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Posts posted by BFT2020

  1. 20 hours ago, AtomicUs5000 said:

    let's not mix up things making sense with realism. I don't want the fact that this isn't real life to mean it's ok to craft a spaceship out of duct tape and live in orbit with all of the cows and asparagus.


    Ah, so that is where they went  -- the asparagus, not the cows, could care less for them  😉

    All these posts about changes being made.....



  2. I like the change.  It doesn't prevent people from making as many dew collectors as you want, but as you increase the number of them, there is a cost associated with it.  Similar to forges, the more you have, it starts to cost you (in terms of heat activity).


    Screamers only become an issue when they detect you.  As it has already been mentioned, there are a lot of ways to address them - they home towards the activity source, but are still in scout mode.  I have used a sniper perch at my base to take them out without letting them know where I was and scream.

  3. 1 hour ago, FranticDan said:

    It's due to the buff that Pumpy and Auto got in b323. Shells got buffed x10 (1 for each pellet) while slugs only got a 1x buff.

    Example: Pumpy got a +5 damage buff, so shells do 50 more damage while slugs only do 5 more damage. Auto got a +10 damage buff. Basically, the bigger the buff, the more damage gap between the two ammo types. Auto with slugs does about 44% LESS damage than shells.

    The opposite is also true. The Pipe shotgun with slugs is devastating doing 25% MORE damage than shells


    It's probably something of an oversight now that I think of it.  Before, double, pump, and auto didn't have a boost so there wasn't a reason to look at the code.  Now that they added the boost, it gets added disproportionately on the ammo.  Since they didn't do it before, there was no need to add a special tag to distinguish the difference.


    They probably need to add additional code so slugs get the entire boost per shot (so 5 on pump) while the shot gets 1/10 of that per pellet.


    20 minutes ago, theFlu said:

    Yeh, I guess it's technically correct, which is the best way of correct of course. But, did you know, saturated fat may decrease your chance of a heart attack.


    That's me just trolling you at this point.  😏

  4. 15 minutes ago, theFlu said:

    I don't disagree with your overall point, "slugs have their use at range"; I just felt that counting lost damage for buckshot is a little bit disingenuous if Not counting miss chance for slugs - the spread is pretty much the same.


    True, but I did account for it in my statement 



    Compared to the slug, you always get 100% damage for each hit


    If I wasn't, I wouldn't have put the "for each hit" disclaimer in my sentence  😉


    It's also why I didn't state a number of missed pellets for each shot, as they can be variable depending on the person, how quickly you have to line up the shot, etc.

    17 minutes ago, theFlu said:

    For our difference, I don't really prep for fights at 10+ meter range; if I have that much space, the target isn't really a threat, usually .. :)


    I usually play Feral Sense on all the time, so even threats out that far, they will eventually become one.  This way I can engage them further out and pull them in, and any more in the general vicinity.  I like to clear out the areas around me prior to going into tight corners so slugs / range means I can get both the damage dealt and start pulling in all the stragglers.  That's assuming I am not using my bow instead, but that doesn't do a good job of pulling in zombies like a shotgun blast does.


    And it is great when you are up high and shooting downward at zombies beating on walls where you are hold up in.  Regular zombies not too worried about, but I can thin out any ferals before I make my escape.


    I don't mass produce slugs, as I use it in specific conditions. 


    As for comparing to shot, I don't think a baseline damage boost is warranted.  Maybe boosting armor penetration would be better so it is more in lined to handling armored targets so against those, it has higher damage output, but still worse against softer targets.

  5. Even without books, knives are still pretty powerful if you use them correctly.


    • You can stack bleed effects on targets
    • Targets that bleed are slower if you perk into Deep Cuts
    • The baseline sneak attack bonus damage with them outclasses everything

    Clubs should never be used as a comparison as they are starter weapons for new people.  That is why they are so powerful, but knives have their own place in the game that I don't think need a book series for.  I didn't even mod one in for my playthroughs.

