


    Maybe you could do the same thing with DismemberChance if you add tags to it?

  3. 45 minutes ago, Dark Wun said:


    Do you have a similar method for removing the vending machines as well? Is there an xml file that contains all the /objects that spawn and you can then delete them in a similar fashion?


    You would need to remove them from all POIs.


    Easiest thing to do (if removing them as a benefit to the player) is just to remove the trader groups for them in the trader file.

    <!-- *** POI Drink Vending Machines ID:4 -->
        <trader_info id="4" reset_interval="1" override_buy_markup="3" allow_sell="false" >
                <item group="drinkVending" count="4,8"/>
                <item group="drinkSpecialVending" count="4,8"/>
    <!-- *** POI Food/Candy Vending Machines ID:10 -->
        <trader_info id="10" reset_interval="1" override_buy_markup="3" allow_sell="false" >
                <item group="foodVending" count="4,8"/>
                <item group="foodCandy" count="4,8"/>


    You can delete the vending machines (they are in the blocks.xml file) but the POIs are still going to try to call them and you will get at least warnings, possibly errors for any POIs that have them.  Removing the trader groups to make them non-beneficial would probably be the easiest thing to do.

  4. 57 minutes ago, Desmoulins said:

    So do i get that right.

    My favorite mod, that took a year to make and pop up (VRoid Player Models) got shot down via DMCA request from the devs as part of this giant drama. An innocent mod, that was already hard to make for the dev was shot down by the very game's devs because they are after some other mod that is trying to make money off of it?


    This mod single handedly made me reinstall and play the game again, made me actually have some fun again with the game and it may now be gone forever because the devs wildly shot DMCA's around. I have absolutely zero tolerance when it comes to shooting against the modding community, i don't care what the devs say and if they "support" mods, if they cared about their modding community they should have made sure they target the right people.


    I doubt that your favorite mod was taken down as part of MM's issue.  However, if they were removed, it was likely for two reasons - one they were charging people for the mod or two, they were using unlicensed copyright material in the mod.

  5. Because of the changes to crafting, these mods will now have to modify that bit of code rather than simply adding to it (before you just need to code in the unlock and tag it to the perk that increasing crafting level).  Now the crafting magazines all control it, so if you put in different mods that affect crafting, they will more than likely conflict, especially if the mod changes the display portion of crafting.


    If you want to combine mods that craft, you will need to examine them to see where they might conflict.

  6. They actually nerfed the axe as it was a great tool for harvesting wood (obviously) and killing zombies.  So people could just take the axe to use as both a tool and a melee weapon.


    As Old Crow mentioned, TFP wants to distinguish items that are great for harvesting resources (like axes and salvaging tools) and melee weapons.  What you are looking for would probably have to be from a mod.


    The T3 club is faster, but the T3 sledgehammer hits harder and has an AoE effect to it.

  7. 12 hours ago, Rave_gaming_jj said:

    Does the drum mag work for the guns? 



    To add onto Izayo's reply, the way to add (or remove) the item modifiers is based on the tags system:


        <item_modifier name="modGunMagazineExtender" installable_tags="magazine,turretRanged" modifier_tags="magazine" blocked_tags="noMods" type="attachment">
        <item_modifier name="modGunDrumMagazineExtender" installable_tags="drumMagazine" modifier_tags="magazine" blocked_tags="noMods" type="attachment">


    So based on the tags, the clip extender mod can apply to any item that has magazine or turretRanged in its tags, while the drum extender can only apply to drumMagazine


    <item name="gunHandgunT3DesertVulture">
        <property name="Tags" value="weapon,ranged,revolver,holdBreathAiming,reloadPenalty,gun,shortRange,pistol,barrelAttachments,sideAttachments,smallTopAttachments,magazine,firingMode,attAgility,perkGunslinger,attachmentsIncluded,canHaveCosmetic,handgunSkill"/>
    <item name="gunHandgunT3SMG5">
        <property name="Tags" value="weapon,ranged,holdBreathAiming,reloadPenalty,gun,shortRange,barrelAttachments,sideAttachments,smallTopAttachments,magazine,drumMagazine,firingMode,bottomAttachments,attAgility,perkGunslinger,9mmGun,attachmentsIncluded,canHaveCosmetic,handgunSkill"/>


    So based on these two examples, the Desert Vulture can use the the clip extender only while the SMG can use either.


    Assuming this code still works, you can add the capability of adding the drum magazine to the Desert Vulture by


        <append xpath="/items/item[@name='gunHandgunT3DesertVulture']/property[@name='Tags']/@value">,drumMagazine</append>


  8. @The_Great_Sephiroth


    Have you tried the shapes.xml file?


