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Posts posted by BFT2020

  1. so shovels......


    Just a random thought from my brain - why not have distinctions between the quality levels, not simply an universal increase on all characteristics.....


    maybe something like Q1 - baseline, Q2 - buff to block damage, Q3 - same damage as Q2 but a buff to durability and stamina usage, Q4 - same as Q3 but buffed block damage, Q5 - same as Q4 but with buffs to durability and stamina usage, Q6 - buff to all critical attributes


    So pulling out the logic from my brain:

    • Q1 - you learn to make a basic shovel
    • Q2 - you improve on the blade design, lowering effort to damage blocks
    • Q3 - you improve on the overall design, making it lighter and stronger
    • Q4 - more improvements on blade design
    • Q5 - more improvements to weight and usage
    • Q6 - this is a shovel crafted by a shovel master

    Just something I thought of while you guys were discussing shovels


  2. On 7/12/2023 at 4:22 PM, meganoth said:

    I assume BFT has fun modding, so naturally he spends a lot of time modding. And he may have modded for a 1000 hours, but surely not all of that on one issue like making weapons unrepairable, give him some credit please 😁



    No, I am actually chained up to a chair and there is this big burly guy with a livestock prodder behind me motivating me to keep working on mods.  These posts are them being "nice" to me and giving me breaks  😏


    I was about to say 1000 hours seems too much, then realized once you take into things like creating and testing modlets for others and rewriting old code to make it more efficient, I probably have broken the 1000 hour mark already.

  3. On 7/12/2023 at 12:21 AM, MrSamuelAdams said:

    okay and the other is a quest.xml? 


    Think I'll just wait till OP adds it to the official file, my luck I'll mess something up :(


    I can create a small modlet to add that as an option.  I never thought of asking Izayo if he wanted them as a quest reward option when I was helping him with traders and loot drops.

  4. I think it is tied to the decoration in the biomes file


                    <decoration type="prefab" name="deco_shale_vein" checkresource="-7" onslopes="true" prob=".00657" rotatemax="3"/>


    Try removing that and see if that removes the "rock" indication where the resource is.  Each biomes has a specific group for the resources and each resource has a specific deco for that resource.


    Code could look something like


    <remove xpath="//decoration[@name='deco_shale_vein']"/>


    That should remove all deco_shale_vein regardless of which biome it is in.  You would do the same thing with the other unique prefabs to get the other resource nodes.


  5. On 7/12/2023 at 5:46 PM, The_Great_Sephiroth said:

    What you said sounds correct. WHile waiting for a more experienced person to chime in, I'd try it. Worst case scenario it doesn't work and you saved time by already creating the infos and blocks.

    Yeah that was what I was thinking.  Also I learned a lot just trying things out first.

  6. Is the quest suppose to spawn something at that location like the buried supply quests?  I see you have it creating a quest marker at said location, but the rest of the quest is just to find the items and then craft something from it.  If you are needing something to spawn in there, the buried supply quests have that part of it in a different area for those quests:


            <objective type="TreasureChest">
                <property name="phase" value="3" />
                <property name="block" value="cntBuriedFoodStashChest" param1="container"/>
                <property name="default_radius" value="5" param1="radius"/>
                <property name="container_type" value="Supplies"/>
                <property name="nav_object" value="treasure" />
                <property name="direct_nav_object" value="treasure_direct" />
                <property name="blocks_per_reduction" value="10" />
                <property name="radius_reduction_sound" value="ui_radius_shrink" />
                <property name="use_nearby" value="true" />
                <property name="explosion_event" value="quest_treasure_explosion_horde" />


  7. I wonder if some of the zombie triggers happen because they design the POI first and assign a level, then try to fill it with the required zombies to meet the tier designation.  So bigger POIs don't have that issue as they can spread them out further, but ones with a smaller footprint, they have to be creative to get those zombie counts up.

  8. 1 hour ago, garybrunsvold said:

    Hoping sometbody out there can help with the for dummies version of how to edit a mod config file.  In particular, I downloaded a mod to increase item mod slots to match quality.  While I appreciate legendary (tier 6) having 6 mods slots, I was looking to adjust it down a notch, as I was mostly wanting the mod to have items display a consistent # of slots per item tier.  Getting tier 5 with 3 slots or getting tier 3 with 4 slots is just wierd to me.


    Also, I downloaded a craft from containers mod, the only issue I have is it has an excessive range.  My horde base is 200 metres away (approx) and I can pull resources from home to upgrade or repair.


    Any help would be appreciated thanks


    This will probably get migrated to Discussion and Requests in the modding section, but to answer the first part

        <effect_group name="meleeWpnSpearT0StoneSpear">
            <passive_effect name="ModSlots" operation="base_set" value="1,1,1,2,2,3" tier="1,2,3,4,5,6"/>


    What you will be looking for is any code that modifies the number of ModSlots.  Using the stone spear as an example (and setting T0 gear to 1 slot only), you would need to have the code change value from 1,1,1,2,2,3 to 1,6 and tier to 1,1.  You can also just leave tier alone and change value to 1,1,1,1,1,1.  After those changes the stone spear would only have 1 slot regardless of quality level.