  6. 55 minutes ago, theFlu said:

    Each pellet missed is 10%, each slug missed is 100%. If you're 100% sure of a slug hit, you'll get .. 100% pellet coverage, 90% of the time and about 50% coverage for the rest (as a really crude guesstimate)


    That's true for any single shot weapon out there.  Each shot missed is 0% damage to target.  Not saying shot doesn't have its uses, I use it the most as I find it more than anything else, and it is great on horde night when they bunch up close to me.  But if I am doing some looting / questing and I have slug ammo, I will generally load it and use it in those circumstances as I have more versatility with it than the shot.


    And I noted in my post that if you are constantly engaging your targets within a range of 4 then shot wins hands down.  But if you are like me and will engage the target 10+ out with a shotgun, then slugs are your only option.

  7. 20 hours ago, iamnuff said:

    It is, but blueberries are also rare, and its a higher tier recipe. 

    By the time you can make it, you won't be needing/making bacon and eggs anymore. 


    It's basically the best 'Early Game' food, whereas you move onto stews and various other meals as quickly as you are able, which frees up your eggs for puddings. 


    Grilled meat is one of the easiest foods to make with meat being so easy to get, but it's fullness value is so low that it's pretty inefficient to carry around because you need to eat half a stack to fill yourself back up once you get hungry. 

    Boiled at least also gives water, but now that water is harder to get, even that feels like a waste.


    Seeds might be worthless for anything else, but farm-plots are not. Given the resource cost (and attention-cost) of building/maintaining a farm, you want to ensure that you're growing something that's actually useful to you. 


    It seems to be six with a chance of seven, now.



    My point is that growing a bunch of crops and then turning them into seeds which you plant and grow crops which you turn into seeds which you plant and grow crops which you turn into seeds leaves you planting and growing crops but getting no actual food out of it for a full in-game week.


    So instead I was putting the potatoes that I harvested into the food chest and having my buddy actually make decent food out of them.

    Because that's the entire reason I'd been planting crops in the first place. 


    Sure, I could have built up a huge farm while eating grilled meat all the time, but we didn't want to eat bad food. That's the whole reason I built the farm to begin with.


    Pumpkin seeds are worthless because pumpkins are not the bottleneck on your pumpkin pie production. Eggs probably are. (and beer, but that's my fault for selling it all) 


    As for cornbread, I was talking about in terms of food that you cook for yourself. 

    There's no way to make tins of chilli, you can only find them.


    I mean, with the much more common vending machines you can now probably get a decent stockpile if you want, but again, Cornbread isn't the important part of that recipe. You can slap together some cornbread whenever you happen to find a tin of chilli, but that's not a reason to cultivate corn or cook up a stockpile of cornbread in-and-of-itself. 


    As a meal on it's own, cornbread is worthless, and there's nothing you can combine it with that you can grown in a farm-plot or cook at a campfire, to make anything better. 




    Actually the chilli-dog cost you a tin of chilli, which provides more food and costs more dukes than anything that goes into a meat stew. 

    At the very least, it's harder to procure a steady supply of. 


    I guess part of the issue is that if i'm making food to take with me when I go exploring, I want a full stack of it so I won't run out. 

    Having one 'fish and gravy' item doesn't help me, even if it gives a lot of food. I want a stack of ten, but I have no reliable way to get ten cans of whatever food I need to make this food with.


    With a big enough farmplot and enough ranks in LoTL, I can gather the materials to cook up ten meat stews for myself, and even ten more for my buddy to carry. 


    Some points I want to make:


    Blueberries are not rare, typically I find enough seeds of those through normal looting that I can start planting and harvesting them.  Once I get these (and pumpkins), my eggs go towards pies.


    Eggs are easy to get if you just keep looting nests.  People tend to stop doing that so that is why they dry up.  And beer is only required for cheesecake, the pumpkin pie doesn't require it.  Beer is also easy to make once you unlock the recipe for it and start planting hops.


    You seem focused that the only way to effectively feed yourself and your buddy is only if you can make food in stacks of 10.  That is not so.  On a 60 minute day, I eat before I leave and I grab one or two food items to take with me when I go out.  I don't need to carry a stack of 10 meat stews for a day as I shouldn't be using up that much energy in the first place.