        <shape name="cubeHalf1mHole">
            <property name="Path" value="solid" />
            <property name="Model" value="cube_half_1m_hole" />
            <property name="CustomIcon" value="shapeCubeHalf1mHole" />
            <property name="ShapeCategories" value="Square,Round" />
            <property name="Collide" value="movement,melee,bullet,arrow,rocket" />
            <property name="UseGlobalUV" value="G,L,G,G,G,G" />
            <property name="LightOpacity" value="0" />
            <property name="WaterFlow" value="permitted" />


  9. 11 hours ago, SkyTheAvali said:

    No this was regarding the weaponization and spurious use of DMCA against creators who were using MM and yes there was DMCA used by  TFP against at least 1 creator. 


    It was not a case of weaponization.   The MM mod was generating money to MM through the use of a game modification (twitch bits with 20% of those donated going to the mod creator) - which in the EULA (even before the recent one in 2023) was policy that creators were not allowed to monetize modifications to the game 


    MM and content creators using the MM mod were legally notified first from TFP that use of the MM mod was illegal per the EULA.  Anyone that ignore those legal notifications were then escalated to the next step in the legal process.

  10. 14 hours ago, AaronG85 said:

    Thats what i thought but still appears

    Does it still allow you to apply dyes though? 


    Another thing you can try is remove the vehicle tab for the dyes in the item_modifiers file


        <item_modifier name="modDyeWhite" installable_tags="clothing,armor,weapon,tool,vehicle,drone" modifier_tags="dye" type="attachment" cosmetic_install_chance="0">


    If you are simply looking to remove it from the window itself, you would have to start looking at the xui files then, and the windows one in the XUI folder is where I would start.

  11. On 7/24/2023 at 1:56 AM, Ripflex said:

    I understand what everyone is saying, but sadly I'm that player that will find the fastest and easiest way to progress and get the best stuff - and with that I like the system as is.  All I can think of, is maybe an ingame setting to make what sold be abundant or scarce- Abundant is what it is now and scarce will be more like food water and crafting materials with the odd rare item ?



    One thing you can do is change the counts for specific items with a simple modlet


    For example, this is what Bob has in his stock for weapons


                <item group="groupMeleeAll" count="3,5"/>
                <item group="groupRangedAll" count="3,5"/>


    Another thing, which I have done, is increase the time between restocks.  I might change the counts myself, but I haven't gotten all my mods updated to A21 yet so haven't had the chance to playtest them to see if I like the new balance or not.


    So quest rewards are in the loot file, and tied to a specific probability that mimics the quest level


    <!-- *** Quest_Loot_Probability_Templates -->
        <lootprobtemplate name="QuestT1Prob">
            <loot level="0,1" prob="0.05"/>
            <loot level="2" prob="0.25"/>
            <loot level="3" prob="0.65"/>
            <loot level="4,7" prob="0"/>
        <lootprobtemplate name="QuestT2Prob">
            <loot level="1,2" prob="0"/>
            <loot level="3" prob="0.35"/>
            <loot level="4" prob="0.65"/>
            <loot level="5,7" prob="0"/>
        <lootprobtemplate name="QuestT3Prob">
            <loot level="1,4" prob="0"/>
            <loot level="5" prob="0.75"/>
            <loot level="6,7" prob="0.25"/>


    You could change it to reflect loot stage easily (by using ProbT1 to ProbT3).  Not sure if you could easily tie it to the new trader stage system as you would need to change the reward item from a lootitem to a trader item


            <reward type="LootItem" id="groupQuestWeapons" ischosen="true" value="6"/>
  12. 2 hours ago, AaronG85 said:

    Creating a new mod and was wondering if there was a way to remove 'Cosmetics' from vehicles and make the default action open to the Storage and not drive? or a way to remove Open all together?


    For the cosmetic part, you should just need to remove the following tag


        <property name="Tags" value="vehicle,canHaveCosmetic"/>


    Remove canHaveCosmetic and it should prevent the use of dyes

  13. 4 hours ago, Lovenio said:

    Oh ! Okay ! Thanks !

    I just read what you gave me.
    If I just want to change the spawn probability, does it work the same? Sorry for my questions, I'm new to XML.