  9. So I got this idea bouncing around in my head since A20, but haven't looked hard into it yet (did some preliminary research but nothing jumped out so far).


    I want to setup my game where the traders restock their vending machines on a different frequency than the ones out in the wild.  For that, I know that I just need to create two new vending machine trader_infos (say 11 and 12) with a different restocking value.  Then create two new blocks (copy the ones for drinks and food in the game already but with an unique block name for them) in the blocks.xml file and assign my new groups for them (#11 and #12).  At that point, I would need to go into the POI editor for the trader POIs and change the default blocks now to my new vending machine blocks?


    I've only done XML editing so far, so this will be something new for me.

  10. 8 minutes ago, theFlu said:

    A stronger VOTE.


    A vote is still essentially an opinion, no?


    "stronger", in the sense of "I think they actually might mean it."


    The concept is the same as in "Watch what they do, not what they say." With possibly a less negative connotation.


    Are you a politician in real life?  😏


    Not necessary, I have opinions on things, but doesn't mean I would vote for it.

  11. 3 hours ago, SylenThunder said:

    Yeah, I recall for years Joel being extremely adamant about the visibility of the wires, and how it was part of the look and feel of the game. He probably even mentioned a few times that it wasn't something they would change. So imagine my surprise when now they are invisible. 


    IMHO, something like this could be an option. However on a similar note, too many options just muddles the settings. As easy as the game is to mod, I would hope this could be something as simple as a flag in the xml.


    I don't mind losing the visible wires, but I did check the xml files this morning to see if I could find the flag.  No luck so far, but I will keep an eye out for it.  Someone else might already being making a mod for it.

  12. 3 hours ago, theFlu said:


    Indeed, one could even argue that the fact of you modding the game is a much, much stronger vote for something being wrong in the game than anything I have or will write on this forum.


    Not really, it just means I am different.  Take for example trader rewards on quest completion.  I don't like that, so I modded it out so you only get dukes (and Daring Adventure now just boosts more dukes rather than getting two choices at max perk level).  There is nothing wrong with quest rewards as a ton of games out there do it, I just don't like its current configuration so I changed it to my vision / desires.


    Though talking about it does give others ideas, maybe even developers who take what others are doing and applying / fixing / modifying it to work in the base game or decide, nah, does not fit their vision.

  13. FYI, one generator can also be used to power up multiple battery banks.  I used that before when I didn't have solar panels but plenty of batteries and banks.  Fuel consumption is very low since you only need one motor.  Only downside is having to constantly switch out full batteries for the dead batteries.

  14. 14 hours ago, theFlu said:

    These are the same picture? "I use what I have available" - isn't the better thing you told 'me' to scrap the very thing I have available?


    I don't get hung up on where a particular piece of gear comes from, I'll use the best I have available. If I get a sidegrade but see green texts in comparison, I do swap over my mods. That's barely a difference between us.


    But I'd also like to know what the plans are for crafting; atm I'm thinking I might do my first gameplay-mod for myself, which would be to swap each and every crafting magazine into a stack of 20 bucks worth of Old Cash, as that's what the mags sell for and it'd be a massive inventory headache to carry them around.


    If crafting "barely keeps up with other sources" and "has no purpose in game other than one-and-done upgrades", I might save myself the time of pointlessly clicking "read" 500 times each game.


    Might have to leave cook books in, but that's the only one that actually feels like it's working right.


    The best thing available will mean either that half damaged shotgun I find while looting or crafting my own pristine weapon to use.  Remember, we already establish that I don't play vanilla 7D2D as a normal player so my play is eccentric to what I like.  I can't repair armor, tools, and weapons I find or craft.  So use that half damage shotgun until it breaks or nearly breaks, scrap it down, and then use the parts to craft a new one.


    So for me, crafting never becomes obsolete as I never in a situation of one and done upgrades.

  15. On 7/9/2023 at 10:08 AM, theFlu said:

    Yeh, I got that. Might be simple enough to just xpath it into a game (quest reward lists and inventory lists, seek and destroy) and not have to pretend.


    It might be for a good reason, but the act itself is still stupid ;)


    Part of it is really just how one approaches the game itself.  For you (this is based on what I have perceived in this discussion with you and I may be way off), if you receive an item that is better than what you are currently using you want to use it right away regardless of where it comes from.  For me when I play, I don't get hung up on that, I use what I have available and go with the flow.


    But I also never compare same Q6 weapons to see which one has the higher stats.  I just grab it and go, using it in vanilla until the end of the game.  But I know others when they get a new Q6 M60, they want to compare the stats and see if the new one is better than their current Q6 M60.  Neither playstyle is wrong, it is just what you want to do as the player that matters.

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