  8. As Jugginator stated, you are only comparing one part of the ammo:


    • At close range, shot is going to be devastating but damage falls off after a range of 4 and ineffective beyond 10
    • Slugs don't lose any damage until after a range of 9 and are effective up to a range of 18

    There is nothing wrong with shot getting more damage output at very close range because slugs you can engage the target further away than shot can.  If you only fire at targets close to you (4 or less), then use shot.


    It would be interesting to see how the damage falls off after 4 and compare it to the slugs.  We do know that from 11-18 (range), shot has zero damage while you are still damaging your target with the slugs.


    In addition, how much spread are you getting the further away from the target you are?  In your analysis, you are assuming you are getting hits with all 10 pellets each time you fire.  Closer to the target, it is going to be larger so the spread won't matter as much.  But the further away you are from the target, it gets smaller while the pellets spread increases.  For each pellet that fails to strike the target, you lose 10% damage.  Compared to the slug, you always get 100% damage for each hit.


    At further ranges, you are more likely to get more damage with slugs if you are going for a headshot.  The pellets of shot will spread, giving you a situation where some hit the head, some hit the rest of the target, and some will miss completely.


  9. There is also the fact that they want feedback on things that they have in Alpha 21.  Allowing people just to automatically remove everything at the very beginning doesn't help them very much.


    faatal has mentioned before that they will be introducing option settings to fine tune the player playthrough once it gets closer to final release, those things though are not on their priority list at this time.  They haven't specified what those options will be yet, but they want to give players some customization without having to mod (as long as it doesn't make the game UI too clunky)

  10. I started out in a very small town (about half seemed to be burnt out buildings / POI).  There are a few industrial POIs (one gas station, the lowest tier crack a book).


    I had a forge by Day 4.  Day 28 horde is behind me and I am setting up a temporary base in a city 2 km away (so I don't have to constantly travel back and forth each day) so I can start doing that trader's missions to go up.  Prior to the move, I just used my starting location trader (even though he sent me to 3 others that were next to cities and in snow / desert biomes).


    In my starter base, I have the forge, workstation, cement mixer, and chemistry station, all unlocked by what I looted in the starting city and doing the trader missions with the trader in this location.  No double looting (only if I chose a mission where it sent me to a POI I already did the mission on, but that was typically a higher tier infestation mission).


    I have perked into lockpicks and advanced engineering, but only the first perk level and similar to what I did in Alpha 20 (also note, I removed recipe unlocks in A20 so everything was schematic only so it was for the benefits of those levels, not recipe unlocks).  So that did boost my chances for those magazines to drop, but I also perked into the first level of salvage operations and miner 69 so the perk advantage of finding those magazines pretty much drop away within the first week.


    Is it slower progression compared to my first run (at B313) where I was next to a large city?  Of course it is.  The previous run had mailboxes / news stands / crack a book stores / lots of commercial  and industrial POIs in it.  However, if I was worried about the rate of progression, I could have easily moved to the second trader location once I completed the first tier of trader missions at my starting location.

  11. 1 hour ago, pahbi said:

    I think the thing that got me confused the most was when I thought something was right but in reality there was a typo somewhere that made it not work.


    Those are the worst.  I have had some where I copied code elsewhere where I used contains, but changed it to the more simply code and forget something silly, like changing contains(@item,'axe') to @item,'meleeToolRepairT0StoneAxe' but forgetting to change the , to =.  Spend too much time staring at the code and not seeing that tiny little mistake.

  12. 3 hours ago, RipClaw said:

    Depends on the vehicle. My motocycle is pretty fast at half health although I don't run over zombies and also try to drive carefully. However, I often have to drive cross country or across backyards because the roads don't go where I want to go.


    I have yet to make the motorcycle, so probably tied to the fact i am zipping around on my minibike and not my driving skills. 😏


    Be interesting to see what happens when I finally able to make the motorcycle if I see incoming damage > 10%.

    3 hours ago, RipClaw said:

    A tow truck that takes you to the nearest garage ? 😉


    It's been difficult to negotiate with the zombie tow truck drivers.  They are not demanding cash up front, they want fresh brains.

  13. I must be lucky so far, I haven't seen that situation where a sleeper was not spawning in no matter what I am doing.  I have had situations where I reached the end and haven't cleared the POI, but backtracking I was always able to find that last group of zombies that were preventing quest completion.