    I am not sure if this is the best way, but one way to do the probability is to first remove the zombie entity and then re-add it back with the new add commands


        <csv xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='ZombiesAll']/text()" delim="\n" op="add" >
            zombieFatHawaiian2, .3
            zombieFatHawaiian3, .3
            zombieFatHawaiian4, .3
            zombieFatHawaiian5, .3
  14. The structure in entitygroups has changed:


    A21 entitygroups example

        <entitygroup name="ZombiesForestDowntownNight">
            zombieSpiderFeral, .3
            zombieBoeFeral, .3
            zombieJoeFeral, .3
            zombieSteveFeral, .3
            zombieTomClarkFeral, .3
            zombieMoeFeral, .3
            zombieYoFeral, .3
            zombieBusinessMan, 1.5
            zombieBusinessManFeral, .5
            zombieArleneFeral, .3
            zombieDarleneFeral, .3
            zombieMarleneFeral, .3
            zombieNurseFeral, .3
            zombiePartyGirlFeral, .3
            zombieFatHawaiianFeral, .3
            zombieSteveCrawlerFeral, .3
            zombieFatCop, .4
            zombieFatCopFeral, .15
            zombieSoldier, .4
            zombieSoldierFeral, .15
            animalZombieDog, .3
            animalWolf, .3


    You need to use the new method shown here



  15. 1 hour ago, métaphore said:

    I wish I'm wrong.

    By the way, I'm not paranoid as I'm absolutely positive they are out to get me.


    Oh the irony in this statement....  🤨



    We don't know yet how the creative menu will look like when the game will be completed. A good benchmark would be to look at the next console release and we'll see what direction they are taking. In fact, they probably could restrict whatever they want or simply disable such feature in the basic game. I'm just skeptical about the development path since more than a couple of Alphas: the game is made more and more "Trader-centric" with each new release and pretty much less "Sandbox".


    and yet, in 2 minutes I can create a modlet that gives you 10 full stacks of dukes at startup, and an item that gives you enough XP to max out your levels.  Change what the traders give you, or just give you OP gear at the start.


    Again, mods can change it from Trader-centric to sandbox or whatever you want it to be, and the game will be released with Steam workshop support.


    But it doesn't matter what anyone will say as you are absolutely positive that they are out to get you.  Did you give one of the owners a swirlie when they were in middle school or something

  16. 11 hours ago, SkyTheAvali said:

    So this is less about Mischief Maker and more about the threat made to DCMA content creators for MM (Mischief Maker)  content,  and if you look at their statement they do threaten DMCA strikes and they HAVE wielded the DMCA against creators already..


    Content is FAIR USE first and foremost so please Fun Pimps unless you really wanna @%$# off the creator community keep your @%$#ing contest with MM to just MM and not get creators involved.


    It is apparent that you don't understand the issue.  TFP are not going after content creators, they are going after the MM modification.  Content creators can post all the videos and gameplay they want to in regards to 7 Days to Die, they just can't use the MM mod that was sending 20% cut back to MM.


    But don't just take my word about it, this is from TFP themselves




    Anyone who streams through Twitch using the illegal Mischief Maker Extension will be risking a DMCA takedown as well.

    The Fun Pimps have always welcomed Mods to 7 Days to Die that do not illegally monetize the game and will continue to permit streaming or video creation on any platform that does not violate our EULA.

  17. 3 minutes ago, keesio said:


    Is it best to build my own wood chest? Is it safe to re-use some existing storage I find?


    The secured wooden chests in the favorites build menu is a go to for me.  Usually craft one up and place it outside the POI next to the road and drop anything in it that I am not taking back with me; then putting a simple X on my map waypoints (with something simple like LC) on it.  Since they don't exist outside normally, they are easy to notice as I am making my way back to my base (and a quick check to see if I can anything to my existing stacks).  When I clear a chest, I remove it from my map waypoints so I know it is not filled with anything.

    58 minutes ago, Dark Wun said:

    Also, don't be ashamed of dying a lot in your first play-through. I speak from experience, but as I've played more I almost never die in the first week anymore.


    Learn by Dying, the originally LBD

  18. 6 hours ago, métaphore said:


    I've got no insider knowledge about that but what they are doing seems pretty obvious to me: step by step, they are making the game closer to be ready to catch as many whales as possible.


    Following behavourial psychology / looting game design 101, they will catch those big fat ones simply by making some part of the game as grindy as possible while also proposing a very fast line thru the Store:


    "Weekend Limited Special Offers: get 10.000 Dukes for $9.99 or 150.000 for $99.99; Get your limited edition Full set of Madmole Armor for $19.99; Horde Day in Sight? Do not miss our 50% discount offer for Armor Piercing and Hi Power ammunition boxes".



    Sure, a game where you can just enable Creative Menu and give yourself Dukes.....they are going to offer you in-game items for a price.....



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