  14. On 6/21/2023 at 3:27 PM, zapf said:

    Yeah, it's so much easier to have it happen now I guess. You can lightly hit something and it takes 30% damage.



    What are you running into that makes you take 30% damage?  I don't know if I been lucky so far or playing a different game than you guys have.  😁

  15. On 6/21/2023 at 2:26 PM, Kashnar82 said:


    So If I understand correctly you would no longer have mod slots tied to gear quality (1-6), Rather it would be tied to the Tier of gear: T1: Pipe--2 slots, T2First Tier Mechanical Guns 3 slots, T3 High Grade Guns 4 slots. I see that getting a lot of kick back when shown on paper like the Jars did, but playing out more naturally then it does now like what the crafting books have gone a long way towards doing that.


    P.s the Handguns have a lot of items so what tier is the magnum and the vulture btw?


    Sorry for the late reply.


    Magnum I treated like a T1 weapon (even though it is T2) while the Vulture and SMG were T3s (higher end).


    Gear quality still is tied to mod slots, but I also made changes to those.  T0 were limited to 2 quality levels only and no slots.  T1 was limited to 3 quality levels, T2 was limited to 4 levels, and only the T3/T4 gear had all 6 levels.  Not sure if I go back to that though because at the end of working on my mod and playing it under A20, I also changed the mods themselves (like removing the flat damage increase for any mod - in A20, only mods I felt should increase damage did - so scopes didn't give you a damage boost, just helped with aiming).


    I been playing strictly vanilla A21 so far to see what they have done with the game.  Some of the changes they made will affect how my mod plays out so I expect re-examining what I did in A20 and making adjustments in A21.

  16. 14 hours ago, Riamus said:

    Yeah, I would never need to make so many antibiotics for the entire game from the number of sham sandwiches I've found.  The loot rate needs a severe reduction for these.


    I make them and sell them back to the traders.  Same thing with First Aid kits.

    On 6/26/2023 at 2:18 PM, Riamus said:

    Yes, that's likely why the reduced it.  However, I think it's been reduced too far.  Right now, it can be barely possible to scavenge enough gas to stay mobile just from cars and the occasional gas pump or barrel.  It takes so long to get a chem station that making your own gas is not an option for quite a while and leaves you short on gas even if you are only using gas for vehicles.  Right now, until you finally unlock the chem station, you aren't going to find enough gas to sustain a vehicle as well as any powered base defenses or lighting or anything else.  And without the fuel saver mod, just sustaining a vehicle is very difficult unless you do nothing bug scrap cars.


    By the time I could make gas, I had half a box of engines, half of batteries, a couple hundred lights, a few hundred oil, etc. because I had to scrap so many just to have gas to drive around.  I think that's pushed gas to the extreme other end of the spectrum and somewhere between A20 and (current) A21 would be best.  I'm fine with needing to craft our own gas.  I like that we'd need to do so.  But the chem station just takes way too long to reach right now.  If you had an option to make gas (even at a lower efficiency) from the same time you can unlock crafting gas cans, then it wouldn't be a problem.


    Would it surprise anyone if I was to say I like the new loot / harvest drop amounts?  😁


    Some things I did when I purposely reduce gas in A20:

    • Gas saver mod
    • Not use the turbo function all the time
    • Used my bicycle when I didn't really need to use a gas powered vehicle
    • Less use of the auger / chainsaw
    • Pushed towards battery banks as quickly as possible
      • One generator can recharge multiple battery banks with one engine so less gas used
      • Even if you are far from getting solar power, using the generator to recharge batteries was more efficient use of gas compared to using generators to power all your equipment


  17. Look in the buffs file.  buffHazardBurningElement specifically.


    If you look at the effects, it looks for a specific tag.  In the case of B317, it is set to player only.  To increase damage, I believe you need to add zombie to the tags and then it would apply to anything with the tag zombie (all speculation, haven't tried it actually in game).

  18. 51 minutes ago, Survior said:


    Good, because I don't mean any, but the fact remains, I would hope a dog in a t1 POI wouldn't be any challenge for you, otherwise it would be a real disaster for new players.  But I also mean by this that your perspective might be based on experience of knowing how to deal with things and dogs, while a new player in taking on a t1 POI with a dog is likely going to end up dog food especially if any other zombies or whatnot are involved. I just don't think it's balanced, t2+ or whatever I'm perfectly fine with.



    The thing is though, whether you are a veteran or an amateur, the best way to learn is to fail and respond to that failure.


    If you go into any POI in this game thinking failing the quest or having to retreat is not an option, then what have you really learned?  You are basically just limiting what options you have in the game.  Just like if you think the only worthwhile food is bacon & eggs and meat stew, you limited yourself to what else is out there.


    I was once an amateur too, I wasn't born a 7D2D veteran; I learned how to play the game through dying and trying new things.


    And yes, I would still have the same opinion on T1 and Zombie dogs even if I just bought the game.  Dying in this game is never a failure, but a learning experience.

  19. 4 hours ago, H7dek7 said:

    I agree there is a problem with water. In A20 whenever I went looting, I almost always got something to drink during whole day of looting. Now, having loot set to 200%, day to 120 real-life minutes and daylight set to 22 hours, I almost always find no drinks and no food. Fortunatelly I play with 2-3 friends and they went questing, so we have 3 water machines after 5 days, but I always end up coming back for the night starving and dehydrated. Combine it with broken farming in A21 and it just sucks...


    Murky water is now the common drink in drops.  All other drinks have been changed to uncommon or rare drops.


    Same thing with food.  Canned food, charred meat, cornmeal, and sham sandwiches are all common / uncommon food drops.  Process foods like blueberry pies, meat stew, hobo stew, and sham chowder are rare drops.


    It's not a problem with water, as it is more of a change in philosophy.  You can't just rely on finding drinks and food in POIs as you loot them or perform quests, you need to prepare ahead of time and bring with you food and drink, or purchase from the traders / vending machines.


    Changing the loot abundance to 200% won't affect the odds of finding higher quality drinks or food, just increases what you find.

  20. 34 minutes ago, Orabast said:

    I think armor needs some work. I've had 4 points into Light Armor for while now and I hardly find the Armor Up books.


    Are you looking in Savage country crates?  That is where you have the best chance of finding these specifically.  In the generic locations (think bookcases and Crack Book crates), they would compete with other perks you have leveled up.


    That is where I am finding them mostly.  I only have it to level 1 right now, so it fights with my archery (level 3) and knives (level 3), but I have gotten them while I been out looting.

  21. 4 hours ago, Drazil said:

    I basically added a double "level 5" so that when it reached max level, it's still tier 6, and also added an extra trigger level to each tool type. In some cases the last level of one tool overlap with the first, or first couple, or the next tool, but I don't see that much of a problem.
    If it bothers though, it can still be fixed by adjusting how many magazines are needed between each trigger, so that they all fit neatly in the limit amount, which is from 50 to 100, depending on the category.

    I hope any of this is clear, as it kinda confused myself as well. I'd use the excuse "English is not my first language", but truth is, I wouldn't be any better in my main language either, explaining this kind of stuff XD .


    That's basically what you have to do.  To expand on Drazil's post:


                <passive_effect name="CraftingTier" operation="base_add" level="3,5,7,10,100" value="1,2,3,4,4" tags="gunHandgunT0PipePistol"/>


    The first 4 levels are for Q2-5 (Q1 is obtained when you unlock the recipe which is defined in the recipe unlock section above this).  The last level (100) makes sure that you don't lose the ability to craft the highest quality level possible toward the end of the crafting tier.


    Some other things to consider:


    You can change the total number of magazines required for that crafting skill via the first node in that crafting skill:


        <crafting_skill name="craftingHandguns" max_level="100" parent="attCrafting" name_key="craftingHandgunsName" desc_key="craftingHandgunsDesc" long_desc_key="craftingHandgunsLongDesc" icon="ui_game_symbol_pistol">


    The attribute max_level defines how many magazines you need to finish it up.  You can easily add more or remove magazines as you adjust those levels.


    Display entry line is what you will see in-game


            <display_entry item="gunHandgunT0PipePistol" unlock_level="1,3,5,7,10" />


    In Drazil's example, you would need to add 13 at the end for the stone axe to show Q6 unlocking at level 13.


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